Slack slash command results in different encoding coming from iOS app or MacOS App - ios

We have a Slash command integration and discovered that the text passed to the slash command is encoded differently if it comes from the (iOS) mobile app compared to the Desktop app.
For the command "/whereis #xsd" on the MacOS Desktop app, the text element in the body is encoded as: text=%3C%23C02MKG1LH%7Cxsd%3E
For the command "/whereis #xsd" on the iOS app the text element in the body is encoded as: text=%26lt%3B%23C02MKG1LH%7Cxsd%26gt%3B
The iOS app is incorrect.
Did anyone else experience this? Any solutions?
(I have posted this question to Slack, they confirmed the behavior a while back but no solution from them so far).

This is not a bug. Both are valid HTML encodings. You can verify this by decoding them on this website.
The difference is that the string from IOS also includes an encoding of HTML special characters (like <) but the desktop string does not. To address this your app has to first do a URL decoding of the input string and then decode special HTML chars.
The results are:
Desktop: <#C02MKG1LH|xsd>
IOS: <#C02MKG1LH|xsd>
Here is a sample code that will decode both strings correctly in PHP:
function decodeInputString($input)
return htmlspecialchars_decode(urldecode($input));
$desktop = "%3C%23C02MKG1LH%7Cxsd%3E";
$ios = "%26lt%3B%23C02MKG1LH%7Cxsd%26gt%3B";
$desktop_plain = decodeInputString($desktop);
$ios_plain = decodeInputString($ios);


Ruby How to convert back binary string from smsc

my app work with SMSC, and i need to get involve in sms before it send,
i try to send from the mobile that string
"hello this is test"
And when I check the smsc I got this as binary string of my text:
userData = "c8329bfd06d1d1e939283d07d1cb733a"
the encoding of this string is:
I know that probably this userData is in GSM encoding in binary-string
so how can i get from userData back the clear text string ?
this question is for english lang, because in Hebrew I can get back the
string with this code:
but in english i got error:
Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError: "\xDA\xF3" followed by "u" on UTF-16BE
What I was try is to detect the binary string with ICU, and I got:
"ISO-8859-1" and the language that detected is: 'PT', that very strange cause my languages is English or Hebrew.
anyway i got lost with encoding stuff, so i try to encode to each name of list from Encoding.list
but without luck until now
thanks in advance
For who that also have this issue, i got the solution, thanks to someone from #ruby irc community (i missed his nickname)
The solution is:
for ascii chars that interpolate to binary:
You need that:
"c8329bfd06d1d1e939283d07d1cb733a".scan(/../) { |h| h.to_i(16) }.pack('C*').unpack('B*')[0][2..-1].scan(/.{7}/).map.with_object("") { |x, s| s << x.to_i(2) }.reverse
Remember I sent this words in sms:
"hello this is test"
And that it has become in binary to:
The reason that i got garbage in any encoding is, because the ascii chars is 7bits GSM, so only first 7bits represents the data but each another encoding uses at least 8bits, so that what the code actually do.
But this is just for ascii char set.
In another language like I use Hebrew, the SMS send as ucs2
So this code work for me:
Very important to put the binary string in array
So that all for now.
If anybody want to translate and explain what exactly happen in the code for ascii char set, be my guest and welcome.

SSRS Goto URL decoding and encoding

I am facing problem when passing value for url through data field.
I am passing value in goto url like this
="javascript:void('file:" &Fields!url.Value &"','_blank'))"
url value = /servername/foldername/FormuláriodeCalibração.xls
After report deployed and opened in internet explorer and clicked on the url. It is changing the url like this
because of which I am unable to open the file.
Please help me in this.
Finally we come up with a solution of replacing non ASCII characters of Portuguese with HTML ASCII Codes.
For e.g. this is the actual file name of the attachment
We replaced the Portuguese characters with HTML ASCII Codes.
After these changes the above modified URL is passed in the place of actual URL and when it hits the server it was decoded properly and worked as expected.

NSString: dealing with UTF8-based API

Which characterset is the default characterset for NSString, when i get typed content from a UITextField?
I developed an app, which sends such NSStrings to a UTF8-based REST-API. At the backend, there is an utf8 based MySQL-Database and also utf8-based varchar-fields.
My POST-Request sends string data from the iOS App to the server. And with a GET-Request i receive those strings from the REST API.
Within the App, everything is printed fine. Special UTF-8-Characters like ÄÖÜ are showed correctly after sending them to the server and after receive them back.
But when i enter the mysql-console of the server of the REST API, and do a SELECT-Command at these data, there are broken characters visible.
What could be the root cause? In which characterset does Apple use a NSString?
It sounds like it is a server issue. Check that the version you are using supports UTF-8, older versions do not. See : How to support full Unicode in MySQL database
MySQL’s utf8 encoding is different from proper UTF-8 encoding. It doesn’t offer full Unicode support.
MySQL 5.5.3 (released in early 2010) introduced a new encoding called utf8mb4 which maps to proper UTF-8 and thus fully supports Unicode.
NSString has in internal representation that is essentially opaque.
The UITextField method text returns an NSString.
When you want data from a string use to send to a server use - (NSData *)dataUsingEncoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding and specify the encoding such as NSUTF8StringEncoding.
NSData *textFieldUTF8Data = [textFieldInstance.text dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
If, by "mysql console", you are referring to the DOS-like window in Windows, then you need:
The command "chcp" controls the "code page". chcp 65001 provides utf8, but it needs a special charset installed, too. some code pages
To set the font in the console window: Right-click on the title of the window → Properties → Font → pick Lucida Console
Also, tell the 'console' that your bytes are UTF8 by doing SET NAMES utf8mb4.

BlackBerry webworks native dialog unicode

I have been searching for an answer all around the web, but couldn't find anything.
I am developing Blackberry Webworks application and the problem is with dialog and unicode. For example:
when I use simple javascript alert(unicodeMsg); unicode works fine, I can use any character including Russian or Lithuanian. The problem is that the alert box has title "JavaScript Alert" and it annoys a bit.
when I use native alert either phonegap or webworks like:
blackberry.ui.dialog.D_OK, {
title : unicodeTitle,
size: blackberry.ui.dialog.SIZE_MEDIUM,
position : blackberry.ui.dialog.CENTER
it doesn't show any unicode characters. I tried pretty much everything (setting my document in utf-8, using \uxxxx characters, changing meta tags from utf-8 to windows-1257 but nothing works)
I suppose the problem is not with html or js documents neither with the script. Can someone help me?
You need to encode the unicode characters like so text: unescape(encodeURIComponent(unicodeStr)) .
There is an example here -

XML Parsing with parseFromString with portuguese characters

I have a Blackberry app developed using PhoneGap. I am using suds client to call web service. There are some Portuguese character in the webservice XML. I am not able to parse to XMLDoc using the DOMParser.
I am using
xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(_xml, "text/xml");
The encoding type is UTF-8. Without the Portuguese character, parsing is working perfectly.
"I am using is UTF-8 encoding type." - this can mean several things, so it is unclear what exactly you do in order to support UTF-8 end-to-end.
E.g. you should check:
your web service really sends data in UTF-8 (when it converts string chars into bytes to be sent into output stream it should use UTF-8)
the device code that reads data from web really uses UTF-8 to convert bytes to string _xml
P.S. I'm not familiar with phonegap API so this is just a general plan.
