How to import external iOS framework in flutter plugin? - ios

I'm doing a flutter plugin for stream video by using RTSP protocol. I had no problem develop it for Android, but in iOS things are more complex. I have to use an external library (SGPlayer) for getting the player work. I also downloaded the demo that uses this library and seems to work. This library is NOT on Cocoapods and I need to import it directly into the plugin project from my file system. the downloaded and compiled file structure of the plugin that I would like to use looks like this:
My problem is adding the ".framework" extension file correctly to the iOS project in a way that I can use it to develop the flutter plugin (iOS part).
I built the project with the framework by using instructions at this link:
The problem now is that while compiling the framework it change the umbrella header because, I think, it's not using the framework module.modulemap but another one. The result is that is importing just some header and implementations, and not all.

1.Place myFramework.framework to iOS plugin folder /ios ex: myPlugin/ios
2.Update iOS plugin file: myPlugin/ios/myPlugin.podspec
Adding the below line at the bottom of the file, above 'end'
s.vendored_frameworks = 'myFramework.framework'
In Terminal : cd to myPlugin/example/ios
run command
pod install
pod update
Now we can find the iOS plugin code by open iOS project (example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace) in XCode and go to

#Lorenzo you can pack your plugin and make private CocoaPod or Carthage repo.
Here is a good article howtos


Do I still need CocoaPod installation?

I am new to XCode and Swift. Trying to create a simple project that uses MQTT protocol. For that, there is a Swift library CocoaMQTT and there are directions on how to integrate it in an XCode project:
To integrate CocoaMQTT into your Xcode project using CocoaPods,
you need to modify you Podfile like the followings:
target 'Example' do
pod 'CocoaMQTT' end
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
At last, import "CocoaMQTT" to your project:
import CocoaMQTT
The directives above are not straight forward to me as for a newbie, and I followed another way by importing the CocoaMQTT package through the XCode main menu: File -> Add Packages. Once the package was downloaded, I saw that the package (and the other dependencies) were automatically added to my project in the file navigator:
Question: do I still need to do CocoaPad installation as described above, or importing the package as I did is the new and sufficient way to integrate the library into the project? The Podfile that is mentioned in the instructions cannot be modified in XCode.
[Swift package] is the new and sufficient way
Correct. The library is now installed in your project and there is no further work to do.
In general, Swift packages supersede Cocoapods. Wherever possible, if a library offers a Swift package installation, you'll probably want to use that rather than Cocoapods.
In this particular case, you should file an issue on the documentation. They have added Swift Package as an alternative way of installing this library but they have forgotten to add that information to the instructions in the Readme.

Exposing flutter module as IOS framework results in "Failed to find assets path for "Frameworks/App.framework/flutter_assets"

I am receiving Failed to find assets path for "Frameworks/App.framework/flutter_assets when trying to expose a Flutter project via a framework to another IOS project (Add to App via a Framework).
I created a Flutter project that i now want to expose as a native Framework for IOS. We want to share our project with other companies so that they can integrate it in their IOS application.
I followed the documentation described on and i used option C. This will create an XCFramework of our Flutter module and integrate it in our native IOS Framework which will have an API to work with the flutter project. In that way our IOS Framework can be seen as an Umbrella kind of Framework but also with an exposed API.
So what i created is:
A Flutter module
An IOS Framework
An IOS Project
I build the flutter module using ./flutterw build ios-framework --cocoapods --xcframework --no-universal --output=../WhiteLabelIOSFrameWork/Flutter --verbose into the IOS Framework. I added the libraries to the Framework and i created a codespec file for the Framework with only Flutter as a dependency. Afterwards i added a Podfile to the project and added the Framework as a dependency.
All of this is working (i only needed to upgrade to Flutter 1.24.X to have this fix available But when i start my Flutter engine it's unable to find the flutter_assets (Failed to find assets path for "Frameworks/App.framework/flutter_assets).
I tried building the ios-framework directly into our IOS project and skip the in between Framework and then it seems to work. So i think it cannot find the flutter_assets since the App.framework is not in the IOS project itself, but in a Framework in between.
Is there a way to move the flutter_assets path or so? Or any other idea on how to solve this?
Kind regards,
This issue cause when you create Flutter Engine without FlutterDartProject.
Just add FlutterEngine(name: "your name", project: FlutterDartProject(precompiledDartBundle: Bundle.init(for: Self.self)))

What is the best practice to include third party ios sdk framework in react-native module library?

I am trying to include ios sdk framework in my react-native module library. I turned always embed swift standard library to Yes in build setting. Everything compiles fine.
Then I include the node module in an app using npm i react-native-my-framework, open sampleapp.xcworkspace and build in XCode, I get an error MyFramework/MyFramework-Swift.h not found. I tried following permutation combinations:
Put MyFramework to Frameworks, Library and Embedded Contents. and tried some other combination of build settings.
Set the framework search path in the library project - $(PROJECT_DIR)/../node_modules/react-native-my-framework/ios/
I manually included libMyFramework.a to Libraries group.
But I am still facing the same issue. What am I missing here?
Also, MyFramework is not on Cocoa pods
Now MyFramework is available on Cocoapods

iOS : How to generate a .framework file from a GitHub project

There is a Swift project on GitHub that I want to include in my iOS app.
In my iOS app, I use Carthage. But the GitHub project is not compatible with Carthage (only with Cocoapods), so I need to include the .framework file in my project manually.
How can I generate the .framework file without Carthage?
Building the framework is not always the same across projects. That being said, there should be a target available when you open the project to make the framework build. It should look something like this.
After clicking run the framework is usually output to the products directory.
If this doesn't work for you with this project then maybe you could share a link to the github page for the project and I could provide more instruction.
Fork Project
Change scheme to shared in scheme management (more information on Carthage docs)
Add your fork to your Cartfile
You can stop here but I highly recommend do this after:
Update README with information about Carthage support
Make a pull request

SocketIO manual installation for iOS app swift 4 xcode 9

I am having difficulty installing SocketIO for my Swift 4/Xcode 9 app. I have tried Swift Package Manager and Carthage and both did not work. Separate threads for those issues. I do not want to use Cocoapods.
Is there a way to manually install the libraries? I can drag and drop the Source files successfully however I don't know how to add the SocketIO and Starscream frameworks from the Git downloaded files. I can figure out how to link the binaries and that stuff myself, just want to know where I can physically extract the two frameworks from in the downloaded file.
Did you check in your project folder, the Carthage folder then Build folder then iOS folder and same with the Checkout folder?
