Material UI Themes and Hyperstack - ruby-on-rails

Material UI (React) uses a theaming solution where the theme object is created in JS then passed into the top level component. Creating the theme object in Opal can be complicated as the Material component expects a JS function to be passed in which actually creates the theme on the fly.
Has anyone got an example of this working well?

After some experimentation, I got this working well by mixing JS and Opal code so here is the solution in case anyone else comes up with this. (There may be a better 'more Opal' solution, so if there is please do post an alternative answer, but the one below does work well.
First import the JS libraries with webpack:
import { MuiThemeProvider, createMuiTheme } from '#material-ui/core/styles';
import indigo from '#material-ui/core/colors/indigo';
import pink from '#material-ui/core/colors/pink';
import red from '#material-ui/core/colors/red';
global.createMuiTheme = createMuiTheme;
global.MuiThemeProvider = MuiThemeProvider;
global.indigo = indigo; = pink; = red;
Add the following to your Javascript assets:
// app/assets/javascripts/my_theme.js
const my_theme = createMuiTheme(
{ palette: {
primary: { main: pink[500] },
secondary: { main: indigo[500] }
Then provide the theme in your top-level Component code:
class MyRouter < HyperComponent
include Hyperstack::Router
render(DIV) do
MuiThemeProvider(theme: `my_theme` ) do
CssBaseline do


Rails 7 Importmap Bootstrap

So, I've set up my rails 7 application by doing the following.
rails new .
To add bootstrap I've implemented it with importmap (no webpacker) as following
./bin/importmap pin bootstrap
which loaded these lines (I added the preload: true)
pin 'bootstrap', to:', preload: true
pin '#popperjs/core', to: '', preload: true
then on my application.js, I added
import "bootstrap"
import "#popperjs/core"
and I was able to use the toast element by doing as follow
# toast_controller.js
import { Controller } from "#hotwired/stimulus"
import * as bootstrap from 'bootstrap'
// Connects to data-controller="toast"
export default class extends Controller {
connect() {
const toast = new bootstrap.Toast(this.element, {
delay: 5000,
animation: true,
autohide: true
and it was working well, But I started facing issues with bootstrap when trying to use the tooltip on my menu
# layout_controller.js
import { Controller } from "#hotwired/stimulus"
import * as bootstrap from 'bootstrap'
// Connects to data-controller="toast"
export default class extends Controller {
connect() {
.map(function (tooltipTriggerEl) {
return new bootstrap.Tooltip(tooltipTriggerEl, {placement: "right"})
the reason for it is because popperjs uses process.env.NODE_ENV which doesn't exist since I didn't set up webpacker
so I had to do something ugly on my application layout and add it like this
const process = {}
process.env = {}
process.env.NODE_ENV = "<%= Rails.env %>"
Is there a better approach/fix for this kind of issue?
At the moment of writing this 11/04/2022 there is not a clear solution for now and your mentioned approach with defining in const process in tag works, one issue with that is that with importmaps+turbolink approach it will rise "Uncaught SyntaxError: redeclaration of const process".
Probably for now it's best to just follow this thread as this issue is mentioned in the comments there. One of the quick fixes mentioned there is similar to yours: With a combined solution of yours and the one in the comments, it seems that this works best for now and there is no redeclaration error.
<script>window.process = { env: { NODE_ENV: "#{Rails.env}" } }</script>
If the solution is introduced for this issue either on importmaps or popperjs side, then please update this comment or introduce a new answer.

How to use jquery-ui with npm (laravel-mix)?

I have npm installed the jquery-ui. It's all split into components there and it seems pretty hard to use them in my javascript files that I compile using laravel-mix.
This is how I managed to invoke draggable to a set of elements:
var jQuery = require('jquery');
var draggable = require('jquery-ui/ui/widgets/draggable');
var draggableOptions = {
revert: 'invalid',
// other options...
cursor: 'move'
$('.resource').each(function(index, resource) {
new draggable(draggableOptions, $(resource));
// The documented approach didn't work because there was no function 'draggable'
// $('.resource').draggable(draggableOptions);
Now I am trying to use the jquery-ui effects like bounce or shake and I can't manage to import and/or invoke them in any way either like documented or like above. And all in all I have the feeling that I'm doing it all wrong and it should be easier.
Been at this my self today, and I've come to this sort of solution.
Edit you /resources/assets/js/app.js and add the following:
import $ from 'jquery';
window.$ = window.jQuery = $;
import 'jquery-ui/ui/widgets/autocomplete.js';
import 'jquery-ui/ui/widgets/sortable.js';
As you can see, you need to add the widgets that you intend to include.
I hope that it might help you on the way.

