Lauchscreen.storyboard landscape splashscreen - ios

I am using lauchscreen.storyboard for splashscreen in my iOS application. I have added splashscreen image in the storyboard. When app is lauchning, portrait splashscreen is coming correctly. But, when opening app in landscape mode, blue color appears in both right and left side of the splashscreen.
I tried setting different splashscreen image by adding variation. But, this storyboard takes any one portrait or landscape image only.
Let me know how to set two images in storyboard, one for portrait and one for landscape or the best practice to set splashscreen for both portrait and landscape orientation. I couldn't find any solution for this in the web though it seems to be a simple problem.

Setting the same launch image for both orientations:
Add an image to your LaunchScreen.storyboard's main controller's view and constraint all edges to superview (not safe Area)
Note: to change a constraint that is referencing SafeArea you can double click it on the inspector and change the respective item. Here are some screenshots for reference
Set the image's content mode to something that scales appropriately (scale to fill or aspect fill for example)
The setup should look like this (you can enable the previews on the right by clicking the assistance editor and switch from Automatic to Preview):
Setting different launch image depending on orientation:
Click on the + button next to your image
Add a customization for regular width & compact height
Your setup should look like this:
Update: What about the iPad?
Unfortunately, it seems that (at least up to Xcode10.1) is not possible to customize your launchscreen the same way for iPad, for a couple of reasons. The main one is that iPads are Regular x Regular for both portrait & landscape. The other reason is that you cannot use custom classes in your LaunchScreen.storyboard. Because if you could, you could subclass UIImageView and override the traitCollection with something like this (essentially would be treating the iPad as an iPhone sizeclass-wise):
override public var traitCollection: UITraitCollection {
if UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad && UIDevice.current.orientation.isPortrait {
return UITraitCollection(traitsFrom:[UITraitCollection(horizontalSizeClass: .compact), UITraitCollection(verticalSizeClass: .regular)])
return super.traitCollection
By the way, you can still use code like the above in the rest of the application for your windows/views if you want to solve similar problems.
I know that this is not what you were looking for in the answer, but I am afraid that (for now), you'll have to use static images in your Assets for handling iPad.

By default use portrait, Add variation to your image for landscape version with these selections.
Update your landscape picture here.
personally, I also recommend you to use AutoLayouts.
Run the app.
Example - Results -

how to set two images in storyboard?
iOS has sizeClass for almost anything you can see. You can choose image, color, etc for any situation you need based on size of the main window of your application (Not only orientation of the device)
It's more convenient. Because maybe the device is in landscape mode but it's in split screen of iPad 🤷🏻‍♂️. So let OS decides what is best match for the size situation.
- Size Classes in interface builder
- Working example:

Make use of Vary for traits as shown ion screenshots. I have tried this and has worked for me.


Universal app : LaunchScreen not respecting interface builder constraint when launching in landscape

I have some troubles with the LaunchScreen.storyboard.
My app is a Universal App, default orientation is portrait but landscape is also allowed.
My LaunchScreen is very simple.
A UILabel with 2 constraints :
Align leading to Safe Area (with constant = 30)
Top space to Safe Area (with constant = 30)
When I check my LaunchScreen inside XCode with simulated traits (iPhone XR, iPad, Landscape, Portrait…) everything looks fine.
When I launch the app in portrait orientation everything looks fine.
Then I turn the simulator (or real device) to landscape and re-run the app.
This time the UILabel doesn't respect it's constraints. The label is touching the black notch and the top space seems twice the defined size.
Do you have the same problem ? How can I fix it ?
Apple describes this in their documentation as follows:
At launch time, apps should always set up their interface in a portrait orientation. After the application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method returns, the app uses the view controller rotation mechanism described above to rotate the views to the appropriate orientation prior to showing the window.
So I believe the behaviour you're after isn't particularly supported by Apple I'm afraid. As a side note, I'm not entirely sure how they support it on iPads.
Apply constraints to your UILabel as per my below screenshot :-
Also, in your project Target set Deployment Info :-
If you want to change UILabel frame, then ask me.

