Teamwork Ruby on Rails - ruby-on-rails

I've been working with RoR for a while but now I need to work with designers and other developers. Is there a tool like github or something like dropbox where you can share with your team the files but with a URL where you can check live any change. For example for my own I just run Rails s and I can see what happen on my localhost but for a designer it isn't that simple. And also we don't want everybody running his own rails project on his localhost.
So is there a tool or what do you do guys when you have to work with others collaborates?

You consider to use a staging environment?
A staging environment (stage) is a nearly exact replica of a production environment for software testing. Staging environments are made to test codes, builds, and updates to ensure quality under a production-like environment before application deployment. The staging environment requires a copy of the same configurations of hardware, servers, databases, and caches. Everything in a staging environment should be as close a copy to the production environment as possible to ensure the software works correctly.
See the Font
To use it, i recommend you a application like Heroku, after configure, you can 'deploy' your app commiting in a branch (its not real time, but works for your case).
If you have a VM, i recommends you this tutorial:

Open questions like this are not really best placed on StackOverflow, which is geared more toward solving specific issues, with provided code examples and errors etc.
However, in answer to your question:
I see you mention Github in your question, but do you fully understand the underlying concept of Git Version Control, or is there a speficic reason as to why it doesn't meet your needs? As far as I believe, it's main purpose is to solve your exact scenario.


Different environments included in Ruby on Rails

Can someone explain to me what the Rails environments are and what they do? I have tried researching myself, but could not find anything. From what I gather, the environments are:
Each "environment" is really just a config. You can launch your app in various different modes, and the modes are called "environments" because they affect the app's behaviour in lots of different ways. Ultimately, though, they are just configs.
BTW you can't have looked very hard when you looked "everywhere", because i just googled "rails environment" and the top result was this
which is the official explanation of configuring the rails environment.
From what you have provided in your question, it seems that you are asking:
"What are the difference between each environment configuration in Rails?"
Rails comes packages with 3 types of environments. Each have its own server, database, and configuration. See Rails Guides: Configuration for more information on options available to you.
Setting up the environment
To set your Rails environment, you will want to enter in command line:
export RAILS_ENV=<env>
Where <env> can be test, development, or production. Setting this environment variable is crucial, as it will determine what gems are installed, or what env is touched when running rails console or rails server.
Included in configuration is the gemset used for the app. When you run rails new, you will find a Gemfile with groups test, development, and production. These groups correspond to the environment currently set. When the environment is set to one of those, running bundle install installs all gems related to that group (and gems not listed in a group).
Included environments
test is designed for running tests/specs. This database will likely be bare bones, except for seeds you may call before running the suite. After each test is complete, the database will rollback to its state before the test began. I do not recommend launching rails server, as running tests (via MiniTest or RSpec) will do this for you, and close the server once the suite is finished.
development allows you to "test" your app with a larger database, typically a clone of production. This allows you to test actual real-world data without breaking production (the version that customers or end-users will experience). To view the development environment in action, change the RAILS_ENV and launch rails server. This is good for deciding how you want your pages to look (CSS, HTML). It is also good practice to briefly "test" your app yourself, clicking around making sure everything "looks" good and the JavaScript works.
production is reserved for the customer and end-user. Configuration includes the actual domain of the app, which ports to use, and initializers or tasks to run. You do not want to play around with your database, as it may be customer-impacting. Ideally, the app should work as best as it can, since this is considered your "final product."
Here are some good reads about Rails Environments
good luck !!

Running a remote development environment in Rails

The company I'm working for currently has a Rails 3 application on a dedicated remote server. The current development environment is a local machine.
We are trying to put some infrastructure in place to hire some contractors to be able to do some development remotely. Obviously this won't work with our current development setup because it's local.
I was thinking that I could put the development and test code in separate subdomains i.e. and
This is a small (but growing) project and we would not have more than one developer working on one or two changes on our system at any given time. We are starting out with smaller enhancements and working our way up to bigger ones.
My question is, what is the best way to deploy a development system that contractors would be able to access remotely and securely?
Normal practice would be for developers to still develop locally on their own systems, cloning the code using a version-control system (VCS) such as git. Then, you'd either 'pull' new code from a location they give you, or allow them to 'push' code to a location you give them. There might well be a 'staging' server set up, though, where the application is deployed as an additional check before deploying to the 'live' server; Rails lets you set up an arbitrary number of environments ('development', 'production', 'test' are the defaults, but more can be added), or you could use a deployment solution which ignores these settings and uses a different approach (such as Heroku).
You need to have source control, preferrably svn, then access that source code anywhere you want. Give a user id and password to the contractor and yourself to access the svn and install local development environment using local development database on your/contractor's pc. Anyone can deploy to dev. env. Or production env only if he/she has the authentication.
I am doing something similar. We use GITs to manage the code. To manage those different environments, I think using the GIT workflow is great, but the next step is configuring a remote database for development that all the developers access. They would just need to pull the code via git, once you are able to configure a remote database in the yaml., everyone would be in sync because you are developing on the same "dev" database.

