Delphi - Diff between Threadvar and thread private variable - tthread

In Delphi, what's the diff between the 'Threadvar' (private copy of a variable available to each thread) and a variable declared in Thread 'private' section like:
TMyThread = class (TThread)
FValue: integer
In later case also, each thread should have a separate copy of FValue.

In short:
the FValue in your TMythread will in principle be accessible from all threads, but only if they somehow manage to get past the "private" wall. So its actually just a object field like any other object field.
the threadvar however is more like a global variable, and accessible likewise. Except that each thread gets its own instance of the declared threadvar.
a bit more background:
The threadvar variable is "created" when the thread is "born" The starting thread does actually not even have to be started using the TThread class!. (eg you can start a new thread using a winapi system call)
Quite a while ago I found this out the hard way because I created a memory leak and had a hard time finding out why.
Also: you cannot initialize and finalize a threadvar in the initialization/finalization sections of the declaring unit . Even the internally used, reference counted strings and arrays will impose a memory leak when used as threadvar, and not explicitly nullified by the owning thread before the thread "dies".
AFAIK you can't declare a threadvar inside a class. Maybe you can create a class threadvar , but I never tried/needed it.
IMO there usually is "a better way" than using threadvar.
Some good starting for using threads in delphi is the provided delphi parallel library, or the open source OmniThread library.


How to allocate class using HeapCreate/HeapAlloc?

How can I allocate class using HeapCreate and HeapAlloc in Delphi? The following example will just crash.
program Project2;
SL: TStringList;
Handle: THandle;
P: ^TStringList;
Handle := HeapCreate(0, SizeOf(TStringList), SizeOf(TStringList));
P := HeapAlloc(Handle, 0, SizeOf(TStringList));
P.Add('some random string'); // crash
HeapFree(Handle, 0, #P);
Delphi provides only limited facility for allocating objects from anywhere other than the main memory manager. To do so, you need to override the class's NewInstance method. That's the method the constructor calls to allocate a new instance of the class. The destruction counterpart is FreeInstance.
Override those methods and call HeapAlloc and HeapFree. The number of bytes to allocate is not given by SizeOf, though. SizeOf tells you the size of the object reference, which is always SizeOf(Pointer). You need the size of the instance, which is given by the class's InstanceSize method.
Although you can override the methods to use your chosen memory-allocation strategy, you're probably not going to be satisfied with the results because there are a few problems:
The NewInstance method doesn't accept any parameters, so there's no way for you to tell the class which heap to allocate from. You could have a single global heap, or a heap per class, but you can't choose which heap to use for each instance individually.
The NewInstance method is shared by all instances of a given class, so there's no way to allocate only some instances on your special heap and allocate the rest from the default memory manager. This is mainly another way of wording the previous problem.
You can't retrofit this into existing classes, so you can allocate TMyStringList, but not TStringList. (Well, you can, but it requires patching each class's VMT, which is generally never recommended.)
There are a few problems with the code you tried. First is that you never actually allocated a TStringList. You allocated a pointer to one, which, as I mentioned above, is SizeOf(Pointer) bytes. That's not enough memory to hold a TStringList instance.
You never really needed a ^TStringList at all. You could have assigned your allocated memory directly to the TStringList variable SL:
SL := HealAlloc(Handle, 0, TStringList.InstanceSize);
Notice how I've adjusted the size.
That's still not enough, though, because while this has allocated some memory, it hasn't constructed the object. You'd need to call the constructor.
Note that the constructor will allocate more memory to hold the list of strings, and allocate still more memory to hold the string contents. Those memory allocations won't go on the heap. They'll go to the default memory manager, just as they always do.
Destroying the object will be another issue. You need to call the destructor to free the string of strings, but if you do that, the destructor will attempt to free the object's memory, too. It will use the default memory manager to free it, but since you didn't use the default memory manager to allocate the TStringList object, the memory manager will throw an EInvalidPointer exception.
Delphi provides no way to destroy an object without also releasing the associated memory. That is, you cannot call Destroy without also calling FreeInstance, but TStringList.FreeInstance will call FreeMem, not HeapFree.
I recommend taking a step back from your current task and re-examining the problem you were aiming to solve with your idea of a separate heap for certain objects. There might be better solutions that don't involve as much effort to fight against what your tools are designed to do.

