How Can I Add drop out technique to the keras Retina net? - machine-learning

I'm working with RetinaNet NN model for object detection and I faced with over fitting problem.
One of the solutions is adding "Dropout".
I'm Using the keras code Here
I want to Add Dropout to the last layers but I don't know how to add.
Can anyone help which file should I change?and how?

After a while, I tried many solutions but non of them didn't say how to add exactly, so I tried and then found how to add, So decided to answer it myself!
Just need to add a line like this:
outputs = keras.layers.SpatialDropout1D (rate=dropout_rate) (outputs)
You can use another layer dropout type like :
SpatialDropout2D and more.

You could try to store the fully connected layer into a variable like:
fc1 = model.layers[-3]
fc2 = model.layers[-2]
predictions = model.layers[-1]
Then create your dropout layer and reconnect them all to build a new Model as shown in this post :Add dropout layers between pretrained dense layers in keras
Hope this helps.


How can I add zero-padding to make images in dataset of equal size?

I'm working with a dataset having a size of more than 30Gb, the problem is that the images(RGB) in the dataset aren't of the same dimension. As I'm implementing custom CNN I'll be required to give input_size for the first convolutional layer. Is there any way to add zero-padding generically. I've initially implemented a pre-trained model(ResNet-50) and used the following method
from tensorflow.keras.applications.resnet50 import preprocess_input
ImageDataGenerator(preprocess_input ,validation_split=0.2)
This made my dataset compatible with the model, is there any similar way where I can add zero-padding on the dataset but for a custom CNN model.
Although zero-padding might not be an ideal solution for handling images of various sizes, you can zero-pad images in python by the following methods.
Numpy method reference
padded_image = np.zeros(result_shape)
padded_image[:image.shape[0],:image.shape[1]] = image
Tensorflow method documentation
padded_image = tf.image.pad_to_bounding_box(image, top_padding, left_padding, target_height, target_width)

MXNet Gluon Regression Custom Dataset

ist there a code example on how to do linear regression on a custom image dataset? I have only found examples using the CIFAR dataset...
Here's a guide as to how you can make minor modifications to the MNIST example to suit your needs. There may be some fiddling.
Store your data locally as images in a directory under different categories:
train/cats/def.jpg ...
train/dogs/ghi.jpg ...
train/mouse/jkl.jpg ...
analogously for validation
The filenames don't matter, just the directories as these will be use to identify the category.
Update the MNIST example to use the ImageFolderDataset for your test and train data
train_data =
val_data =
Note, you may need to apply a transform to your images.
Replace the network with a single dense layer with no activation and an L2 loss for a linear regression.
net = Dense(number_of_outputs) # activation=None, use_bias=True by default
(In the code it's lenet instead of net.)
More docs:
Hope that helps!

Keras Conv1D on ECG Signal

I am trying to classify different ECG signals. I am using Keras' Conv1D, but am not getting any good results.
I have tried changing the number of layers, window size, etc, but every time I run this I get predictions all of the same class (the classes are 0,1,2, so I get a prediction output of something like [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1], but the class changes each time I run the script).
The ECG signals are in 1000 point numpy arrays.
Are there any glaringly obvious things I am doing wrong here? I was thinking it would've worked great to use a few layers to just classify into 3 different ECG signals.
#arrange and randomize data
data = keras.utils.normalize(data)
#separate data and create categories
#create CNN model
model = Sequential()
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='categorical_crossentropy',metrics=['accuracy']),Yt)
#test model
Are there any glaringly obvious things I am doing wrong here?
Indeed there is: the output you report is not surprising, given that you are currently using the ReLU as activation for your last layer, which does not make any sense.
In multi-class settings, such as yours, the activation of the last layer must be the softmax, and certainly not the ReLU; change your last layer to:
model.add(Dense(3, activation='softmax'))
Not quite sure why you ask for use_bias=False, but you can try both with and without it and experiment...

Net surgery: How to reshape a convolution layer of a caffemodel file in caffe?

