Copying file obj\Debug\build.force to obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\obj\Debug\build.force failed. Could not find file 'obj\Debug\build.force' -

I am getting this error while am publishing the project to local system
Copying file obj\Debug\build.force to
obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\obj\Debug\build.force failed. Could not
find file 'obj\Debug\build.force'
I am not able to find the proper solution.
Tried Restarting VS
Deleted Bin Folder and rebuild the project again

you just delete that whole folder(obj\Debug) from the solution(don't delete it from the directory) and try to publish it will definitely work.


Cannot open Zip file after creation with tar.exe

I'm trying to use Tar.exe in a Windows 10 command prompt to zip an entire folder and its subdirectories into a .zip file.
After reading different answers on here and this online help, so far I have the following:
tar.exe -cvzf "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\" "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\MyFolder"
This appears to work within the command prompt (no errors and all files get listed). The .zip file gets created on the Desktop but when I try to open it by double-clicking on it, I get this error:
Windows cannot open the folder.
The Compressed (zipped) Folder 'C:\Users\Me\Desktop\MyFolder' is invalid.
I dragged the file into Notepad to see if there were any headers that might uncover the problem, but it looks like some kind of oriental affair...!
Can anyone advise what I've done wrong here please?
After much deliberation, I finally opted to use 7-Zip:
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\" "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\MyFolder"
The destination machine without 7-Zip could still read the file, but more importantly, the speed of the zip creation was magnitudes faster than Windows's UI or the Tar function.

TFS Backup Restore BackupSettings file missing issue

I am using TFS server 2018 Update 1. I have used it long time and it works well. Now I tried to restore the backup through TFS its shows that BackupSettings.xml file is missing. But In my backup folder BackupSets.xml file.
Old days BackupSettings.xml is created inside the backup folder. Now its replace with this BackupSets.xml file.
BackupSets.xml file is not recognized from the TFS server. I tried to rename the file but not working. If you have an idea for this issue please help me.
BackupSettings.xml file is not replaced with BackupSets.xml file, they are two different files, and they are supposed to exist together in the backup folder.
You can go to Administration Console -- Logs to check the backup logs to see whether there is any error. And go to Scheduled Backups to take another full backup.

Unable to revert or restore changes in a folder mapped to a different Volume (macOS)

There's a problem with TFS everywhere plugin for Eclipse if I try to revert or restore a file under a source control and if the folder/file is mapped to a different volume than the actual project.
When I try to restore or revert it, I get an error: Failed to rename /Users/*/*/*/*/.tf1/8/d54f18aa-bdce-4ab7-958a-01eaaf0c36c1.tmp to /Volumes/macOSData/*/*/*/*/*/some_file.cs. Check the file and directory permissions.
Log has additional line:
2018-07-31 12:44:39,814 WARN [ModalContext] ( Main rename failed (source permissions problem?), trying to rename temp file back
There's no problem while I get specific version of the project, even with overriding existing files, so there permissions are fine, at least for getting files. Also, this does not happen when the file is on the same volume as the local TFS mapping.
Setting all permissions to 777 does fix the problem, but this marks all files with +x making them all "changed", making this solution unacceptable.
I tried mapping the base folder to a second drive (i.e. force creating a .tf folder on a second drive), but this doesn't help. The error will appear when I try to revert stuff on the main volume.
I tried using symlinks so the mapping stays within the same volume, but still no luck.
Is there any way to solve this? Or everything should be on the same volume?
After a whole day of digging around and poking with jshell, this appears to be a bug with File.renameTo() in Java on macOS. renameTo function silently fails without any exception even though there's no permission issue to write to the destination. This happens only when writing to a different volume.
I have submitted a pull request into TFS Everywhere repo on github with a workaround for this issue.
Anyone interested can compile plugin with this changes to get things working:

Cannot load angular.dart

During the reproduction of this example, something strange happend:
So created a plain Dart project in WebStorm, added angular.dart, copied the example. Everything works well, if the files are "web" directory.
BUT, after I moved the three files into a switch subdirectory, I have the following problem:
An error occurred loading file: package:angular/angular.dart
Do you have any idea? What did I missed.
If you added the subdirectory after you ran pub get then it may not have the packages symlink folder. Try running pub get (from your apps root directory) again which should generate any missing packages in subdirectories that may have been added, without re-downloading any dependencies. [Error 5] Access is denied

I just recently updated to the new version of forge, did not change anything on my setting and when I went to build my app I got an error that said it could not find the file..
so I made the copy of aapt file and put it in a directory where trigger said it was looking (the docs said should have moved this file for me already but Im guessing it did not)
After I moved this file and ran the build again it looked like it found the file but now I get [Error 5] Access is denied.
I have checked the permissions on the folder as I am the admin and I have full permissions and I have launched trigger as an administrator and still nothing.
So again from what I can tell this is a problem with the python script that calls aapt.
When you look at the script it points only to aapt, this means its looking for a directory and not the aapt.exe file itself so the first thing that happens is
1) forge says it cant find the aapt directory, this is why you are getting the error message "cant find aapt tool"
2) by adding the directory you would get the access denied because then the script is trying to run all these commands on just the directory (this was the problem I ran into), by making the change below you do not need to create a directory, just leave everything how it is but add the exe and it should work
After doing some testing I found that by adding .exe to the pythong script in the build was able to run successfully
if you look on line 35 of and change 'appt' to 'appt.exe' it should build for you
this is what it looks like for me
path.join(sdk, 'build-tools', '*','aapt.exe')
Hope this helps
