How Selenium script execution happens inside a company? - jenkins

1.We develop code in eclipse
2.Integrate it with jenkins
3.Store codes on github
4.integrate jenkins and github
5. Jenkins triggers test scripts from github
Now my questions are this
1. Where exactly the tests run in realtime on scheduled basis ?
2. Jenkins has to run 24/7 in company server so it triggers test scripts in one of company's computer ?

Jenkins run the test on either master or slave machine which you configure.


CI/CD pipeline and build server

Have seen the following graph representing Jenkins pipeline:
git push --> Git repo --> Jenkins CI server --> Maven build server --> Test server --> Deliver build artifacts --> Deploy
Given that is correct, I am struggling to understand how the above different(?) servers work under the hood and I need some clarification so that Jenkins procedures are not just a black box.
Jenkins CI server, Maven build server and Test server are in reality one physical server?
If the answer to the previous question is yes, these 3 servers are different logical servers?
In my understanding and my case (Java Spring project), Maven build server executes mvn install and since pom.xml contains npm install plus npm run test commands, it is Maven build server that executes the UI tests and not the Test server. Am I right?
Does the Test server execute only the back-end Java acceptance tests?
It could be one physical or virtual server server.
To use maven you just need to install maven plugin in jenkins. Configure which version of maven you want to use in "Manage jenkins" -> "Global tools configuration" -> add needed maven version.
Depends on which kind of tests you want to run - you can repeat steps from step 3 for the tool you need or you can install needed tools on the jenkins server manually and add it to the PATH.
At the end just use needed tools in your pipeline or other king of job in jenkins.
Without further context, we must put some points clear:
Jenkins may work on multiples nodes (could be real/virtual/pods)
Jenkins is an orchestrator... This means that it uses different tools in a order given by the pipeline. This order is pretty much: git > build > test > delivery > deploy
Testing server are used for install the software an run a variety of tests, pretty much for several teams.
Build servers are used for running commands to build software
With those clear, these are the questions:
1.- Depends on your infrastructure. Jenkins works with executors that may run on master or in nodes. If your Jenkins is just one server, then yes... It is one physical server. If you use nodes, then it is more probable than you may found one node handling the building, and another one the tests. The definite answer lies within your Jenkins and your pipeline
2.- No... Even with a Jenkins master-agent infrastructure, the building and testing occurs within Jenkins.
3.- Depends on your concept of test server. If you define it as a server where you use as a target for testing purposes, then the answer is no... If you define a test server as a machine that executes test, then the answer is yes.
4.- Depends on what you type or test do you have automatized. You can run unit tests, regression tests, smoke test, etc. For example, you may have some unit test for your back-end, and have some test in karma for your UI. Again, in your case you must check on your pipeline, and the code to check what kind of tests are you running.

Jenkins skip some jobs in chain of freestyle jobs

We got a requirement to implement CICD using Jenkins.
Here, Jenkins is running in windows machine and application server running in linux machine and build activity should happen in Linux system. So, We are connecting to linux machine using Jenkins's SSH plugin and executing jobs.
I have created list of freestyle jobs to checkout code from CVS, cleanup activity, Build , stop server, start server, Run Junit, run sonar. all these jobs are chained using 'build other projects' option in post build Action section.
Here, all jobs executes in sequential manner. But, sometimes I need to execute only few jobs like stop and start server.
So, please help me how we can randomly pick jobs which need to be run before triggering build.

