TextField's autofocus property causing the widget into 'dirty' State - dart

AppBar has a search icon, when clicked it displays a TextField in the 'title' property. When search icon is clicked I need TextField to autofocus. Problem is with 'autofocus' property, if set to true, instead of only changing the state of the title property, something is causing the widget to turn into a 'dirty' state. This causes the main build function to get called which rebuilds the entire thing.
Tried to replicate this and provide a sample app but strangely enough it seems to work just fine in the demo.
Any debug suggestions?
centerTitle: true,
title: StreamBuilder(
stream: false,
initialData: symbolBloc.isSearching,
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<bool> snapshot){
if(snapshot.data) {
return TextField(
// autofocus: true, <--- here
controller: searchQuery,
style: new TextStyle(
color: Colors.white,
return new Text("", style: new TextStyle(color: Colors.white)
backgroundColor: Colors.blueGrey,
elevation: 0.0,
actions: <Widget>[
stream: bloc.isSearchActive,
initialData: false,
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<bool> snapshot){
return activeSearchIconButton(symbolBloc);
return searchIconButton(symbolBloc);
searchIconButton(SymbolBloc bloc){
return new IconButton(
icon: new Icon(
color: Colors.white,
tooltip: 'Search',
onPressed: (){
activeSearchIconButton(SymbolBloc bloc){
return new IconButton(
icon: new Icon(
color: Colors.white,
tooltip: 'Search',
onPressed: (){

You can set FocusNode property of TextField and on Button click call FocusScope.of(context).requestFocus(_focusNode);

The problem had do with InheritedWidgets. Having more than one InheritedWidget was the cause. I had a parent widget wrapping the runApp() function (holds a reference to api object) and a child widget wrapping each route (holds reference to bloc class for each specific screen).
Problem went away once I moved the contents of child widget over to the parent and removed the child InheritedWidget altogether.


