JQL : show last updated tickets but not by me - jira

In JIRA I would like to show the last updated tickets (ORDER BY updated DESC) that were updated by someone that isn't me (filter).
Is there a way to do it?
Thanks in advance.

There no way to do this with JQL. Only update date is stored.

The closest you can get is using "was" which can be used with status changes or resolution, for example to query something like: status was closed by bob
If you use scriptrunner you also get a similar function for comments: issueFunction in commented("after -4w by jbloggs")
And for work logged: issueFunction in workLogged(on "2015/07/28" by admin)
But probably this would be the closest to what you are looking for:
lastUpdated (by / inRole / inGroup) Finds issues by the user who last
updated them. Example, find all issues that were last updated by
members of the Developers role:
issueFunction in lastUpdated('inRole Administrators')
Hope it helps you


get a specific user's comments in Jira 8.5.0

I use Jira Server, I am trying to get a specific user's comments in advanced search with JQL. I don't want to use plug-ins. In other posts (which are mostly for Jira Cloud) I ve seen and I tried these:
comment ~ "user.name", comment ~ user.name, comment ~ currentUser(), comment ~ currentUser() OERDERBY createdDate DESC or issueFunction in commented("by user")in this and this posts.
However none of these return a result, what I see is:
No issues were found to match your search
Does anyone use Jira Software 8.5.0 Server and experienced such issue ?
I tried using issueFunction method and it does return me list of issues commented by an specific user.
For example, my user name is vikkumar then the syntax will look like this
issueFunction in commented("by vikkumar")
Let me know if this works.

Jira Quick-filter to show all task with subtasks assigned to current user

Currently, I have a quick filter to show me my task that does this:
assignee = currentUser()
This works ok, but doesn't show me tasks that are assigned to someone else, but have subtasks assigned to me. Is it possible to make it show me both tasks assigned to me, and tasks that have subtasks assigned to me?
Create a filter for all of your subtask from the following JQL:
issuetype in subtaskIssueTypes() and assignee = currentUser()
Then, using Craftforge JQL Functions Plugin, use the following JQL to find their parents:
issue in parentIssuesFromFilter("filter name or its id")
The following query will return all parent tasks, which have sub-tasks assigned to the current user. (The parent task need not be assigned to current user)
issueFunction in parentsOf("assignee = currentUser() ")
Note: issueFunction requires the ScriptRunner plugin and it's not free.
In addition to #Kuf's answer, it's sometimes much simpler to write the whole thing in one query especially with Swimlanes or Quick-Filters in Greenhopper, rather than creating and saving custom filter.
For instance, to show Un-finished Issues or Sub-tasks in one quick-filter on Greenhopper:
status!=Closed or issue in parentIssuesFromQuery("issuetype in subtaskIssueTypes() AND status!=Closed ")
Navigate to Issues (in header) > Search for issues, then enter your search criteria.

Query Jira for Status Change within one hour

I need to query Jira for Issues put "In Progress" with in an hour of time of creation.
Any help will be appreciated.
According to the latest JIRA API docs, there's a search api for use with JIRA. Here is a link to the docs:
This link shows details of how to issue a JQL query against the search api.
JIRA JQL searching by date - is there a way of getting Today() (Date) instead of Now() (DateTime)
status = "In Progress" AND created < '1d'
I hope this can help you. If you wanted to see recent, simply as follow:
status = "In Progress" AND created < '1d' ORDER BY created DESC

