Android Beacon Library RSSI filter - altbeacon

I know that this is related to existing question, but none directly answered my question, and my reputation is too low to add a comment to ask David. Sorry :(
I'm using the Android Beacon Library, and I would like to experiment with filters besides the standard Running Average RSSI Filter and the ARMA filter.
Are there any guidelines that I should follow as I do this? Are there any tips that I could use?
Thank you.

In order to play with this you need to:
Build the Android Beacon Library from source. (See the project README)
Make your own app (or use the library reference app) and point it at your custom liberty build.
Here are the basic commands to build from source within the reference app:
git clone
cd android-beacon-library-reference
git clone
Once you execute the above, simply edit the settings.gradle file to reference the library source folder by uncommenting this line: include ':android-beacon-library', then edit the reference app's build.gradle file to reference the library source folder instead of the binary -- uncomment: compile project(':android-beacon-library') and comment out: compile 'org.altbeacon:android-beacon-library:2+'
After you have completed the above, verify you can build and run the reference app on your phone. You can then make a copy of the file (giving it your own name in the same folder, perhaps You can activate it by calling BeaconManager.setRssiFilterImplClass(MyRssiFilter.class);


Adding and using an executable file in iOS at runtime

Suppose, I have some external executable file(call it a .swift file) that are not linked with the xcode project at compile time. That means, I did not have any of those files in my project tree when built the project.
For an example, lets say I have a file called exc.swift. This file was not included while I built the project.
Is there any way that I can execute that executable (the exc.swift) file at runtime?
In android there is a way by using DexClassLoader class. That class is responsible for executing code not installed as part of an application.
The documentation for that class is here.
Is there an iOS equivalent version of this? or in any way is this achievable?
If you are hoping to distribute the app that you are writing, then this is an absolute no-no. The app store review guidelines clearly state "Apps that install or launch other executable code will be rejected" so no app that exhibits this functionality will ever get onto the app store. You may be able to find or devise some kind of hack or workaround to get this kind of thing to work, but it will only ever be for your own amusement.

IOS Broadcast Framework

Can someone point me in the right direction to find the tools to be able to build a really simple broadcasting app on ios.
I am looking to mimic what has been done here.
Been googling around for a while now and can't really find anything to get me started.
Found this:
Can anyone help or tried to do something similar?
Never try but I know this project (for on Github, check source code of project, probably will be not different that what you're looking for.
Example app :
Sample iOS application to demonstrate broadcasting and playback using
the Broadcast iOS SDK.
How to Use
Clone the repository. Create a cineio-settings.plist file based on the
SAMPLE-cineio- settings.plist file. You'll need to create a (free)
account at Change into the Example directory: cd Example
Install the necessary CocoaPods: pod install Build and run the project
as you usually would, making sure to use the .xcworkspace file and not
the .xcproject file when building using xcodebuild or when opening
with Xcode.
project :

Opencv dll issues

I was following a tutorial for object detection using opencv, I did it step by step but when I run it, I got this error -
The program can't start because opencv_244d.dll is missing from your computer.
Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
I don't know what is the problem because I can see this dll in opencv libraries, I have added the following to the input dependencies:
This is still not working, what can I do?
You can find the required dll files into the bin folder (that is next to lib folder where the .lib files are located), and you have two options:
1) copy the required dlls into the same folder with your application //this is a little better because it kind of prepares you for when you'll need to deploy your application on systems that don't have opencv installed (for then don't forget to build the release version of your application)
2) add to the Path in the Environment Variables your path to that bin folder (be carefull that the path in there are separated by ; )
I would advise you to build the OpenCV libraries from source so that you can have a custom installation specific for your system (this is always better since it gives you the option of using what you want/need and also the performance is better since the libs are custom-made for your system).
OpenCV does not contain a library file called "opencv_244d.dll".
Check all your dependencies and their names so you don't have any misspelled names. All the names are something like "opencv_name244d.dll" such as "opencv_photo244d.dll".

How to include the boost library in a C++ application?

I'm very inexperienced with Linux and the terminal, but I'm trying to learn. I've also never included an external library before. Now I need to include the Boost.Asio library in a program being developed in Ubuntu with G++.
Could someone very kindly and very carefully explain how to go about this, from the beginning?
Expanding on the original question: if I need to send this code to someone else for them to run it on a completely separate machine but in the same environment, how do I take that into account? If this whole process involves literally placing library files into the same folder as the code, do I just send those library files along with the .cpp to this other person?
You have mentioned you are using Ubuntu, so the simplest way to use boost is to first install libboost-all-dev package (from synaptic), which will install everything for you including those that needed to be compiled. Then you just need to use g++ in the usual way.
Please note that whether the version is what you want, if not, you may want to install it yourself. On the other hand, boost is mostly header only library, so you only need to extract the files (right click in Ubuntu...) to a folder and link to it while compiling:
g++ hello_world.cpp -I boost_1_49_0/boost
where the last one specify the path for compiler to find the boost headers (please use absolute path).
If you want to send your program to others, dont copy only some boost files, it does not work because of the dependence. Ask them to install the same environment as you while is easy (just unzip a file...).
I don't know about your specific IDE, or about Boost.Asio specifically, but in general:
Whenever you need to link to a library, there is a file named similar to lib???.a, which you need. You need to pass the -l??? flag to g++ to link to the file.
(I'm not too familiar with the details myself, so there might be other file formats and whatnot too...)
Regarding the edit:
The "right" way would be to just have them download the library themselves, and just pass -l??? to their linker. Including Boost in your source code will make it huge, and for no good reason... it's not like you include the STL in your code, after all.
You don't include the library, but instead you declare a dependency on it. Eg. consider you use autoconf and automake then you would add AX_BOOST_BASE1 to require boost and AX_BOOST_ASIO to require the ASIO libraries. In your file(s) you use BOOST_CPPFLAGS and BOOST_LDFLAGS macros and rely on the ./configure to set them properly. Then whoever consumes your code will have to run the well know ./configure script which will analyze the environment for the location of boost and setup appropriate values in the build environment so that the make succeeds.
Well at least this is the theory. In practice there is a reason the whole thing is better known as autohell. Alternatives exists, like CMake or boost's own bjam. But the synopsis is always the same: you declare the dependency in your build configuration and the destination location that consumes you product has to satisfy the requirement (meaning it has to download/install the required version of boost, in your case). Otherwise you enter into the business of distributing binaries and this is frowned with problems due to richness of platforms/architectures/distributions your application is expected to be deployed in.
Obviously if you use a different build system, like ANT, then you should refer to that build system documentation on how to declare the requirement for boost.
1: ax_boost.m4 is not the only boost detecting m4 library, there are other out there, but is the one documented on the GNU autoconf list of macros

QMake and a .pro file

I've downloaded a package and am trying to build/install it. The project's wiki page has a command that looks like
qmake VAR=/path/to/something/
It says that this command should tell qmake to generate a make file. Instead, I'm getting
qmake: Nothing to be done for `'.
Why is qmake not generating the make file like it's supposed to?
Without knowing the project in questions or the contents of the project (.pro) file, it is difficult to diagnose. One possibility is that qmake was already run, or that the files it is to generate are included with your download. In these circumstances, there really is nothing to be done for said project.
As a side note, may I recommend downloading "Qt Creator" and opening the project file in there? Qt Creator tends to make Qt development and project building a lot easier.
I just answered my own question... apparently there is more than one qmake. On my system, we're using a qmake: distributed parallel make, scheduling by Grid Engine. I found /etc/alternatives/qmake which is the QT qmake...
