Iup Lua callback -- what am I doing wrong? - lua

I'm using Lua 5.1 with IUP 3.5, and trying to use a list callback to populate an Address list depending on the Place selected. (The list is an editbox, so I will need to handle that in due course, but let us deal with the basics first). I've clearly got a fundamental misunderstanding of how to do this.
The code:
function MakeAnIupBox
--make some more elements here
listPlace = iup.list{}
listPlace.sort = "YES"
listPlace.dropdown = "YES"
--populate the list here
--now handle callbacks
listPlace.action = function(self) PlaceAction(text, item, state) end
function PlaceAction(text, item, state)
listAddress.REMOVEITEM = "ALL"
if state == 1 then -- a place has been selected
--code here to populate the Addresses list
The iup documentation describes the action callback for a list as
ih:action(text: string, item, state: number) -> (ret: number) [in Lua]
However, when I run this code I get:
text -- looks like some sort of metatable
item, state -- both nil
I've also tried coding the callback as
function MakeAnIupBox
--make some more elements here
listPlace = iup.list{}
listPlace.sort = "YES"
listPlace.dropdown = "YES"
--populate the list here
function listPlace:action (text, item, state)
listAddress.REMOVEITEM = "ALL"
if state == 1 then -- a place has been selected
--code here to populate the Addresses list
but that fails to run: the error is attempt to index global 'listPlace' (a nil value)
I'd prefer not to embed the callback in "MakeAnIupBox" because I'm hoping to make it (and the other associated callbacks) a resuable component in several Lua programmes that all process similar datasets but from different UIs.

If you do not want to embed the callback function inside your function, you can define it before and later assign it to your specified destination.
function Callback(self, a, b)
-- do your work ...
function CallbackUser1()
targetTable = { }
targetTable.entry = Callback
function CallbackUser2()
otherTargetTable = { }
otherTargetTable.entry = Callback
This solution needs the arguments to be always the same.
Note: All following definitions are identical
function Table:func(a, b) ... end
function Table.func(self, a, b) ... end
Table.func = function(self, a, b) ... end

The problem is in Lua usage.
In the first case, remember that this:
function ih:action(text, item, state)
translates into this:
function action(ih, text, item, state)
So it is missing the ih parameter.
In the second case, listCase exists only after MakeAnIupBox is called. You can solve that by declaring the function inside the MakeAnIupBox scope.

Building on the suggestion of Antonio Scuri which was not totally explicit, I have worked out that the code needs to read:
function MakeAnIupBox
--make some more elements here
listPlace = iup.list{}
listPlace.sort = "YES"
listPlace.dropdown = "YES"
--populate the list here
--now handle callbacks
listPlace.action = function(self, text, item, state) PlaceAction(listPlace, text, item, state) end
function PlaceAction(ih, text, item, state)
listAddress.REMOVEITEM = "ALL"
if state == 1 then -- a place has been selected
--code here to populate the Addresses list