Need a persistent/same Bottom Navigation Bar for all screens - Flutter

I am a beginner with flutter and dart. I have been trying to implement a navigationBar on three different pages in my app. The toggling works well for an individual page but I have problems persisting the active and inactive tabs state on all the pages. It seems like when it navigates to another page, I lose the active state too the tabs. This is my code.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class AppFooter extends StatefulWidget {
_AppFooterState createState() => _AppFooterState();
class _AppFooterState extends State<AppFooter> {
int index = 0;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Theme(
data: Theme.of(context).copyWith(
// sets the background color of the `BottomNavigationBar`
canvasColor: Colors.white,
// sets the active color of the `BottomNavigationBar` if `Brightness` is light
primaryColor: Colors.green,
textTheme: Theme.of(context)
.copyWith(caption: new TextStyle(color: Colors.grey))),
child: new BottomNavigationBar(
type: BottomNavigationBarType.fixed,
currentIndex: index,
onTap: (int index) {
setState(() {
this.index = index;
switch (index){
case 0: Navigator.of(context).pushNamed('/dashboard');
case 1: Navigator.of(context).pushNamed('/medical centre');
case 2: Navigator.of(context).pushNamed('/history');
items: [
new BottomNavigationBarItem(
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
icon: index==0?new Image.asset('assets/images/dashboard_active.png'):new Image.asset('assets/images/dashboard_inactive.png'),
title: new Text('Dashboard', style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 12.0))),
new BottomNavigationBarItem(
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
icon: index==1?new Image.asset('assets/images/medical_sevice_active.png'):new Image.asset('assets/images/medical_sevice_inactive.png'),
title: new Text('Health Services', style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 12.0))),
new BottomNavigationBarItem(
icon: InkWell(
child: Icon(
// color: green,
size: 20.0,
title: new Text('History', style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 12.0))),
If I understand your question correctly, you need the bottom navigation bar persisted on all three pages. There is a well-written article on how to achieve it. You can find the details here.
All credits go to the original author.
Use PageView and bottomNavigationBar:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() => runApp(MyApp());
/// This Widget is the main application widget.
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
static const String _title = 'Flutter App';
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: _title,
home: App(),
class App extends StatefulWidget {
App({Key key}) : super(key: key);
_AppState createState() => _AppState();
class _AppState extends State<App> {
PageController _myPage;
var selectedPage;
void initState() {
_myPage = PageController(initialPage: 1);
selectedPage = 1;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: PageView(
physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
controller: _myPage,
children: <Widget>[
child: Text("Another Page"),
child: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
Text("Page 1"),
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
selectedPage = 0;
child: Text("Go to another page"),
Center(child: Text("Page 2")),
Center(child: Text("Page 3")),
bottomNavigationBar: BottomAppBar(
child: Row(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,
children: <Widget>[
icon: Icon(Icons.home),
color: selectedPage == 1 ? Colors.blue : Colors.grey,
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
selectedPage = 1;
icon: Icon(Icons.star),
color: selectedPage == 2 ? Colors.blue : Colors.grey,
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
selectedPage = 2;
icon: Icon(
color: selectedPage == 3 ? Colors.blue : Colors.grey,
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
selectedPage = 3;
In addition, if you want preserve the state between pages such that going to another page won't cause the previous page to lose its state, use AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin
Also, to lazily load the pages, PageView.builder is another solution.
Hope it helps.
Another great solution is the persistent_bottom_nav_bar package provided by Bilal Shahid.
It is easy to use and offers you a bunch of features:
Highly customizable persistent bottom navigation bar.
Ability to push new screens with or without bottom navigation bar.
20 styles for the bottom navigation bar.
Includes functions for pushing screen with or without the bottom navigation bar i.e. pushNewScreen() and pushNewScreenWithRouteSettings().
Based on flutter's Cupertino(iOS) bottom navigation bar.
Can be translucent for a particular tab.
Custom styling for the navigation bar. Click here for more information.
Handles hardware/software Android back button.
Before I found this package I followed the solution from the article #Abin mentioned in his answer. But I ran into the problem, that all screens from the navbar beeing loaded on first load of the navbar which is not that perfomant. I did not mangaed to solve this, but luckily Bilal Shahid provide a good solution with his package.
All credits to him.
Just copy & past :)
void main() async{
class MyGrillApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyGrillApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
routes: {
'/mainlayout': (context) => MainLayout(),
'/page1': (context) => Page1(),
'/page2': (context) => Page2(),
'/page3': (context) => Page3(),
'/page4': (context) => Page4(),
initialRoute: '/mainlayout',
class MainLayout extends StatefulWidget {
_MainLayoutState createState() => _MainLayoutState();
class _MainLayoutState extends State<MainLayout> {
int _currentIndex = 0;
final _page1 = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
final _page2 = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
final _page3 = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
final _page4 = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
floatingActionButtonLocation: FloatingActionButtonLocation.miniCenterDocked,
floatingActionButton: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(6.0),
child: FloatingActionButton(
backgroundColor: Colors.redAccent,
child: const Icon(Icons.add, color: Colors.white),
onPressed: () {
// ToDo...
body: IndexedStack(
index: _currentIndex,
children: <Widget>[
key: _page1,
onGenerateRoute: (route) => MaterialPageRoute(
settings: route,
builder: (context) => Page1(),
key: _page2,
onGenerateRoute: (route) => MaterialPageRoute(
settings: route,
builder: (context) => Page2(),
key: _page3,
onGenerateRoute: (route) => MaterialPageRoute(
settings: route,
builder: (context) => Page3(),
key: _page4,
onGenerateRoute: (route) => MaterialPageRoute(
settings: route,
builder: (context) => Page4(),
bottomNavigationBar: BottomAppBar(
shape: const CircularNotchedRectangle(),
clipBehavior: Clip.antiAlias,
child: BottomNavigationBar(
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
currentIndex: _currentIndex,
onTap: (index) {
