I'm having difficulty understanding how I should build my view to ensure the update of my project model also updates the appropriate related records
I have the following models: Project, User and AuthorisedUser
Each project has a list of authorised users who are permitted access, and the selection of authorised users is made from a drop-down picklist of all users within the project edit view.
I'm keen to make use of as much of the Rails 'magic' as possible, so my understanding is that in order for the project.update method to deal with saving the collection of authorised_users for the project, I need the following associations:
(Project Model)
has_many :authorised_users
has_many :users, through: :authorised_users
accepts_nested_attributes_for :authorised_users
(User Model)
has_many :authorised_users
has_many :projects, through: :authorised_users
(Authorised User Model)
belongs_to :project
belongs_to :user
What I'm having difficulty understanding is how to construct my view such that the authorised users (i.e. those selected from the list of all users) will appear as required in the params presented to the controller- I think I need somehow to include a reference to the AuthorisedUser model, but I've only been able to find examples of this where the fields_for helper is used, for example:
= project_form.fields_for :authorised_users do |auf|
- selected = #project.authorised_users
= auf.label :user_id, 'Authorised Users'
= auf.collection_select('authusers', User.all, :id, :username, {:prompt => 'Blah', :selected => selected}, {multiple: true, class: 'form-control'})
Although this does result in the appearance of authorised_user_attributes within the controller params, this isn't quite right since the block will (obviously) repeat the selection for every authorised user- I just want one selection box to appear, from which selected users can be saved as 'authorised' against the project
This probably isn't as difficult as I seem to be making it, but I'd be grateful for some clarity on the best approach- for example:
Can this be done implicity by Rails as part of the project.update, or must I iterate through the collection of authorised_users in the project controller, manually updating the associated records?
It's easier than what you're trying to do.
You don't need accepts_nested_attributes_for :authorised_users in the Project model, since you want only to update user_ids. Therefore, you don't need fields_for.
- selected = #project.authorised_users
= project_form.label :user_ids, 'Authorised Users'
= project_form.collection_select :user_ids, User.all, :id, :username, {:prompt => 'Blah', :selected => selected}, {multiple: true, class: 'form-control'})
Don't forget to add user_ids: [] to permitted parameters and remove any unused parameters from the first implementation.
In ActiveAdmin I have an entity editing form with triple nesting. Now I can edit the data that is present in the database. They are saved.
But if I try to add new data, then I get a ROLLBACK error:
{:"blocks.texts.block"=>["must exist", "can't be blank"]}
I'll clarify again - existing data in this field is successfully updating.
But when creating a new entity in this nested form, some kind of problem arises. I tried to track by logs what is sent in the form, what comes before validation and what remains after validation.
Everything comes to form:
"blocks_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"texts_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"value"=>"first value", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"671518"}}, "label_ids"=>["", "54"], "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"18655"}, "1"=>{"texts_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"value"=>"tteesstt"}}}}
# => "1"=>{"texts_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"value"=>"tteesstt"}}}
But before and after validation, this data is no longer available. In texts are present only data previously existed.
In ActiveAdmin have this code:
permit_params :title, :description, :published,
blocks_attributes: [
:id, :_destroy,
texts_attributes: %i[id value _destroy],
label_ids: []
category_ids: []
# ...
f.has_many :blocks, allow_destroy: true do |b_f|
b_f.inputs do
b_f.has_many :texts, allow_destroy: true do |b_t_f|
b_t_f.inputs do
b_t_f.input :value
b_f.input :labels, as: :check_boxes, collection: Label.options_for_select, input_html: { multiple: true }
The initial Post model has this code:
accepts_nested_attributes_for :blocks,
allow_destroy: true
In Block model:
accepts_nested_attributes_for :texts,
allow_destroy: true
Please tell me why the existing data is updated, and the new ones disappear when saved?
Addition 1
As I understand it, this is connected not with texts, but with block - blocks.texts.block. But why does the text refer to a block? Why is the block not identifiable? It has the following name in the form: post[blocks_attributes][1][texts_attributes][0][value].
Addition 2
If in ActiveAdmin I first add (save to DB) only block (second block), and after I add text to this block, all two times the save to DB will successfully. That is, the problem is due to the lack of a block ID when creating text in a single scenario.
It turns out that this is a bug? When adding (using JS) a new HTML form code, must also add the block_id for text. But now this is not. Now only the existing block in the database has this field.
I remember that some time ago I had a similar issue with associations. Here, form error it looks like texts have no block_id. That's true because you're already saving it. Try that: https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/AutosaveAssociation.html
The solution is simple - need to use inverse_of. Documentation.
And everything will start to work as intended.
I'm trying to display active projects per party in a drop down list. active_projects is a method within the Party model. The grouped_collection_select code below works however, when I attempt to convert my form into a simple_form, my active_projects method is no longer recognised.
Below are my two code extracts. The first working correctly while the other causes an error.
# rails default
<%= f.grouped_collection_select(:project_id,
:id, :project_name) %>
# simple form
<%= f.input :project_id,
collection: Party.all, as: :grouped_select,
group_method: :"active_projects(#{date})" %>
I know this one is a little old but I have a solution to this problem using simple_form. I am not sure if it is the best solution but it does work.
