Docker versus Docker-compose with dockerignore - docker

Are docker and docker-compose supposed to differ in their handling of .dockerignore?
I've got a Docker container which builds fine when I build it directly, e.g. via docker build -t mycontainer ./mycontainer, but it fails when I build it via docker-compose up. Relevant portion of the docker-compose.yml is
version: '3'
build: ./mycontainer
- "1234:1234"
- "1234"
By using docker run --rm -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash 240e1a06c8f5, where 240e1a06c8f5 is the last image before the build failure, I found that one of the files, ./mycontainer/mymodel/labels.rdata, wasn't being copied over by docker-compose up, but is copied by docker build. It's also close to a pattern in the .dockerignore, */*.RData.
Is this a difference between case-sensitivity in .dockerignore between docker-compose and docker build? Is it a difference in path handling? Is this a known bug? (or intended?)
Versions on MacOs:
$ docker --version
Docker version 18.09.1, build 4c52b90
$ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.23.2, build 1110ad01

I just tried using a case-insensitive .dockerignore entry on Windows and it did actually ignore the file, so it looks like your */*.RData will actually ignore your ./mycontainer/mymodel/labels.rdata file.
Try changing the extension of the file or changing the ignore entry. I'd change the filename, since that seems like the one-off here.
EDIT: This does sound like a bug. I'd file one on their Github Issues page since I don't see one there already


Docker stack deploy ability to pass env variables into the deploy yaml?

I run a docker swarm and i use gitlab ci to do the build and deployment of the images, the biggest headache i face is incrementing the image version numbers in the deployment yaml.
So for example if i do a deploy on gitlab and build the relevant image like this:
docker build --no-cache --platform linux/amd64 -t myregistry/myimage:$CI_COMMIT_TAG -f docker/php-backend/Dockerfile .
I am creating the image version number by using the git tag, which works fine. I then transfer the latest deploy.yaml file to the server and make it run:
sudo docker stack deploy --with-registry-auth -c live-deploy.yaml my-stack-name
The issue here is, inside my live-deploy.yaml i have to manually update the image name with the new version that was built.
Is there a way (and so far i can't find it) to pass a variable into the yaml from the command line when deploying so it knows what version number to use? A bit like passing in environment variables with docker compose.
You can play with environment variables to acheive this automation. Example follows:
Sample docker-compose/stack file :-
version: '3.3'
restart: always
image: ${MyImageName}
- 5000:5000
And when you want to deploy something pass env value along with the imperative command... your command modifies to :-
MyImageName=myregistry/myimage:$CI_COMMIT_TAG docker stack deploy --with-registry-auth -c live-deploy.yaml my-stack-name
You can even keep the image name constant and just have a variable just for the tag if that is the degree of automation required.

Mounting local folder to windows container using docker compose

There are lots of post on this topic but either they are discussing about docker run or linux or discussing about earlier version of docker/ docker compose. I am simply trying to share a config file that resides locally, with my container. The following is my docker compose
version: "3.8"
image: testservicelogmon
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
- C:\ProgramData\Solution Name\Project Name:C:\ProgramData\Solution Name\Project Name:RW
Note: "Solution Name" and "Project Name" have space between them, and my config file resides in Project name folder.
The images gets created successfully but I always have "Mounts": [] and "Volumes": null.
I went through the documentation and some posts at SO but couldn't find anything that would solve this problem for me. Below are couple of links I referred to. Any help on this would be appreciated. Thanks !
Update: It's just not with this folder, it seems like I am not able to mount any folder, whereas if I do a docker runlike below it works perfectly fine.
docker run -it -v 'C:\ProgramData\Solution Name\Project Name:C:\ProgramData\C:\ProgramData\Solution Name\Project Name:RW' testservicelogmon:latest powershell
docker named volume with targeting windows local folder
volume binding using docker compose on windows
The code seems to work fine. I was making a stupid mistake of running the docker-compose build command followed by docker run. This way everything was working fine but the mounts would always show empty. All I had to do was run docker-compose build followed by docker-compose up and the mounts were populated as expected.

