Kentico (v10) Scrolling news widget - change US > UK date format - date-format

I'm using Kentico CMS v10, and the Scrolling News widget (for Corporate Site). The underlying news articles display with the date in UK format, as per our site culture and user culture, but the "Scrolling News" widget always displays in US date format.
I am guessing I just haven't found the correct place to configure the Culture/TimeZone for this widget... but I cannot find anywhere to do so!
Any ideas gratefully received.

Firstly I would advise to NOT use the default sample elements (if they ever get updated or removed by official upgrade or hotfix it might break your site). I suggest you make a clone of the widget and create your own custom transformation.
Apart from the above in the sample it uses transformation "CorporateSite.Transformations.NewsHome"
which you can locate in the page type application:
here you can update it to a format you please.


Custom Report Printing in Oracle Apex

What is the best way to create a Custom Report Template to print in Oracle Apex ? I saw some posts that've already been answered, but since they were Apex 5.1, I was wondering if these were still up to date, or if there are easier way no (I am using Apex v21.1). Also, the "Printing" attribute in the Reports does not give me the possiblities to do these specific things :
I would like the users to print an Interactive Report, which will display the logo of the company, the export date, and the data obviously. Is it possible to set custom margin so the list take more space on the page, and to set a custom size for the column, in case I have a column with a long text in it ?
Thanks in advance,
Welcome to one of the weakest points of Oracle APEX, printing.
Honestly, the best option is Apex Office Print(AOP), but they are a paid plugin.
They enable lots of different printing, quite easy to grasp, and I am quite satisfied with them.
Other options I have seen are:
Make an excel sheet from within the database and you can generate that dynamically(you can also expand fields, colour them, probably can also put an image in there but I havent tried that).
I once decided to torture myself and I tried printing through HTML, as in I created an HTML document with the data I wanted(I made an invoice), but that has many problems, chief among them being page breaks.
Another option that was recommended to me, but that I have not yet tried was setting up an Apache FOP, having the Oracle database generate an XML, send it there and get back a nice looking pdf(
I hope you get something working, and if you try this Apache FOP approach please let me know how it goes.

Printing a ticket in xpages

In a xpages application I need to mount a label with a certain layout, analogous to the layout of a ticket. Searching, I have verified that the most used practice is to use openoffice to design the odt model and in java to use bilbiotec to JOD Reports. Do you advise to follow this line yourself, or do you have any suggestions?
I would concur with Marcus. The way forward is PDF output. There are a couple of ways to do this, depending on your constraints.
When user must design every aspect of the ticket using openoffice is a suitable approach, however you need a headless openoffice install for the rendering
If everything can be code, then PDFBox is a good way to go. Wrap your code into a managed bean
The middle path would be XSL:FO and Apache FOP. It allows alteration of the layout by providing a different style sheet. I wrote an article series outlining that approach.
Let us know what works for you!
There is also the POI4XPages plugin. You could design your form with Word and then use placeholders to populate the document and output as a pdf.
Download the latest version (1.4) at
I was able to solve my problem, because I discovered that here in the company there is the abcpdf software. Through a web service that uses the APis of this software, I pass the html code of the ticket and the web service returns the pdf document in an array of bytes. I created a managed javabean to consume the web service and display the pdf in the browser.
Thanks to all who have contributed in some way with suggestions.

Create valid SCORM content

As I am trying to develop an easy SCORM editor, which creates some SCORM content( like quizzes).
I read the four books provided by ADL, but still wasn't able to understand which are the conformance requirements or the rules which I have to take care, when I
try to save the content from my editor as SCORM, therefor this content to be a SCORM valid content.
Is there any good description out there, which specifies exactly, how does in detail a structure looks like, which requirements are to fulfill and so on, to be the content Valid?
Manual I did it, using LMS which supports SCORM content, and check if it works, but this is not what I am looking for?
ADL has a page for SCORM 1.2. ... On that SCORM 1.2 page there's also downloads of starter templates, content examples, and user guides for ISDs and content developers.
At the bottom of the page, there's a link to download the SCORM 1.2 documentation. One of the pdfs in that download is the SCORM 1.2 Conformance Requirements. I think that's what you're looking for.
For valid content, you'll need to follow the packaging rules described in the CAM book. Basically, how to zip up all the content and describe it with the manifest.xml file.
When making SCOs (a single page or lesson - generally HTML) you can refer to the RunTime Environment book for information about how a SCO communicates with the LMS, the API and the data you can get and set from the LMS.
In SCORM 1.2 much of the spec was optional. This means the LMS may not support all of the features. So if you divide and conquer you don't have to take on the whole thing at once.
Valid SCORM will look up the LMS Runtime API which is literally called 'API'. This exists in, window and other locations so you need a algorithm to find it. Your content may be launched in a IFRAME, new window, tab etc ...
Next you'll begin to interact with the Runtime, Initalizing, setting values, commiting and Terminating.
SCORM 1.2 had all the lesson status merged so your either passed, failed, completed or incomplete. You'll need to determine which of those is more important to you. Mainly you'll be interacting with name spaces within the CMI object the specification mentions.
But mainly you'll possibly want to set a score, a location, suspend if you want to allow the student to resume etc ...
You may do single pages, or have a frame or ajax load of external HTML/JS to act as navigation. SCORM doesn't really supply the basis of the presentation layer, so you are left to invent that. Could be Flash, Unity or the previously mentioned tech.
You can take what you will from my open source project which rolls back to SCORM 1.2. Also have more info on the Wiki there.

Multilanguage website in umbraco and content publish dates

I have a multilanguage website in umbraco (developed according to this article). My problem is that the english version content was copied to the 'en' node some time after the content in original language was created. The problem is however, that now all news in english have the same date, which is not the equivalent of the original news date. Now my question is: is it possible for the english content (especialy news nodes) to have the same publish/create dates as they are on the original language site and not the date on which they were copied?
Basically you want to do a mass update on the publish dates. There are two packages that I've used that would help you to do this.
First CMSImport (
Set up a file that contains the new date and something unique about each post and you can use it to do a mass update of the dates.
Secondly Content Maintenance Dashboard (
Which is newer and should allow you to easily check how the changes have been processed.
The free version of both packages should sort you out.

translate to multiple languages

I would like to get translation from one ( best - automatically detected) language to 4 different using google-translate. My idea is to wrote a html document which contain 4 frames - in one of them I can find text form and button. After click on it, Internet browser will send demand to google translate and show results in 4 frames.
If you want a self service, hosted service that does translations and content management for you check out Localize.js
This is going to be terribly translated. As someone that speaks English well, Russian poorly, and Spanish even more poorly, I can detect that these auto-translations never come out right.
My recommendation is to serve your page through a basic system that will allow you to respond to submitted form values. Pass in &LANG=two country iso code and then have your backend serve up the correct data.
Have someone that speaks both languages prepare the content for you. Then, whenever you are serving these pages, you can also conditionally adjust CSS to account for differences in format which come from difference in language length.
If you don't have those capabilities available, make 5 pages. One in English and the other 4 in the other languages. You will seriously seem retarded to anyone that speaks those languages well if you use an auto-translate. I think this is a bad idea for any kind of professional page, even if you can work out the technical issues.
-Brian J. Stinar-
Google has an API to its translate tool that will enable you to send it some text and receive back that text translated into any language you choose.
edit: This is now a paid service