Basically, the issue comes down to passing in a value to the group_method. In my case I had a class that needed to get the current_users company that he/she belongs to. My model/database structure was like this:
Type -> Category
In my case the Type records were global and did not belong to a specific company. However, the category model records did belong to a specific company. The goal is to show a grouped select with global types and then company-specific categories underneath them. Here is what I did:
class Type < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :categories
attr_accessor :company_id
# Basically returns all the 'type' records but before doing so sets the
# company_id attribute based on the value passed. This is possible because
# simple_form uses the same instance of the parent class to call the
# group_by method on.
def self.all_with_company(company_id)
Type.all.each do |item|
item.company_id = company_id
# Then for my group_by method I added a where clause that reuses the
# attribute set when I originally grabbed the records from the model.
def categories_for_company
self.categories.where(:company_id => self.company_id)
So the above is a definition of the type class. For reference here is my definition of the category class.
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :company
belongs_to :type
Then on my simple_form control I did this:
<%= f.association :category, :label => 'Category', :as => :grouped_select, :collection => Type.all_with_company(company_id), :group_method => :categories_for_company, :label_method => :name %>
Basically instead of passing in the value we want to filter on in the :group_method property we pass it in on the :collection property. Even though it will not be used to get the parent collection it is just being stored for later use in the class instance. This way, when we call another method on that class it has the value we need to do our filtering on the child.
I've watched the RailsCast, another nested attributes video, lots of SO posts, and fought with this for a while, but I still can't figure it out. I hope it's something tiny.
I have two models, User (created by Devise), and Locker (aka, a product wishlist), and I'm trying to create a Locker for a User when they sign up. My login form has a field for the name of their new Locker (aptly called :name) that I'm trying to assign to the locker that gets created upon new user registration. All I'm ever greeted with is:
WARNING: Can't mass-assign protected attributes: locker
I've tried every combination of accepts_nested_attributes and attr_accesible in both of my models, yet still nothing works. I can see from the logs that it's being processed by the Devise#create method, and I know Devise isn't smart enough to create my models how I want :)
Here's the relevant bits of my two models:
# user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :username, :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :remember_me, :locker_attributes
# Associations
has_many :lockers
has_many :lockups, :through => :lockers
# Model nesting access
accepts_nested_attributes_for :lockers
# locker.rb
class Locker < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_many :lockups
has_many :products, :through => :lockups
attr_accessible :name, :description
# lockers_controller.rb (create)
#locker = current_user.lockers.build(params[:locker])
I'm assuming I need to override Devise's create method to somehow get this to work, but I'm quite new to rails and am getting used to the black box "magic" nature of it all.
If anyone can help me out, I'd be incredibly thankful. Already spent too much time on this as it is :)
EDIT: I realized I omitted something in my problem. My Locker model has three attributes - name, description (not mandatory), and user_id to link it back to the User. My signup form only requires the name, so I'm not looping through all the attributes in my nested form. Could that have something to do with my issue too?
EDIT 2: I also figured out how to override Devise's RegistrationsController#create method, I just don't know what to put there. Devise's whole resource thing doesn't make sense to me, and browsing their source code for the RegistrationsController didn't help me much either.
And for bonus points: When a user submits the login form with invalid data, the Locker field always comes back blank, while the regular Devise fields, username & email, are filled in. Could this also be fixed easily? If so, how?
first, you have a typo :
attr_accessible :locker_attributes
should be plural :
attr_accessible :lockers_attributes
then, the standard way to use nested_attributes is :
<%= form_for #user do |f| %>
<%# fields_for will iterate over all user.lockers and
build fields for each one of them using the block below,
with html name attributes like user[lockers_attributes][0][name].
it will also generate a hidden field user[lockers_attributes][0][id]
if the locker is already persisted, which allows nested_attributes
to know if the locker already exists of if it must create a new one
<% f.fields_for :lockers do |locker_fields| %>
<%= locker_fields.label :name %>
<%= locker_fields.text_field :name %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
and in you controller :
def new
#user = User.new
def create
# no need to use build here : params[:user] contains a
# :lockers_attributes key, which has an array of lockers attributes as value ;
# it gets assigned to the user using user.lockers_attributes=,
# a method created by nested_attributes
#user = User.new( params[:user] )
as a side note, you can avoid building a new locker for new users in controller in different ways:
create a factory method on User, or override new, or use an after_initialize callback to ensure every new user instantiated gets a locker builded automatically
pass a specific object to fields_for :
<% f.fields_for :lockers, f.object.lockers.new do |new_locker_fields| %>
Someone helped me figure out the solution in a more "Rails 4'y" way with strong attributes & how to override Devise's sign_up_params (to catch all the data coming from my signup form).
def sign_up_params
params.require(:user).permit(:username, :email, :password, :lockers_attributes)
Gemfile addition: gem 'strong_parameters'
Commenting out the attr_accessible statement in my user.rb file, since apparently strong parameters eliminate the need for attr_accessible declarations.