setState(() {
_currentIndex = index;
type: BottomNavigationBarType.fixed,
selectedItemColor: Colors.redAccent,
unselectedItemColor: Colors.grey,
showSelectedLabels: false,
showUnselectedLabels: false,
items: const <BottomNavigationBarItem>[
BottomNavigationBarItem(icon: Icon(Icons.home), label: 'Home'),
BottomNavigationBarItem(icon: Icon(Icons.date_range), label: 'Statistics'),
BottomNavigationBarItem(icon: Icon(Icons.wallet_giftcard), label: 'Wallet'),
BottomNavigationBarItem(icon: Icon(Icons.person), label: 'Profile'),
Details screen:
class ItemDetailsPage extends StatefulWidget {
const ItemDetailsPage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
_ItemDetailsPageState createState() => _ItemDetailsPageState();
class _ItemDetailsPageState extends State<ItemDetailsPage> with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin{
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
backgroundColor: themeColorPrimary,
title: Text('Item details',),
body : Container(child: Text('Hello from details'),));
bool get wantKeepAlive => true;
A note about routing in my solution:
If you encounter trouble when you routing by:
Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/page3');
or by:
You can fix it using MaterialPageRoute:
builder: (context) => Page3(),
You can use IndexedStack to persist State when you touch/change the page
body: SafeArea(
top: false,
child: IndexedStack(
//Permet de garder le state des vues même quand on change de vue
index: _currentIndex,
children: _children,
bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar( items: [ ] ),
I highly recommend using stack. This gives you pretty much total control over how and when you would like to show bottom app bar.
Make list of all pages you want to show using your botttomAppBar. Let's say has three icons.
final List<Widget> pages=[FirstScreen(),SecondScreen(),ThirdScreen()];
In the Build Method
child: Stack(
children: <Widget>[
key: _navigatorKey,
onGenerateRoute: (RouteSettings settings) {
return MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (BuildContext context) => pages[cur_ind],
bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(
onTap: (int index){
setState(() {
currentIndex: cur_ind,
fixedColor: Colors.green, //let's say
items: [
icon: Icon(Icons.home),
title: Text('Home'),
icon: Icon(Icons.mail),
title: Text('Messages'),
icon: Icon(Icons.person), title: Text('Profile'))
where cur_ind is the variable used to control which page to show. And since the body is stacked, the Bottom Navigation Bar will be persistent always.
I created a small, super easy to use package that let you do that effect CustomNavigator.
And wrote a tutorial about it on Medium you can find it here.
So it goes like this
// Here's the custom scaffold widget
// It takes a normal scaffold with mandatory bottom navigation bar
// and children who are your pages
scaffold: Scaffold(
bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(
items: _items,
// Children are the pages that will be shown by every click
// They should placed in order such as
// `page 0` will be presented when `item 0` in the [BottomNavigationBar] clicked.
children: <Widget>[
// Called when one of the [items] is tapped.
onItemTap: (index) {},
The cool thing about this library that it works efficiently. It creates a nested navigator (which is very unpleasant to do) and uses it for navigation in your widget tree.
And of course you can always use the default navigator from MaterialApp
If you are looking for a solution that performs well (that doesn't build the tabs/pages unnecessarily) even using IndexedStack take a look at my answer here
For anyone looking for this in the future auto_route handle this pretty much well with very little boilerplate using AutoTabsScaffold.
Widget build(context) {
return AutoTabsScaffold(
routes: const [
bottomNavigationBuilder: (_, tabsRouter) {
return BottomNavigationBar(
currentIndex: tabsRouter.activeIndex,
onTap: tabsRouter.setActiveIndex,
items: [
icon: Icon(Icons.book),
label: 'Books',
icon: Icon(Icons.account_box),
label: 'Account',
I am working on a beta version of an express_app plugin, which achieve the required result.
Two days ago, I implemented an addition where you can set an ExpressHome and it can be any part of your tree, in addition to setting your routes of course. When changing the routes, everything under ExpressHome will change only and the rest will stay the same (i.e. you can have a permanent bar easily.
I will publish a more-recent version this evening, and if you would like a specific demo about your use case, let me know.
i had this issue too...after days of research i came across this package
persistent_bottom_nav_bar: ^4.0.0
it quite easy to implement.
You can use a scaffold widget to contain the whole screen then put IndexedStack widget as a Body option then use at the bottom navigation option in the scaffold widget you favorite implementation of the bottom navigation bar
// here is the IndexedStack as body
body: IndexedStack(
index: this._bottomNavIndex,
children: [MangaGridView(), FavoriteManga()]),
backgroundColor: Colors.black,
bottomNavigationBar: AnimatedBottomNavigationBar(
icons: [
inactiveColor: Colors.black,
activeIndex: this._bottomNavIndex,
gapLocation: GapLocation.none,
activeColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
notchSmoothness: NotchSmoothness.verySmoothEdge,
leftCornerRadius: 32,
rightCornerRadius: 32,
onTap: (index) => setState(() => this._bottomNavIndex = index),
height: 70,
splashColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
splashRadius: 40.0,
splashSpeedInMilliseconds: 400,
iconSize: 34,
Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(); is for Navigation with page transition. So, in this situation, the method is not match.
You can use BottomNavigationBar with Scaffold.
example code:
class AppFooter extends StatefulWidget {
_AppFooterState createState() => _AppFooterState();
class _AppFooterState extends State<AppFooter> {
int _currentIndex = 0;
List<Widget> _pages = [
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: _pages[_currentIndex],
bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(
type: BottomNavigationBarType.fixed,
currentIndex: _currentIndex,
onTap: (int index) {
setState(() {
_currentIndex = index;
items: [
new BottomNavigationBarItem(
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
icon: _currentIndex == 0
? new Image.asset('assets/images/dashboard_active.png')
: new Image.asset('assets/images/dashboard_inactive.png'),
new Text('Dashboard', style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 12.0))),
new BottomNavigationBarItem(
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
icon: _currentIndex == 1
? new Image.asset('assets/images/medical_sevice_active.png')
: new Image.asset(
title: new Text('Health Services',
style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 12.0))),
new BottomNavigationBarItem(
icon: InkWell(
child: Icon(
// color: green,
size: 20.0,
title: new Text('History', style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 12.0))),
Just make your index variable static
static int index = 0;

