iOS How to create config file per target - ios

Hi I have been working on my first iOS app. I have completed all of its requirements. Now its time to distribute. But before distribution I want to manage things well.
I searched for it and got "Target" as what I wanted. now just suppose the following requirement:
I have Client 1 and Client 2, and they both have different web addresses and Images and App Master password.
Now the 1 thing is to change them manually before making the build. But I wanted more proper way. So I thought of creating a Config file per target per client. but I am not getting it done.
Because after adding "Config" file for client 1 I am unable to create the 2nd "Config" file for Target 2 which indicates the client 2.
Please help me I am confused. Thanks in advance

Once you have different targets, you also have different property list attached to it. This allows you to customise some elements of your configuration for a specific target.
In this example, I duplicated my target and have now two targets, two schemes and two .plist files. I can customise one .plist without affecting the other target.
Another way to solve this problem is to create two configuration files in Swift. For instance, you can create a AppConfig struct foreach app configuration and attach it to one target at a time. It could be under AppConfig.swift and AppConfigDemo.swift, both with following code but different url in it.
struct AppConfig {
let urlString = ""
The key is to include each file into the right target. Here, this AppConfig.swift is available with Test target. It won't be accessible in TestDemo target. You can do the same foreach one of your client.

Make sure they have different names, Info.plist and Client2-Info.plist (for example).
and you can set targets config file in its build settings. just search for Info.plist and set the relative path to the configuration you need.


How do I distribute my default settings plist file with a single known name, and have a different file depending on the selected target?

I want my iOS app to read default settings from a configuration file. It will be a plist file. The source code should have the path and name of the file hard-coded and my code wold just open the file and read the contents at startup. But I would need to have two files with the same name and path in the Xcode project to do it this way. Of course, each file would be for a different target and only one would get included in the distribution package.
I have not investigated renaming files in a build script. I hope there is a better way.
I have considered having different file names and then searching for the file within the known relative path. This seems easy and is the option I will go with if there is no simpler or more clever way to do this.
So is there a way to pick from two different files, based on the selected target of the app, and have that file end up in the distribution package with a specific name (always the same name)?
There are different approaches that can achieve it. One is to create >different targets, each one of which employs different Info.plist. Each >time a target is selected, a different Info.plist will be used, hence we >will be able to differentiate variables like token, URLs for different >builds. The alternative approach is to put your build configuration >settings into .xcconfig files and refer those in your project info.
It could also be achieved by using Bundle Identifiers
I hope this link will be helpful to you,

Environment variables in different schemes for use in code Xcode Swift

My project, with one target, has three configurations:
Debug, UAT, Release
I have four shared schemes that use these configurations for build/run/test/profile/analyse/archive.
In my app I have different bundle IDs for each scheme. This was easy to change, I did so within Product Bundle Identifier for each configuration.
However, I want each scheme to connect to a different REST API. ( etc)
What is the best way of setting a variable for each environment and then using it within my app?
I have looked at:
1) Swift Compiler>Custom Flags (Mine are currently $(inherited) "-D" "COCOAPODS")
2) NSProcessInfo.processInfo().environment
3) Adding a Configuration.plist file for each environment
Basically, it's not clear to me which is the best way of doing this.
Thank you for your help.
I usually prefer this :
I define constants in different .xcconfig files, then I use them for keys in one single plist file.
Let's say you'd have this in your debug.xcconfig :
Then, in your plist, you'd add a key baseUrl = http://${BASEURL}
Then, in code, you'd access it with
This is a great article if you want to know more about xcconfig :
Personally I use different .plist files for each scheme. I tried the custom flags approach at first, but as the app grew i needed more and more scheme-based configurations and things got messy.
Different .plist files worked wonders for my project at least.

Facebook SDK iOS on multiple targets

I am trying to create an app with multiple targets so I can use the code for different apps with small changes. I managed to work with many variables needed by setting custom keys in plist file and making user-defined-settings entries for referencing them. The problem is that with Facebook SDK I cannot do that. I have set a custom key in plist like ${FACEBOOK_APP_ID} and a user defined setting on my target like FACEBOOK_APP_ID with my app's id in it. When I compile and run, I get app_id is required error (of course if I hardcode it on plist works fine). Does anyone know of a solution not requiring to use different plist files for each target?
After struggling for days with that without a good solution, I found that if I set preprocess info.plist to Yes, I can add user-defined settings to build-settings as usual and they are available at runtime. Now, I only have to enter the three variables to the target configuration and there is no need for a preprocess file or preprocess macros.
I have added FACEBOOK_DISPLAY_NAME, FACEBOOK_APP_ID and FACEBOOK_URL_SCHEMES to user defined settings (from Editor->Add Build Setting menu in Xcode) with the proper details for each target. Then In Info.plist (I use one globally for all targets) I added the options Facebook SDK guide states but instead of static values I added ${FACEBOOK_APP_ID}, ${FACEBOOK_URL_SCHEMES}, and ${FACEBOOK_DISPLAY_NAME}. Then on build settings I chose YES to preprocess plist file. Now I can change the info in my user-defined settings for each target and works ok (without the need of an extra preprocess file and the need for defining macros)
You can try use the macro in your difference target, in the code you just define the value by the macro. exampe:
#if project1
//the app id const

