ECS Application sourcebundle validation error: We expected a VALUE token but got: START_ARRAY - ruby-on-rails

I'm making an multi-container docker build on Elastic Beanstalk and whenever I run eb deploy
I get the error ECS Application sourcebundle validation error: We expected a VALUE token but got: START_ARRAY
I think it might be something wrong with my, but I can't seem to figure out what it is.
Here's my
"AWSEBDockerrunVersion": 2,
"containerDefinitions": [
"environment": [
"value": "elasticsearch:9200"
"essential": true,
"image": "",
"memory": 128,
"links": [
"mountPoints": [
"containerPath": "/usr/src/app",
"sourceVolume": "."
"name": "app",
"portMappings": [
"containerPort": 3000,
"hostPort": 80
"memory": 128,
"essential": true,
"image": "postgres:10.3-alpine",
"mountPoints": [
"containerPath": "/var/lib/postgresql/data",
"sourceVolume": "Db"
"name": "db",
"portMappings": [
"containerPort": 5432,
"hostPort": 5432
"memory": 128,
"essential": true,
"image": "",
"mountPoints": [
"containerPath": "/usr/share/elasticsearch/data",
"sourceVolume": "Esdata1"
"name": "elasticsearch"
"volumes": [
"host": {
"sourcePath": "esdata1"
"name": "Esdata1"
"host": {
"sourcePath": "db"
"name": "Db"
"host": {
"sourcePath": "."
"name": "_"
Which is weird because when I ran this JSON schema linter on it, it seemed to do fine.
The project also works when I run it with eb local run. It seems to only break when I'm deploying it to Elastic Beanstalk.

Hey guys after reading the docs of eb deploy I discovered the problem.
Although I fixed the file, it doesn't reflect on eb deploy until I make a new git commit.
So I just ran git add . and git commit and then ran git push for good measure.
After that when I ran eb deploy it used my new and my problems were resolved.


Rabbitmq in Kubernetes: Command not found

Trying to start up rabbitmq in K8s while attaching a configmap gives me the following error:
/usr/local/bin/ line 367: rabbitmq-plugins: command not found
/usr/local/bin/ line 405: exec: rabbitmq-server: not found
Exactly the same setup is working fine with docker-compose, so I am a bit lost. Using rabbitmq:3.8.3
Here is a snippet from my deployment:
"template": {
"metadata": {
"creationTimestamp": null,
"labels": {
"app": "rabbitmq"
"spec": {
"volumes": [
"name": "rabbitmq-configuration",
"configMap": {
"name": "rabbitmq-configuration",
"defaultMode": 420
"containers": [
"name": "rabbitmq",
"image": "rabbitmq:3.8.3",
"ports": [
"containerPort": 5672,
"protocol": "TCP"
"env": [
"value": "guest"
"value": "guest"
"value": "/opt/enabled_plugins"
"resources": {},
"volumeMounts": [
"name": "rabbitmq-configuration",
"mountPath": "/opt/"
"terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
"terminationMessagePolicy": "File",
"imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent"
"restartPolicy": "Always",
"terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30,
"dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
"securityContext": {},
"schedulerName": "default-scheduler"
And here is the configuration:
"kind": "ConfigMap",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "rabbitmq-configuration",
"namespace": "e360",
"selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/configmaps/rabbitmq-configuration",
"uid": "28071976-98f6-11ea-86b2-0244a03303e1",
"resourceVersion": "1034540",
"creationTimestamp": "2020-05-18T10:55:58Z"
"data": {
"enabled_plugins": "[rabbitmq_management].\n"
That's because you're monting a volume in /opt, which is the rabbitmq home path.
So, the entrypoint script cannot find any of the rabbitmq binaries.
You can see the rabbitmq Dockerfile here

How to access my prometheus dashboard which are running in aws multiContainer docker?

