Compute the number of epoch from iteration in training? - machine-learning

I have a Caffe prototxt as follows:
stepsize: 20000
iter_size: 4
batch_size: 10
gamma =0.1
in which, the dataset has 40.000 images. It means after 20000 iters, the learning rate will decrease 10 times. In pytorch, I want to compute the number of the epoch to have the same behavior in caffe (for learning rate). How many epoch should I use to decrease learning rate 10 times (note that, we have iter_size=4 and batch_size=10). Thanks
Ref: Epoch vs Iteration when training neural networks
My answer: Example: if you have 40000 training examples, and batch size is 10, then it will take 40000/10 =4000 iterations to complete 1 epoch. Hence, 20000 iters to reduce learning rate in caffe will same as 5 epochs in pytorch.

You did not take into account iter_size: 4: when batch is too large to fit into memory, you can "split" it into several iterations.
In your example, the actual batch size is batch_sizexiter_size=10 * 4 = 40. Therefore, an epoch takes only 1,000 iterations and therefore you need to decrease the learning rate after 20 epochs.


Why max_batches independent of the size of the dataset?

I am wondering why the number of images has no influence on the number of iterations when training. Here is an example to to make my question clearer:
Suppose we have 6400 images for a training to recognize 4 classes. Based on AlexeyAB explanations, we keep batch= 64, subdivisions = 16 and write max_batches = 8000 since max_batches is determined by #classes x 2000.
Since we have 6400 images, a complete epoch requires 100 iterations. Therefore this training ends after 80 epochs.
Now, suppose that we have 12800 images. In that case, an epoch needs 200 iterations. Therefore the training ends after 40 epochs.
Since an epoch refers to one cycle through the full training dataset, I'm wondering why we don't increase the number of iterations when our dataset increases, in order to keep the number of epochs constant.
Said differently, I'm asking for a simple explanation as to why the number of epochs seems to be irrelevant to the quality of the training. I feel that it's a consequence of Yolo's construction but I am not knowledgeable enough to understand how.
Why the number of images has no influence on the number of iterations when training?
In darknet yolo, the number of iterations depends on the max_batches parameter in .cfg file. After running for max_batches, the darknet saves the final_weights.
In each epoch, all the data samples are passed through the network, so if you have many images, the training time for one epoch (and iteration) will be higher, you can test that by increasing images in your data.
The sub-division accounts for the number of mini-batches. Let's say, you have 100 images in your dataset. your batch size is 10, sub-division is 2, max_batches is 20.
So, in each iteration, 10 images are passed to the network in two mini-batches (Each having 5 samples), once you have done 20 baches (20*10 data samples), the training will be completed. (The details can be a little different, I'm using a slightly modified darknet by original author pjreddie)
The instructions are updated now. max_batches is equal to classes*2000 but not less than number of training images and not less than 6000. Please find it at this link.