Wrapper class for thread-safe objects

I have recently played around with one demo opensource project for the basic functionality of the INDY10 TCP/IP server and stumbled upon the problem of internal multitasking implementation of INDY and its interaction with VCL components. Since there are many different topics in SO on the subject, I decided to make a simple client-server application and test some of the solutions and approaches suggested, at least the ones that I understood correctly. Below I would like to summarize and review an approach that was previously suggested on SO, and if possible listen to your expert opinion on the subject.
Problem: Encapsulation the VCL for thread-safe usage inside an indy10-based client/server application.
Description of the Development Env.:
Delphi Version: Delphi® XE2 Version 16.0
INDY Version
O.S. Windows 7 (32Bit)
As mentioned in the article ([ Is the VCL Thread-safe?]) (sorry I do not have enough reputation to post the link) special care should be taken when one wishes to use any kind of VCL components inside a multithreaded (multitasking) application. VCL is not thread safe, but can be used in a thread safe way!
The how and the why usually depend on the application at hand but one can attempt to generalize a bit and suggest some kind of general approach to this problem. First of all, as in the case of INDY10, one does not need to be explicitly parallelizing his code, i.e. create and execute multiple threads, in order to expose VCL to deadlocks and data inter dependencies.
In every sclient-server application, the server has to be able to handle multiple requests simultaneously, so naturally, INDY10 internally implements this functionality. This would mean that the INDY10 set of classes are responsible to manage the program's thread creation, execution and destruction procedures internally.
The most obvious place where our code is exposed to the inner workings of INDY10 and hence possible thread conflicts, is the IdTCPServerExecute (TIdTCPServer onExecute event) method.
Naturally, INDY10 provides classes (wrappers) that ensure thread-safe program flow, but since I did not manage to get enough explanation on their application and usage, I prefer a custom made approach.
Below I summarize a method ( the suggested technique is based on a previous comment I found in SO How to use TIdThreadSafe class from Indy10 ) that attempts (and presumably succeeds) in dealing with this problem:
The question I tackle below is: How to make a specific class "MyClass" ThreadSafe?
The main idea is to create kind of a wrapper class that encapsulates "MyClass" and queues the threads that try to access it in First-In-First-Out principle. The underlying objects that are used for synchronization are [Windows's Critical Section Objects.].
In the context of a client-server application, "MyClass" will contain all thread unsafe functionality of our server, so we will try to ensure that those procedures and functions are not executed by more than one working thread simultaneously. This naturally means loss of parallelism of our code, but since the approach is simple and seems to be , in some cases this maybe a useful approach.
Wrapper class Implementation:
constructor TThreadSafeObject<T>.Create(originalObject: T);
tsObject := originalObject; // pass it already instantiated instance of MyClass
tsCriticalSection:= TCriticalSection.Create; // Critical section Object
destructor TThreadSafeObject<T>.Destroy();
inherited Destroy;
function TThreadSafeObject<T>.Lock(): T;
procedure TThreadSafeObject<T>.Unlock();
procedure TThreadSafeObject<T>.FreeOwnership();
MyClass Definition:
MyClass = class
procedure drawRandomBitmap(abitmap: TBitmap); //Draw Random Lines on TCanvas
function decToBin(i: LongInt): String; //convert decimal number to Bin.
procedure addLineToMemo(aLine: String; MemoFld: TMemo); // output message to TMemo
function randomColor(): TColor;
Since threads execute in order and wait for the thread which has the current ownership of the critical section to finish (tsCriticalSection.Enter; and tsCriticalSection.Leave;) it is logical that if you want to manage that ownership relay, you need one unique instance TThreadSafeObject (you can consider using the singleton pattern). so include:
tsMyclass:= TThreadSafeObject<MyClass>.Create(MyClass.Create);
in Form.Create and
in Form.Close; Here tsMyclass is a global variable of type MyClass.
Regarding the usage of MyClass try the following:
with tsMyclass.Lock do
addLineToMemo('MemoLine1', Memo1);
addLineToMemo('MemoLine2', Memo1);
addLineToMemo('MemoLine3', Memo1);
// release ownership
, where Memo1 is an instance of a TMemo component on the form.
With this, we are supposed to ensure that anything that happens when tsMyClass is locked
will be executed by only one thread at a time. An obvious drawback of this approach, however, is that since I have only one instance of tsMyclass, even if one thread is trying to draw for e.g. on the Canvas, while another is writing on the Memo, the first thread will have to wait for the second to finish and only then it will be able to carry out its job.
My questions here are:
Is the above suggested method correct? Am I still free of race
conditions or do I have some "loopholes" in the code, from where
data conflicts could occur?
How can one, in general, test for thread
unsafety of his/her applicaiton?
I would like to stress that the above approach is in no way my own doing. It is basically a summary of the solution found in 2. Nevertheless, I have decided to post again in an attempt to get some kind of closure on the topic or a kind of proof of validity for the suggested solution. Besides, repetition is mother of all knowledge, as they say.
With this, we are supposed to ensure that anything that happens when
tsMyClass is locked will be executed by only one thread at a time. An
obvious drawback of this approach, however, is that since I have only
one instance of tsMyclass, even if one thread is trying to draw for
e.g. on the Canvas, while another is writing on the Memo, the first
thread will have to wait for the second to finish and only then it
will be able to carry out its job.
I see one big problem here: the VCL (forms, drawing, etc...) lives on the main thread. Even if you block concurrent thread access, the updates need to be done in the context of the main thread. This is the part where you need to use Synhronize(), the big difference with a lock (Criticalsection) is that synchronized code is ran in the context of the main thread. The end result is basically the same, your threaded code is serialized and you lose the advantage of using threads in the first place.
Locking on the whole object can be much too coarse.
Imagine cases where some properties or methods are independent of others. If the lock works on a "global" level, many operations will be blocked needlessly.
From Reduce lock granularity – Concurrency optimization
So, how can we reduce lock granularity? With a short answer, by asking
for locks as less as possible. The basic idea is to use separate locks
to guard multiple independent state variables of a class, instead of
having only one lock in class scope.
First things first: You don't need to implement a LOCK for each of your objects, Delphi's done that for you with the TMonitor class:
// Your code goes here.
finally TMonitor.Leave(WhateverObject);
just make sure you free the WhateverObject when your application shuts down, or else you'll run into a bug that I've opened on QC:
Secondly, making an application multi-threading is a bit more involved. You can't just wrapp each call between Enter/Leave calls: your "locking" needs to take into account what the object does and what the access pattern is. Wrapping calls within Enter/Leave simply make sure that only one thread runs that method at any time, but race conditions are much more complex, and might arise from successive calls to your locked methods. Even those each method is locked, and only one thread ever called those methods at any given time, the state of the locked object might change between as a consequence of other thread's activity.
This kind of code would be just fine in a single-threaded application, but locking at method level is not enough when switching to multi-threaded:
if List.IndexOf(Something) = -1 then