I have running prometheus and grafana images on aws docker which are running in respective>9090/tcp &>3000/tcp ports in docker but i don't know how to access this prometheus and grafana dashboard using endpoints. I tried to access using (MachineIP:9090) but it's not accessible. Can anyone have idea about that?
"AWSEBDockerrunVersion": 2,
"volumes": [
"name": "php-app",
"host": {
"sourcePath": "/var/app/current/php-app"
"name": "nginx-proxy-conf",
"host": {
"sourcePath": "/var/app/current/proxy/conf.d"
"containerDefinitions": [
"name": "php-app",
"image": "php:fpm",
"essential": true,
"memory": 128,
"mountPoints": [
"sourceVolume": "php-app",
"containerPath": "/var/www/html",
"readOnly": true
"sourceVolume": "awseb-logs-php-app",
"containerPath": "/var/log/sample-app"
"name": "nginx-proxy",
"image": "nginx",
"essential": true,
"memory": 128,
"portMappings": [
"hostPort": 80,
"containerPort": 80
"links": [
"mountPoints": [
"sourceVolume": "php-app",
"containerPath": "/var/www/html",
"readOnly": true
"sourceVolume": "awseb-logs-nginx-proxy",
"containerPath": "/var/log/nginx"
"sourceVolume": "nginx-proxy-conf",
"containerPath": "/etc/nginx/conf.d",
"readOnly": true
You need do a port mapping between the elastic beans talk load balancer and your docker instance.
Also make sure to allow port 80 and 9090 in the security group

.Net Core 3.0 With AWS ECS(docker run -m)
docker run -m
How do I write to the AWS ECS Task File?
Normally such question is strongly discouraged, you should show what you have done and what the problem you are facing. but here is a step.
Better to push your image to ECR
Specify an image ARN in the task definition
Create service from the task definition
"containerDefinitions": [
"entryPoint": [
"essential": true,
"logConfiguration": {
"logDriver": "awslogs",
"options": {
"awslogs-group" : "/ecs/fargate-task-definition",
"awslogs-region": "us-east-1",
"awslogs-stream-prefix": "ecs"
"name": "sample-fargate-app",
"portMappings": [
"containerPort": 80,
"hostPort": 80,
"protocol": "tcp"
"cpu": "256",
"executionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::012345678910:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole",
"family": "fargate-task-definition",
"memory": "512",
"networkMode": "awsvpc",
"requiresCompatibilities": [

How to directly mount external NFS share/volume in kubernetes(1.10.3)

I am using kubernetes : v1.10.3 , i have one external NFS server which i am able to mount anywhere ( any physical machines). I want to mount this NFS directly to pod/container . I tried but every time i am getting error. don't want to use privileges, kindly help me to fix.
ERROR: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "nfs" : mount failed: exit
status 32 Mounting command: systemd-run Mounting arguments:
--description=Kubernetes transient mount for /var/lib/kubelet/pods/d65eb963-68be-11e8-8181-00163eeb9788/volumes/
--scope -- mount -t nfs /var/lib/kubelet/pods/d65eb963-68be-11e8-8181-00163eeb9788/volumes/
Output: Running scope as unit run-43393.scope. mount: wrong fs type,
bad option, bad superblock on, missing
codepage or helper program, or other error (for several filesystems
(e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount. helper program)
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so.
NFS server : mount -t nfs 10.X.X.137:/stagingfs/alt /alt
I added two things for volume here but getting error every time.
first :
"volumeMounts": [
"name": "nfs",
"mountPath": "/alt"
Second :
"volumes": [
"name": "nfs",
"nfs": {
"server": "10.X.X.137",
"path": "/stagingfs/alt/"
---------------------complete yaml --------------------------------
"kind": "Deployment",
"apiVersion": "extensions/v1beta1",
"metadata": {
"name": "jboss",
"namespace": "staging",
"selfLink": "/apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/staging/deployments/jboss",
"uid": "6a85e235-68b4-11e8-8181-00163eeb9788",
"resourceVersion": "609891",
"generation": 2,
"creationTimestamp": "2018-06-05T11:34:32Z",
"labels": {
"k8s-app": "jboss"
"annotations": {
"": "2"
"spec": {
"replicas": 1,
"selector": {
"matchLabels": {
"k8s-app": "jboss"
"template": {
"metadata": {
"name": "jboss",
"creationTimestamp": null,
"labels": {
"k8s-app": "jboss"
"spec": {
"volumes": [
"name": "nfs",
"nfs": {
"server": "10.X.X.137",
"path": "/stagingfs/alt/"
"containers": [
"name": "jboss",
"image": "",
"resources": {},
"volumeMounts": [
"name": "nfs",
"mountPath": "/alt"
"terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
"terminationMessagePolicy": "File",
"imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
"securityContext": {
"privileged": true
"restartPolicy": "Always",
"terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30,
"dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
"securityContext": {},
"schedulerName": "default-scheduler"
"strategy": {
"type": "RollingUpdate",
"rollingUpdate": {
"maxUnavailable": "25%",
"maxSurge": "25%"
"revisionHistoryLimit": 10,
"progressDeadlineSeconds": 600
"status": {
"observedGeneration": 2,
"replicas": 1,
"updatedReplicas": 1,
"readyReplicas": 1,
"availableReplicas": 1,
"conditions": [
"type": "Available",
"status": "True",
"lastUpdateTime": "2018-06-05T11:35:45Z",
"lastTransitionTime": "2018-06-05T11:35:45Z",
"reason": "MinimumReplicasAvailable",
"message": "Deployment has minimum availability."
"type": "Progressing",
"status": "True",
"lastUpdateTime": "2018-06-05T11:35:46Z",
"lastTransitionTime": "2018-06-05T11:34:32Z",
"reason": "NewReplicaSetAvailable",
"message": "ReplicaSet \"jboss-8674444985\" has successfully progressed."
Anupam Narayan
As stated in the error log:
for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount. helper program
According to this question, you might be missing the nfs-commons package which you can install using sudo apt install nfs-common