Training accuracy increases aggresively, test accuracy settles

While training a convolutional neural network following this article, the accuracy of the training set increases too much while the accuracy on the test set settles.
Below is an example with 6400 training examples, randomly chosen at each epoch (so some examples might be seen at the previous epochs, some might be new), and 6400 same test examples.
For a bigger data set (64000 or 100000 training examples), the increase in training accuracy is even more abrupt, going to 98 on the third epoch.
I also tried using the same 6400 training examples each epoch, just randomly shuffled. As expected, the result is worse.
epoch 3 loss 0.54871 acc 79.01
learning rate 0.1
nr_test_examples 6400
TEST epoch 3 loss 0.60812 acc 68.48
nr_training_examples 6400
tb 91
epoch 4 loss 0.51283 acc 83.52
learning rate 0.1
nr_test_examples 6400
TEST epoch 4 loss 0.60494 acc 68.68
nr_training_examples 6400
tb 91
epoch 5 loss 0.47531 acc 86.91
learning rate 0.05
nr_test_examples 6400
TEST epoch 5 loss 0.59846 acc 68.98
nr_training_examples 6400
tb 91
epoch 6 loss 0.42325 acc 92.17
learning rate 0.05
nr_test_examples 6400
TEST epoch 6 loss 0.60667 acc 68.10
nr_training_examples 6400
tb 91
epoch 7 loss 0.38460 acc 95.84
learning rate 0.05
nr_test_examples 6400
TEST epoch 7 loss 0.59695 acc 69.92
nr_training_examples 6400
tb 91
epoch 8 loss 0.35238 acc 97.58
learning rate 0.05
nr_test_examples 6400
TEST epoch 8 loss 0.60952 acc 68.21
This is my model (I'm using RELU activation after each convolution):
conv 5x5 (1, 64)
max-pooling 2x2
conv 3x3 (64, 128)
max-pooling 2x2
conv 3x3 (128, 256)
max-pooling 2x2
conv 3x3 (256, 128)
fully_connected(18*18*128, 128)
output(128, 128)
What could be the cause?
I'm using Momentum Optimizer with learning rate decay:
batch = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
train_size = 6400
learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(
0.1, # Base learning rate.
batch * batch_size, # Current index into the dataset.
train_size*5, # Decay step.
0.5, # Decay rate.
# Use simple momentum for the optimization.
optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate,
0.9).minimize(cost, global_step=batch)
This is very much expected. This problem is called over-fitting. This is when your model starts "memorizing" the training examples without actually learning anything useful for the Test set. In fact, this is exactly why we use a test set in the first place. Since if we have a complex enough model we can always fit the data perfectly, even if not meaningfully. The test set is what tells us what the model has actually learned.
Its also useful to use a Validation set which is like a test set, but you use it to find out when to stop training. When the Validation error stops lowering you stop training. why not use the test set for this? The test set is to know how well your model would do in the real world. If you start using information from the test set to choose things about your training process, than its like your cheating and you will be punished by your test error no longer representing your real world error.
Lastly, convolutional neural networks are notorious for their ability to over-fit. It has been shown the Conv-nets can get zero training error even if you shuffle the labels and even random pixels. That means that there doesn't have to be a real pattern for the Conv-net to learn to represent it. This means that you have to regularize a conv-net. That is, you have to use things like Dropout, batch normalization, early stopping.
I'll leave a few links if you want to read more:
Over-fitting, validation, early stopping
Conv-nets fitting random labels:
(this paper is a bit advanced, but its interresting to skim through)
P.S. to actually improve your test accuracy you will need to change your model or train with data augmentation. You might want to try transfer learning as well.

Training accuracy on SGD

How do you compute for the training accuracy for SGD? Do you compute it using the batch data you trained your network with? Or using the entire dataset? (for each batch optimization iteration)
I tried computing the training accuracy for each iteration using the batch data I trained my network with. And it almost always gives me 100% training accuracy (sometimes 100%, 90%, 80%, always multiples of 10%, but the very first iteration gave me 100%). Is this because I am computing the accuracy on the same batch data I trained it with for that iteration? Or is my model overfitting that it gave me 100% instantly, but the validation accuracy is low? (this is the main question here, if this is acceptable, or there is something wrong with the model)
Here are the hyperparameters I used.
batch_size = 64
kernel_size = 60 #from 60 #optimal 2
depth = 15 #from 60 #optimal 15
num_hidden = 1000 #from 1000 #optimal 80
learning_rate = 0.0001
training_epochs = 8
total_batches = train_x.shape[0] // batch_size
Calculating the training accuracy on the batch data during the training process is correct. If the number of the accuracy is always multiple of 10%, then most likely it is because your batch size is 10. For example, if 8 of the training outputs match the labels, then your training accuracy will be 80%. If the training accuracy number goes up and down, there are two main possibilities:
1. If you print out the accuracy numbers multiple time over one epoch, it is normal, especially at the early stage of training, because the model is predicting over different data samples;
2. If you print out the accuracy once each epoch, and if you see the training accuracy goes up and down during the later stage of the training, that means your learning rate is too big. You need to decease that overtime during the training.
If these do not answer your question, please provider more details so that we can help.

Why my CNN based on Alexnet fails in classification?

