Could not upgrade RDL on Report - docker

I'm getting error when importing report (as text file) to database (Nav 2017 CU11).
: [21431012] Could not upgrade RDL on Report XXXXXX Report Name.
', hexadecimal value 0x14, is an invalid character. Line 8693, position 64.
[0] The import stopped at line 2810411.
The thing is that I'm only getting this error when trying to import this object inside the docker container. DB and service tier are hosted inside the same container.
Same object works/imports fine on regular PC. Nav versions exactly the same on PC and in the container.
Moreover there is not a single place in the text file where I could find mentioned 0x14 character.
As far as I know Line 8693, position 64. refers to the RDLc part of the text file. At this position stands legit letter й (Russian).
It must have something to do with encoding but I found no way to play with it inside the container.

maybe is the language settings/localization/locale in(side) the container?
Maybe this will help...


Sending IFS File to Outq Prints Line of "#" Symbols

I am attempting to send a file from IFS to an outq on our AS/400 system. Whenever I do, I get exactly what I send, as well as a line of "#" symbols of varying lengths appended to the end.
Here's the command I'm using:
qsh cmd('cat -c /path/test.txt | Rfile -wbQ -c "ovrprtf file(qprint)
outq(*LIBL/ABCD) devtype(*USERASCII) rplunprt(*no) splfname(test) hold(*no)"
The contents of test.txt is just Hello World!
The output I get when I send the command is
Hello World!####################################################################
I have not found any posts online about a similar problem, and have tried changing values and looking for additional switches to get it to work. Nothing I'm doing seems to fix the issue.
Is there a command or switch that I am missing, or is something I have in there already causing this?
I found this documentation which is the first time I've seen this issue mentioned, but it's not very helpful:
“Messages for a Take Action command might consist of a long string of "at" symbols (#) in a pop-up message. (The Reflex automation Take Action command, which is configured in situations, does not have this problem.) A resolution for this problem is under construction. This problem might be resolved by the time of the product release. If you see this problem, contact IBM Software Support.”
The only differences are: 1) this is not a pop-up message, it's printed. 2) I don't believe we use Tivoli Monitoring, although I could be wrong.
Assuming we do use Tivoli Monitoring, what would the solution be? There's no additional documentation past that, and I am not a system administrator, so I can't really make the call to IBM Software Support myself. And assuming we DON'T use it, what else could cause this issue?
I get different results, yet similar. I created a test.txt with Windows Explorer, put in Hello, world!, saved it and tried the script. I got gibberish for the 'Hello, world!' and then the line of # symbols.
My system is 7.3 TR5, CCSID 37 (US English) and my IFS file is CCSID 1252 (Windows English). Results did not change if I used a stream file of CCSID 819 (US ASCII).
I didn't have any luck modifying Rfile switches.
I found that removing devtype(*userascii) produced printed output in plain English without the # symbols. Do you really need *USERASCII? I would think that would be more for a pre-formatted 'print-ready' file like Postscript or the like.
EDIT: some more things to try
I don't understand why *USERASCII is adding those # symbols; it looks like a translation issue.
I tried this and still got the extra ###... You might have to play with the TOCCSID() parameter. Although a failure, it did give me an idea: what if those # symbols are EBCDIC spaces being sent as-is to the *USERASCII print stream? All we'd need is a way to send only the number of bytes in the stream file, without any padding.
CPY OBJ('/path/test.txt') TOOBJ('/qsys.lib/qtemp.lib/prtstmf.file/prtstmf.mbr') replace(*yes)
ovrprtf file(qprint) outq(*LIBL/prt3812) devtype(*USERASCII) rplunprt(*no) splfname(test) hold(*no)
cpyf prtstmf qprint
The data in QTEMP/PRTSTMF is in ASCII; DSPPFM shows that much. It also shows a bunch of spaces: after all, it is a fixed length file. My next step was to write an RPG program to read the stream file and print it, but Scott Klement already did that:
This works on my system:
ovrprtf file(qsysprt) outq(*LIBL/abcd) devtype(*USERASCII) rplunprt(*no) splfname(test) hold(*no)
prtstmf stmf('/path/test.txt') outq(abcd)

Hyperledger Burrow: "could not create Burrow kernel: info.Moniker must be valid non-empty ASCII text without tabs, but got"

Hello fellow bugseekers,
I am trying to run a hyperledger burrow blockchain on a v-server.
Installation and setup went just fine, but every time I try to start the chain (burrow start --validator-address=50B1A9AB9B35B9E9565F4B881018380566702562) I get this Error:
could not create Burrow kernel: info.Moniker must be valid non-empty ASCII text without tabs, but got
It seems as tho the log is not complete, but there is nothing after "got", so I assume the info.Moiker is empty. Googeling didn't help. I would appreciate any input.
Thank you for your time in advance.
I had the same problem. info.Moniker is just a string value that represents a human readable name. This is related to the Tendermint consensus, which is used by the Hyperledger Burrow.
You can edit burrow.toml file and replace
Moniker = ""
with the following -
Moniker = "SomeName"
You can find a sample tendermint toml file HERE
BTW, this worked for me.

How do I view the source code of a GW-BASIC .BAS file?