LUA - Create Meta Table with every sub table beeing a meta table again

but this will get confusing for sure.
I'm still very new to LUA and one thing i haven't worked much yet with is metatables.
I need to find a way to create a meta table which runs a function on editing values. This is not a problem if i stay on "one level", so the first index. Then i can simply use the __newindex to run it. But what i'm trying to do is to run the function whenever any value is changed.
This would require some way to set any table inside the metatable to be again a metatable running the same function as the "main" metatable
In my use case that would be a "save" function:
function MySaveFunction(tbl)
FileSave(my_settings_path, tbl)
MyTable = setmetatable()
MyTable.Value = value --> run MySaveFunction(MyTable.Value)
MyTable.SubTable = {} --> run setmetatable() on SubTable
MyTable.SubTable.Value = value --> run MySaveFunction(MyTable.SubTable.Value)
MyTable.SubTable.SubSubTable = {} --> run setmetatable() on SubSubTable
MyTable.SubTable.SubSubTable.Value = value --> run MySaveFunction(MyTable.SubTable.SubSubTable.Value)
MyTable.SubTable.SubSubSubTable = {} --> run setmetatable() on SubSubSubTable
MyTable.SubTable.SubSubSubTable.Value = value --> run MySaveFunction(MyTable.SubTable.SubSubSubTable.Value)
Hope someone can help me <.<
First thing to take a note of is that __newindex and __index metamethods are only triggered when they handle nil value in target table. If you want to track every single change, you can't just use __newindex, because once you write a value, subsequent calls won't do anything. Instead, you need to use a proxy table.
Another important thing to consider is tracking paths of accessed members.
Last, but not least, you need to remember to use raw access functions like e.g. rawget when implementing your handlers. Otherwise, you may encounter stack overflows or other weird behaviour.
Let's have a trivial example to illustrate the problems:
local mt = {}
function mt.__newindex (t, key, value)
if type(value) == "table" then
rawset(t, key, setmetatable(value, mt)) -- Set the metatable for nested table
-- Using `t[key] = setmetatable(value, mt)` here would cause an overflow.
print(t, key, "=", value) -- We expect to see output in stdout for each write
rawset(t, key, value)
local root = setmetatable({}, mt)
root.first = 1 -- table: 0xa40c30 first = 1
root.second = 2 -- table: 0xa40c30 second = 2
root.nested_table = {} -- /nothing/
root.nested_table.another = 4 -- table: 0xa403a0 another = 4
root.first = 5 -- /nothing/
Now, we need to deal with them. Let's start with a way to create a proxy table:
function make_proxy (data)
local proxy = {}
local metatable = {
__index = function (_, key) return rawget(data, key) end,
__newindex = function (_, key, value)
if type(value) == "table" then
rawset(data, key, make_proxy(value))
print(data, key, "=", value) -- Or your save function here!
rawset(data, key, value)
return setmetatable(proxy, metatable) -- setmetatable() simply returns `proxy`
This way you have three tables: proxy, metatable and data. User accesses proxy, but because it's completely empty on each access either __index or __newindex metamethods from metatable are called. Those handlers access data table to retrieve or set the actual values that user is interested in.
Run this in the same way as previously and you will get an improvement:
local root = make_proxy{}
root.first = 1 -- table: 0xa40c30 first = 1
root.second = 2 -- table: 0xa40c30 second = 2
root.nested_table = {} -- /nothing/
root.nested_table.another = 4 -- table: 0xa403a0 another = 4
root.first = 5 -- table: 0xa40c30 first = 5
This should give you an overview on why you should use a proxy table here and how to handle metamethods for it.
What's left is how to identify the path of the field that you are accessing. That part is covered in another answer to another question. I don't see a reason to duplicate it.

Lua: Interpreting undefined variable by its name

I have a function foo that can get nil values under certain circumstances, i.e. foo(VarA) while VarA is undefined. This undefined VarA should get interpreted as "VarA" but I can't invoke foo("VarA") because VarA should act as an option param (different from normal string params).
mt = {__index = function(t, k) return k end}
setmetatable(_G, mt)
This would get the desired result but now every other undefined variable would return its name. Like abc -> "abc". Do you see any way to only have a metatable active in this specific case? I could switch metatables in my foo method but when I'm in the foo block, the passed param is already nil and its too late.
Appendix: I think the question was not specific enough. Schollii's answer to pass params as a table was good but does not work as intended:
foo({option1 = delete, option2 = push})
This should have the key information (option1 and option2) plus the information of the value (even though delete and push do not exist in global or local namespace). Schollii's approach would give me the key information but not the value information (like "delete" and "push"). I can't define delete and push beforehand because these new "key-words" should get defined by the function itself later on. Passing those new keywords as a string is no option.
It seems like you are developing a domain-specific language within Lua. If that is your intent and you are successful, great. Otherwise, it would be better to stick to more a typical Lua programming style.
Similar to other suggestions:
-- lets the caller decide on the scope of varA
-- and the default string
foo(varA or "varA")
All you need is to test for nil and set VarA's value to its name:
function yourFunc(VarA)
VarA = VarA or "VarA" -- if VarA is nil, it becomes the string "VarA"
... use VarA ...
However, you say that VarA should act as an option parameter. I gather you mean that VarA is optional. OK, but Lua does not support named arguments in function calls so if you have
function yourFunc(arg1, arg2, optArg1, optArg2)
then in order to call yourFunc with optArg2=something, you have to set optArg1 to nil:
yourFunc(1, 2, nil, 3)
In other words you can't do yourFunc(1,2,optArg2=3) which would be pretty neat. But you can get pretty close by having yourFunc accept a table instead of a list of parameters:
function setOptionalArgs(tbl, defaults)
for i,v in ipairs(defaults) do
if tbl[v] == nil then
tbl[v] = v
for k,v in pairs(defaults) do
if tbl[k] == nil then
tbl[k] = v
function yourFunc(args)
setOptionalArgs(args, {'arg1', arg2=2, 'arg3'})
-- ... use args.arg1, args.arg2 etc ...
print(args.arg1, args.arg2, args.arg3)
yourFunc {}
Now you can call
yourFunc {arg1=1}
which will automatically have arg2="arg2". Note that to be clean you should modify setOptionalArgs so only non-array keys get inserted in second loop.

