Is there any delegate method of SKStoreReviewController? - ios

I am using SKStoreReviewController to get rating of app from the user so I need SKStoreReviewController delegate methods to track the user activity means what the user press from the popup "cancel" or "Submit".

SKStoreReviewController does not have a delegate. See


How to know coming back from Facebook?

How is it possible to test / get notification about Facebook iOS app is just left?
Implemented Facebook Login button, and when coming back from FB login screen, need to do some extra steps in my app. But viewDidAppear is not get called in that view controller.
Do you have any idea? Need to use AppDelegate methods?
You can add an observer for UIApplicationWillEnterForeground notification.
And you could add some logic right before calling the facebook button, to check if the app has entered background because of that or simply because the user has pressed home button.

Determine which button was tapped on system alert

I am presenting SKStoreReviewController.requestReview() and I want to have a boolean in UserDefaults which I would make true in case the user taps on Cancel.
Is there a way to determine if cancel was tapped considering this is a OS alert?
There isn’t a way to access which button was selected. I’m curious why you would you need this functionality? The OS will decide if the user should be shown the alert depending on a few factors including when the user last left a review or canceled.
Apple Developer Site:
Although you should call this method when it makes sense in the user
experience flow of your app, the actual display of a rating/review
request view is governed by App Store policy. Because this method may
or may not present an alert, it's not appropriate to call it in
response to a button tap or other user action.

Delegates not available on BLE Authentication

I am able to read and write data from my iOS app(Central). Just after Delegate connectPeripheral:periphal is called, OS gives an alert asking for authentication PIN with two buttons "Cancel" and "Pair".
I am not able to get any notification when user presses "Cancel" or "Pair" button. I am also not able to detect if the pairing is successful or not.
self.peripheral.state always returns 2 (connected)
I have done some research to handling Cancel event of pairing popup but unfortunately apple doesn't provide any delegate to handle it.

Best way to cancel an SKDownload

If my apps user cancels a download, I don't want to corresponding purchase to succeed. Is there someway to tell StoreKit to cancel a purchase that is in progress so that it does not show the alert that says "purchase was successful"?
If by tapping "cancel" you mean The user taps on a cancel button inside your app, According to the SKPaymentQueue Class Ref, There is no way to cancel a purchase that has been set in motion.
But, the user can tap the cancel button on the Confirm Your In App Purchase screen, which you can handle to update your UI accordingly

Facebook application authentication cancel button issue in iPhone

How do I get to know when the cancel button is clicked from a Facebook appliaction in iPhone while authentication.
We can get the callback for other through delegate functions, but I don't know how to get the callback for the cancel button.
Facebook provides a delegate method which you can use:
- (void)fbDidNotLogin:(BOOL)cancelled;
You have to implement FBSessionDelegate and this method will be called if the person clicks on the cancel button.
