Give access to RDS database - jenkins

i have several databases running in RDS Service.
I'd like to know the best pratice to grant access to developers to these DB.
I tought a solution using jenkins but i dont think this is the best option.
I am trying to avoid give some password to developers.
Hope you can help me.

As #ceejayoz mentioned you can create a few users with restricted privileges, for example an user who only can run selects on few schemas, another user who can update registers in a few tables.

I can share what we do and what I've seen. We do A and use B where it is easy.
A) Standard Users
For all databases, we have 3 standard users with the following suffixes (_dba, _rw, _ro). Those all have their own passwords using a strong password generator.
_dba is used to deploy scheme and has all rights
_rw is used by the application (CRUD on all tables, but can't modify scheme)
_ro only has R on all tables and generally given to developers
Note: Developers have access to a bastion used for port forwarding and proxycap. They can query the RDS endpoints from their own machines (DB Tools) going through socks proxy and bastion.
This is lazy method - since creation of users is done programmatically and we feel comfortable giving some developers read only access. They could write a bad query and slow down system, but they could do that with a specific user so not much different and the bastion logs tell me who really was in if I had to investigate.
Simple web app with login (ideally MFA) - that provides a way to run queries. If only for reporting, ideally against R/O copy of system. Stackoverflow offers one themselves (
What would be nice is if RDS offered this themselves (linked to your IAM roles). They offer this on RDS Serverless ( and it may be a feature in other RDS versions. That allows fine control or even lazy control (IAM groups).


How to provide saas customer with server snapshot for business continuity concerns

I'm proposing a SaaS solution to a prospective client to avoid the need for local installation and upgrades. The client uploads their input data as needed and downloads the outputs, so data backup and maintenance is not an issue, but continuity of the online software service is a concern for them.
Code escrow would appear to be overkill here and probably of little value. I was wondering is there an option along the lines of providing a snapshot image of a cloud server that includes a working version of the app, and for that to be in the client's possession for use in an emergency where they can no longer access the software.
This would need to be as close to a point and click solution as possible - say a one page document with a few steps that a non web savvy IT person can follow - for starting up the backup server image and being able to use the app. If I were to create a private AWS EBS snapshot / AMI that includes a working version of the application, and they created an AWS account for themselves, might they be able to kick that off easily enough?
Update:the app is on heroku at the moment so hopefully it'd be pretty straightforward to get it running in amazon EC2.
Host their app at any major PAAS providers, such as EngineYard or Heroku. Check their code into a private Github repository that you can assign them as the owner. That way they have access to the source code and can create a new instance quickly using the repository as the source.
I don't see the need to create an entire service mirror for a Rails app, unless there are specific configuration needs that can't be contained in the project or handled through capistrano.

How to secure the content inside a production DB for a RoR web application

I have outsourced the development of a web application based on RoR and hosted on heruko. I have three types of users of this application, the developers, the content generators, and customers. I want developers to be able to create tables and/or change DB schema only. And i want content generators to be able to access the content of the DB (direct DB access or through the website).
my question:
How can i block developers from being able to access the DB content at the database engine level? i can add the developer as a customer of the site and they can have access to limited content, and this is fine. but how can i protect my DB content from someone copying it all over?
because i outsourced the development and because there is not contract between me and the developer i want to ensure that my IP is protected. what is the best way to do this ?
Please try to target your questions to one specific question.
Having said that, my answers would be:
Q) How can i block developers from being able to access the DB content at the database engine level?
A) Just don't have to give them access to the production server on heroku. That's the beauty of rails and migrations. You don't need access to the database server, you can make changes through migrations, but the data is separate.
Q) How can i protect my DB content from someone copying it all over?
A) Don't give out access, backup up your database, consider if heroku is the right choice.
Q) I want to ensure that my IP is protected. what is the best way to do this ?
A) Have really good security policies and practices such as strong passwords and changing them frequently, make sure all workers sign clear contracts for any period that they work, employ a good lawyer to review contracts.