Lua sending a called function's name

Basically I want to know when function;
button[n]:onclick() --where n can be any string value
gets called, and send its name (specifically I want to send "n") to another function;
function allbuttons(n) --where n is the n from button[n]:onclick()
which then processes all possible requests.
I want to do this because button[n] is specified, and therefore the button[n]:onclick() gets triggered every time the button is clicked, but it doesn't seem right to write these function every time I want another buttonclick to be processed in the big allbuttons function;
function button['options']:onclick()
function button['quit']:onclick()
function button[n]:onclick()
I've tried something like;
debug.sethook(allbuttons, 'c')
function allbuttons()
n = debug.getinfo(2).name
but I guess I don't fully understand how to use debug.sethook ..
Set button[n]:onclick to be the function you want (allbuttons), except that here there is one tricky bit, the value n. You likely know already that you could do
button[n].onclick = allbuttons
But if the event dispatcher calls onclick as button[n]:onclick() then allbuttons will always get button as first argument. If what you really want in allbuttons is to know the button[n] instance that was clicked, all you need to do is change the definition of allbuttons(n) to allbuttons(button) and change its code accordingly.
If you need n and it's not available any other way, you can create an anonymous closure with access to n as an upvalue (see http://www.lua.org/pil/6.1.html for details):
function sendClickToCommon(button, n)
button[n].onclick = function (self)
sendClickToCommon(button, 1)
sendClickToCommon(button, 2)
sendClickToCommon(button, 3)
Or you could do it this way too:
function getAllbuttonsN(n)
return function (self)
button[1].onclick = getAllbuttonsN(1)
The code is simpler but the index appears twice in the expression, a potential source of error.

