How to get window decorations pixel size in LUA - lua

I am using rdesktop with seamlessrdp. This way I can open Windows apps on my Linux machines. Also I added devilspie2 to the mix so I could control the window decorations. devilspie2 uses lua as its config management. I made everything work. The only issue left is to move the opening (dialog) windows a couple of pixels because the VNC windows will appear as if they had decorations (but without them). I got the code working by hard coding the amount of pixels needed to move. The issue is we have more than one distros here and they have different pixel sizes for their window decorations.
What I want is to GET the decoration size in pixels instead of hard coding them so it will work perfectly for all my distros.
Here is the piece of code that does it atm:
if get_window_class()=="SeamlessRDP" then
--x-1 and y-28 works for one distro but for the other I need to use x-6 and y-27
if get_window_type()=="WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG" then
x, y = xy();
xy(x-1, y-28);
As you can see from the script. It would be much better if I could somehow call the size of the window decorations and then use them rather than hard coded pixels.
Even though I found the answer before the following post, I wanted to accept it anyways because it did show the right path to follow. I am only further commenting here to show the full answer:
--get x and y's for decorated and non-decorated windows
x1, y1, width1, height1 = get_window_geometry();
x2, y2, width2, height2 = get_window_client_geometry();
--calculate pixels to slide window
xpixel = x2-x1;
ypixel = y2-y1;
--check if class is seamlessrdp
if get_window_class()=="SeamlessRDP" then
--if window is a dialog then move it
if get_window_type()=="WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG" then
xy(x1-xpixel, y1-ypixel);

devilspie2 provides only two ways to get the window size, get_window_geometry and get_window_client_geometry.
Whereby the last one excludes the window borders. If this does not work for you, you can create a file with a table for all values to make them easily editable. You could also use the window class names as table keys if possible to make the use easier.


What TeeChart Tool can I use to Interactively select points from a FastLine Graph

While using Delphi Seattle 10 and Steema TeeChart Pro VCL FMX 2016.18, I am looking to Highlight a Selection of a Line Graph (multiple series) in the way that Zooming allows / makes a square around a highlighted selection of a Line Graph to indicate which part of it to zoom into (as long as the onmousedown action is in progress).
The purpose of this would be to allow the selection to remain highlighted while the mouse is no longer being clicked, to potentially "Delete" the highlighted Data points. All I need this for is to obtain the (X0 Y0 X1 Y1) values to possibly obtain the CalcPosPoint(X) and remove all the points inside. The data is currently obtained through a Record Struct (Memory Mapped) file, and it will there for be used to set/check for a property "deleted" to indicate on the next redraw of the graph which rows to completely ignore and which to continue printing.
I hope to be able to do this (select from 1 chart), and have it simultaneously draw on multiple graphs. I have tried to look for an example of this feature through the use of TSelectorTool (FMXTee). One of the pages I found referring to such a tool is Interactive data point selection as well as Multiple selections with Selector Tool
And my second question has to do with TeeCharts directly. Where would I find fmx240.bpl as TeeChart_Pro_Firemonkey_Demo.exe requires this file in order to run? I did manage to copy vcl240.bpl from "Embarcadero\Studio\18.0\bin" and put it into "Embarcadero\Studio\17.0\bin"
I have managed to capture / create a sample code (MVCE) from which I can now select a portion and create a square around a particular sample of graph lines.
The control graph right now is the bottom graph (Chart5). If anyone is interested in seeing the code, I have put up a pastebin sample.
PasteBin Sample Code
And a TeeCharts.tar.gz is accessible to anyone who wishes to see a sample of the code, as well as the data sample. Source Files
I no longer feel the need for mathematical equation to differentiate the top graphs from the bottom (because the bottom axes are automatic where as the top are defined). I intend to only use the space which is adherent to the visible space, and do not intend to extend in either direction (left or right). That means at this point the size of the graph does not matter, because once I over populate the charts above, the position in the bottom graph would become irrelevant, and therefor I do not intend to use the bottom chart.
The next step is to save the positions of the boxes so that they can reappear when the graph is shift from left (past data) to the right (live data). And then uses the buttons above to make the appropriate action to the graphs.
I would like to know what way would be the most sufficient way to record the positions of the rectangles, so when the chart is shifted (via the ScrollBar1), the rectangles are moving with the direction of the scrollbar. But I'm sure I can achieve that.
I think I have found a solution. The red squares are only prevalent for the visual aspect, they can be drawn on, I don't need to do anything special with each chart, as I already know what the X0..Y1 parameters are, they are known from the initial chart. The problem h/e has to do with the initial chart. As long as the screens are all full, I can zoom in correctly w/ alignment with on all the charts (ZoomRect/Rectf(X0..Y1))
But what kind of equation would it take to adjust the charts that are not in the same zoom / max / min when the Chart5.Axes.Bottom.Automatic = True?
From there I just simply have to disable the immediate zoom feature, and allow buttons to become functional, to decide what the next course of action would be.