I'm trying to reshape the size of a convolution layer of a caffemodel (This is a follow-up question to this question). Although there is a tutorial on how to do net surgery, it only shows how to copy weight parameters from one caffemodel to another of the same size.
Instead I need to add a new channel (all 0) to my convolution filter such that it changes its size from currently (64x3x3x3) to (64x4x3x3).
Say the convolution layer is called 'conv1'. This is what I tried so far:
# Load the original network and extract the fully connected layers' parameters.
net = caffe.Net('../models/train.prototxt',
Now I can perform this:
But the saved model seems not to have changed. I've read that the actual weights of the convolution are stored rather in net.params['conv1'][0].data than in net.blobs but I can't figure out how to reshape the net.params object. Does anyone have an idea?
As you well noted, net.blobs does not store the learned parameters/weights, but rather stores the result of applying the filters/activations on the net's input. The learned weights are stored in net.params. (see this for more details).
AFAIK, you cannot directly reshape net.params and add a channel.
What you can do, is have two nets deploy_trained_net_with_3ch.prototxt and deploy_empty_net_with_4ch.prototxt. The two files can be almost identical apart from the input shape definition and the first layer's name.
Then you can load both nets to python and copy the relevant part:
net3ch = caffe.Net('deploy_trained_net_with_3ch.prototxt', 'train.caffemodel', caffe.TEST)
net4ch = caffe.Net('deploy_empty_net_with_4ch.prototxt', 'train.caffemodel', caffe.TEST)
since all layer names are identical (apart from conv1) net4ch.params will have the weights of train.caffemodel. As for the first layer, you can now manually copy the relevant part:
net4ch.params['conv1_4ch'][0].data[:,:3,:,:] = net3ch.params['conv1'][0].data[...]
and finally:'myNewTrainModel.caffemodel')

How to implement a sequence classification LSTM network in CNTK?

I'm working on implementation of LSTM Neural Network for sequence classification. I want to design a network with the following parameters:
Input : a sequence of n one-hot-vectors.
Network topology : two-layer LSTM network.
Output: a probability that a sequence given belong to a class (binary-classification). I want to take into account only last output from second LSTM layer.
I need to implement that in CNTK but I struggle because its documentation is not written really well. Can someone help me with that?
There is a sequence classification example that follows exactly what you're looking for.
The only difference is that it uses just a single LSTM layer. You can easily change this network to use multiple layers by changing:
LSTM_function = LSTMP_component_with_self_stabilization(
embedding_function.output, LSTM_dim, cell_dim)[0]
num_layers = 2 # for example
encoder_output = embedding_function.output
for i in range(0, num_layers):
encoder_output = LSTMP_component_with_self_stabilization(encoder_output.output, LSTM_dim, cell_dim)
However, you'd be better served by using the new layers library. Then you can simply do this:
encoder_output = Stabilizer()(input_sequence)
for i in range(0, num_layers):
encoder_output = Recurrence(LSTM(hidden_dim)) (encoder_output.output)
Then, to get your final output that you'd put into a dense output layer, you can first do:
final_output = sequence.last(encoder_output)
and then
z = Dense(vocab_dim) (final_output)
here you can find a straightforward approach, just add the additional layer like:
Recurrence(LSTM(hidden_dim), go_backwards=False),
Recurrence(LSTM(hidden_dim), go_backwards=False),
Dense(label_dim, activation=sigmoid)
train it, test it and apply it...
CNTK published a hands-on tutorial for language understanding that has an end to end recipe:
This hands-on lab shows how to implement a recurrent network to process text, for the Air Travel Information Services (ATIS) task of slot tagging (tag individual words to their respective classes, where the classes are provided as labels in the training data set). We will start with a straight-forward embedding of the words followed by a recurrent LSTM. This will then be extended to include neighboring words and run bidirectionally. Lastly, we will turn this system into an intent classifier.
I'm not familiar with CNTK. But since the question has been left unanswered for so long, I can perhaps suggest some advice to help you with the implementation?
I'm not sure how experienced you are with these architectures; but before moving to CNTK (which seemingly has a less active community), I'd suggest looking at other popular repositories (like Theano, tensor-flow, etc.)
For instance, a similar task in theano is given here: kyunghyuncho tutorials. Just look for "def lstm_layer" for the definitions.
A torch example can be found in Karpathy's very popular tutorials
Hope this helps a bit..
