How to expand in taylor series a composition of functions? - maxima

I would like to expand in taylor series a function of type : f(x+f(x)) around x=a in the case where f(a)=0.
(%i1) atvalue(f(x),[x=a],0)$
The direct calculus yields :
(%i2) taylor(f(x+f(x)),x,a,2);
(%o2)/T/ f(a)+(at('diff(f(f(x)+x),x,1),x=a))*(x-a)+((at('diff(f(f(x)+x),x,2),x=a))*(x-a)^2)/2+...
If I define a intermediate function :
Then a expand in Taylor series I get :
(%i4) taylor(f(x+tf(x)),x,a,2);
(%o4) 0+...
I expect the following result :
f(1+f'(a))f'(a)(x-a)+(x-a)^2 f''(a)[f'(a)+(1+f'(a))^2/2]+o(x-a)^2
How could I solve this problem?

You can use gradef to simplify notation.
gradef(f(x), f1(x)) $
gradef(f1(x), f2(x)) $
atvalue(f(x), x = a, 0) $
e: f(x+f(x)) $
e: taylor(e, x, a, 2) $
e: expand(e, 0, 0)$ /* 'taylor' form to ordinar expression */
e: ev(e, nouns); /* f(a) to 0 */
2 2
(f1 (a) f2(a) + 3 f1(a) f2(a) + f2(a)) (x - a)
(%o7) -----------------------------------------------
+ (f1 (a) + f1(a)) (x - a)

A solution is as follow :
gradef(f(x), f1(x)) $
gradef(f1(x), f2(x)) $
atvalue(f(x), x = a, 0) $
e: f(x+f(x)) $
e: taylor(e, x, a, 2) $
e: expand(e, 0, 0)$ /* 'taylor' form to ordinar expression*/
e: ev(e, nouns); /* f(a) to 0 */
taylor(e,x,a,2); /* Becomes again a taylor serie which could be reused*/
For example, if I want to find the order of the Steffensen method which is defined, for function f which is C^2 and f(a)=0,f'(a)!=0, by :
If I straight expand this function around a I get :
which diverges since f(a)=0.
So this must be proceed in two steps. First I expand the denominator :
t: expand(t, 0, 0)$
t: ev(t, nouns)$
Then I expand the function Sf:
Sf:x-f(x)^2/(t)$/*Introducing the taylor serie of den*/
which provides the wanted result :