Docker Always force to use a cached image

I'm using docker compose to build my application using docker.
Version of docker-compose is 2.2
I have all the containers running well at the moment where one of the container has nginx running.
I need to change some configuration on this container.
The way I need to do (because of special scenario) is, to update the config inside the container.
Then I commit the container to build a new image.
docker commit <container> <image-name>
Now I have new image with tag latest.
What I want is to use this image when I run, docker-compose down && docker-compose up --build next time.
docker-compose down && docker-compose up --build -d
With --build option, docker-compose will go through the steps in Dockerfile and run those and all my changes will be reverted.
Is there anyway that I can tell docker-compose to use the newly created image as cache and ignore Dockerfile for this one container?
Solution Tried:
I have tried with docker-compose-override and using option cache-from and it's not working.
- new-image:latest
Thanks in advance.
I don't understand why you would want to build an image from docker-compose even though you have already built it by docker-commit.
Now I have new image with tag latest.
What I want is to use this image when I run, docker-compose down && docker-compose up
If you have already built image, skip the build phase in docker-compose. Just specify which image should be used like so:
image: new-image:latest
container_name: "Foo bar"
.....(other options)
Specify the image to start the container from. Can either be a
repository/tag or a partial image ID.
image: redis
image: ubuntu:14.04
image: tutum/influxdb
image: a4bc65fd
If the image does
not exist, Compose attempts to pull it, unless you have also specified
build, in which case it builds it using the specified options and tags
it with the specified tag.
If you have any other images that you build from inside docker-compose run:
docker-compose build && docker-compose up
If not simple docker-compose up will suffice.

Set $PROJECT_NAME in docker-compose file

I am using the same docker-compose.yml file for multiple projects. I am really lazy, so I don't want to start them with docker-compose -p $PROJECT_NAME up.
As of Docker version 17.06.0, is it possible to set the variable directly in the docker-compose.yml file?
UPDATE: You can now use the top-level name property in your docker-compose YAML file. This is available from Docker Compose v2.3.3
This is the result of the #745 proposal. An issue which persevered for about 8 years.
Right now, we can use the .env file to set the custom project name like this:
It's not flexible, but it's better than nothing. Currently, there is an open issue regarding this as a proposal.
I know this question was asked a long time ago, but I ran into the same problem. There's a suggestion to add the feature, but they don't want to.
However, I have a Makefile in the root of the directory and then you can add something like in the Makefile:
.PHONY: container-name
docker-compose -p $PROJECT_NAME up -d container-name
and then run make container-name
I know it isn't what you asked for, but could maybe make your life a bit easier.
220806 UPDATE: you can now use the top-level name property in your docker-compose YAML file.
This is the result of the #745 proposal.
Update as on Docker Compose version 2.3.3, name can be given in the compose file, but please note the following as per documentation compose-spec at, Compose official documentation
Whenever project name is defined by top-level name or by some custom mechanism, it MUST be exposed for interpolation and environment variable resolution as COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME.
name: stitch
image: busybox
command: echo "I'm running ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}"
Previously proposed solution :
You can add them as your environment variables which are available through the session in which you are bringing up your containers using the docker compose.
Ie, if you wanted to use $PROJECT_NAME somewhere inside your docker-compose.yaml then if this variable has a value in your session, then it would be picked up.
Inside the yaml you can assign it to anything as you want it. You want as a commandline arg to some script, even that is also possible. ie,
working_dir: /opt
command: /bin/bash -c './ ${PROJECT_NAME}'
- /var/run/:/host/var/run/
I'm using
docker version : Docker version 17.09.0-ce, build afdb6d4
docker-compose version : docker-compose version 1.14.0, build c7bdf9e

docker-compose tries to pull already existing images

I have a docker-compose.yml file, which defines a services and its image.
image: my_image
now, that I run docker-compose up I get the following message:
$ docker-compose up
Pulling service (my_image:latest)...
Pulling repository
ERROR: Error: image library/my_image:latest not found
It is correct, that my_image in this case is not on the docker hub. But I've created it with docker build -t my_image . (in a different file) before and it is listed in docker images.
Is there anything I miss to tell docker-compose, to not look for the image in the registry/hub?
[edit] docker client and server version is 1.9.1, docker-compose version is 1.5.2.
I'm running docker-compose (as well as docker) through the HTTP-API on a remote machine, don't know if this makes any difference.
If you have image local or anywhere except docker hub you need to use build and path or url to Dockerfile. So basically when we work OFF dockerhub we change image to path !
container_name: ubuntu
build: /compose/build/ubuntu
- db:mysql
- 80:80
In this example am using my own Ubuntu Dockerfile that is places in the build path. The file should be named Dockerfile like normal and you just specify the path to folder where it is.
