Google IOT device on webhooks & post - google-assistant-sdk

Is there any way to create your own google IOT device based on webhooks and POST-request? Without using firebase, IFTT, node.js
Samples that Google are very poor, they don`t show all steps of creating your own app, they just showing how to deploy "their sample"
I tried to make action with dialogflow & webhook, it was pretty simple. Just processed JSON in POST request to Azure function.
But when I try to create IOT device, its ask me for fulfilment url and it does not even tries to reach that address. I read about action.device.sync, action.device.execute, it just does not communicate with the specified address, giving simulator some voice command doesn`t affect at all. Are there any ways to create IOT device to work with POST-requests & web-hooks?

The answer is it depends.
There are many different ways to do server-device communication: web sockets, local servers, hub/local control, polling, MQTT, and likely many others. All of these solutions have trade-offs, and work in particular circumstances. Depending on exactly what IoT device you want to build, its requirements and technical specs, and what cloud providers you are using, you may identify what works best.
If you run the sample, you'll see it is sending JSON requests to a server and expect JSON responses back. This is must like Dialogflow & a webhook. In this case, the smart home platform communicates solely with the server.
Your server can then communicate with the device in any way that you want. I'm not too familiar with Azure offerings. It might have an MQTT service as well, or some other sort of push notification service you might be able to use.
If you're seeing simulator issues, you may need to make sure your authentication is set up correctly, and you'll need to first complete account linking on your phone before you can use the simulator.


Best way to push iOS notification after calculating result from its input received for a network call?

I'm working on something where my iOS app will give 2 input parameters to some server side setup. The server side will periodically run a google API network call and get its result response X. When this X is the right answer, I want the server side to send my iOS app a push notification. This needs to happen for every app user individually.
I know the iOS coding part, and also know how to setup a iOS push notification.
But what’s the best way to setup this server side code? Are there some free cloud instances that I could use?
I’ve looked into Firebase and Google Cloud console that I can combine with a cron job to make regular network calls, but they seem to have a fair bit of complexity involved (especially since it’ll be inputs from per app install so it'll become one cron job per app install).
Is there a better way to achieve this?
figured it out.
for future visitors, i’m writing how i achieved it -
the client sends inputs to the firebase DB, and a firebase cloud function scheduler periodically reads those values to calculate output from google api call. when the output is right, the firebase cloud function sends notification to the client

Smart home device integration with Google home and Alexa

I am trying to integrate smart home devices with Google home and Alexa but I am facing following issue.
Communication between Google Home/Alexa and our device cloud server is HTTP.
Communication between smart home device and our device cloud server is MQTT.
How do I keep track of synchronous request-response? Is there a better way to implement this system?
Perfectly possibly to do with HTTP to MQTT and back again.
I've done it for both Alexa & Google Home for my Node-RED nodes.
You just need to keep track of on going requests and include a unique id in the request/response MQTT messages while also running a timer to handle no response from the device.
The project gBridge (; basically implements plain Google Assistant/ Alexa to MQTT bridging.
Regarding your questions, there are two points that help to implement these solutions:
Think in terms of devices or endpoints, rather than requests. When you just want to "translate" HTTP to MQTT, you are inducing a lot of issues like you've figured out. You probably want to implement a logic that allows MQTT topics to control/ query your actual deviecs - not ones that respond to HTTP requests. This makes thing a whole lot simpler.
Caching is essential. Allow your bridge to have a local copy of your device's states. When having the properly implemented cache, you won't need for any response. Just use the cached data.

send a word device to device on wifi direct android using a service

We required to send a word from one mobile device to another using wifi-direct. The wifi-direct, wifi-discoveryservice samples given in android sdk shows its usage with MainActivity. As we have app with multiple activities and from selected activities we need to send particular word to another device on wifi, we are looking for a simple 'SendWordWiFiService' approach.
Any related input in this regard is awaited. We are struggling for last 1 week trying to implement wifi-direct, wifi-discoveryservice in a project having multiple activities. But no success.
You need to use Sockets. If you haven't done them before, I suggest reading this as it got me started. Additionally you might find Oracle's documentation to be useful. In particular, you may want to read up on of using threads to run server sockets.
The steps you need to take are:
Discover peers using Wi-Fi Direct
Make a peer connection between decies (NB: Be mindful of who the group owner is once this is done, if you're application needs to differentiate between a group owner and a group client(s)).
Once the peer connection is made, sockets can be set up between the peers for the transfer of data streams, ie sending words in your case. You might find it most logical to set your Wi-Fi Direct GroupOwner as the server socket, and your GroupClient devices as a client which connects to the server.
I hope that helps.

How do iOS apps typically communicate with a server?

I am a Ruby on Rails developer and I have a question about iOS development.
How do iPhone applications typically interact with a server?
For example, let's say you wish to send GPS coords from the iPhone to the server to be stored or processed. How is that typically done? Is it through a typical server API (like JSON)?
Sorry for such a basic question.
EDIT: Thanks for the answers below. Now, how about pushing data from the server to the iPhone app (without a request). How is that done?
The communication format is usually XML or JSON via HTTP call, but it depends on your data you wish to communicate between server and app. You may use socket connection.
Typically, every client and server exchange information via public API's.
in iOS, we prefer, RESTful webservices that deliver JSON. (There are other options also, but we prefer this)
I'd say that the best way to ensure delivery of data to the app from the server depends on whether you know the app is running or not. Push notification can deliver payload data, albeit in small quantities, to the app and it does not matter whether it's currently running or not. It's a big subject but thats a good start.

Blackberry push notification tutorial

I have registered with RIM for the push notification evaluation. But i cant find good sources for implementing push notifications. There are some samples in the sdk but i couldnt find out a way to implement them. So, i am looking for a good tutorial where i could find step by step implementation of push notification services...
RIM's samples for the server side involve setting up a web application container (e.g. Tomcat), setting up a backend database, and then building their Spring-based application. This sample web app handles things like device registration, content subscription, etc. and features a portal to manage everything.
The bare minimum that is required, though, is to send a WAP Push message which is just an HTTP POST to their Push Service servers. Here is a thread from the BlackBerry Support Forums that describes how to use their low-level PAP API to construct this message. Pay attention in particular to the messages by the user mdicesare.
There's also another SO question that has some tips.