Equation not fully solved for

I've been trying to solve an equation for a 2D vector P.
But after solve there are still some P on the rhs.
Does this mean Maxima can't do it or I've done something wrong?
Here is it:
declare(".", commutative);
declare(P, nonscalar);
declare([v1,V1,r1], nonscalar);
declare([v2,V2,r2], nonscalar);
declare([w1,W1,m1,I1,w2,W2,m2,I2], scalar);
/* Revolute Constraint */
constraint: v2 + (w2~r2) - (v1 + (w1~r1)) = 0$
/* Velocities after impulse P */
eq1: v1 = V1 - P/m1$
eq2: w1 = W1 - (r1~P) / I1$
eq3: v2 = V2 + P/m2$
eq4: w2 = W2 + (r2~P) / I2$
eq: subst([eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4], constraint)$
solve(eq, P);
(I'm trying to get an equation for an impulse that satisfies the constraint.
I'm following Dirk Gregorius' 2nd post here:
I think I've worked out the details. I had to do some stuff by hand, and Maxima was mostly just checking that I did it correctly. If the goal is just to get to a solution, I guess that's okay.
Here's my script. You can execute this via: maxima --batch=foo.mac where foo.mac is the name of the script.
/* adapted from:
/* I don't want to reorder arguments of cross product. */
remrule ("~", ?\~rule4);
/* I do want to flatten noncommutative multiplication.
* (It appears that's disabled by vect; ordinarily it happens by default.)
dotassoc: true $
declare(P, nonscalar);
declare([v1,w1,V1,W1,r1], nonscalar);
declare([v2,w2,V2,W2,r2], nonscalar);
declare([m1,I1,m2,I2], scalar);
/* Revolute Constraint */
constraint: v2 - (r2~w2) - (v1 - (r1~w1)) = 0$
/* Velocities after impulse P */
eq1: v1 = V1 - P/m1$
eq2: w1 = W1 - (r1~P) / I1$
eq3: v2 = V2 + P/m2$
eq4: w2 = W2 + (r2~P) / I2$
eq: subst([eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4], constraint);
A(a) := matrix([0, -a[3], a[2]], [a[3], 0, -a[1]], [-a[2], a[1], 0]);
eqa: ev (eq, (u~v) := 'A(u).v);
matchdeclare (pp, lambda ([e], not freeof(P, e)));
matchdeclare (qq, lambda ([e], freeof(P, e)));
defrule (rp, pp + qq = 0, pp = -qq);
eqa1: expand (eqa);
eqa2: apply1 (eqa1, rp);
matchdeclare (aa, lambda ([e], matrixp(e) or listp(e)));
tellsimpafter (I(aa), ident (length (aa)));
matchdeclare ([aa, bb], all);
tellsimpafter (I(aa) . bb, bb);
tellsimpafter (aa . I(bb), aa);
M: -(1/I2)*'A(r2).'A(r2) - (1/I1)*'A(r1).'A(r1) + (1/m2)*I(P) + (1/m1)*I(P);
N: 'A(r2).W2 - 'A(r1).W1 - V2 + V1;
eqa2_factored: M . P = N;
expand (eqa2_factored);
?resimplify (%);
if % # eqa2 then error ("tried to factor eqa2, but something went wrong.");
solution: P = M^^-1 . N;
/* EXAMPLE: */
I1: 20 $
I2: 3 $
m1: 100 $
m2: 12 $
V1: [17, 19, -23] $
V2: [-5, -3, 11] $
W1: [8, 4, 14] $
W2: [-6, -16, 24 ] $
r1: [1/2, 2/3, 3/4] $
r2: [5, 7, 3] $
/* note various subterfuges to ensure evaluation with stated values */
example_M: ev (subst (I(P) = ident(3), M), nouns);
example_N: ev (N, nouns);
example_P: example_M^^-1 . example_N;
subst (P = example_P, ev (eqa2, eval, nouns));
if lhs(%) = rhs(%)
then print ("TEST PASSED: lhs = rhs")
else error ("TEST FAILED: lhs # rhs");
If you need to evaluate P for different parameters r1, r2, etc., my advice is to evaluate matrix M and vector N with whatever values you want to plug in, and then solve the equation P = M^^-1 . N. An explicit solution is probably going to be pretty messy.
Following Robert Dodier's advice, I broke up all the vectors and solved for P[1] and P[2] individually.
I've got something that gives me an answer but now how can I get it into nice vector form?
Here it is:
declare(".", commutative);
declare(P, nonscalar);
declare([v1,V1,r1], nonscalar);
declare([v2,V2,r2], nonscalar);
declare([w1,W1,m1,I1], scalar);
declare([w2,W2,m2,I2], scalar);
cross_scalar_vector(s,v) := [-s*v[2], s*v[1]]$
/* Revolute Constraint on Linear Velocity */
constraint: v2 + cross_scalar_vector(w2,r2) - (v1 + cross_scalar_vector(w1,r1)) = [0,0]$
/* Sub in velocities after impulse P. */
post_velocities: [
v1 = V1 - P/m1,
w1 = W1 - (r1~P) / I1,
v2 = V2 + P/m2,
w2 = W2 + (r2~P) / I2
constraint: subst(post_velocities, constraint)$
/* Break up the remaining vectors for solve. */
vectors: [
P = [P[1], P[2]],
V1 = [V1[1], V1[2]],
r1 = [r1[1], r1[2]],
V2 = [V2[1], V2[2]],
r2 = [r2[1], r2[2]]
constraint: subst(vectors, constraint)$
/* Break up vector constraint into x and y constraint for solve. */
xconstraint: lhs(constraint)[1] = 0$
yconstraint: lhs(constraint)[2] = 0$
/* Not sure why we need to do this again? */
xconstraint: subst(vectors, xconstraint)$
yconstraint: subst(vectors, yconstraint)$
/* Expand cross products for solve. */
xconstraint: express(xconstraint)$
yconstraint: express(yconstraint)$
solve([xconstraint,yconstraint], [P[1],P[2]]);

Transforming Equations WxMaxima Ezunits

I'm having problems transforming equations, again...
Setting up the functions b(a) and c(b) works. Inserting them into each other also works to get from a temperature to a current c(b(a)). But now I want to flip it around a(c). The result should be like this a(c):= (c-(4`mA))*(25`degC)/(4`mA); But it's not working even with the ''-trick.
(%i1) load(ezunits);
(%o1) "C:/maxima-5.44.0/share/maxima/5.44.0/share/ezunits/ezunits.mac"
(%i7) a0: 0`degC;
am: 100`degC;
b0: 0`mV;
bm: 4`mV;
c0: 4`mA;
cm: 20`mA;
(a0) 0 ` degC
(am) 100 ` degC
(b0) 0 ` mV
(bm) 4 ` mV
(c0) 4 ` mA
(cm) 20 ` mA
(%i8) b(a):= (bm-b0)/(am-a0)*(a-a0)+b0;
(%o8) b(a):=(bm-b0)/(am-a0)*(a-a0)+b0
(%i9) c(b):= (cm-c0)/(bm-b0)*(b-b0)+c0;
(%o9) c(b):=(cm-c0)/(bm-b0)*(b-b0)+c0
(%i10) c(b(50`degC));
(%o10) 12 ` mA
(%i11) a(c):= dimensionally(solve(c(b(T)), T));
(%o11) a(c):=dimensionally(solve(c(b(T)),T))
(%i12) a(12`mA);
(%o12) [T=(-25) ` degC]
(%i13) a(c):= ''(dimensionally(solve(c(b(T)), T)));
(%o13) a(c):=[T=(-25) ` degC]
(%i14) a(12`mA);
(%o14) [T=(-25) ` degC]
(%i15) oi: T, dimensionally(solve(c(b(T)), T));;
(oi) (-25) ` degC
(%i16) a(c):= (c-(4`mA))*(25`degC)/(4`mA);
(%o16) a(c):=((c-4 ` mA)*(25 ` degC))/4 ` mA
(%i17) a(12`mA);
(%o17) 50 ` degC
It looks like you have omitted the specific value of c from solve(c(b(T)), T) -- what I mean is you need something like solve(c(b(T)) = c1, T) where c1 is the input value such as 12 ` mA.
This definition seems to work --
a(c1):= dimensionally(solve(c(b(T)) = c1, T));
Then I get
(%i22) a(12`mA);
(%o22) [T = 50 ` degC]
When you omit the ... = c1, you are effectively solving for ... = 0, that's why you get T = (- 25) ` degC.
The other variation a(c1) := ''(...) should also work, although I didn't try it.
You can write a(c) := dimensionally(solve(c(b(T)) = c, T)), i.e., using the same name for the variable c and the function c, but it's easy to get mixed up, and also I am hoping the change that behavior in the near future (with the implementation of lexical scope of symbols) which will make that not work anymore.

