How to solve ambiguity in an expression like new Date().getTime()? - rascal

We are working on a new version of a JavaScript grammar using Rascal. Based on the language specification (version 6) and existing JavaScript grammars, the following are valid productions for expressions:
syntax Expression = ...
| new: "new" Expression
| call: Expression Args
syntax Args = ...
However, when we try to parse an expression like "new Date().getTime()" we get an Ambiguity error. We tried to fix it using a combination of the "left" and ">" operators, something like
| left "new" Expression
> Expression Args
but we were not able to fix the problem. I believe that this might be simple to solve, but after spending a couple of hours, we could not figure out a solution.

I've tried to complete your example here, and this works without throwing an Ambiguity() exception.
module Test
import IO;
import ParseTree;
lexical Ident = [A-Za-z]+ !>> [a-zA-Z];
layout Whitespace = [\t\n\r\ ]*;
syntax Expression
= Ident
| "new" Expression
> Expression "(" {Expression ","}* ")"
> right Expression "." Expression
void main() {
Expression ex = parse(#Expression, "a().b()");
Expression ex2 = parse(#Expression, "new a().b()");


Ambiguous call expression in ANTLR4 grammar

I have a simple grammar (for demonstration)
grammar Test;
: expression* EOF
: Identifier
| expression '(' expression? ')'
| '(' expression ')'
: [a-zA-Z_] [a-zA-Z_0-9?]*
: [ \r\t\n]+ -> channel(HIDDEN)
Obviously the second and third alternatives in the expression rule are ambiguous. I want to resolve this ambiguity by permitting the second alternative only if an expression is immediately followed by a '('.
So the following
should match the second alternative while
should match the 1st and 3rd alternatives (even if the token between them is in the HIDDEN channel).
How can I do that? I have seen these ambiguities, between call expressions and parenthesized expressions, present in languages that have no (or have optional) expression terminator tokens (or rules) - example
The solution to this is to temporary "unhide" whitespace in your second alternative. Have a look at this question for how this can be done.
With that solution your code could look somthing like this
: Identifier
| {enableWS();} expression '(' {disableWS();} expression? ')'
| '(' expression ')'
That way the second alternative matches the input WS-sensitive and will therefore only be matched if the identifier is directly followed by the bracket.
See here for the implementation of the MultiChannelTokenStream that is mentioned in the linked question.

Layout in Rascal

When I import the Lisra recipe,
import demo::lang::Lisra::Syntax;
This creates the syntax:
layout Whitespace = [\t-\n\r\ ]*;
lexical IntegerLiteral = [0-9]+ !>> [0-9];
lexical AtomExp = (![0-9()\t-\n\r\ ])+ !>> ![0-9()\t-\n\r\ ];
start syntax LispExp
= IntegerLiteral
| AtomExp
| "(" LispExp* ")"
Through the start syntax-definition, layout should be ignored around the input when it is parsed, as is stated in the documentation:
However, when I type:
rascal>(LispExp)` (something)`
This gives me a concrete syntax fragment error (or a ParseError when using the parse-function), in contrast to:
Which succesfully parses. I tried this both with one of the latest versions of Rascal as well as the Eclipse plugin version. Am I doing something wrong here?
Thank you.
Ps. Lisra's parse-function:
public Lval parse(str txt) = build(parse(#LispExp, txt));
Also fails on the example:
rascal>parse(" (something)")
|project://rascal/src/org/rascalmpl/library/ParseTree.rsc|(10329,833,<253,0>,<279,60>): ParseError(|unknown:///|(0,1,<1,0>,<1,1>))
at *** somewhere ***(|project://rascal/src/org/rascalmpl/library/ParseTree.rsc|(10329,833,<253,0>,<279,60>))
at parse(|project://rascal/src/org/rascalmpl/library/demo/lang/Lisra/Parse.rsc|(163,3,<7,44>,<7,47>))
at $shell$(|stdin:///|(0,13,<1,0>,<1,13>))
When you define a start non-terminal Rascal defines two non-terminals in one go:
rascal>start syntax A = "a";
One non-terminal is A, the other is start[A]. Given a layout non-terminal in scope, say L, the latter is automatically defined by (something like) this rule:
syntax start[A] = L before A top L after;
If you call a parser or wish to parse a concrete fragment, you can use either non-terminal:
parse(#start[A], " a ") // parse using the start non-terminal and extra layout
parse(A, "a") // parse only an A
(start[A]) ` a ` // concrete fragment for the start-non-terminal
(A) `a` // concrete fragment for only an A
[start[A]] " a "
[A] "a"

Why if I add lambda left recursion occurs?