Lua script for iOS getColors within range?

I am trying to capture the pixel color of a specific letter in a font within an iOS app. I'd then use that color in an if/then statement to determine the next action of my script. I'm finding no easy way to determine if the color/colors I'm finding are the right ones. Here's my current process: I start recording my inputs and continuously click around the letter. I end up with something like touchdown(123,456). I change that to alert(getColor(123,456)) and run, which produces a popup that tells me the color such as 3094841 (not sure why the colors are in numeric format, but they are). I do this for each touchdown line that is captured. The problem is, I don't know an easy way to determine which color is the small letter I'm trying to tap.
Is there a lua function that will capture and display a range of colors between 2 points? If there were, I could see the commonality of all of the colors within the 2 points and make at least an educated guess as to which is the color in the font. Or even more useful - is there a tool I can use to type in the color I'm getting back and have it display the corresponding color, so I can compare them. That'd be the easiest. Hope this makes sense. Any help would be awesome. In case it matters, I'm using Autotouch 8 on an iPhone 5.
I use this function often in my games.
I find the easiest way to get a color you want to execute every single time is to take a snap of the screen you're checking and then use the helper on getColor(x, y)
And you can use this to alert your color.
local color = getColor(x, y)
-- You can also use:
log(color)--this one keeps it in your log in case you can write it down immediately.
To use this in an if/then statement
function = namedfunction()
local color = getColor(x, y)
if color == YOURCOLOR then
Note that I have the iPhone 5 iOS 8.3 and I have the most recent AutoTouch from Cydia. If you don't have the helper when you're scripting it might be worth it to check if Cydia offers a capatable version.
Edit: I am running version 3.5.3-8 of Autotouch.

Lua tables and screen coordinates. For every {x} at y do

I'm having a little curious sense of art in programming at the moment. And I want to script my Autotouch App on my iOS to generate Pixel Art inside of another app.
I was doing this previously by typing in code to tap at the screen at one coordinate, I did this 2000+ times and it got the job done. But there should be a better, smarter way to get it done.
My test image is going to be very symetrical to make things easy.
There is a code in the Lua app that I'm using to simply tap on the screen,
tap(x, y)
But I want to set this up like:
tap({xTable}, y)
But I'm not sure if that will "tap" at each x coordinate that I've listed for the y variable.
I want to paint a pixel at one very specific coordinate, and then step 5 pixels away and paint the next one, and repeat that until the end of the line.
Is this at all possible or am I reaching beyond the language capabilities?
Edit: for some reason my phone is not blocking code when I'm asking a question, if someone sees this and wants to edit, I would be grateful.
Is this at all possible or am I reaching beyond the language capabilities?
Not even close. I recommend you read Programming in Lua.
tap({xTable}, y)
But I'm not sure if that will "tap" at each x coordinate that I've listed for the y variable.
Why are you not sure? Did you not write it? If not, you can trivially write it yourself given tap:
function tapxs(xs, y)
for i,x in ipairs(xs) do
tapxs({10,20,30,40}, 10) -- tap at 10,10; 20,10; 30,10; etc.
I want to paint a pixel at one very specific coordinate, and then step 5 pixels away and paint the next one, and repeat that until the end of the line.
What is "the line"? Is it purely horizontal? You could write:
function tapHorizontally(startX, maxX, y, increment)
for x=startX,maxX,increment do
tapHorizontally(10,100,20,5) -- tap from 10,20 to 100,20 in 5 pixel increments
Of course, that's a bizarrely specific function. You'd typically write something that takes a starting x,y and ending x,y and draws between them, so you can support horizontal, vertical, diagonal lines all with the same function, but that requires more math.
The bottom line is: Lua is a full blown, powerful, high level programming language. It could be used to write the very app you're tapping on, or the app you're using to generate taps, so the limits are going to be your knowledge of programming/algorithms/math/etc.