# attr_accessible :username, :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :lockers
And the/a correct way of building a Locker before submitting the form: at the beginning of the nested form:
<%= l.input :name, :required => true, label: "Locker name", :placeholder => "Name your first locker" %>
Thanks again for all your help. I know a question like this is difficult to answer without seeing the whole codebase.
I have a model called Person that the user selects five personality Traits for. However, the order they pick them for matters (they are choosing most descriptive to least descriptive).
I know how to create a join table with a poison an do ordering that way. I'm using acts_as_list as well.
But I can't seem to find any help on, is how to create a way for the user of my app to set the order of the traits. That is I want to have say five select boxes on in the HTML and have them pick each one, and use something like jQuery UI Sortable to allow them to move them around if they like.
Here is a basic idea of my models (simplified for the purpose of just getting the concept).
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :personalizations
has_many :traits, :through => :personalizations, :order => 'personalizations.position'
class Personalization < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :person
belongs_to :trait
class Trait < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :persons
has_many :persons, :through => :personalizations
I just have no idea how to get positioning working in my view/controller, so that when submitting the form it knows which trait goes where in the list.
After a lot of research I'll post my results up to help someone else encase they need to have list of records attached to a model via many-to-many through relationship with being able to sort the choices in the view.
Ryan Bates has a great screencast on doing sorting with existing records: http://railscasts.com/episodes/147-sortable-lists-revised
However in my case I needed to do sorting before my Person model existed.
I can easily add an association field using builder or simple_form_for makes this even easier. The result will be params contains the attribute trait_ids (since my Person has_many Traits) for each association field:
#view code (very basic example)
<%= simple_form_for #character do |f| %>
<%= (1..5).each do |i| %>
<%= f.association :traits %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
#yaml debug output
- ''
- '1'
- ''
- '2'
- ''
- '3'
- ''
- '4'
- ''
- '5'
So then the question is will the order of the elements in the DOM be respected whenever the form is submitted. Specially if I implement jQuery UI draggable? I found this Will data order in post form be the same to it in web form? and I agree with the answer. As I suspected, too risky to assume the order will always be preserved. Could lead to a bug down the line even if it works in all browsers now.
Therefore after much looking I've concluded jQuery is a good solution. Along with a virtual attribute in rails to handle the custom output. After a lot of testing I gave up on using acts_as_list for what I am trying to do.
To explain this posted solution a bit. Essentially I cache changes to a virtual property. Then if that cache is set (changes were made) I verify they have selected five traits. For my purposes I am preserving the invalid/null choices so that if validation fails when they go back to the view the order will remain the same (e.g. if they skipped the middle select boxes).
Then an after_save call adds these changes to the database. Any error in after_save is still wrapped in a transaction so if any part were to error out no changes will be made. It was easiest therefore to just delete all the endowments and save the new ones (there might be a better choice here, not sure).
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :ordered_traits
has_many :endowments
has_many :traits, :through => :endowments, :order => "endowments.position"
validate :verify_list_of_traits
after_save :save_endowments
def verify_list_of_traits
return true if #trait_cache.nil?
check_list = #trait_cache.compact
if check_list.nil? or check_list.size != 5
errors.add(:ordered_traits, 'must select five traits')
elsif check_list.uniq{|trait| trait.id}.size != 5
errors.add(:ordered_traits, 'traits must be unique')
def ordered_traits
list = #trait_cache unless #trait_cache.nil?
list ||= self.traits
#preserve the nil (invalid) values with '-1' placeholders
list.map {|trait| trait.nil?? '-1' : trait.id }.join(",")
def ordered_traits=(val)
#trait_cache = ids.split(',').map { |id| Trait.find_by_id(id) }
def save_endowments
return if #trait_cache.nil?
self.endowments.each { |t| t.destroy }
i = 1
for new_trait in #trait_cache
self.endowments.create!(:trait => new_trait, :position => i)
i += 1
Then with simple form I add a hidden field
<%= f.hidden :ordered_traits %>
I use jQuery to move the error and hint spans to the correct location inside
the div of five select boxes I build. Then I had a submit event handler on the form and convert the selection from the five text boxes in the order they are in the DOM to an array of comma separated numbers and set the value on the hidden field.
For completeness here is the other classes:
class Trait < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title
has_many :endowments
has_many :people, :through => :endowments
class Endowment < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :person, :trait, :position
belongs_to :person
belongs_to :trait
I have a User model object whose permission attribute is restricted by validates_inclusion_of to ['user','org_admin','site_admin']. When designing the create/edit form for this object, I don't want to duplicate this list, in case it changes later. Is there a "Rails way" to do this, or should I just extract the list of valid values into an attribute accessible from outside of the instance?
If I really wanted to work with strings I would probably define a User::PERMISSIONS constance which includes the mentioned permissions.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
PERMISSIONS = ['user','org_admin','site_admin']
validates_inclusion_of :permission, :in => PERMISSIONS
A simplified form (using simple_form in the example)
simple_form_for(#user) do |f|
f.input :permission, :as => :select, :collection => User::PERMISSIONS
It would be even neater to create a permissions model and just save the permission_id when you create a new user.
There are probably even better ways to do it so I'm looking forward to other answers.