navigating to new page after dismissing a widget throws exception

I have a ListView of items in my app and each item of that list is wrapped in a Dismissible widget so as to enable swipe to delete functionality. I also have a FloatingActionButton and on pressing that I navigate to a new page. All the functionality involving swipe to dismiss works fine but if I press the floating action button after dismissing an item, an exception is thrown with the following message:
I/flutter (23062): A dismissed Dismissible widget is still part of the tree.
I/flutter (23062): Make sure to implement the onDismissed handler and to immediately remove the Dismissible
I/flutter (23062): widget from the application once that handler has fired.
Here's the code:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final String testVal = widget.testStr;
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('My Device Info'),
body: FutureBuilder<AndroidDeviceInfo>(
future: _deviceInfoPlugin.androidInfo,
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<AndroidDeviceInfo> snapshot) {
if (!snapshot.hasData) {
return Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
} else {
final androidDeviceInfo = snapshot.data;
return ListView(
children: <Widget>[
key: Key('1'),
background: Container(color: Colors.red,),
onDismissed: (direction){
child: ListTile(
leading: Icon(Icons.info),
title: Text('Android build version: ${androidDeviceInfo.version.release}',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 18.0),),
leading: Icon(Icons.info),
title: Text('Android device: ${androidDeviceInfo.device}',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 18.0),),
leading: Icon(Icons.info),
title: Text('Android device hardware: ${androidDeviceInfo.hardware}', style: TextStyle(fontSize: 18.0),),
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: (){
Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context){ return new AboutPage();}));
child: Icon(Icons.add),
How can I avoid this exception from being thrown? Am I doing something wrong here?
The way you initialize the Key to your Dismissable is wrong because Flutter thinks there can be more Dismissable widgets with the same key value.
Add uuid: ^1.0.3 to your dependencies,
key: Key(Uuid().v4().toString()), //use the uuid.