Loading a different plist depending on the target

I thought it would be interesting to attempt building multiple apps using the same code base, where the only differentiating data is held in a few plists. For example, one plist holds some theme info - a few key/values to drive the color scheme used in the app. I'll call the original version of this theme.plist.
I soon learned that I should create multiple targets in my project, and have been able to add these successfully. Each one, via it's own appname-info.plist, has a different name and bundle id - it's neat seeing all three on my home screen without any real extra work.
But right now they are all identical. I haven't figured out how to use a different set of data for each one.
My first thought was to have some folder for each target - each with its own theme plist named theme.plist - and somehow distribute each target with a different folder. But researching that idea doesn't get me much google juice.
So what about multiple theme files? Ok, so far that looks better - I can create an app1-theme.plist and 'app2-theme.plist' with different values for the same keys in each. And Xcode even lets me use some flags to say which targets should include each resource.
But I don't know how to load the appropriate plist at runtime. I need to examine something (the bundle ID?) and then assign the appropriate name of the theme plist to something (what)?
It seems like this might have something to with #ifdef, whatever that might be...?
Can someone explain how I should be looking to accomplish this? Am I on the right track? I'm happy to put some reading time in but I don't even know what to look up yet.
You are just about there. Xcode supports having multiple files with the same name in a project, one way you can do this by storing them in different folders within your project folder.
Unfortunately at this point Xcode won't give you a lot of help, so open your project in the Finder, create one subfolder for each of your apps, in those folders place a copy of the plist. Now add each copy in turn to your project, making sure you add each to just one of your targets.
You might want to create a group in Xcode called, say, "Theme files", to keep them altogether.
What you are trying to do is trivial. If you select a file from your project, and bring up the "File Inspector" in the utilities area (Press Command option 1) you should see a section "Target membership". Each target in your project will be listed, with a checkbox next to it. If you check the checkbox for a file and target, that file is built into that target. Un-check the checkbox for a file and target and that file is not copied over to the specified target (you may need to run a clean, and delete the app from the target device, to get rid of files that used to be included but that you have un-checked. Xcode generally won't automatically remove things that used to be included.
You could create a directory in your bundle and teach your app to scan that directory for plist files. Then include a different set of files in that directory for each target and each target app's behavior will change.

What is the best way to have multiple variations of a product in Xcode?

I have a project that I maintain for a client; let's call it MyDataAssistant. When the project goes into beta, the client likes to have a "separate app" built for them, which I create using a different provisioning profile and a modified bundle identifier (MyDataAssistant-BETA). It's a pain to always be going back and forth and changing the bundle identifier, code signature settings, and especially the icon. I understand that you can have multiple targets and multiple build settings (within each target?) in a project, but I'm not clear on what the difference is, or how to use them appropriately.
Additionally, the client would like a third version with read-only capabilities. I can accomplish this by just making a flag return from a certain part of my code, but I would like it if that flag could be toggled in the build (target?) settings.
Please advise on how to manage this kind of project with multiple "variations" of the build.
Add a new configuration to your project by duplicating the release one for example.
Give it a name "Beta"
Add a User-defined build setting
Call it MY_DATA_ASSISTANT_BUNDLE_ID_SUFFIX for example and set the value to be -BETA only for the Beta configuration.
Edit the MyDataAssistant-info.plist file by setting the bundle identifier to com.YOURCOMPANYNAME.MyDataAssistant$(MY_DATA_ASSISTANT_BUNDLE_ID_SUFFIX)
This will make it have different values for the different configurations.
You can also set the display name to have a different value by setting it to $(PRODUCT_NAME)$(MY_DATA_ASSISTANT_BUNDLE_ID_SUFFIX)
Set the right provisioning profile for each configuration. (Of course after creating the beta one in the provisioning portal as if it was for a new app with the bundle identifier having the suffix "-BETA")
Create a new scheme!
Give it a name: MyDataAssistant-BETA
Change its build configuration to "Beta" for all the actions and you should be ready to go.
If you want to have different icons for the beta version you can use the $(MY_DATA_ASSISTANT_BUNDLE_ID_SUFFIX) in the MyDataAssistant-info.plist file for the icons names and of course add them to the target.
I would recommend creating two targets. This will allow you to share what files you want between variations, as well as have custom source, or config files in each. The simplest implementation of this would be to have an identical target except for the info.plist file.
Simply right click on your current app target in project settings, and hit duplicate.