Class doesn't work when defined as a global variable in delphi

I created a simple class to explain my problem:
ttest =class
function get:boolean;
function ttest.get: boolean;
val:=not val;
Now if I declare a local ttest variable and call my_var.get; then everything works, but if I declare it as a global variable then it can't access the val field anymore, it shows an error message which says "Access violation...".
I read some articles about classes in Delphi but still can't find my mistake.
You've neglected to instantiate the class.
Global class-reference variables are initialized to nil, whereas local variables are not initialized at all. The local variable has a value determined by whatever happened to be on the stack at the time you called your function, and your program is interpreting that value as though it were a TTest reference even though it's really not. Your program then reads the value at that memory address to get the value that would represent the val field.
The only reason your code appears to work with a non-global variable is luck. Whether it's good luck or bad is another matter. (Good luck, since your code appeared to work, and working code is always nice. Bad luck, since you'd have been alerted to your mistake earlier if your code had crashed.)
Instantiate a class before you use references to it.
x := TTest.Create;
Now you can access fields, methods, and properties of the object via the x variable.
You should have gotten a compiler warning when you attempted to use a local variable without assigning a value to it first. Although they're just warnings, and your program will still run, never ignore a warning or even a hint. When the compiler bothers to complain about something, it's usually right.
In Delphi object variables are always pointers. Before you can use the variable you need to initialize it with a reference to an object. The most common way to do that is to create a new object of the particular class.
procedure Foo;
Obj: TObject;
Obj := TObject.Create;
// Do stuff with Obj
In this case Obj starts out as an uninitialized pointer (it will point to random memory). It is only after we assign the newly created TObject that Obj is a valid object reference.
In Delphi there is no automatic garbage collection for objects, so you always need to call free on them when you are done using them. If you declare a global or local object variable, you can initialize it the special initialization section of the unit and free the object in the finalization section.
unit myunit;
Obj: TObject;
Obj := TObject.Create;
Variables declared in the interface section are globally visible, variables declared in the implementation section are only visible inside the unit. It should be noted that declaring a global object variable means that any unit can overwrite the variable with a reference to a new object without freeing the existing object first. This would cause a memory leak as again there is no automatic garbage collection.
A delphi class is basically just a description, not the object itself. You describe the properties and methods the final object should have. And the missing piece of the puzzle is that you havent really told Delphi to create an object from your class.
This is done by calling the constructor:
The constructor takes the class description and builds an object instance for you in memory. It returns a pointer to the object which you must store in a variable (myInstance in the above example) of the same type.
Reading your question, I suspect you want to create an object that is "always there", a bit like the printer object. This is easy to do, but just like the printer object - you must include that unit before you can access the object. I think Anders E. Andersen above has shown how most people would initialize an object from a unit centric point of view.
If you want the object to be reachable from another unit, say your mainform or any other unit, first add "myunit" to the uses list. Then to make it visible you add a function, like this:
function test:ttest;
And remember to add "function test:TTest" to the interface section of the unit. Then you can use the object from another unit as such:
But be warned! This is pretty old school programming, and you run the risk of your unit being released (which calls finalization and thus destroys your object) before the other units are done with it. Thus you risk calling a function in an object which no longer exists in memory - causing a spectacular access violation when your program closes.
If you want to learn Delphi properly, head over to Delphi Basics and read up on the basic principles. It takes a while to learn a new language but you will soon get the hang of it.
Good luck!