Flutter - Detect TexField on tap

I maked a flutter app in windows and all works, but when i tried to compile to iOS throw a unexpected error. In the Textfield detects that the 'onTap' isn´t a a correct parameter. I don´t know what happens, in windows doesn´t return this error. Anyway. anybody know how fix this and what is the correct way to detect 'onTap' on texfield?
new Container(
color: Colors.blue[300],
child: new Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: new Card(
child: new ListTile(
leading: new Icon(Icons.search),
title: new TextField(
onTap: () { <--- The named parameter 'onTap' isn´t defined
I tried this but doesn´t work
title: new GestureDetector(
child: new TextField(
controller: searchController,
decoration: new InputDecoration(
hintText: 'Buscar parcela', border: InputBorder.none),
onTap: () {
new MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (context) => new EstatesPage(
parcela: widget.parcela,
dropdownItem: dropdownSelection)));
I updated flutter and brew. The error disappeared.
you can wrap your textfield in IgnorePointer widget. It disables all the gestures on its children. This will make gesture detector work.
title: new GestureDetector(
child: new IgnorePointer (
child: new TextField(
controller: searchController,
decoration: new InputDecoration(
hintText: 'Buscar parcela', border: InputBorder.none),
onTap: () {
new MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (context) => new EstatesPage(
parcela: widget.parcela,
dropdownItem: dropdownSelection)));
TextField has onTap property like GestureDetector which makes it very easy. If you only want the onTap functionality set readOnly to true.
readOnly: true,
onTap: () {
//Your code here
Similarly for TextFormField:
readOnly: true,
onTap: () {
//Your code here
GestureDetector didn't work for me. I used InkWell.
child: InkWell(
onTap: () {
child: const IgnorePointer(
child: TextField(
decoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: 'Date',
hintText: 'Enter Date',
border: OutlineInputBorder(),
suffixIcon: Icon(Icons.calendar_today_outlined),
and it worked fine
It works for me when I use InkWell instead of GestureDetector
child: IgnorePointer(
child: TextField(
onTap: (){
use readonly: false for on tap action in text field
readOnly: true,
onTap: () {
// open dialogue

How can I overlay floatingActionButton on WebviewScaffold

I try to Overlay a floatingActionButton on a Webview which is opened in a Widget.
"/widget": (_) => new WebviewScaffold(
clearCache: true,
clearCookies: true,
withJavascript: false,
url: selectedUrl,
appBar: new AppBar(
title: new Text("Widget webview"),
withLocalStorage: true,
/*floatingActionButton: new FloatingActionButton (
backgroundColor: Colors.amber,
onPressed: () {
Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (BuildContext context) => new AddLinkPage()));
child: new Icon(
color: Colors.black,
This doesn't work.
It is possible with persistentFooterButtons: <Widget>[], but then the view will be cut off
I use the flutter_webview_plugin: 0.1.5
That's not possible.
The WebView is an Android view shown as overlay and is therefore always the top-most content that is shown.

Second page in flutter naviagtion flow is not full size

I am trying to make a basic "new activity" in flutter
I have followed the flutters docs and made a button that navigates to the next page with:
Navigator.push(context, new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context)=> new HomePage(title: title,)));
This is the build method of the 2nd page/activity (HomePage.dart)
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Scaffold(
appBar: new AppBar(
title: new Text("Home"),
textTheme: orbitTextTheme),
body: new Center(
child: new Container(
color: Color.orange,
height: 150.0,
width: 150.0,
child:new Column(
children: <Widget>[
new TextField(
controller: _textController,
decoration: new InputDecoration(
hintText: "Try to type?"
floatingActionButton: new FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: _newReg,
tooltip: 'New reg', //externalize
backgroundColor: Color.orange,
child: new Icon(Icons.add),
), // This trailing comma makes auto-formatting nicer for build methods.
BUT, the second page is not full size: (Notice the missing floating action button)
Can anyone tell me what am doing wrong?
Was calling the Navigator.push( in a callback from googleSignIn (which presents a modal). So putting in a small delay fixed the bug. Thanks!
This graphical bug happens whenever you pop the last visible route before pushing a new one.
Consider using pushReplacement or pushReplacementNamed instead.
