Update Email using Phone Auth Credential iOS - ios

I am creating an application which authenticate user using PhoneAuth. In my application I have a function which let user add Email to his account But not meant that I authenticate user using Email and Password, I just want to add email to his/her account (auth.auth().currentUser).
Initially, I let user to add his/her email in textfield and then I start to logout user from his/her device in order to reauthentication otherwise, I cannot update user's email using auth.updateEmail(). But sadly, the credential always expired after I called func updateEmail().
This is how I signIn user and update Email
let credential = PhoneAuthProvider.provider().credential(withVerificationID: verficationID, verificationCode: code)
Auth.auth().signInAndRetrieveData(with: credential) { (result, error) in
guard let result = result else {
if error == nil {
guard let user = Auth.auth().currentUser else {
if UserDefaults.standard.getUserUpdatedEmail() {
user.reauthenticate(with: credential, completion: { (error) in
if error == nil {
user.updateEmail(to: newEmail, completion: { (error) in
if error == nil {
UserDefaults.standard.setUserUpdatedEmail(value: false)
//return true
} else {
//return false
print("Error validate email ",error?.localizedDescription ?? "")
} else {
// return false
print("Error reauthntication email ",error?.localizedDescription ?? "")
} else {
print("User is signed in \(result.user)")
print("This is userID \(result.user.uid)")
} else {
if let error = error {
print("Error during verification \(error.localizedDescription)")
I don't why the credential is expired too fast? I cannot figure it out how to update user email using PhoneAuthCredential. Is there any other techniques to do it?

You are trying to re-use the same phone credential (you used it first to sign-in). The phone credential is one time use only. If you want to update email immediately after sign-in, re-auth is not needed. However, if you try to update email after some time, you will need to send a new SMS code to re-authenticate.


How to solve the problem with Firebase listener, which open everywhere?

I have some simple App, which have auth.
nearest code check if you already entered:
func signingManager(){
Auth.auth().addStateDidChangeListener { [weak self] (auth, user) in
guard let self = self else {return}
if user != nil {
print("You are already entered")
It's works when you first open the app and if you entered func "showNextVC" will open next VC.
In the same time i have login button with code :
#IBAction func logInTapped(_ sender: UIButton) {
guard let email = emailTextField.text, let password = passwordTextField.text, email != "", password != "" else {
displayWarningLabel(withText: "info is incorrect")
Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: email, password: password, completion: { [weak self] (user, error) in
if error != nil {
self?.displayWarningLabel(withText: "error occured")
if user != nil {
print("Congratulations, you have successfully logged in!")
self?.displayWarningLabel(withText: "no such user")
Now about the problem: if I click the "login" button, the "signingManager ()" method and it's "showNextVC" are triggered first, and only then the "logInTapped" method itself and again "showNextVC".
As a result, I have 2 VCs and two messages:
"You are already entered" and
"Congratulations, you have successfully logged in!"
What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
Since you're listening for for auth state changes, you don't need to handle the self?.showNextVC() in the completion callback for signIn(withEmail:, password:). That code should only be present in the callback for addStateDidChangeListener.
Alternatively, you can:
Use the addStateDidChangeListener to initially detect whether the user is signed-in already.
Inside the callback for the state change:
Remove the listener by calling removeAuthStateDidChangeListener
Start the explicit sign-in flow, and call signIn(withEmail:, password:) like you're doing now.

Update Phone Number in Firebase Authentication - Swift

Is there a way to update the phone number in firebase auth? The thing is if the user entered a wrong number in registration then can I update the old number to new one then send the verification code in that new number? How can I achieve this?
There is a method on the User object called updatePhoneNumber, which seems to be what you want.
The documentation doesn't mention anything about what this does to the verification status, although I'd assume it indeed will require the new number to be verified too. Give it a try, and let me know if that isn't the case.
On the screen where the user has to enter their phone number:
var verificationId: String?
PhoneAuthProvider.provider().verifyPhoneNumber(phoneNumberTextField.text!, uiDelegate: nil) { (verificationID, error) in
if let error = error { return }
self.verificationId = verificationID else { return }
On the screen where the user has to enter the sms verification code:
guard let safeVerificationId = self.verificationId else { return }
let credential = PhoneAuthProvider.provider().credential(withVerificationID: safeVerificationId, verificationCode: smsTextField.text!)
Auth.auth().currentUser?.updatePhoneNumber(credential, completion: { (error) in
if let error = error { return }
You're welcome
Auth.auth().currentUser?.updatePhoneNumber(credential, completion: { (error) in
if error == nil {

