Cant load CSS with Docker installation on Superset - docker

I installed superset following these steps using Docker but when I go to http://localhost:8088/superset there is no CSS. Furthermore, every time I try to create a chart I get sent back to the main page. Like, if I hit http://localhost:8088/chart/add I get the same static interface of http://localhost:8088/superset
I am trying to install on a MacBookPro 2018.
Link to installation steps I followed
Code I used
git clone
cd incubator-superset/contrib/docker
docker-compose run --rm superset ./
docker-compose up

I installed Apache Superset, docker version and I faced the similar issue. When I logged into the superset container by running docker exec I found that webpack.js was taking time to compile source. Once done it loaded perfectly.

Sometimes it takes time to build the superset_node package, which is responsible for compiling the UI components. In order to force-build them without waiting,
docker-compose down
docker-compose build
docker-compose up


Composer Docker image won't run at all

I'm attempting to learn how to create a Laravel Docker image by following a tutorial on DigitalOcean using WSL. Following the instructions on the Docker Hub page, however, yields an error:
❯ docker run --rm --interactive --tty -v $(pwd):/app composer install
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Package operations: 94 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Installing voku/portable-ascii (1.4.10): Failed to download voku/portable-ascii from dist: Could not delete /app/vendor/voku/portable-ascii/src/voku/helper:
Now trying to download from source
- Installing voku/portable-ascii (1.4.10):
Could not delete /app/vendor/voku/portable-ascii/src/voku/helper:
install [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--dry-run] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-autoloader] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [--no-suggest] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--classmap-authoritative] [--apcu-autoloader] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--] [<packages>]...
How can I diagnose what I'm doing wrong?
It turns out that the underlying problem had nothing to do with Docker at all. In fact, Composer was trying to tell me what the problem was all along, but I dismissed it as just a symptom of a deeper issue:
Could not delete /app/vendor/voku/portable-ascii/src/voku/helper:
This message was the crux of it all. I noticed that the directory mentioned, [...]/helper, was empty, so I tried to remove it by hand with rmdir. Instead, I got a No such file or directory error message. I attempted many other was to kill this directory, the entire project directory with rm -rf ~/laravel-app from the home folder, etc. Nothing worked.
Some digging around on the internet suggested that it could be an NTFS corruption if I was running into this issue on Windows. Since I am, indeed, attempting this on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), I gave their suggested fix a try: running chkdsk /F in CMD/PowerShell. A reboot was necessary to complete this task, but after getting everything back up and trying those first few tutorial steps again, I was able to get composer to install the Laravel dependencies without a hitch.
Bottom line: If you run into this sort of issue on WSL, please try running chkdsk /F and reboot. You might just have a similar file system corruption.
We have two possibilities for this error:
1 - You did not execute the command inside the directory :
cd ~/laravel-app
2 - I'm sure there is an internal proxy that is blocking the download of packages.

Deploying cgal docker

I'm trying to deploy the official CGAL docker. From reading the README I understand that after downloading the specific image (e.g I want to open a docker with ubuntu16+CGAL and all of it's dependencies) using the following command:
docker pull cgal/testsuite-docker:ubuntu # get a specific image by replacing TAG with some tag
I need to install the cgal library itself using the
./ --user **** --passwd **** --images cgal-testsuite/ubuntu
The thing is that eventually I want to start the docker with an interactive shell, i.e
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/source somedocker
And I couldn't understand where is the generated image, after the CGAL installation script.
Those images are not for running CGAL. They are only images we use to define an environment for our testsuite, and run tests in it, including compiling CGAL. will download the integration branch, which is rarely working as it is the branch in which we merge our PR to test them nightly. Don't use this to get a working CGAL. To my knowledge, there is no such image as the one you are looking for. No official one anyways.
Furthermore, installing cgal at runtime in this image will not modify the image, once you close the container your installation will be lost. You need to specify how to install CGA in the Dockerfile of your image and
then build it if you want a "ready to use" image.
You can use the dockerfile of the image you found to write your own, as there should be all the dependencies specified in it, but you need to edit it to download CGAL and maybe build it if you don't want the header-only version. This is not done in or anywhere in this docker repository.