JIRA - Resolved by me query

How to write query that will select only issues resolved by me.
I have found some old post that says its no possible, but it might have changed.
Use next JQL:
status was resolved by "username"
In 4.4 this seems to work:
status was "Resolved" by currentUser()
More details can be found here.
The answer most often given is to use JQL for something like
status was Resolved BY currentUser()
While all fine and good, this will give you back all the issues that you have ever resolved. That is, if you resolved issue FOO-1966 and then it got reopened and someone else resolved it again it is still an issue that was resolved by you.
Here's a better way to do this in JIRA 6 and later (including JIRA onDemand).
Create a custom field called "Resolver". Make it a person field but do not add it to any forms (unless you really want to).
Edit your workflow and add a post function to the resolve issue transition in your workflow. Make the action "Update custom field" and set the Resolver to %%CURRENT_USER%%.
Publish your workflow.
Now whenever someone resolves an issue using that workflow, the Resolver field will get set to the current user. Now the Resolver field is semantically "last resolved by".
As an added bonus, you can use the value in the Resolver field to reassign issues back to the person who resolved them when they get reopened. I'll leave this as an exercise to the reader. :-)
You can use this JQL query:
"Resolved by" = currentUser()
(I just verified this in v4.1.2#531 on a standalone version)
There is also a plug in you can use in older versions:
None of the above worked for me on JIRA (v4.1.2#531)
However, his works:
"Resource" = currentUser() AND (status = Fixed OR status = Closed OR status = "No Change Required") ORDER BY updated
You can use the WAS operator:
JIRA - Advanced Searching : "The "WAS" operator is used to find issues that currently have, or previously had, the specified value for the specified field"
Example: status WAS "Resolved" BY currentUser()
For JIRA v6.3.4, this worked for me:
"Resolved By" = currentUser()
As far as I can tell, search for resolved by me and more generally, for status changes, is not possible until at least JIRA 4.2.1 (the version I'm using now).
Search and JQL enhancements outlined in 4.3 and 4.4 release notes look like the move in the right direction (WAS operator) but I'm not holding my breath.
None of the above solutions worked for me. I started adding a label to all my issues to resolved_by_kishore, then in advanced search, I'm using lables=resolved_by_kishore. It's working fine.
project = prohjectname AND status was "Resolved" by username and resolutiondate >= '2014/01/08'
and its variants exists in jql now
i am not sure whether they existed at the time question was asked.
i am adding this answer so that if anyone comes here can find the answer
I guess you can use this
status in (resolved) AND component = COMPONENT_NAME AND assignee in (currentUser()) AND resolved > -1d
but the new thing here resolved > -1d this to get the issues that are resolved me in this day
resourses: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/JIRA-4-4-search-filter-how-to-find-issues-resolved-in-last-seven/qaq-p/77326
The values used in Status can vary (e.g. Resolved, Closed, Done, ...) so it is not reliable to use.
Instead, use resolution:
resolution changed from EMPTY by currentUser()
Using = EMPTY seems to work for searching for empty custom fields with newer versions of Jira

Issues commented by me in JIRA

As per JIRA documentation
The following filter will show the issues opned by me (Current User).
reporter = currentUser()
Is there a filer that will show issues commented by me? something like the following does not work...
comment by = currentUser()
if you know the name of the user (lets assume the name is Tom you can do:
issueFunction in commented("by Tom")
you can also filter it by date of the comment like:
issueFunction in commented("after -1d by Tom")
UPDATE: this requires ScriptRunner being installed in JIRA server (as JBert pointed out)
You can use the Activity Stream gadget with a filter configured by username and activity type. Note that this requires a case-sensitive username, not the friendly Display Name.
Activity Stream gadget configuration:
Filtered Activity Stream display:
(I posted a variation of this answer elsewhere but have improved my filter since then and the new filter is more salient to this question anyhow.)
You could also follow the approach presented by Matt Doar:
Use a participants field from the JIRA Toolkit plugin and query that
It's not a a complete answer but maybe a step in the right direction...
I had the same problem and
issueFunction in commented("by username")
worked for me
The following query identifies tickets in which current (or some other particular) user was mentioned in comments:
comment ~ currentUser()
The new scriptrunner can do lots of things e.g. find issues with comments issueFunction in hasComments(), find issues with comments that are not older than 7 days issueFunction in commented("after -7d") and also issue comments from users or groups.
Details can be found here:
You can try that workaround I am current using this expression on my saved search:
comment ~ "your.username.here"
This in fact catch the comments where I was mentioned, but if you mention yourself probably should works. I have not tried by myself.
My current Jira is a cloud based one, so I can't tell you exactly which version is.
In JIRA v7.3.0, the watcher field works well, if autowatch is enabled:
watcher = currentUser()
How to enable
Profile > Preferences > Autowatch : [inhert, disabled, enabled]
Issues that you create or comment on will automatically be watched for future changes.
For filtering issues in which you have been mentioned, try comment ~ currentUser()
This (to my knowledge) cannot be completed using JQL, even with a plugin. If you have DB access, the query is simple:
SELECT pkey, summary FROM jiraissue, jiraaction WHERE jiraissue.id = jiraaction.issueid AND author = '<insert_jira_username>';
If you're talking only about the current user, there is a personal Activity Stream in your profile
It includes actions other than comments, but does provide an RSS feed which you could filter only comments with:
<category term="comment"/>
This is the query to know the issues I am involved in:
SELECT a.pkey, a.summary FROM jiraissue AS a left join jiraaction AS b on a.id = b.issueid
where b.author = 'jira_username' OR a.REPORTER = 'jira_username' OR a.ASSIGNEE = 'jira_username'
group by a.pkey order by a.CREATED
This is the query to know all issues raised in the last 24 hours.
select REPORTER, SUMMARY from jiraissue
