How to get resized image from PDF vector asset? - ios

I am developing game with SpriteKit for iPhone devices only.
In the scene I have buttons, which need to be positioned in the way to fill the height of the screen:
There should be no gaps between top and bottom edges, as well as from each other. The width can vary. Buttons contains vector ornaments, done in AI.
In order to achieve that, I thought I could use PDF asset, set to "single scale" and "Preserve Vector Data". Then I thought I can get slightly resized PNG file out of PDF and reposition then based on client area. However, it appears SKTextureNode doesn't take PDF as source. I get blurry image.
The code for loading image:
let texture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "BuyButton")
let node = SKSpriteNode(texture: texture, size: CGSize(width: 81*4, height: 165*4)) // PDF size is 81x165
This works just fine with UIImageView, where you can set any size and it will give you crisp image. I can guess that there is some magic routine somewhere in UIImageView, which forces to create new image of given size.
So my question is whether there is a way to engage this magic routine for SpriteKit?


UIImageView - anyway to use 2 content modes at the same time?

So in my scenario, I have a square that is (for understanding's sake) 100x100 and need to display an image that is 300x800 inside of it.
What I want to do is be able to have the image scale just as it would with UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFill so that the width scales properly to 100.
However, after that, I would like to then "move" the image up to the top of the image instead of it putting it inside the imageView right in the center, basically what UIViewContentMode.Top does. However that doesn't scale it first.
Is there anyway to do this type of behavior with the built in tools? Anyway to add multiple contentModes?
I already had a helper function that I wrote that scaled an image to a specific size passed in, so I just wrote a function that calculated the scaled image that would fit into the smaller square I had similar to the size AspectFill would do, and then I wrote code that would crop it with the rectangle size I needed at (0,0).

PDF vector images in iOS. Why does having a smaller image result in jagged edges?

I want to use pdf vector images in my app, I don't totally understand how it works though. I understand that a PDF file can be resized to any size and it will retain quality. I have a very large PDF image (a cartoon/sticker for a chat app) and it looks perfectly smooth at a medium size on screen. If I start to go smaller though, say thumbnail size the black outline starts to look jagged. Why does this happen? I thought the images could be resized without quality loss. Any help would be appreciated.
I had a similar issue when programatically changing the UIImageView's centre.
The result of this can lead to pixel misalignment of your view. I.e. the x or y of the frame's origin (or width or height of the frame's size) may lie on a non integral value, such as x = 10.5, where it will display correctly if x = 10.
Rendering views positioned a fraction into a full pixel will result with jagged lines, I think its related to aliasing.
Therefore wrap the CGRect of the frame with CGRectIntegral() to convert your frame's origin and size values to integers.
Example (Swift):
imageView?.frame = CGRectIntegral(CGRectMake(10, 10, 100, 100))
See the Apple documentation

iOS: Keep real photo resolution when making screen capture with UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext

I want to make a basic photo editing in my application and now I need to be able to add a text over a photo. Original photo have something like >2000 pixels width and height so it will be scaled to fit in screen without modifying its ratio.
So , I put the image in an UIImageView, dragged a Label over it and then save the image on screen with UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext. The problem is I will get a small image (320 X some height).
What is the best approach to accomplish this task but not shrink the resolution?
Thanks a lot!
I had this exact same problem in an app.
The thing I realised is that you can't do this by doing a screen capture. In turn, this means that dragging labels and text onto the image can't really be done (it can but bear with me) with UILabels etc...
What you need to do is keep a track of everything that's going on data-wise.
At the moment you have the frame of your UIImageView. This, in reality is irrelevant. It is purely there to show the user a representation of what is going on.
This is the same for the UILabel. It has a frame too. Again, this is irrelevant to the final image.
What you need is to store the data behind it in terms that are not absolute and then convert those values into frames for displaying on the device.
So, if you have an image that is 3200x4800 pixels (just making it easy for me) and this is displayed on the device and "shrunk" down to 320x480. Now, the user places a label with a frame of 10, 10, 100, 21 with the text "Hello, world" at a particular font size.
Storing the frame 10, 10, 100, 21 is useless because what you need when the image is output is... 100, 100, 1000, 210 (i.e. ten times the size).
So, really you should be storing information in the background like...
frame = 0.031, 0.021, 0.312, 0.044
// these are all percentages
Now, you have percentage values of where the label should be and how big it should be based on the size of the image.
So, for the shrunk image size it will return 10, 10, 100, 21 and for the full image size it will be 100, 100, 1000, 210 and so will look the same size when printed out.
You could create a compound UIView by having a UIView with a UIImageView and a UILabel then you just have to resize it to the full image size before rendering it. That would be the easy but naive way of approaching it initially.
Or you could create a UIView with CALayers backing it that display the image and text.
Or you could render out the image and text with some sort of draw method.
Either way, you can't just use a screen capture.
And yes, this is a lot more complex than it first appears.

How to get rid of empty transparent areas in a PNG image so that it conforms to actual image size?

I have a series of images that I would look to loop through using iOS's [UIView startAnimating]. My trouble is that, when I exported the images, they all came standard in a 240x160 size, although only 50x50 contains the actual image, the rest being transparent parts that are just taking up space.
When I set the frame of the image automatically using image.size.width and image.size.height, iOS takes into images' original size of 240x160, so I am unable to get a frame that conforms to the actual parts of the image. I was wondering if there is a way using Illustrator or Photoshop, or any other graphics editing software for me to export the images based on their natural dimensions, and not a fixed dimension. Thanks!
I am a fan of vector graphics and thinks everything in the world should be vector ;-) so here is what you do in illustrator: file - document setup - edit artboards. Then click on the image, and the artboard should adjust to the exact size. You can of course have multiple artboards, or simply operate with one artboard and however-many images.

Again edit of edited UIImage in iOS app

In my iOS app, I am putting several UIImages on one back UIImage and then saving the overall back image with all subimages added on it by taking screenshot programmatically.
Now I want to change the subviews UIImages position of that saved image. So want to know how to detect the subview images position as I have taken whole image as screenshot.
Record their frame as converted to window coordinates. The pixels of the image should be the same as the frame origin (for normal) or double for retina. The screenshot is of the whole screen, so its dimensions are equivalent to the window frame. UIView has some convenience methods to convert arbitrary view frames to other view (or window) coordinates.
EDIT: to deal with content fit, you have to do the math yourself. You know the frame of the imageView, and you can ask the image for its size. Knowing the aspect ratio of each will let you determine in which dimension the image completely fits, and then you can compute the other dimension (which will be a value less than the imageView frame. Divide the difference of the view dimension minus the image dimension by two, and that lets you know the offset to the image inside the view. Now you can save the frame of the image as its displayed in the view.