Kubernetes pod not binding volumes to container

I've got the following ReplicationController JSON defined:
"id": "PHPController",
"kind": "ReplicationController",
"apiVersion": "v1beta1",
"desiredState": {
"replicas": 2,
"replicaSelector": {"name": "php"},
"podTemplate": {
"desiredState": {
"manifest": {
"version": "v1beta1",
"id": "PHPController",
"volumes": [{ "name": "wordpress", "path": "/mnt/nfs/wordpress_a", "hostDir": "/mnt/nfs/wordpress_a"}],
"containers": [{
"name": "php",
"image": "internaluser/php53",
"ports": [{"containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 9021}],
"volumeMounts": [{"name": "wordpress", "mountPath": "/mnt/nfs/wordpress_a"}]
"labels": {"name": "php"}
"labels": {"name": "php"}
The container starts correctly when run with "docker run -t -i -p -v /mnt/nfs/wordpress_a:/mnt/nfs/wordpress_a:rw internaluser/php53".
/mnt/nfs/wordpress_a is an NFS share, mounted on all of the minions. Each minion has full RW access and I have verified that the share is present.
After creating the pod containers with the Replication Controller, I can see that the volume was never actually bound, and/or incorrectly mounted:
"Volumes": {
"/mnt/nfs/wordpress_a": "/var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/8b5dc8477958f5c1b894e68ab9412b41e81a34ef16dac81f0f9d4884352a90b7"
"VolumesRW": {
"/mnt/nfs/wordpress_a": true
"HostConfig": {
"Binds": null,
"ContainerIDFile": "",
"LxcConf": null,
"Privileged": false,
"PortBindings": {
"80/tcp": [
"HostIp": "",
"HostPort": "9021"
I find it strange that the container believes /mnt/nfs/wordpress_a is mapped to "/var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/8b5dc8477958f5c1b894e68ab9412b41e81a34ef16dac81f0f9d4884352a90b7".
From the kubelet log:
Desired []: [{Namespace:etcd Name:c823da9e-4437-11e4-a3b1-0050568421eb Manifest:{Version:v1beta1 ID:c823da9e-4437-11e4-a3b1-0050568421eb UUID:c823da9e-4437-11e4-a3b1-0050568421eb Volumes:[{Name:wordpress Source:}] Containers:[{Name:php Image:internaluser/php53 Command:[] WorkingDir: Ports:[{Name: HostPort:9021 ContainerPort:80 Protocol:TCP HostIP:}] Env:[{Name:SERVICE_HOST Value:}] Memory:0 CPU:0 VolumeMounts:[{Name:wordpress ReadOnly:false MountPath:/mnt/nfs/wordpress_a}] LivenessProbe: Lifecycle: Privileged:false}] RestartPolicy:{Always:0xa99a20 OnFailure: Never:}}}]
Does anyone have experience with this sort of thing? I've been driving myself crazy troubleshooting this. Thanks!
Solved. The volumes syntax was incorrect.