Corona SDK dynamic width objects

I'm trying to implement a game mechanics of "Hooking" objects... Here's picture of what i'm talking about:
But I have a problem with the chain/string of the hook.
I've tried create it step by step when the hook is on the fly, using timer and enterFrame events, but they both generate huge gaps between chain segments.
I've tried creating big image of whole chain and changing width dynamicly, but it only stretches and looking funny :D
Maybe anyone faced the same problem?
I would suggest you to try following.
Create whole chain
place it inside container (display.newContainer)
change width of container.
Container automatically generates masks so instead of stretching you will have just part of your chain hidden under mask.
here is link to container docs
This is not a complete answer - I have given you a bit of a broad answer to a broad question but I hope it can help you in creating what you need.
I created a very similar mechanic recently -
I used enterFrame to call a function, lets call it BuildHook, this would check the position of the hook and the position of the starting point and then calculate how many pieces of images would be needed to fill out the space. The graphic I had as my "hook" was partially larger then the chain pieces allowing for it to overlap and only put a new image once enough space between the last piece and hook was created.
This ment that it was the hook moving forward and backwards and then having a static "chain" between it and the starting point. Either consuming "links" as would move backwards ontop of them or created "links" as it moved away from them.
Keep in mind this is pseudo code but should give you an idea how to make it.
local arrayOfPieces = {}
local function BuildHook()
-- Bunch of variables you need to get
-- The hook pseudo code
if(hookX - lastPieceX >= singlePieceWidth) then
local newPiece = display.newImage('singlePiece.png');
newPiece.x = lastPieceX + singlePieceWidth/2
newPiece.y = lastPieceY
if(hookX < lastPieceX) then
lastPieceArrayPos = table.getn(arrayOfPieces)
lastPiece = arrayOfPieces[lastPieceArrayPos - 1]

dealing with large figures in Latex

I have a large figure that appears at the end of my document rather than in the section that I want to be in. Even \begin{figure}[h] doesn't help. Without scaling it down, how can I put it at the end of the section I want it in?
Using the afterpage package can be a good solution. However, using the option here you are trying to tell LaTeX where you want to put the image. Instead, you need to tell LaTeX where the image is good to be put:
use \begin{figure}[tb] for figures that fit well in a page with text (say, half of the text height for the figure and the other half for the text)
use \begin{figure}[p] for floats large enough to require a dedicated page.
Setting a proper option increase your chances to have the image almost where you want, having at the same time a good page layout.
If the figure is still too far from the page where it should be placed, you can set some "barriers" for floats positioning with the packages placeins or afterpage (already mentioned).
Here is a small tutorial for float placement. The thing you want to do is put an \afterpage{\clearpage} command at the end of the section. This will create an additional page after the current one and place the floats that are left in the queque there. If the float still doesn't get placed, you have to resize it. If you really don't want to resize it and it should fit on the page, then you could try changing the margins and text area temporarily (i.e. just for that one page) and see if that lets the float get placed.
i forget if it's the float or array package that provides this, but,
The upper case H will put the figure exactly where it is in your code.