Stop client code from freeing shared objects in Delphi

I have implemented the FlyWeight pattern in my Delphi application. Everything has worked great, everything is a lot faster and takes less memory, but there is one thing I am worried about.
My implementation will only work as long as client code never calls Free() on the shared objects. In the Flyweight pattern, the FlyweightFactory itself is supposed to "maintain a reference to flyweights" i.e. to the shared objects.
My problem is that there is no (obvious) way to stop other code from destroying the objects once they have a reference. I could live with this, but it would be a "big win" if I could pass these objects round freely without worrying about accidental freeing.
To show a (contrived) example:
WriteLn('Description is '+flyweight.Description);
WriteLn('Description is '+flyweight.Description);
// Object has already been Freed!; behaviour is undefined
I have considered overriding the destructor as shown here to stop the flyweight object being freed altogether. This is not an option in my case as
a) I only want to stop cached objects from being Freed, not objects that aren't part of the cache. There is a lot of legacy code that doesn't use the cache; they still need to create and free objects manually.
b) I do want the FlyweightFactory to Free the objects during finalization; I agree with Warren P that a "zero leaked memory" policy is best.
I'll leave with a quote from the Flyweight chapter of GoF
Sharability implies some form of
reference counting or garbage
collection to reclaim storage when
it's no longer needed. However,
neither is necessary if the number of
flyweights is fixed and small. In that
case, the flyweights are worth keeping
around permanently.
In my case the flyweights are "fixed" and (sufficiently) small.
[UPDATE See my answer for details of how I solved this problem]
My answer to the question you link to still applies. The objects must know by means of a private boolean flag that they are cached objects. Then they can elect not to destroy themselves in Destroy and FreeInstance. There really is no alternative if you want to allow Free to be called.
To deal with finalization you would want to add the cached objects to a list of cached objects. That list of objects can be freed at finalization time. Of course the flag to disable freeing would have to be reset whilst you walked the list.
Having made this point regarding finalization, I would advise you to register an expected memory leak and just leak this memory. It makes the code much simpler and there's nothing to lose. Any memory you don't free will be reclaimed by the OS as soon as your executable closes. One word of caution: if your code is compiled into a DLL then leaking could be troublesome if your DLL is loaded, unloaded, loaded again etc.
What all this is telling you is that you are swimming against the current. Is it possible that you could achieve your goals with a different solution that fitted better with the way Delphi is steering you?
I suggest to add a reference count in order to known if your shared object is still used.
Every client should use the pattern AddRef / Release (AddRef increases the count; Release decrements it; if count reaches zero Free is called)
The AddRef may be called directly by your GetFlyweight method; Release has to be used instead of Free.
If you refactor your class and extract an interface from it the AddRef/Release pattern in naturally implemented in then interface implementation. (You could derive from TInterfacedObject or implement IInterface by your self)
Ideally you seldom want 2 ways of using the same things. It just complicates matters in the long run. In 6 months time, you might not be sure whether a particular piece of code is using the new flyweight paradigm or the old paradigm.
The best way to prevent someone calling Free or Destroy is to make sure it's not even there. And within the Delphi world, the only way to do that is to use interfaces.
To expand on your contrived example:
TFlyweightObject = class
constructor Create(ANumber: Integer);
function Description: string;
TFlyweightFactory = class
function GetFlyweight(ANumber: Integer): TFlyweightObject;
This being an object can easily be destoyed by a rogue client. You could make the following changes:
IFlyweight = interface
//place guid here
function Description: string;
TFlyweightObject = class(TInterfacedObject, IFlyweight)
constructor Create(ANumber: Integer);
function Description: string;
TFlyweightFactory = class
function GetFlyweight(ANumber: Integer): IFlyweight;
Now any code that is updated to use the flyweight paradigm is forced to use it as intended. It's also easier to recognise the old code that still needs to be refactored because it doesn't use the interface. Old code would still construct the "flyweight" object directly.
You could also hide a destructor by making it protected or private. Programmers won't see it outside the scope of the unit in which it is declared in.
But I am posting this answer more like a curiosity because this will not prevent freeing an object by using FreeAndNil or by using a "Protected Hack"
I managed to get around the problems I cited in my original question using the following techniques, suggested by David Heffernan in his answer.
a) I only want to stop cached objects
from being Freed, not objects that
aren't part of the cache. There is a
lot of legacy code that doesn't use
the cache; they still need to create
and free objects manually.
I fixed this by subclassing the Flyweight class and overriding destroy, BeforeDestruction and FreeInstance in the subclass only. This left the parent class as is. The cache contains instances of the subclass (which can't be freed), whereas objects outside the cache can be freed as per usual.
b) I do want the FlyweightFactory to
Free the objects during finalization;
I agree with Warren P that a "zero
leaked memory" policy is best.
To solve this, I added a private boolean flag that has to be set to true before the object can be freed. This flag can only be set from the Cache Unit, it is not visible to other code. This means that the flag cannot be set outside by code outside the cache.
The destructor just looks like this:
destructor TCachedItem.destroy;
if destroyAllowed then
If client code trys to Free a cached object, the call will have no effect.

