How to add a number to the date ruby - ruby-on-rails

I have method:
def date_of_next()
date = Date.parse('Monday')
delta = date > ? 0 : 7
date + delta
return date.strftime('%Y-%w-%d'), (date + 7).strftime('%Y-%w-%d')
This method specifies the date of Monday this week.
In return, I also return the date of Monday next week, but it does not display the date that needs to be
if I run this method in the .rb file then it prints everything well
but if run this method in rails controller, there is a problem with the date
As you see, there is a problem with the date of the month.
I do not understand what the problem is, help

I think you're going a little heavy on your code for a method that returns Monday this Week and Monday next week.
def beginning_of_weeks
monday =
return monday, monday + 7.days
You can, of course, add the formatting function strftime('%Y-%m-%d') inside the method, though it would be better organized somewhere else.

Maybe you mixed date format?
def date_of_next()
date = Date.parse('Monday')
delta = date > ? 0 : 7
date + delta
return date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), (date + 7).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')


How to create new Date instance only by a day

In my rails project I want to get a Date instance only by a day. Year and month are used current value.
I could write like these:
day = 3
date =, Date.current.month, day)
date = Date.current.beginning_of_month + (day - 1).days
How would you write function like this?
Is there a better implementation?
If you already have a Date object, you can do:
date.change(day: 3)
where date is a Date or DateTime object. Also you can do: 3)

.change function is not working for Dates for even number of months in ruby

Hi I have define this method
def change_date
date =
start_date = date.change(year: 2015, month: (2 * 3)).at_beginning_of_quarter
p 'aaaaaa'
p start_date
give me invalid date error .change is not working or am I doing it in a wrong way please guide me how to solve this. Thanx in advance.
This is because the month you are specifying doesn't have the current day.
I mean the current month (July) has 31 days but the month you're setting (June) has only 30 days. You can change your code like so:
# in Rails:
date = # or 1)
Then chain your 'change' in front of the date variable.
This actually happens, because today is the 31 of July, and not all months have 31 days in it, for example June, the 6th month, has only 30 days in it.

Ruby, check if date is a weekend?

I have a DailyQuote model in my rails application which has a date and price for a stock. Data in the database has been captured for this model including weekends. The weekend price values have been set as 0.
I want to change all the weekend prices for Saturday and Sunday to whatever the price was on Friday. What is the best way to do this in Ruby? To identify if a date falls on a Sat or Sun and change its value to the Fri of that weekend?
TFM shows an interesting way to identifying the day of the week:
t =
t.saturday? #=> returns a boolean value
t.sunday? #=> returns a boolean value
The simplest approach:
today =
if today.saturday? || today.sunday?
puts "Today is a weekend!"
You can also do this for any other day of the week. Ruby is fantastic and offers a lot of cool methods like this. I suggest when you get stumped take a look at what's available to the class by running .methods on it. So if you run you will see these available.
require 'date'
today =
ask_price_for = (today.wday == 6) ? today - 1 : (today.wday == 0) ? today - 2 : today
require 'date'
today =
ask_price_for = (today.saturday?) ? today - 1 : (today.sunday?) ? today - 2 : today
ask_price_for now holds a date for which you would want to ask the price for.
Getting the actual price which is corresponding to you date depends on your Model and your ORM-Library (i.e. ActiveRecord).
class Time
def is_weekend?
[0, 6, 7].include?(wday)
time =
puts "Current Time : " + time.inspect
puts time.is_weekend?
since rails v5:
rails docu { saturday? || sunday? }
Checking of weekend days (Saturday and Sunday) in the range of two dates in ruby
weekend_days = [0,6]
if (start_date.to_date..end_date.to_date) {|k| weekend_days.include?(k.wday)}.present?
# you code

Rails: Is there away to get the Date object that is the closest Monday to today?

Given a date, how do I find the nearest Monday in Rails?
I know I can do things like:
Is there something like Date.nearest :monday ?
The commercial method on the Date object will let you do this. This example will get you the next Monday.
Date.commercial(,, 1)
If you need the next or previous Monday, whichever is closest, you can do:
Date.commercial(,, 1)
I can't execute this right now, so forgive me if there are syntax errors.
It's a little bit tricky, but not so hard to calculate.
Use ActiveSupport::DateAndTimeCalculations#end_of_week to calculate end of a week, this method accepts a start_day parameter that is used to indicate start day of the week (it's :monday by default). They even have implemented sunday method.
The trick is the following: if you want to calculate closest Monday, you may calculate it as a end of the week which starts on Tuesday (Tue => 1st day, Wed => 2nd day, ..., Mon => 7th day which is also end of the week).
So all you need to do is:
# it will return current date if today is Monday and nearest Monday otherwise
I know this is an old thread but it's always nice to keep it current for future seekers.
Let's assume today is say Friday the 19th of August. All I do to get my nearest Monday is this:
monday =
Then from there you can go back a week or forward a week like this:
last_monday = monday.last_week
next_monday = monday.next_week
Assuming you want both directions: + 7*(
Untested, so you might need to finetune, but here you go:
def Date.nearest_monday
today =
wday = today.wday
if wday > 4 # over the half of the week
today + (7 - wday) # next monday
today - (1 + wday) # previous monday

Generate Time object given weekday and minutes since midnight

I'm trying to generate a Time object initialized to the next instance of a specific weekday and number of minutes past midnight.
My data (representing a schedule) looks like: weekday, start, finish. Weekday is the day of the week between 0 and 6, and start/finish are integers representing minutes past midnight on that particular weekday.
What I'd like to be able to do is get a Time object for the next time that this will be so that I can work more flexibly with the start/end times for frontend purposes.
Does anyone know how to do this? I've tinkered with Time.utc without much success.
Not sure if I'm interpreting this correctly... Is it where given a weekday, you will find the next available date that is on that weekday? For example, if today is tuesday, and your schedule is set for thursday, then the time object will be at midnight on this thursday? If that's the case, something like this should work:
day_difference = #weekday -
# If the difference is in the past, then add 7 so that it is next week.
if day_difference < 0
day_difference = day_difference + 7
next_date = + day_difference.days
start_time = next_date + #start.minutes
end_time = next_date + #finish.minutes
Where weekday is the value in your Schedule object. Once again, I'm not 100% sure what you're asking. Here start_time and end_time are time objects representing the next weekday with the corresponding amount of minutes added to them.
You can do something basic along these lines for this with something like the following:
class Schedule
attr_accessor :day_of_week, :start_minute, :finish_minute
def start(current_date =
current_date.beginning_of_week + day_of_week.days + start_minute.minutes
def finish(current_date =
current_date.beginning_of_week + day_of_week.days + finish_minute.minutes
def length
(finish_minute - start_minute).minutes
Since that's pretty rudimentary and I'm not sure exactly what you're looking to use it for, I suggest looking at some of the libraries mentioned in this post ice_cube, and business_time look like they're applicable for what you might be wanting