Preferable way to distribute a Rails app

Although Rails and PHP have different deployment methods, what is the preferable way to distribute a FOSS Rails app? Suppose one of the major PHP apps - Magento, Drupal, Wordpress had been build upon RoR, what would have been the preferable way for them to have distributed their application?
Packaging up the code as a gem seems to be the wrong approach for a complete out-of-the-box application, but I could be wrong.
Coming from the world of PHP with its upload-and-go approach, and being a newcomer to Rails, it's rather opaque at the moment to see how code could be easily and effectively distributed.
Packaging a completed Rails app as a gem is probably the wrong approach. I think the best solution is to provide access to a git repository or a tarball of your git repo.
If you want to offer your users something more than rake db:schema:load to setup your app it's pretty easy to create custom setup commands.
Many applications are packaged with the source code just like typical PHP applications. While deploying Rails applications may seem difficult its expected that the user will know how to set up the server properly according to their environment and needs. The only issue you need to worry about is distributing the code, setting up the server is not a domain that you are going to want to help with.
For information on deployment in Rails you should see the deployment page here.
Well, usually Rails apps run in environment running Apache + Passenger (aka mod_rails).
Deployment is easily done with Capistrano gem.
When you're running Rails app in shared host environment, they usually use fcgi/cgi dispatchers to run Ruby.

How do I deploy my Rails Application

I've been spending the last few months on developing a (my first) Rails application all by my self, just me and my Linux box, all in my development RAILS_ENV, no SCM ("for shame!") or anything. It has become quite the beast now and I am getting ready to release it onto the world. My question is: how am I ever going to make this work?
I installed gems, plugins, servers (MySQL, node.js, nginx, sphinx, juggernaut), photo compression apps that I call, video compression tools (FFMPEG) etc, I also obviously have a DB and a (lot of) seed data. I can't even remember all the things I did to my system to make it all work, but it does.
So now, when I deploy this on some stranger's server, how do I make sure that all those things get installed and configured correctly? How is e.g. FFMPEG ever going to get installed on this server when I deploy my application. How will the seed data get uploaded, how will the servers get started, with the right parameters etc.
I have read (a little bit) about Capistrano which seems to be the deployment tool of choice in the Rails community, but I am not sure if that will cover all my needs. For example, how do I figure out all the gems I used or the plugins (do I even need to know?). Is there any way I can test the deployment on my own linux box,the same I am developing on, i.e. pretend that I am hosting my own production server/rails_env and "deploy" it there?
Any help will be much appreciated.
There a lot of standards to follow that make life easier...
As far as figuring out which gems you need, you could try and use RVM and make a local config that you keep adding gems to until your app works. This will be kind of like starting from scratch so that you are sure to know precisely what configuration you need to run. (And it should make it easy to stand up a new, identical environment each time.)
The RVM route will allow you to test in a specific environment, which should help.
You can list the required gems in your environment.rb file so that the server demands them on start-up.
Good Luck, Cowboy .

How can I manage a different setup for my Ruby on Rails application dependent on production or development?

I am trying to deploy my first rails app and struggling a bit. My plan is to initially host it on a heroku free account to get a feel for live deployments and do some production testing. Eventually I might move it to a VPS.
I use git and do not use Capistrano at the moment.
Heroku primarily uses git, which is fine, but git manages the entire project state not files. So I have issues managing configuration files that are different from production to development, for example captcha keys in the environment.rb or goolge js api keys.
So what I did was to..
1 - Take the environment specific configuration out of the enviornment.rb and put it in the development.rb and production.rb. Created a branch called dev where I do my development and then merge it with master and push master to the production heroku remote.
This all works ok, but wondering if there is a better way to do it.
The other massive problem is I might have to use different gems in dev and in herouku. For example, I use ThinkingSphinix for search in dev, but Heroku I have to use acts_as_solr, which means my " call in the controller, will have to be Article.find_by_solr in production. This can become messy very fast.
What's the best way to deal with this kind of situation?
For non-sensitive keys such as Google's JS API key etc., I found this RailsCasts episode very helpful.
Just created a config file under config/ and store your development settings in there.
# /config/google.yml
key: 123456
key: 345678
key: 567890
Then create an initializer inside config/initializers/ that will parse the yaml and create an object which can be used without worrying about the current environment.
# /config/initializers/google.rb
GOOGLE_CONFIG = YAML.load_file("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/google.yml")[RAILS_ENV]
The environment variable RAILS_ENV refers to the current environment, so on application startup it picks up the current type, and you can refer to the settings in your code through GOOGLE_CONFIG:
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= GOOGLE_CONFIG['js']['key'] %>"></script>
For the latter issue, where code itself differs from environment to environment, I believe Capistrano would be a better solution.
For values that you want to keep different between environments, Heroku offers config vars.
As for using one indexing program in production and another in development, that's a bad idea, and will make things way messier than they need to be. Either start using Solr locally, or set up a Thinking Sphinx instance in EC2 yourself, and have your dynos connect to it.
I would suggest that it is very unwise to have different code in development and production.
Your development, test and production environments should be as similar as possible.
In fact, I would go so far as to say the entire point of the different environments is to simply provide an easy system for allowing minor configuration changes between setups. Different databases, different API parameters, different aching options, but the core system MUST be the same.
The the issue you will face is doubling your development effort. You still have to write the code. So in the search example you provide above, you will have to develop and test twice - once for the Solr production system and once for you local Sphinx, then you need to be able to switch and test between the two approaches in all of your environments to ensure test coverage and functionality.