Delphi7, passing object's interface - causes Invalid Pointer Operation when freeing the object

I have a class that implements an interface, which is made available for plugins.
The declaration of class is quite simple. There is only one instance of this class for an entire application. When the function that returns the interface is called, it calls _AddRef on the retrieved interface before passing it back as result. Unfortunately it works until I try to free the object (see "finalization" section) - it reports Invalid Pointer Operation. If I comment it out, it works fine (however FastMM reports memory leaks, so the object is not being freed).
Here is the part of the code in the function that returns the interface (in fact it is an overridden QueryInterface of my "ServicesManager" class).
if ConfigManager.GetInterface(IID, obj) then
result:= 0;
and the code of ConfigManager class ...
TConfigManager = class(TInterfacedObject, ISDK_ConfigManager)
ConfigManager: TConfigManager;
ConfigManager:= TConfigManager.Create();
if ConfigManager <> nil then
FreeAndNil(ConfigManager); //if I comment it out, it leaks the memory but no Invalid Ptr. Op. raises
What am I doing wrong?
I need to pass a reference to exactly this instance of ConfigManager.
The number one piece of advice you'll hear when dealing with interfaces is to never mix interface references with object references. What this means is that once you start referring to an object via an interface reference, you cease to refer to it via an object reference. Ever.
The reason is that the first time you assign an interface variable, the reference count of the object will become 1. When that variable goes out of scope or gets assigned a new value, the reference count becomes zero, and the object frees itself. This is all without any modification of the original object-reference variable, so when you later try to use that variable, it's not a null pointer, but the object it referred to is gone — it's a dangling reference. When you try to free something that doesn't exist, you get an invalid-pointer-operation exception.
Declare your ConfigManager variable as an interface. Don't free it yourself. Once you do that, you can move the entire declaration of TConfigManager into the implementation section because no code outside that unit will ever refer to it.
Also, there's rarely any reason to provide your own implementation of QueryInterface. (You said you overrode it, but that's impossible since it's not virtual.) The one provided by TInterfacedObject should be sufficient. The one you're providing is actually causing a memory leak because you're incrementing the reference count when you shouldn't be. GetInterface already calls _AddRef (by performing an interface assignment), so you're returning objects with inflated reference counts.
You said this is a plugin system? Are you loading your plugins as BPLs? I ran into that problem last week, actually. You can't rely on finalization to clear your interface references. You need to make sure to clear them before you unload the plugin, or its memory space becomes invalid.
Edit: By "clearing interface references" I mean calling _Release on them, either by manually setting it to nil or by letting the references go out of scope. If your interface manager holds interface references to the plugins, they'll get cleared when the interface manager gets destroyed.
I totally agree with Rob.
What most likely helps is rewriting your initialization code like below.
Now ConfigManager is of type ISDK_ConfigManager, and by assigning nil to it, the reference count will decrement.
When the reference count becomes zero, it will automatically become freed.
TConfigManager = class(TInterfacedObject, ISDK_ConfigManager)
ConfigManager: ISDK_ConfigManager;
ConfigManager:= TConfigManager.Create();
ConfigManager := nil;
does TConfigManager class has any method declared as "published"?
