How to use "anchor" with associated text (that is not linkable) - vaadin

From this question (Hyperlink inside label field in Vaadin 12) I was able to use Vaadin's HTML component to create custom html code (and it worked fine, including putting in ahref links etc.)
However, Vaadin provides the "Anchor" component which appears to be the far more powerful (and potentially more secure) way of creating links that can be used to navigate to either other classes I built or to external website (or even to download dynamically generated data in a streaming fashion).
However, what if I want to have both normal "label-like" text and an achor link all appear in a single paragraph? For example, in "normal html", I could just do this:
This is my normal text.
Download <a href="/resources/excelTemplate.xlsx" download> this Excel file</a>
and follow the instructions therein
and it would create the link somewhere within my <p>...</p> paragraph. How can I do this in Vaadin with the Anchor object? The best I came up with thus far is to use Horizontal Layout and then add a label, an achor, and then another label -- but that is really really ugly and doesn't technically have the same effect (it won't wrap properly.) The other option is to NOT use "Anchor" but instead just use "HTML" component and just create ahref links everywhere, but that seems a tiny big ugly too (though I suppose it's an ok workaround.). (I'm assuming I can call any UI I build by sticking the url links in the ahref calls....) Thoughts on the "right Java Vaadin" way to do this?

Paragraph p = new Paragraph("para");
Anchor a = new Anchor("go", "");
p.addClickListener(e-> UI.getCurrent().navigate(a.getHref()));

Vaadin 10+ offers you (atleast) three ways to handle this kind of case. You mentioned two of the..
Make composition of components in Java. Instead of VerticalLayout you could wrap the content in Div and using Text component also in Div instead of Label. You can make this kind of custom component by extending Composite.
The second alternative is to use HTML component as you mentioned.
The third alternative is to create custom html polymer template and connect to it with PolymerTemplate class. That will result in custom component that behaves like the custom component of the first option. It is just different way of implementation.
Which one of the three is a correct way. From framework perspective all of them. Which one is correct for you depends on your preference and application.


How to add some javascript code on top of my grid to work in back-office

I am working with Umbraco 7.5 grid and I've created some macros that work with javascript. I need a javascript array on the page on top of my grid so I can add my items to it.
if (!_components) _components = [];
I can do it on the normal view since I have access to master page. but how can I do it in the back office?
It will be easier to maintain if you will create separated, custom grid property editor for your control / macro. Then you'll be able to add anything you want in the output of the editor and it will be included only when the specific control will be used in backoffice.
Check documentation here:
You can also check LeBlender package - I've used it to play with the Grid a couple of times. It's giving you a visual UI to create and manage those custom editors with params and anything you need there.


I have around 10 tables in my database. Building CRUD’s for these are easy with ie. reverse engineering in Netbeans, and with Netbeans 8 the pages look great thanks to primefaces.
So now I have 4 pages per entity; list, create, edit and view. Create and edit are similar except they bind to a new respective an existing entity. View is similar to edit, except it is readonly. The available buttons change too, of course, and there are probably other minor differences.
What I would like is to keep it down to 2 components per entity; 1 for the list and 1 for an instance. The latter should come in 3 flavours; editmode, createmode and viewmode. These components should be includeable in other pages, preferably both as dialogs and “raw” imports.
Anyone have an idea whether this is possible? Do I need to create my own set of renders, which can ie. render an inputText-component and a selectOneMenu as an outputText? As an example my first try with an inputText was just to write disabled=”true”, which renders the inputtext as non-editable. It becomes too greyish, but I guess that would be fixable by overriding the style. But preferrably it should render as a real outputText would when in viewmode. Maybe some clever use of css could do the job instead of renders.
Maybe the easiest way would be to store the viewmode of the composite component in the componenttree. Is this possible? I guess any component would have to look up in the tree in the render phase, to see how it should render.
For the buttons I could maybe do with just the rendered attribute.
Is it possible to go this route, or has anyone already made a framework for this? Or is it stretching JSF too far?

How to navigate?

Say I create an HTML file with two .page on it. In the first .page, I'd like to have a link to the second .page.
Is there a way to navigate between pages without having to write my own JS? This seems to suggest I do have to write JS:
However, I'd would rather set an id attribute for one of the pages, then maybe define some data attribute in the link to tell jQuery mobile where to go. Possible?
I'd also like to specify what kind of transition effect to use.
You can use standard anchor links, just give an id to your page and set the transition via the data attribute
Link to Page 2

Editable select/combobox

is there any way (or plugin) to display editable combobox? I have a set of options, but I would like to give possibility to enter custom value.
I've searched the documentation, and I can't find way to do this. I made workaround with javascript, but I'm looking for more elegant solution.
I'm pretty sure that there simply is no HTML form element that does this, and so Rails can't provide you with a helper. As you said, you can work with JS to create something similar (and there should be JS libraries/plugins already out there), or you could just use a select element and add a text field next to it for new values.
HTML5 specification doesn't define such an element. So you may either continue using JS, either try to use autocomplete feature of an input element (although it is not exactly what you want and doesn't compatible with old browsers).

Rails, Scriptaculous, effect where one element pushes another out of the way

I really like the visual effect where a new element seems to push an old element out of the way. Pretty common thing recently.
here is a static example.
However, I'm trying to do it with recently updated products. Also would like to use scriptaculous if at all possible with periodically_call_remote using ruby on rails.
Without writing the code for you, here are the pieces you need to build:
an action in Rails that returns the new html. This will most likely render :partial
a PrototypeJS Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater to grab the html, and update the div with new items
in the updater's success handler, you want to ease the new elements in - use a scriptaculous effect to show the new html into the div, pushing the other elements out of the way. (not sure how you want to do this - you might have to move the existing elements down to accomodate the new ones, but do it slowly. I recommend you get the first two bullets working and then worry about the effects).
There's no specific need to use periodic_call_remote, it can be done entirely with unobtrusive javascript.