I'm trying to build a CNN to classify dogs.In fact , my data set consists of 5 classes of dogs. I've 50 images of dogs splitted into 40 images for training and 10 for testing.
I've trained my network based on AlexNet pretrained model over 100,000 and 140,000 iterations but the accuracy is always between 20 % and 30 %.
In fact, I have adapted AlexNet to my problem as following : I changed the name of last fully connected network and num_output to 5. Also , I ve changed the name of the first fully connected layer (fc6).
So why this model failed even I' ve used data augmentation (cropping )?
Should I use a linear classification on top layer of my network since I have a little bit of data and similar to AlexNet dataset ( as mentioned here transfer learning) or my data set is very different of original data set of AlexNet and I should train linear classifier in earlier network ?
Here is my solver :
net: "models/mymodel/train_val.prototxt"
test_iter: 1000
test_interval: 1000
base_lr: 0.01
lr_policy: "step"
gamma: 0.1
stepsize: 100000
display: 20
max_iter: 200000
momentum: 0.9
weight_decay: 0.0005
snapshot: 1000
snapshot_prefix: "models/mymodel/my_model_alex_net_train"
solver_mode: GPU
Although you haven't given us much debugging information, I suspect that you've done some serious over-fitting. In general, a model's "sweet spot" for training is dependent on epochs, not iterations. Single-node AlexNet and GoogleNet, on an ILSVRC-style of data base, train in 50-90 epochs. Even if your batch size is as small as 1, you've trained for 2500 epochs with only 5 classes. With only 8 images per class, the AlexNet topology is serious overkill and is likely adapted to each individual photo.
Consider this: you have only 40 training photos, but 96 kernels in the first convolution layer and 256 in the second. This means that your model can spend over 2 kernels in conv1 and 6 in conv 2 for each photograph! You get no commonality of features, no averaging ... instead of edge detection generalizing to finding faces, you're going to have dedicated filters tuned to the individual photos.
In short, your model is trained to find "Aunt Polly's dog on a green throw rug in front of the kitchen cabinet with a patch of sun to the left." It doesn't have to learn to discriminate a basenji from a basset, just to recognize whatever is randomly convenient in each photo.

What is the difference between steps and epochs in TensorFlow?