Choose different background image for iPhone and iPad launch screen

I built an iPhone app whose background image fit nicely for iPhone screens, but when I run at iPad, this image stretch horizontally (as the iPad screen is more squared than the iPhone).
Is there a way for me to choose which background image is going to be loaded?
I know that I can use UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .phone and
UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad to check which device I'm in but how can I choose the correct image if Launch Screen doesn't accept code attached to it?
The easiest way to do this that I can think of is to have two devices in your image set of located in your Assest.xcassets. Then assign different images as you like in the two devices, iPhone and iPad, like so:
Then here's the preview when you run the app on the iPhone (left), and on the iPad (right). Two different images in each kind of device.
In your LaunchScreen.storyboard file, you likely have a UIImageView that contains your image. When you click on that image view, you will see details of the view in right slider view. Set the view's content mode to "center" and you will be all set. You can also use "aspect fit" or "aspect fill" if center doesn't work.

Launch screen.storyboard for Portrait and Landscape vs split screen

I have to implement split screen functionality for the new iPad and I got a workaround from Apple's doc to support the same in my app:
In this doc, check the 2nd point:
Provide a LaunchScreen.storyboard file (instead of a .png image file
as you did in iOS 7 and earlier)
This is why I have to use Launch screen.storyboard. Now, the split over works perfect but for my app I have separate Launch screens, Default-Portrait and Default-Landscape. But now I have taken storyboard, I am unable to customise launch screens for different orientations. And even I can't code for the same in Launch screen or it gives me error.
Further, I have tried using size classes to provide separate imageviews for both orientations but I got no success.
It would be great help if anyone suggests me how to implement Launch screen.storyboard for Landscape and Portrait with different images.
You can add a UIImage to your launch screen. Once you've done that and set the constraints to fill the width and height then add an image to your asset catalogue.
On the properties of the image within the catalogue set the 'width class' and 'height class' to 'Any & compact'. Then you'll have spaces for images for Any and compact height (landscape) and Any and compact width (portrait). The just put your artwork in to the appropriate artwork placeholders and use that image on your storyboard.
I believe that will then choose the appropriate artwork for you depending on how the device is held when the app launches.

Appropriate way to manage different views for portrait and landscape?

I'm developing an app targeting iOS 7 and above. I'm using storyboard and autolayout, and I have to show different layouts of each storyboard scene depending on the device orientation, I mean, for example: in portrait I may have a button at a certain place that has to be shown in another place in landscape, or I may have controls in portrait that should disappear in landscape and have to rearrange the rest of controls.
My question is: when there are a lot of differences between portrait and landscape, should it be better to manage all this changes by programmatically updating constraints, or should it be better to create different nib files and load the corresponding according to the orientation?
use size classes their will be no problem in giving support to ios7 . I have tested their were no major problems in ios7 while using size classes.

UIViewController Size doesn´t work

Hi im currently developing an Universal app for iPhone, iPod and iPad. I have all view controllers in both storyboards set to Inferred. It works fine on iPhone Retina and on all iPads but when you put it in landscape mode it gets all messed upp and on the iphone 3,5 inch simulator the bottom gets cut off. How can i fix this? Do i have do create seperate view controllers for landscape mode and iphone 3,5? And the write some code that recognizes if its in landscape mode and iphone 4? I thought this worked automatically. Or have i done something wrong?
There is no quick fix/answer to your question.
Since the screen size is different while using horizontal and vertical orientations - it is simply not the same canvas and thus you will need to do some manual work to set it right.
Strategy 1.
Assuming your layout is simple - there are not too many elements and all elements can theoretically fit both horizontal and vertical screen size:
You should use auto layout from the Interface builder - Look at an excellent video from WWDC
(video 406 - Taking Control of Auto Layout in Xcode 5)
In few words - you set spacers to your elements, aligning them to the end of your view (dynamically), therefore you can make your element shrink and move automatically respecting the current screen orientation.
Strategy 2.
Assuming your UI is complex and will not fit both orientations:
have a different xib file for horizontal and vertical views, this can take some time, but it is a solid solution that always looks good.
You simply need to track changes in orientation and load the appropriate xib.
Your problem will only be solved if you use Autolayouting and for that you need to go through some tutorials
Ray's Tutorial
Another Very well explained tutorial
Going through the above articles will definately help you in solving your problem
