In FSCalendar, how to refresh minimum date without reloadData - fscalendar

I am implementing calendar using FSCaleder in which 3 single dates are selected. Every date becomes minimum date for next date. To trigger update of minimum date, I am calling [FSCalendar reloadData] which is causing unintended scroll if minimum date in another month.
I want to avoid automatic scrolling after change of minimum date.
Is there any approach to update minimum date without calling reloadData method


UICollectionView: reload data, without removing an in-cell animation

I have progressBar with an ongoing progress-animation inside of a UICollectionViewCell. Every time I reload data of UICollectionView, the progress-animation gets removed.
I have to reload data every time the number of cells changes.
Use collectionView visibleCells property.
This way you have more control on the specific UI you want to UPDATE.
for example.
you have array of strings and dates.
the string is animation.
the date is simple label.
you want to update only the dates.
so :
1. you update the data (array) with the new dates.
2. you update the UI by calling collectionView visibleCells and then for each cell,
3. you update only the date with the new info. the animation keep

how to show certain amount of dates in FSCalendar in iOS swift

I am having an issue with FSCalendar.
In my project i have a tableview having a different type of cell one of them having a calendar which is FScalendar.
Now I want to show dates on the calendar and dates are coming from another UITableviewCell but its not working properly.
first time it works shows date but after that it disappears.

iOS - How to get a time interval in a picker view

I want to set a time interval in one picker view. How can I manage two time pickers in one picker view? One for a starting time and one for the ending time?
You can see what I mean in the screenshot.
Screenshot of the design
Thanks for your help!

same behavior as "Starts" text/date picker in iOS/iPhone calendar

I am trying to learn ios development. I want to simulate the same behavior as I get when I Tap the "Starts" row in iphone calendar app
Same row has the column name "Starts" with default value of
When I tap on the row, it expands (pushes next row down) and brings up date picker
Right now, I have a text field with its input set to date picker value.
UIDatePicker *datePicker = [[UIDatePicker alloc]init];
[datePicker setDate:[NSDate date]];
[self.timeTextField setInputView:datePicker];
In my case date picker, comes bottom up.
Please help
As written, your question is too broad, and too much of a "spoon-feed me a complete solution to my problem" question. You're much more likely to get help if you try specific things and ask questions about the problems you have in implementing those things.
Break it down into parts. What are the sub-parts, and what are you able to do on your own? Have you created a date picker and set it to a default date yet?
Are you looking for help with inserting a date picker as a new cell in a table view immediately below the "starts" cell? are you looking for help with making changes to the picker update the "starts" date cell immediately?
Again, break it into parts and tackle each part separately. First, simply create a date picker on it's own window and learn how to use it. Then add a label under the date picker, set yourself up as the picker's delegate, and display the date the user selects in the picker into the label.
Then figure out how to set a date picker to a specific date, and/or set the earliest/latest date the picker will accept.
Now figure out how to make a table view respond to taps on a row (try didSelectRowAtIndexPath). Then look at the animated methods for inserting a new row into a table view.
If you have trouble, post back with specific questions on the trouble you are having.

How can I implement an iOS calendar picker similar to Hipmunk's?

I'm working on a couple of iOS apps that require the user to select a calendar date, and while the built-in date picker widget is all right, I'd much prefer if users could choose days from a calendar grid, similar to how it works in Hipmunk's iOS app. In that app, users are shown an infinite scroll view showing a grid of days, with each cell showing the month and day. The days of the week are shown in a persistent (i.e. non-scrolling) banner.
In addition to simply showing a calendar, this control should allow dates to be highlighted/selected. Better still, users should be able to select a whole range of dates by tapping on the start and end days' cells, at which the whole range of days should be highlighted.
Any ideas?
It's an "infinite" UIScrollView with various other views inside of it. Apple provides a demo infinite UIScrollview in their StreetScroller project.
You'll be allocating and initializing views for the various things you wanted displayed on each day, and probably reusing views at the top for the dates (as one scrolls off to the left you change the date and move it over to the right, reusing it the way a UITableView traditionally does).
Selection is a matter of changing visible state of the objects that back your views.