Configure Jenkins to Execute tests in UFT

I am running UFT Test Suite manually on the host machine, however i now have the requirement to run the smoke tests as soon as the new build is delivered in jenkins. For that i need to run the test suite automatically using Jenkings. Can someone help me in the direction, how this can be achieved? I have never used Jenkins before.
Looks like theres a plugin for Jenkins which enables integration with HP UFT. Take a look at the Jenkins wiki page for instructions about how to install and use it.
As you didn't mention that you are using ALM so I am assuming that you have some kind of driver script in vbs which runs your test suite. You do not necessarily require any plugin in jenkins to run your UFT suite(however you can also check the suggestion given in the previous answer). Create a job in jenkins and call your vbs file (driver file) or a bat file which kicks off your execution your test machine.
Your test execution machine can be configured as jenkins slave. Only thing which you need to take care off is to remove the settings which can let go your jenkins slave machine which is your uft execution machine in standby mode or locked user mode(uft scripts will fail otherwise). You can handle this by configuring windows settings(if admin allows) or by using some small scripts to move mouse after some intervals.
Your test execution job in jenkins(master) machine can be made dependent on the job which goes to success when new build is available. As soon as new build is available - that job goes to success then your Test job gets notified and connects to UFT execution machine(slave) and starts running your test.
I am trying to integrate ALM with jenkins but not working
Started by user admin
Running as SYSTEM
Building in workspace C:\JENKINSHOME\workspace\CLRP_AUTO_RN
[CLRP_AUTO_RN] $ C:\JENKINSHOME\workspace\CLRP_AUTO_RN\HpToolsLauncher.exe -paramfile props05092020010832244.txt
Timeout is set to: -1
Run mode is set to: RUN_PLANNED_HOST
Unable to retrieve test set folder: Node not found.
Node not found.
Starting test set execution
Test set name: CLRP Smoke Test Automation Run, Test set id: 104
Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))
Could not create scheduler, please verify ALM client installation on run machine by downloading and in installing the add-in form: http://almserver:8080/qcbin/TDConnectivity_index.html
Build step 'Execute Micro Focus functional tests from Micro Focus ALM' changed build result to FAILURE
Finished: FAILURE

Coded UI test fails with MSTest under Jenkins

I am using Jenkins for my project CI. And several automation test cases developed by Coded UI(C# language) will be run when the new build is deployed. I created a job on the master(windows) that MSTest those test cases(note: with MSTest under cmd, test cases can be run successfully) but saw the below issue:
Error calling Initialization method for test class QuickUI.SmokeTests: Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.UITestException: To run tests that interact with the desktop, you must set up the test agent to run as an interactive process. For more information, see "How to: Set Up Your Test Agent to Run Tests That Interact with the Desktop" (
1) Need I use Jenkins slave to run test cases?
2) If so, how to config since the dlls needs to be copied to slave firstly?
3) Is there any account or jenkins service configuration needs to be taken care?
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like you need to get mstest setup on your build machine. The easiest way is to use test agents ( when installing chose test agents.
(below is copied from my answer in Coded UI build server integration process)
You going to want to put your CodedUI tests inside an orderedTest. Right Click on the solution -> add -> orderedTest.
You going to want to install it's not a requirement, but it makes working with mstest in jenkins a little easier.
At this point you just need to configure the plugin in jenkins to run your orderedTest. It will need you to point to mstest and the location of your orderedtest.
1) Recommnd to run test on slave
2) To run GUI test, don't run the slave as windows service
3) Theoratically you only need the slave agent running. However the windows account logged in should have access to all the resources that your tests need.
Some other threads you could reference, pay special attention to this if you want to run the tests in unattended way.
Jenkins on Windows and GUI Tests without RDC

Running sequentially job tasks on several environments using Jenkins

I'm new to Jenkins. I'm trying to implement a specific scenario in a single job to build mobile applications using Jenkins.
In a single job I want to launch several tasks sequentially:
Task 1 (Windows) ---> Task 2 (Windows) ---> Task 3 (Windows) ---> Task 4 (Mac OSX)
Each job will be dedicated to a single project. Passing results from a task to another can be realised through the workspace, but it seems that job tasks must all run on the same environment. Is there any plugin that will let me run some tasks of the job in a particular slave ?
Thanks in advance
You could use trigger builds remotely on your slave jobs.
Then from the master job you can execute slave builds using curl. Like this:
$(curl --user "username:password" "$SOMEPARAMETER&token=TheSecretToken")
TheSecretToken is the token password you specified on your slave plugins.
And username:password is a valid user on your jenkins. Don't use your own account here but rather a 'build trigger' account that only has permissions to start specific jobs.
Define a job for each task you have mentioned.
Have a slave on the remote machine(s) - presumably the Mac.
In each job, set the relevant host that will run it (you have a parameter for that).
Use the "trigger parameterized build" plugin to trigger the jobs in the correct sequence, and make sure you pass "Current build parameters" in that section.
This plugin will allow you to pass other values as well - read its help for more details.
Try this
Build flow Plugin
Multijob Plugin