Get name of argument of function in lua

When call a lua function like
I would like to be able to actually print "MyVariableName" and not it's value(well, for demo purposes).
Obviously I could just pass the string but that requires extra quotes and I also would like to print it's value.
MyVariable = 4
Would print "MyVariable is 4" or whatever
I do not want to have to duplicate the name and variable like
PrintVariable(MyVariable, "MyVariable")
as this is unnecessary duplication.
Can lua handle it?
What I'm doing now is passing the variable name in quotes and using loadstring to get the value but I would like to just pass the variable directly without the extra unnecessary quotes(which I thought debug.getlocal did but it ends up returning the value instead of the name).
Here is mock example
function printme1(var, val)
print(var.." = "..val)
function printme2(v)
local r
loadstring("r = "..v)() -- equivalent to r = a but must be used since v is a string representing a and not the object a
print(v.." = "..tostring(r))
function printme3(v)
-- unknown
a = 3
printme1("a", a)
In this case all 3 should print the same thing. printme3 obviously is the most convenient.
You can't say PrintVariable(MyVariable), because Lua gives you no way of determining which variable (if any; a constant could have been used) was used to pass an argument to your function. However, you can say PrintVariable('MyVariable') then used the debug API to look for a local variable in the caller's scope which has that name:
function PrintVariable(name)
-- default to showing the global with that name, if any
local value = _G[name]
-- see if we can find a local in the caller's scope with that name
for i=1,math.huge do
local localname, localvalue = debug.getlocal(2,i,1)
if not localname then
break -- no more locals to check
elseif localname == name then
value = localvalue
if value then
print(string.format("%s = %s", name, tostring(value)))
print(string.format("No variable named '%s' found.", name))
Now you can say:
While in this case will print "MyVariable = 4".
Not, if you really want to do this without the quotes, you could check the caller's locals for variables that have a supplied value, but that's occasionally going to give you the wrong variable name if there is more than one variable in the caller's scope with a given value. With that said, here's how you'd do that:
function PrintVariable(value)
local name
-- see if we can find a local in the caller's scope with the given value
for i=1,math.huge do
local localname, localvalue = debug.getlocal(2,i,1)
if not localname then
elseif localvalue == value then
name = localname
-- if we couldn't find a local, check globals
if not name then
for globalname, globalvalue in pairs(_G) do
if globalvalue == value then
name = globalname
if name then
print(string.format("%s = %s", name, tostring(value)))
print(string.format("No variable found for the value '%s'.", tostring(value)))
Now you can say PrintVariable(MyVariable), but if there happened to be another variable in the caller's scope with the value 4, and it occurred before MyVariable, it's that variable name that will be printed.
you can do stuff like this with the debug library... something like this does what you seem to be looking for:
function a_func(arg1, asdf)
-- if this function doesn't use an argument... it shows up as (*temporary) in
-- calls to debug.getlocal() because they aren't used...
if arg1 == "10" then end
if asdf == 99 then end
-- does stuff with arg1 and asdf?
-- just a function to dump variables in a user-readable format
function myUnpack(tbl)
if type(tbl) ~= "table" then
return ""
local ret = ""
for k,v in pairs(tbl) do
if tostring(v) ~= "" then
ret = ret.. tostring(k).. "=".. tostring(v).. ", "
return string.gsub(ret, ", $", "")
function hook()
-- passing 2 to to debug.getinfo means 'give me info on the function that spawned
-- this call to this function'. level 1 is the C function that called the hook.
local info = debug.getinfo(2)
if info ~= nil and info.what == "Lua" then
local i, variables = 1, {""}
-- now run through all the local variables at this level of the lua stack
while true do
local name, value = debug.getlocal(2, i)
if name == nil then
-- this just skips unused variables
if name ~= "(*temporary)" then
variables[tostring(name)] = value
i = i + 1
-- this is what dumps info about a function thats been called
print((info.name or "unknown").. "(".. myUnpack(variables).. ")")
-- tell the debug library to call lua function 'hook 'every time a function call
-- is made...
debug.sethook(hook, "c")
-- call a function to try it out...
a_func("some string", 2012)
this results in the output:
a_func(asdf=2012, arg1=some string)
you can do fancier stuff to pretty this up, but this basically covers how to do what you're asking.
I have bad news, my friend. You can access function parameter names as they appear at the top of the function, but the data to access exactly what they were named in the calling function does not exist. See the following:
function PrintVariable(VariableToPrint)
--we can use debug.getinfo() to determine the name 'VariableToPrint'
--we cannot determine the name 'MyVariable' without some really convoluted stuff (see comment by VBRonPaulFan on his own answer)
MyVariable = 4
To illustrate this, imagine if we had done:
x = 4
MyVariable = x
MyOtherVariable = x
x = nil
Now if you were Lua, what name would you attach in the metadata to the variable that ends up getting passed to the function? Yes, you could walk up the stack with debug.getint() looking for the variable that was passed in, but you may find several references.
Also consider:
What would you call that variable? It has a value but no name.
You could just use this form:
local parms = { "MyVariable" }
local function PrintVariable(vars)
print(parms[1]..": "..vars[1])
local MyVariable = "bar"
Which gives:
MyVariable: bar
It isn't generic, but it is simple. You avoid the debug library and loadstring by doing it this way. If your editor is any good, you could write a macro to do it.
Another possible solution is add this facility your self.
The Lua C API and source is pretty simple and extendable.
I/we don't know the context of your project/work but if you ARE making/embedding your own Lua build you could extend the debug library with something to do this.
Lua passes it's values by reference, but unknown offhand if these contain a string name in them and if so if easily accessible.
In your example the value declaration is the same as:
_G["MyVariable"] = 4
Since it's global. If it were declared local then like others stated here you can enumerate those via debug.getlocal(). But again in the C context of the actual reference context it might not matter.
Implement a debug.getargumentinfo(...) that extends the argument table with name key, value pairs.
This is quite an old topic and I apologize for bringing it back to life.
In my experience with lua, the closest I know to what the OP asked for is something like this:
PrintVariable = {}
setmetatable(PrintVariable, {__index = function (self, k, v) return string.format('%s = %s', k, _G[k]) end})
VAR = 0
VAR2 = "Hello World"
print(PrintVariable.VAR, PrintVariable.VAR2)
-- Result: VAR = 0 VAR2 = Hello World
I do not give more explanation, because the code is quite readable, however:
What happens here is simple, you only set a metatable to the PrintVariable variable and add the __index metamethod that is called when the table is forced to search for a value in its index, thanks to this functionality you can achieve what you see in the example.
Reference: https://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html
I hope that future and new visitors will find this helpful.