Apache PredictionIO - Docker run failed

I have been trying this tutorial. I have successfully built Docker image however when I try to run docker run i get the Can't open /etc/predictionio/ error.
docker build -t predictionio/pio pio
docker run -ti predictionio/pio
PS: If I comment out the last line CMD ["sh", "/usr/bin/pio_run"] I can build and run docker image successfully. I can open the file too from docker bash.
I think you need to grant permissions to execute this file. add the following line at the end of your Dockerfile
RUN chmod +x
also, you might need to change CMD to ENTRYPOINT like following:
ENTRYPOINT ["sh","/usr/bin/"]
Your output states you are running Windows. Did you use the default command prompt or did you use docker terminal? I had the same error messages in the past on Windows but mysteriously it disappeared after trying the tutorial again. I am not sure what I did different except I might possibly used docker instead of the default command prompt...
Could you also try using docker-compose instead of plain docker commands as described in the tutorial?
Ensure your storage (Postgres, MySQL or ElasticSearch) is running before starting PIO as well.
Just resolved it on my machine.
When you cloned repository on Windows, git converted end of line symbols from Unix-style (\n) to Windows style (\r\n).
You need to open file C:\wherever-you-cloned-pio-repository\predictionio\docker\pio\pio_run and change it back (for e.g. using Visual Studio Code, or Notepad++). Then you need to rebuild the image and it should work.
Also for the future you may want to disable automatic conversion Disable git EOL Conversions

Need to know how to use Groovy to automate a Docker build & runtime

I have a task to containerize a Spring & React web-app so that non-technical staff can make use of the container to demo the app to clients. Currently we develop on OSX & deploy to Tomcat on AWS managed by a 3rd party firm, and the non-technical staff use Windows laptops for their stuff.
So far I have bash scripts in OSX which will create a Packager container that has a Java 8 SDK & maven installed, & which will compile the app into a war file. A second script creates and initializes a mongodb container & gives it a name, and the third script creates a Tomcat/Java 8 container, loads the war file into it, links it to the mongodb container & sets it running. In bash on OSX this works fine, but I found it didn't work if I tried it in cygwin on Windows 10, and my CMD/Powershell-fu is too weak to script it in a Windows native fashion.
So, I'm trying to do the script in something that'll run on both OSX, an AWS linux server & Windows 10, & being a Java developer myself I thought of Groovy. This is my first time scripting Docker using Groovy so I've ended up resorting to structures like:
println "docker build -f Dockerfile.packager -t mycontainer .".execute().text
I wonder if Docker has a Java or Groovy API that I could plug into & do things like:"Dockerfile.packager").tag("mycontainer")
Currently my script is determining the location of the project root & building up the Docker run command as a string, like:
File emToo = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")+"/.m2")
String currentDirectory = new File(".").getCanonicalPath()
String projectRoot = new File(currentDirectory+"/../").getCanonicalPath()
I get an option string from the user via a command line prompt, "Do you want QA or Dev?" & then:
String dockerRunCmd = "docker run -it -v $projectRoot/:/usr/local/build/myproject:cached -v ${emToo.getCanonicalPath()}:/root/.m2:cached mycontainer $option"
println dockerRunCmd.execute().text
Currently it doesn't seem to do anything after asking for the option - it's kinda bombing out. I get the run command output to screen, & if I copy/paste that into a command line in the scripts directory it falls over saying that the parent pom can't be found. Remember though that if I run the OSX bash script to do this, it works just fine. The bash script is basically:
#! /usr/bin/env bash
docker run -it -v $CWD/../:/usr/local/build/myproject:cached -v ~/.m2:/root/.m2:cached --rm mycontainer $options
...which I think amounts to the same thing, right? Where's it going wrong?
UPDATE: I've found a bug - I should have been setting emToo to
new File(System.getProperty("user.home")+"/.m2"). user.dir just picks up the current directory, & the maven .m2 directory is in the user's home, usually. Currently though, the script gives me a run command that works if I cut/paste into a command line, but which doesn't allow me to call .execute() on the string in Groovy. If I can get that to work, there'll be no need for the docker-client projects suggested.
There are different ways to communicate with docker from groovy or java (sdk's are listed there
Groovy (
Java (
Many others can be also found on github.
But as I see you are using maven so probably it will be easier for you to use awesome docker maven plugin ( which can build, push images, run containers etc.

Docker run hello-world not working

I've installed Docker following exactly the documentation on the website but when I try to run docker run hello-world, I get the following output from the terminal:
Saved file tree to doc-filelist.js
Copied JS to doc-script.js
Compiled CSS to doc-style.css
Does anybody have an idea what is going wrong?
Is it possible that you have docker.js installed locally?
The output from your command looks like the docker.js docker executable is called instead of the Docker container one.
The log messages that you showed can be found in the docker.js documentation, it looks like you're running that instead of the one you want.
If this is the issue run npm uninstall -g docker
I was experiencing the same issue, and it turned out to be caused by running nvm (node version manager). When I used nvm to run Node, Docker was not recognized. However, when I removed nvm, Docker worked as expected. I'm sure there's a workaround to make nvm and Docker work together, and I'll look into that later so I can continue using both tools.