In most of the models, there is a steps parameter indicating the number of steps to run over data. But yet I see in most practical usage, we also execute the fit function N epochs.
What is the difference between running 1000 steps with 1 epoch and running 100 steps with 10 epoch? Which one is better in practice? Any logic changes between consecutive epochs? Data shuffling?
A training step is one gradient update. In one step batch_size examples are processed.
An epoch consists of one full cycle through the training data. This is usually many steps. As an example, if you have 2,000 images and use a batch size of 10 an epoch consists of:
2,000 images / (10 images / step) = 200 steps.
If you choose your training image randomly (and independently) in each step, you normally do not call it epoch. [This is where my answer differs from the previous one. Also see my comment.]
An epoch usually means one iteration over all of the training data. For instance if you have 20,000 images and a batch size of 100 then the epoch should contain 20,000 / 100 = 200 steps. However I usually just set a fixed number of steps like 1000 per epoch even though I have a much larger data set. At the end of the epoch I check the average cost and if it improved I save a checkpoint. There is no difference between steps from one epoch to another. I just treat them as checkpoints.
People often shuffle around the data set between epochs. I prefer to use the random.sample function to choose the data to process in my epochs. So say I want to do 1000 steps with a batch size of 32. I will just randomly pick 32,000 samples from the pool of training data.
As I am currently experimenting with the tf.estimator API I would like to add my dewy findings here, too. I don't know yet if the usage of steps and epochs parameters is consistent throughout TensorFlow and therefore I am just relating to tf.estimator (specifically tf.estimator.LinearRegressor) for now.
Training steps defined by num_epochs: steps not explicitly defined
estimator = tf.estimator.LinearRegressor(feature_columns=ft_cols)
train_input = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn({'x':x_train},y_train,batch_size=4,num_epochs=1,shuffle=True)
Comment: I have set num_epochs=1 for the training input and the doc entry for numpy_input_fn tells me "num_epochs: Integer, number of epochs to iterate over data. If None will run forever.". With num_epochs=1 in the above example the training runs exactly x_train.size/batch_size times/steps (in my case this was 175000 steps as x_train had a size of 700000 and batch_size was 4).
Training steps defined by num_epochs: steps explicitly defined higher than number of steps implicitly defined by num_epochs=1
estimator = tf.estimator.LinearRegressor(feature_columns=ft_cols)
train_input = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn({'x':x_train},y_train,batch_size=4,num_epochs=1,shuffle=True)
estimator.train(input_fn=train_input, steps=200000)
Comment: num_epochs=1 in my case would mean 175000 steps (x_train.size/batch_size with x_train.size=700,000 and batch_size=4) and this is exactly the number of steps estimator.train albeit the steps parameter was set to 200,000 estimator.train(input_fn=train_input, steps=200000).
Training steps defined by steps
estimator = tf.estimator.LinearRegressor(feature_columns=ft_cols)
train_input = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn({'x':x_train},y_train,batch_size=4,num_epochs=1,shuffle=True)
estimator.train(input_fn=train_input, steps=1000)
Comment: Although I have set num_epochs=1 when calling numpy_input_fnthe training stops after 1000 steps. This is because steps=1000 in estimator.train(input_fn=train_input, steps=1000) overwrites the num_epochs=1 in tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn({'x':x_train},y_train,batch_size=4,num_epochs=1,shuffle=True).
Whatever the parameters num_epochs for tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn and steps for estimator.train define, the lower bound determines the number of steps which will be run through.
In easy words
Epoch: Epoch is considered as number of one pass from entire dataset
Steps: In tensorflow one steps is considered as number of epochs multiplied by examples divided by batch size
steps = (epoch * examples)/batch size
For instance
epoch = 100, examples = 1000 and batch_size = 1000
steps = 100
Epoch: A training epoch represents a complete use of all training data for gradients calculation and optimizations(train the model).
Step: A training step means using one batch size of training data to train the model.
Number of training steps per epoch: total_number_of_training_examples / batch_size.
Total number of training steps: number_of_epochs x Number of training steps per epoch.
According to Google's Machine Learning Glossary, an epoch is defined as
"A full training pass over the entire dataset such that each example has been seen once. Thus, an epoch represents N/batch_size training iterations, where N is the total number of examples."
If you are training model for 10 epochs with batch size 6, given total 12 samples that means:
the model will be able to see whole dataset in 2 iterations ( 12 / 6 = 2) i.e. single epoch.
overall, the model will have 2 X 10 = 20 iterations (iterations-per-epoch X no-of-epochs)
re-evaluation of loss and model parameters will be performed after each iteration!
Since there’re no accepted answer yet :
By default an epoch run over all your training data. In this case you have n steps, with n = Training_lenght / batch_size.
If your training data is too big you can decide to limit the number of steps during an epoch.[]
When the number of steps reaches the limit that you’ve set the process will start over, beginning the next epoch.
When working in TF, your data is usually transformed first into a list of batches that will be fed to the model for training. At each step you process one batch.
As to whether it’s better to set 1000 steps for 1 epoch or 100 steps with 10 epochs I don’t know if there’s a straight answer.
But here are results on training a CNN with both approaches using TensorFlow timeseries data tutorials :
In this case, both approaches lead to very similar prediction, only the training profiles differ.
steps = 20 / epochs = 100
steps = 200 / epochs = 10
Divide the length of x_train by the batch size with
steps_per_epoch = x_train.shape[0] // batch_size
We split the training set into many batches. When we run the algorithm, it requires one epoch to analyze the full training set. An epoch is composed of many iterations (or batches).
Iterations: the number of batches needed to complete one Epoch.
Batch Size: The number of training samples used in one iteration.
Epoch: one full cycle through the training dataset. A cycle is composed of many iterations.
Number of Steps per Epoch = (Total Number of Training Samples) / (Batch Size)
Training Set = 2,000 images
Batch Size = 10
Number of Steps per Epoch = 2,000 / 10 = 200 steps
Hope this helps for better understanding.
