How to traffic data between Google Cloud SQL and Flutter? - dart

Cloud SQL documentation about connecting with external apps didn't helped me much. Isn't there some library to handle data traffic like Firebase's Cloud Firestore and Realtime Database offer?

Either use cloud functions to provide an API for Flutter and access to the DB
or run your custom server in the Google cloud that does that.
SQL databases should never be accessed over the internet directly and instead hidden behind a web server that only exposes a limited or specialized API.


Querying device's telemetry/status/event from Azure IoT Central

I've created an Azure IoT Central solution, where I successfully registered an IoT device. I'm able to save telemetry/status/event data for the device, however I could not find an option to query the existing data using .NET code. For example I would like to query the telemetry data for the last month using C#.
Is it not supported by the SDK?
In order to query the telemetry data for the last month you will need to export that to a Blob Storage or routing it to another DB (like Cosmos DB). The supported way to export your data in Azure IoT Central is described here.
You can then leverage REST API on your c# code to extract the data from your devices.
Read Avro files by using C#
Azure Storage samples using .NET
Azure Cosmos DB: .NET examples for the SQL API

Pushing data from iOS to Google Cloud BigQuery

I am new to Google Cloud Platforms and not quite sure with the whole architecture but what I am trying to achieve is to save some data to Google Cloud from an iOS application and do some analytics work on this data using Google Cloud Products, such as: Dataproc and Datalab. From what I read so far I would need to create a dataset in Google Cloud BigQuery and create a table in it. I have done this using the Google Cloud Web UI but now I want to populate the table from my iOS app. I can't seem to find how to do that.
The most painless route would be to wire up Firebase Analytics and then turn on its daily log export to Big Query, as described by Google in the walkthrough Importing Firebase Analytics Data into BigQuery. Google maintains the entire analytic export stack for you then, seeing as they also maintain Firebase. The downside is that the analytics export happens only daily.
Alternatively, you'd be looking at using the Big Query REST API to upload data, as documented by Google in their Loading Data with a POST Request how-to guide. The iOS tooling for that would be your usual NSURLSession and NSURLDataTask APIs, or whatever abstraction you prefer that's built atop them.
Google does maintain a collection of iOS-native APIs, but unfortunately, Big Query is not included amongst the supported APIs as of May 2017. There are native Big Query clients for Go, C#, and Java, amongst others. So you could use your own API for upload to a server you control, and then use one of those client APIs serverside to implement the actual Big Query integration, if you wished.

iOS (Swift) project needs to read an Azure SQL database

I am creating an iOS project that needs to read a SQL database in Azure. I have the database Server location, port, username, and password. I don't need to write to the database, just read it. I am more familiar with Firebase or Parse and have never used Azure. How do I even go about starting this? I tried the sample project that Azure makes for you but I don't have any tables? Do I need this? Any help would be welcome.
Azure Mobile App Service can connect with your existing SQL database
this thread explains the process where you use the existing SQL database. With this option Azure manages most of the inner workings for you.
If you want to build the Rest API from "scratch" using your existing SQL database You have some more options:
Azure API Management allows you to publish API's securely and at scale, A server less Azure Function like the example in this article Rest API with Azure Functions and Azure SQL Database or build a rest API using an Azure Logic App which doesn't require you to write code. You could also use Nodejs or many other tools you just need to evaluate what would work best for your use case.

Can I use Sql Server Database from iOS?

There are a lot of ways to have a database on server ( I can use my own server or I can use MS Azure (for Azure I found REST API Description , but I didn't find a way to add some rows to a table or to get information from the table)), but I want to edit the database and get proper rows from the server database from iOS code without having server API. There are a lot of ready solutions such as , but they are not stable.
So is there any way to connect to the remote SQL server database on the remove server or to MS Azure database and to edit rows and fetch data?
May there are some framework for iOS to do than? (for example in .Net there are Linq framework and Entity Framework).
In your question, you linked to a management API for SQL Database service - this has nothing to do with data manipulation; it's strictly a management API for dealing with servers and databases.
If you want to direct-connect from an IOS app to SQL Database Service (or SQL Server in a VM), you'd need to find a client library for IOS (and recommendations of such a library are not in scope for StackOverflow). There is no native SQL Server client library specifically provided through the Azure SDKs / APIs.
Outside of a native client library, there is Azure Mobile Services, which provides an API stack specifically designed around use by mobile apps (whether IOS, Android, Windows Phone, or even JavaScript). The API stack provided here, by default, gives CRUD operations for SQL Database tables. Additionally, it supports adding custom API calls, where you have complete control of your API calls.
Any other API stack would require you to choose the stack and run it yourself (whether in a Linux or Windows VM, Cloud Service, or Web App - there's no single right way to do this).
Documentation for Azure Mobile Apps (and related API feature, such as monitoring) is here.
Since you are developing in Azure consider automatic REST API from SlashDB, which is available from their Marketplace.
SlashDB reflects the entire database as URL-linked structure so a lot of queries need not even be written. It supports SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE. In addition to that it allows for defining an API end-point to call a stored procedure or return results of a SQL query.
Disclosure: I am the founder and CEO of the company behind SlashDB, but you don't have to take my word it - just try it.

Using google endpoints with sql

I'm still new to GAE, and I would like to have more wisdom about couple of things.
I searched in documentation, but I think I'm just too stupid to understand some things from documentation.
How can I combine Google Cloud SQL with endpoints? Is there such possibility?
How can I use endpoints to upload videos to google platform?
You should be able to use anything you can do on a non cloud endpoints api to cloud endpoints like google cloud sql. But since it's on preview you might encounter bugs/changes when it goes out of preview. You should create a Cloud SQL tests models on regular app engine app then try to use it on cloud endpoints, so you can minimize debugging for errors.
You will need to use a blobstore api:
on your endpoints have a method that creates the upload url and use that to upload from your app then on the uploadHandler it will trigger once the whole file has been uploaded, process your blobInfo key store it appropriately.