How to change firebase email without reauthentication

I implemented a button in my app that allows the user to change their email using Firebase.
#IBAction func resetEmail(_ sender: Any) {
let alertController = UIAlertController(title: "Change Email", message: "", preferredStyle: .alert)
alertController.addTextField { (textField : UITextField!) -> Void in
textField.placeholder = "Enter New Email Address"
let saveAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Save", style: .default, handler: { (action : UIAlertAction!) -> Void in
//Reset Email
let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser
if Auth.auth().currentUser != nil{
currentUser?.updateEmail(to: textField.text!) { error in
if let error = error {
} else {
let user = Auth.auth().currentUser
let name = user?.displayName!
let ref = Database.database().reference().child("main").child("users_sen").child(name!).child("email")
self.present(alertController, animated: true, completion: {
alertController.view.superview?.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
alertController.view.superview?.addGestureRecognizer(UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.alertClose(gesture:))))
However, when I run it and I try to change the email it gives me this error:
UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=This operation is sensitive and requires
recent authentication. Log in again before retrying this request.
and tells me to re-sign in order to change the email. How do I avoid this? How do I change the email without re-signing in?
This is how I change the password:
// Password updated.
let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser
currentUser?.updatePassword(to: textField.text!) { error in
if let error = error {
} else {
// Password updated.
let userEmail = Auth.auth().currentUser?.email
self.currentPassword = textField.text!
let credential = EmailAuthProvider.credential(withEmail: userEmail!, password: textField.text!)
currentUser?.reauthenticate(with: credential) { error in
if let error = error {
// An error happened.
} else {
// User re-authenticated.
Base on Firebase's documentation, you need to re-authenticate the user when performing this type of action.
Re-authenticate a user Some security-sensitive actions—such as
deleting an account, setting a primary email address, and changing a
password—require that the user has recently signed in. If you perform
one of these actions, and the user signed in too long ago, the action
fails with an error. When this happens, re-authenticate the user by
getting new sign-in credentials from the user and passing the
credentials to reauthenticateWithCredential.
let user = Auth.auth().currentUser
let credential = EmailAuthProvider.credential(withEmail: "email", password: "password")
user?.reauthenticate(with: credential)
{ error in
if let error = error {
// An error happened.
} else {
// User re-authenticated.
user?.updateEmail(to: "newemail")
{ error in
To change user email without re-authentication you can also leverage Cloud Functions. An example course of action could be:
Create a function that accepts user access token and new email address as parameters
In the function, verify access token and get the user ID from it
In the function, call
admin.auth().updateUser(userId, { email: newEmail })
Call the new function from the client
Note: This solution is less secure because the user intent is not verified by additional authentication. Therefore anyone getting hold of the user's device could change their email address.
If you use email and password to authenticate a user you should to do something like this.
You have to re-authenticate user using credential
Re-authenticate user
Update email
Before don't forget to get current user in your class and import Firebase like this :
import Firebase
class Blabla {
var currentUser: User? {
return Auth.auth().currentUser
Then :
func updateUserEmail(newEmail: String, password: String) {
// 1. Get the credential
guard let currentEmail = currentUser?.email else {return}
var credential = EmailAuthProvider.credential(withEmail: currentEmail, password: password)
You can't get directly password, so you must ask to the user his password by a textfield or other.
// 2. Re-authenticate the user
//(To change mail or password, the user must to be authentificate a short time ago !!!)
self.currentUser?.reauthenticate(with: credential, completion: { (result, error) in
if error != nil {
print("ERROR: ", error?.localizedDescription)
//3. Update email
self.currentUser?.updateEmail(to: newEmail, completion: { (error) in
if error != nil {
print("ERROR: ", error?.localizedDescription)
}else {
//Do something, for example present an alert of confirmation..
All of the code in the same function from the step 1.

