Automatically open app when receive push notification for FCM (Flutter) - dart

I'm trying to make the app open automatically when it receive the push notification, i am using Firebase Cloud Messaging and i've already read here about the same problem but i don't quite understand on how to use it for flutter

It's not possible to automatically launch the app once a notification has been received from Firebase Cloud Messaging. As mentioned in the docs, payloads received while the app is in the background can only be handled when the user taps on the notification.


iOS push notification to remove delivered notification

I'm working on a app project that uses react-native and FCM Push Notification (rnfirebase 5.6.x).
I send a notification when the user receives some message and I need to remove that delivered notification if the user reads that message on another source (like our web app).
With the app open or in background, I can send another push with some userInfo to let me know what I need to remove.
Everything is working perfect... Except when the user kill the app. Then I have no control on the received notification...
I tried the use the tag prop on the notification data, but according with firebase, it is for Android only.
Any ideas on how to do that?

Firebase push notifications stop working for some users

I have an iOS and Android app which uses Firebase Cloud messaging for push notifications. And PHP for back-end (to send requests to firebase).
Some users have a problem. If they reinstall the app from scratch, they get push notifications 1-2 days. Then they just stop to receive any push notifications.
I got their firebase tokens and tried to send notifications directly from Firebase console. And they don't get it. But Firebase tells me that push successfully sent.
Checked iPhone's settings - notifications are enabled.
Can someone help me? What should I do to understand where is the problem?

How to customize firebase push notification message on IOS client

I have built push notification triggered by Firebase database change. Everything is working fine. However, I want to customize message on client side.
Is there any way to customize Firebase push notification message on the app programming?

Why I Can't send the push notification (Firebase Cloud Messaging) if composed from my own Server

we are trying to implement push notification on Android and iOS app, we are using Firebase Cloud Messaging to send push notification to our app.
actually my iOS app can connect to the Firebase Cloud Messaging, If I send the notification through firebase console notification, I can receive the notification in my app
but if the message is sent through our backend server (PHP), I will not receive the notification in my iOS app, but that message will be arrived in our Android App.
we are still trying to figure out the problem, either it is from client side or from server side. but from the backend server, it send a response error
Invalid (legacy) Server-key delivered or Sender is not authorized to
perform request.
but I also have to ensure that the problem doesn't come from my iOS app. but I also have a doubt, because in my debugging area, it show a message
FIRMessaging Remote Notifications proxy enabled, will swizzle remote
notification receiver handlers. If you'd prefer to manually integrate
Firebase Messaging, add "FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled" to your
Info.plist, and set it to NO.
in info.plist i set the value of FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled to YES
if I set this to NO as per the message from debugging area like above , then I will not receive the push notification, thats why I set that to YES.
To be honest I completely have no idea what the purpose of that FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled
what is the function FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled ?, is that the root cause of the problem on my client side app?
Try use the new api key, not the legacy one. Got the same issue, when I change the key, the push notification is received in iOS client
Make sure both iOS and Android are registered on same Firebase application. In that case, your Server key on Firebase application will be the same for both iOS and Android. I think you are using different keys.
Got my point?

Using Firebase to send and receive push notification for an iOS app

I am create a firebase based chat application for iOS. One of the features is to send push notification to the users in the same chat room (if they are offline).
I can't find a firebase function (for iOS) that can be used to send push notifications to the user.
Is it possible?
Displaying alert badges and notifications on iPhone applications is accomplished through Apple's Push Notification system. Since the application is not running on the user's phone when they receive notifications, the APN will have to be triggered from your server-side code.
You'll probably want to create a server-side module that listens for changes to your chat Firebase. When a message appears for a user that is offline, you'll have to schedule a remote notification with the APN. That latter part has nothing to do with Firebase, but has extensive documentation on Apple's developer web site.
I'm not sure if a web application can display alerts or badges. Otherwise this approach will only work if you create a native wrapper for your Firebase chat application.