Rearrange equation using Maxima

In Maxima I have an equation that is like:
eq : c0*a + d0*a + c1*b - c2*p - c4*q = c5*r
Is there a command that allows me to arrive at:
(c0 + d0)*a + c1*b = c2*p + c4*q + c5*r
In short, I want to choose which variables end on either the left or right hand side and I want to write it such that there is only one occurence of the variables I select (in this case a, b, p, q, r).
Perhaps coefmatrix is useful for this.
(%i1) display2d : false $
(%i2) eq : c0*a + d0*a + c1*b - c2*p - c4*q = c5*r $
(%i3) vars : [a, b, p, q, r] $
(%i4) coeffs : coefmatrix ([eq], vars);
(%o4) matrix([d0+c0,c1,-c2,-c4,-c5])
(%i5) coeffs . vars;
(%o5) (-c5*r)-c4*q-c2*p+a*(c0+d0)+b*c1
Note that both arguments of coefmatrix must be lists.

How do I use lhs and rhs to define a function?

In the Maxima session below, how come f(1) is not 0?
(%i1) eq: 2 * x + 1 = 3;
(%o1) 2 x + 1 = 3
(%i2) f(x) := lhs(eq) - rhs(eq);
(%o2) f(x) := lhs(eq) - rhs(eq)
(%i3) f(1);
(%o3) 2 x - 2
the process of function calling in maxima here binds x to 1 in the function
definition, lhs(eq)-rhs(eq). That has no x in it, so that binding does nothing.
Next, lhs(eq) is evaluated to 2*x+1. rhs(eq) is evaluated to 3. etc.
Do you always want the same equation eq? perhaps you want to do
to check what the definition is, try
If you want to vary the equation maybe something like
g(val, eq) := subst(val,x, lhs(eq)-rhs(eq)) ;
would do.

How to print square of n*n given characters in prolog?

Write a Prolog program to print out a square of n*n given characters on the screen. Call your predicate square/2. The first argument should be a (positive) integer. the second argument the character (any Prolog term) to be printed. Example:
?-square(5, '*').
I just start to learn this language. I did this:
square(N, 'B') :-
It doesn't work at all. Can anyone help me?
So your question is, basically, "how do I write a loop nested in a loop?"
This is how you write an empty loop with an integer for a counter:
loop(N) :- N > 0, N0 is N-1, loop(N0).
which in C would be:
for(i=0; i < n; ++i) { }
And you seem to know already how to print (write(foo)).
Decompose the problem. To write an NxN square, you need to do two things:
Write N lines
Write a single line, consisting of N characters followed by a newline character.
The second is easy:
do_line(0,_) :-
do_line(N,C) :-
N > 0 ,
write(C) ,
N1 is N-1 ,
The first isn't much more difficult:
do_lines(M,N,C) :-
M > 0 ,
do_line(N,C) ,
M1 is M-1 ,
The all you need to do is wrap it:
write_square(N,C) :- do_lines(N,N,C) .
You need to draw a line of N stars/characters
line(N,X):- N>0, N1 is N-1, line(N1,X), write(X), fail; true.
Then you will draw a column of N lines of stars/characters.
sAux(N,C,Chr):-C<N, C1 is C+1, sAux(N, C1, Chr), line(N,Chr),nl.
s(N,Chr):- N>0, N1 is N-1, s(N1,X), linie(N,X), nl, fail;true.
Doing this:
square2(0,_). % base case, recursion stops when X reaches 0, second argument is irrelevent
X1 is X - 1,
With the query, which results in:
?- square2(5,'* ').
* * * * *
Therefore, we need another loop to make it write X times.
square1(0,_,_). % base case, recursion stops when X reaches 0
X1 is X - 1,
square2(Y,Symbol), % with the same Y passed in square2 predicate to print a line of symbols
nl, % creates a new line
However, the question is asking for the format with square(5, '* '). Therefore,
To wrap up:
X1 is X - 1,
X1 is X - 1,