I have an old .BAS file that I'm trying to view and for which I'm running into some problems. Searching online seems to indicate that I should be able to just open it in NOTEPAD.EXE or similar, but doing so gives me gibberish, like this:
‰=É™2+df”c).vX»[šû'Û9¹8%ñx5m#8úV4ÊBº)Eª;Iú¹ó‹|àÆ„72#Ž§i§Ë #îÑ?
}+d&jQ *YòÎg)ʇŒ~Š¯DË?úŽ©Ž5\šm€S{ÔÍo—#ìôÔ”ÜÍѱ]ʵ¬0wêÂLª¡öm#Å„Ws雦 X
Ô¶æ¯÷¦É®jÛ ¼§
”n ŸëÆf¿´ó½4ÂäÌ3§Œ®
I know the file is sound, because I can open it in GW-BASIC. However, list does not seem to work to view the file, and trying to save the file in ASCII format from within GW-BASIC, didn't work either. Both just gave me an "Illegal function call" error:
(C) Copyright Microsoft 1983,1984,1986,1987
60300 Bytes free
Illegal function call
SAVE "Pwrharm2",A
Illegal function call
[Program runs successfully]
Then again, the run command works just fine. What am I doing wrong?
You're not doing anything wrong; the file was originally saved in GWBASIC with the ,P option. There is a 'hack' to unprotect it, described at!topic/comp.os.msdos.misc/PA9sve0eKAk - basically, you create a file (call it UNPROT.BAS) containing only the characters 0xff 0x1a, then load the protected file, then load UNPROT.BAS, and you should then be able to list and save the program.
If you can't LIST or EDIT a GW-BASIC .BAS file that you LOADed from disk, it means that the file was originally SAVEd in protected format via SAVE filespec, P.
The 1988 "Handbook of BASIC - third edition" by David I. Schneider describes it as follows:
A program that has been SAVEd in protected format can be unprotected with the following technique.
(a) Create a file called RECOVER.BAS with the following program.
20 PRINT #1, CHR$(255);
30 CLOSE #1
(b) LOAD the protected program into memory.
The formerly protected program will now be in memory and can be LISTed or EDITed, and reSAVEd in an unprotected format. This technique appears to work with most versions of BASIC. I have used it successfully with IBM PC BASIC, Compaq BASIC, and several versions of GW-BASIC. LOADing the file RECOVER.BAS will also restore a program after a NEW command has been executed.

How to send text file to printer

As i read in some fingerprint manual we can send text file to the printer. Means we can write the program in the text editor and send the whole program as a text file to the printer using the communication program using some transfer commands.
for in my host there is a file called myfile.txt in D:/ with the fallowing data
10 PRPOS 200,200
20 DIR 3
30 ALIGN 5
How can i send this file to printer and execute the instrucations to print the image.
Please give me some code reference.
There are several ways to do this from the command line. For example:
type foo.txt > lpt1:
copy foo.txt lpt1:
print foo.txt
notepad /p foo.txt
If you need to do it programmatically, you can execute any of those commands using the system() function or CreateProcess().
If you're on an Intermec handheld and you're connected to a Bluetooth printer, you should be able to open a serial port to COM6 and send your file over. What programming language? There should be plenty of Serial Port communication code examples out there.
My experience with Intermec PM4i label printer was a roller coaster but know I have a working app.
I tried Windows printer pipeline through generictext driver. It does work from Notepad but with few corner cases.
Printing directly from Notepad works fine until I tried QRCODE image with a very long text line. Image did not print out. Made qrcode text a short few characters and same script worked fine.
NASC 1252
FT "Swiss 721 Bold BT",12,0,100
PP 50,500:PT "Text line goes here"
PP 400,400:AN 7:BARSET "QRCODE",1,1,7,2,4
PB "ABC123 aabbcc....very long text goes here...I mean about 200 chars or more"
It was like Notepad cut text to a right side border and command string was broken. I made a printing preferences A3-landscape and it accepted longer text but still was not enough for all use cases.
All printers have a physical max printing width but it should not be considered in a fingerprint/directprotocol script files. After all we are not printing this text as-is but submitting commands to the printer.
My solution was to create Java application which opens a raw TCP socket to address and writes text lines, lines terminated by NL(#10). Works fine. Another helper tool I did was Delphi app.exe to read IP address from Windows printer object. I can submit label printouts "directly" from Excel application.
End users edit Excel data rows and click PRINT LABELS button
vba macro parses a fingerprint template file with ${FIELD1} find-and-replace substitutes
file is written to %wintemp%/intermec_script.txt folder
call app.exe to read IP address of user chosen printer
call java app to submit intermec_script.txt to IP:PORT socket
I should create same socket submit app in Delphi to drop javavm dependency but this solution was faster for my use case. I am more familiar with Java than my Delphi skill level.

How to use IIS Debug Diagnostics report to locate source file line in Delphi COM component

We have a Delphi COM component being called from an ISAPI web app. The COM component is hanging the app because it is trying to display a MessageBox(). We have no MessageBox() call in our user code so it must be located in the Delphi runtime source, probably in exception handler code.
We have an IIS debug diagnostics report that shows our module name + an offset address as the offending code.
We have a .MAP file for our module and we also have produced a .dbg file using MAP2DBG.
Our question is how do we locate the source file line of code using the IIS debug diag hang report containing the offset address, using the .MAP or .DBG file?
We've tried to use WinDbg but have not been able to figure out what we need to do to locate the source line.
Firstly you need to find the base address where the process loaded the COM module in to the IIS process - this may be evident by the IIS Debug log. Lets call this BASE.
Then you calculate the MAPoffset = offset - BASE - $1000 and you have an address that can be searched for in the Delphi MAP file.
In the MAP file (which should be detailed to get line number mapping) you will find a section for each source module which list records of "linenumber segment:offset". Then you check if MAPoffset is either equal to an offset or in between two of the line number offsets. This should give you a direction to which line is the offending line.
The segment is usually 1 - indicating a text segment with generated code - (there is a segment map in the top of the MAP file).
Hope this helps!