How to set name for function which is in the table

For example, I have a table
table.insert( t, 1, function()
print ("rock");
end );
Is there any way to get function name from this table. I know that I can store name like a key, but what if I want to keep numeric index and also I want to know function name?
Is there any way to do it?
Thanks, on advance.
Say you have this code:
t = {}
x = 5
table.insert(t, 1, x)
t would then be {[1] = 5}. "5" is just a number - it has no name, and isn't associated with the variable "x"; it's a value.
In Lua, functions are treated exactly the same way, as values:
t = {}
x = function() print("test! :D") end
table.insert(t, 1, x)
The value of x is not associated with x in any way, shape, or form. If you want to manually name a function, you can do it by wrapping the function in a table, for example:
t = {}
x = function() print("test! :D") end
table.insert(t, 1, {
name = "MyFunctionName",
func = x
That is how you would do it!
..you break the rules!
When Lua was developed, the developers realised that the anonymous nature of functions would make productive error messages difficult to produce, if not impossible.
The best thing you'd see would be:
stdin: some error!
stdin: in function 'unknown'
stdin: in function 'unknown'
So, they made it so that when Lua code was parsed, it would record some debug information, to make life easier. To access this information from Lua itself, the debug library is provided.
Be very careful with functions in this library.
You should exert care when using this library. The functions provided here should be used exclusively for debugging and similar tasks, such as profiling. Please resist the temptation to use them as a usual programming tool: they can be very slow. Moreover, several of these functions violate some assumptions about Lua code (e.g., that variables local to a function cannot be accessed from outside or that userdata metatables cannot be changed by Lua code) and therefore can compromise otherwise secure code.
To achieve your desired effect, you must use the debug.getinfo function; an example:
x = function()
print(debug.getinfo(1, "n").name)
x() -- prints "test!" followed by "x"
Unfortunately, the form of debug.getinfo that operates directly on a function doesn't fill the name argument (debug.getinfo(x, "n").name == nil) and the version above requires you to run the function.
It seems hopeless!
..you really break the rules.
The debug.sethook function allows you to interrupt running Lua code at certain events, and even change things while it's all happening. This, combined with coroutines, allows you to do some interestingly hacky stuff.
Here is an implementation of debug.getfuncname:
function debug.getfuncname(f)
--[[If name found, returns
name source line
If name not found, returns
nil source line
If error, returns
nil nil error
if type(f) == "function" then
local info = debug.getinfo(f, "S")
if not info or not info.what then
return nil, nil, "Invalid function"
elseif info.what == "C" then
-- cannot be called on C functions, as they would execute!
return nil, nil, "C function"
--[[Deep magic, look away!]]
local co = coroutine.create(f)
local name, source, linedefined
debug.sethook(co, function(event, line)
local info = debug.getinfo(2, "Sn")
name = info.namewhat ~= "" and info.name or nil
source, linedefined = info.short_src, info.linedefined
coroutine.yield() -- prevent function from executing code
end, "c")
return name, source, linedefined
return nil, nil, "Not a function"
Example usage:
function test()
print("If this prints, stuff went really wrong!")
print("Name = ", debug.getfuncname(test))
This function isn't very reliable - it works sometimes, and doesn't others. The debug library is very touchy, so it's to be expected.
Note that you should never use this for actual release code! Only for debugging!
The most extreme case that is still acceptable is logging errors on piece of released software, to help the developer fix issues. No vital code should depend on functions from the debug library.
Good luck!
The function hasn't got any name. If you want you can assign it to a named variable:
theFunction = t[1]
-- Call it:
If what you want is storing a named function to the table, define it beforehand and use its name to store it:
theFunction = function()
print ("rock");
table.insert(t, 1, theFunction)
If this is not what you meant, give more details; for example how you would like to access the function. You're question is a bit misty.
The thing is table.insert considers the table as a sequence, only with numeric keys.
If you want to be able to call the function as t.fun() you'll have to use the table as an associative array and hence use a string as key. (BTW any type except nil or NaN are allowed as key)
t['MyFun']=function print'foo' end
t.myFun() -- uses syntactic sugar for string keys that are valid identifiers.
You might also notice that functions are passed by reference. So all functions are actually anonymous, and are just stored as a value to a certain key or variable.
You can store the names in a separate table.
functions = {}
functionNames = {}
function addFunction(f, name)
table.insert(functions, f)
functionNames[name] = f
To get the function, you can use the index. Once you have the function, you can get its name from function_names:
f = functions[3]
name = functionNames[f]
Good luck!