How to use CDK overlay while leaving an existing component in the foreground?

The Angular Material CDK library provides various features including overlays. All the examples I can find show how to display a new component on top of the overlay. My goal is a little different. I want to display an existing component (one of several on the screen) on top of the overlay.
The behavior I have in mind is that when the user goes into a kind of editing mode on a particular object, the component representing that object would sort of "float" on top of an overlay, until editing is done or cancelled.
Is there any straightforward way to do that? It seems that the cdkConnectedOverlay directive might be useful, but I can't figure out how to make it work.
Angular CDK Provides you two ways to achieve that (Directives and Services).
Using the Overlay service you will need to call the create method passing the positionStrategy prop:
class AppComponent {
#ViewChild('button') buttonRef: ElementREf;
ngOnInit() {
const overlayRef = overlay.create({
positionStrategy: getOverlayPosition(),
height: '400px',
width: '600px',
const userProfilePortal = new ComponentPortal(UserProfile);
getOverlayPosition(): PositionStrategy {
this.overlayPosition = this.overlay.position()
{originX: 'start', originY: 'bottom'},
{overlayX: 'start', overlayY: 'top'}
return this.overlayPosition;
I made an example to show you how to use the CDK overlays services and classes.
Overlay demo
If you prefer the directive way Look at this medium article and check the examples applying the directive way:
Material CDK Overlay with RxJS

angular.dart how to create a custom component programmatically and add to page?

Is it possible to define an angular-dart component and then programmatically create an instance of that component and add it to your web page? I'd hoped there might be something like:
import 'package:web_sandbox/web_sandbox.dart';
import 'package:angular/angular.dart' as ng;
void main() {
var node = document.body.query('web-sandbox-component');
is there away of creating an angular web component programmatically and adding it to the page, maybe like the above pseudo-example, and if so how?
I don't think this is possible with Angular.
You can add an HTML tag <web-sandbox-component> into the DOM and tell Angular it should process this new HTML and then Angular would instantiate the Angular component for this tag (this is what the question you linked is about).
I don't see this as a limitation.
Is there something you would like to do that seems not possible this way?.
Your code in main should look like this:
my document looks like
<div id="mydiv"></div>
and I append the <web-sandbox-component> to the div
main() {
ng.Injector inj = ngaf.applicationFactory().addModule(new MyAppModule()).run();
var node = dom.querySelector('#mydiv');
node.append(new dom.Element.html('<web-sandbox-component></web-sandbox-component>', validator: new dom.NodeValidatorBuilder()..allowCustomElement("web-sandbox-component")));
ng.Compiler compiler = inj.get(ng.Compiler);
ng.DirectiveMap directiveMap = inj.get(ng.DirectiveMap);
compiler(node.childNodes, directiveMap)(inj, node.childNodes);

jQuery UI passthrough official example: ui is not defined

I copied the jQuery passthrough example from here to this fiddle and it is not working. I am getting ui is not defined
this is the JS:
angular.module('ui.config', []).value('ui.config', {
// The ui-jq directive namespace
jq: {
// The Tooltip namespace
tooltip: {
// Tooltip options. This object will be used as the defaults
placement: 'right'
what did I miss?
I added ui to angular.module('ui.config', ['ui']).value('ui.config', { but still not working
Actually, you're not supposed to declare the value on the ui.config module. You declare it on your own app and it will take precedence:
angular.module('myApp', ['ui']).value('ui.config', {
jq: {
// whatever
Note that this is defined on myApp
It also helps if you:
run your JS in the right place (head)
have AngularJS initialize properly (using ng-app)
and load the bootstrap lib and css
Make sure you're including the AngularUI javascript file, and then you want to use the string "ui".
angular.module('ui.config', ['ui'])
You missed the ui dependency:
angular.module('ui.config', ['ui']).value('ui.config', {