TFS and Forms Authentication

I don't know squat about TFS, other than as a user who has performed simple check in/outs.
I just installed it locally and would like to do joint development with a friend.
I was having trouble making my TFS web site on port 8080 visible (the whole scoop is here if your interested) and I wonder if it could be related to the fact that TFS is probably using Windows Authentication to identify the user.
Can TFS be set up to use forms authentication?
We probably need to set up a VPN, though that's a learning curve too.
To use TFS, do our machines have to belong to a domain?
We're not admin types, though he is better than me, though I would be interested in any feedback or advice on which path is likely to pan out the best. I already got AxoSoft OneTime working in this type of an environment and it suits us well, but I am tempted at all the bells & whistles with TFS and the ability to tie tracked bug items to code changes.
As far as finding a good way to share code, do sites like SourceForge allow one to keep code secure among members only?
It does not need to be installed in a domain. I'm running TFS at home within a workgroup on a virtual machine.
Create a user on the machine that hosts TFS. Let's assume this machine is named TFS-MACHINE. Grant that user appropriate Team and Project rights.
When connecting to TFS from the remote machine, the user should be prompted for a user ID and password. They should use a User ID of TFS-MACHINE\username and the appropriate password.
Regarding external spots to host code. If you're looking for cheap/free, you can look at something like Unfuddle, which supports SVN and Git.
If you're looking for hosted TFS, the only place I've been able to find thus far is SaaS Made Easy, but they can start getting a bit expensive, depending on the number of users you have.
Keep in mind if you're going to host locally that you'll still need to do things like periodic backups, etc.

Suggestions for a practical User Authentication System?

I hate to re-invent the wheel so I'm looking for an existing solution to create a simple authentication system for my application. I've experimented for a while with using CardSpace or OpenID inside the application but I can't convince management that these would be working solutions.
Of course, I could just build a simple login dialog where username, domain and (hashed) password is stored inside a database table and I've done such a thing many times already. I hate this solution since I feel it's just a weak option. And I don't want to spend too much time trying to make the whole logon system as secure as possible, especially since I suspect that there should be existing solutions for this.
So, next to OpenID/OpenAuth and CardSpace, are there any other Authentication solutions that can be used from a Delphi/WIN32 application?
Right now, the application will be used by many customers. Most are single-user environments, although it's likely that some of those will start to have two to 5 users once this authentication system is added. But we want to support a customer who needs to allow about 500 different users on the same application. These are spread over about 100 offices but they all connect to the same SQL Server database. (MS Access right now, but we're making it possible for this user to use SQL Server instead.) To make matters even more interesting, the customer uses Citrix to centralize the user systems and the application has straight access to the SQL Server database. It's not an ideal setup but then again, the customer isn't really paying for this. We're just setting up a test environment. A proof-of-concept which the customer will test for us. Flaws will be solved later on. But right now I need quick solutions and one of them is a practical authentication system where I don't have to write a lot of code.
Have you considered using SQL Server authentication and not allowing authentication for those using an Access Database?
If you use the new SQL Server Native Client and SQL Server 2005 you can have passwords expire and change them from your client application. All of the tools to create and manage user accounts are built into SQL Server Management Studio. And if you decide later to support Windows Authentication you just need to modify your connection string.
We have a system where users on the network use Windows Authentication so they don't need to worry about another user name and password. For users that access the system via a VPN and non-domain joined machines they use SQL Authentication.
Here is the MSDN Page that talks about dealing with passwords programmatically in SQL Server 2005
You do need to make sure that SQL Server Native Client is installed, but that is simple compared to the rest of ADO.
I would suggest then
Delphi - since you are using Delphi :)
Open source - since you need to be able to figure out what is wrong if there is a problem, you probably want it cheap.
So, here are some solutions:
CoWindowsAccount v.1.0
SSecurity v.
It might work for your purposes, but why not ask Windows for the current domain and user name, and use them as unique IDs. Windows has already done the authentication, and it saves the users making up new passwords or anything. I've used this to good effect. I also made it optional to include the machine name in the ID, so that the same user on different computers would also be unique.

Rails Subdomain Clustering

I am about to be writing a Ruby on Rails app which will use sub-domains to authenticate users. We will have two types of accounts:
user accounts
domain accounts
Users will thus be able to belong to multiple domain accounts using the same credentials. I hope to have the ability for a domain account administrator to be able to search for particular users and add them to their domain.
In addition to simply creating a domain account in the database, I want to setup an actual account on the machine (linux-based) so that users can drop files into a special directory and we can run some scripts to import that new data. Alternatively, I may write a client/server script to make this process easier.
All of this I believe I can do, however, as soon as the project attains a certain number of domain accounts, it will be necessary to figure out how to cluster the domain accounts appropriately so that we can have multiple machines.
From a database standpoint, this is fairly easy and there are lots of tutorials on how to cluster MySQL or whichever SQL server I decide to use. So my question really pertains more to machine accounts as well as how to cluster a Rails app.
If you want a comparison, think of this project like GitHub or Beanstalk but with data that isn't source control related.
Does anybody have any experience with this or know of any really good articles/books to get me started?
Thanks very much!
I suggest you look at using one of the PAM modules that lets you do account authentication against a SQL database. That way you just add the domain account to the SQL database and you get UNIX accounts (on all your servers) automagically, for free. So the clustering should just happen for free too...