Firebase delete account along with Database and Storage on iOS

I am trying to implement a function to delete current user's account on iOS. Account deletion works properly but the problem is that I cannot delete the account's data from Database and Storage when deleting an account.
"currentUser.delete" deletes the account but I think there is no authentication to delete its data from Database and Storage. Permission denied message shows up in the log. After running this function, I get to see the account is gone in Firebase Console Authentication page but data from Database and Storage persists.
Is this the correct way to delete an account?
I tried to delete data from Database and Storage before deleting the account. However, Firebase asks for re-authentication if session is more than 5 minutes old. Re-login shows empty data to the user before performing account deletion again so this is misleading and very confusing.
Please let me know how to remove data when deleting an account.
private func deleteAccount() {
guard let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser else {
return print("user not logged in")
currentUser.delete { error in
if error == nil {
// 1. Delete currentUser's data from Database. Permission denied
// 2. Delete currentUser's data from Storage. Permission denied
// present login screen (welcome page)
} else {
guard let errorCode = AuthErrorCode(rawValue: error!._code) else { return }
if errorCode == AuthErrorCode.requiresRecentLogin {
self.showMessage("Please re-authenticate to delete your account.", type: .error)
do {
try Auth.auth().signOut()
} catch {
print("There was a problem logging out")
Swift 5 | Firebase 8.11.0
To solve the problems that you've mentioned (delete the data before deleting the actual user and potentially get the AuthErrorCode.requiresRecentLogin error), you may use DispatchGroup and check the lastSignInDate, like this (just call deleteUserProcess()):
let deleteDataGroup = DispatchGroup()
func deleteUserProcess() {
guard let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser else { return }
deleteUserData(user: currentUser)
// Call deleteUser only when all data has been deleted
deleteDataGroup.notify(queue: .main) {
self.deleteUser(user: currentUser)
/// Remove data from Database & Storage
func deleteUserData(user currentUser: User) {
// Check if `currentUser.delete()` won't require re-authentication
if let lastSignInDate = currentUser.metadata.lastSignInDate,
lastSignInDate.minutes(from: Date()) >= -5 {
Database.database().reference().child(userId).removeValue { error, _ in
if let error = error { print(error) }
// Delete folders from Storage isn't possible,
// so list and run over all files to delete each one independently
Storage.storage().reference().child(userId).listAll { list, error in
if let error = error { print(error) }
list.items.forEach({ file in
file.delete { error in
if let error = error { print(error) }
/// Delete user
func deleteUser(user currentUser: User) {
currentUser.delete { error in
if let error = error {
if AuthErrorCode(rawValue: error._code) == .requiresRecentLogin {
} else {
// Another error occurred
// Logout properly
try? Auth.auth().signOut()
// The user has been deleted successfully
// TODO: Redirect to the login UI
func reauthenticate() {
// TODO: Display some UI to get credential from the user
let credential = ... // Complete from https://stackoverflow.com/a/38253448/8157190
Auth.auth().currentUser?.reauthenticate(with: credential) { _, error in
if let error = error {
// Reload user (to update metadata.lastSignInDate)
Auth.auth().currentUser?.reload { error in
if let error = error {
// TODO: Dismiss UI
// Call `deleteUserProcess()` again, this time it will delete the user
The minuets function can be added in an extension to Date (thanks to Leo Dabus):
extension Date {
/// Returns the amount of minutes from another date
func minutes(from date: Date) -> Int {
return Calendar.current.dateComponents([.minute], from: date, to: self).minute ?? 0
you can first make your specific user deleted and and its value through its UID then you can deleted user and take him to root view controller or login screen after deleting it.
// removing user data from firebase and its specific user id
let user = Auth.auth().currentUser
user?.delete { error in
if let error = error {
// An error happened.
} else {
Database.database().reference().child("users").child(user?.uid ?? "").removeValue()
self.navigationController?.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
// Account deleted and logout user
// do {
// try Auth.auth().signOut()
// take you to root
// self.navigationController?.popToRootViewController(animated: true)

Cognito user confirmed have an unconfirmed status

I have successfully implemented Cognito for iOS. I have decided to split the authentication process in 3 phases :
confirmation with code
For the confirmation with code I have this piece of code :
func sendCode() {
self.pool = AWSCognitoIdentityUserPool(forKey: AWSCognitoUserPoolsSignInProviderKey)
let userForCode = self.pool?.getUser(self.emailTextField.text!)
// Bizarre ce test ne passe pas pourtant le client est confirmé dans Cognito...
if (userForCode?.confirmedStatus != AWSCognitoIdentityUserStatus.confirmed) {
userForCode?.confirmSignUp(confirmCodeTextField.text!, forceAliasCreation: true).continueWith { [weak self] (task) -> Any? in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let error = task.error as? NSError {
print("erreurCode : \(error.userInfo["message"])")
} else if let result = task.result {
print("client créé confirmé")
return nil
I get a user from the userPool and I want to ask the user for is confirmation code if his account is not yet confirmed so the test on userCode.confirmedStatus. Unfortunately, the test is always true even if the user has the confirmed status in the Cognito AWS Console.
I've done the confirmation code in my app, and I did it using verifyAttribute after sending an email to the user:
self.user?.verifyAttribute("email", code: code).continueWith { (task) in
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
if let error = task.error as NSError? {
// handle error (display message perhaps)
} else {
// the verification code is correct, continue with your application
return nil
The variable code is taken from the textField where the user enters his verification code.