I am trying to write if syntax by using flex bison and in parser I have a problem
here is a grammar for if syntax in cpp
program : //start rule
TOKEN_BEGIN statements ';'TOKEN_END;
| TOKEN_OPERATOR expression;
expression: //x+2*a*3
TOKEN_ID reexpression
| TOKEN_NUMBER reexpression;
| block
| if_statement;
TOKEN_ELSE statements ;
TOKEN_ELSE_IF '(' expression ')' statements;
TOKEN_IF '(' expression ')' statements else_if_statement else_statement;
I can't understand why if I replace these three rules , left recursion happen I just add lambda to These rules
|TOKEN_ELSE statements ;
|TOKEN_ELSE_IF '(' expression ')' statements;
TOKEN_IF '(' expression ')' statements else_if_statement else_statement;
please help me understand.
There's no lambda or left-recursion involved.
When you add epsilon to the if rules (making the else optional), you get conflicts, because the resulting grammar is ambiguous. This is the classic dangling else ambiguity where when you have TWO ifs with a single else, the else can bind to either if.
IF ( expr1 ) IF ( expr2 ) block1 ELSE block2

Incorrect Parsing of simple arithmetic grammar in ANTLR

I recently started studying ANTLR. Below is the grammar for the arithmetic expression.
The problem is that when I am putting (calling) expression rule in the term rule then it is parsing incorrectly even for (9+8). It is somehow ignoring the right parenthesis.
While when I put add rule instead of calling expression rule from the rule term, it is working fine.
As in:
| '(' add ')'
Can anyone tell me why it is happening because more or les they both are the same.
Grammer for which it is giving incorrect results
| '(' expression ')'
term ('*' term)*
mult ('+' mult)*
When I parse "(8+9)" with a parser generated from your grammar, starting with the expression rule, I get the following parse tree:
In other words: it works just fine.
Perhaps you're using ANTLRWorks' (or ANTLR IDE's) interpreter to test your grammar? In thta case: don't use the interpreter, it's buggy. Use ANTLRWorks' debugger instead (the image is exported from ANTLRWorks' debugger).

Shift/reduce conflict in yacc due to look-ahead token limitation?

I've been trying to tackle a seemingly simple shift/reduce conflict with no avail. Naturally, the parser works fine if I just ignore the conflict, but I'd feel much safer if I reorganized my rules. Here, I've simplified a relatively complex grammar to the single conflict:
: statement_list statement
: lvalue '=' expression
| function
| '(' expression ')'
: lvalue
| function
: IDENTIFIER '(' ')'
With the verbose option in yacc, I get this output file describing the state with the mentioned conflict:
state 2
lvalue -> IDENTIFIER . (rule 5)
function -> IDENTIFIER . '(' ')' (rule 9)
'(' shift, and go to state 7
'(' [reduce using rule 5 (lvalue)]
$default reduce using rule 5 (lvalue)
Thank you for any assistance.
The problem is that this requires 2-token lookahead to know when it has reached the end of a statement. If you have input of the form:
ID = ID ( ID ) = ID
after parser shifts the second ID (lookahead is (), it doesn't know whether that's the end of the first statement (the ( is the beginning of a second statement), or this is a function. So it shifts (continuing to parse a function), which is the wrong thing to do with the example input above.
If you extend function to allow an argument inside the parenthesis and expression to allow actual expressions, things become worse, as the lookahead required is unbounded -- the parser needs to get all the way to the second = to determine that this is not a function call.
The basic problem here is that there's no helper punctuation to aid the parser in finding the end of a statement. Since text that is the beginning of a valid statement can also appear in the middle of a valid statement, finding statement boundaries is hard.
