Falcor - 'get' no longer emits references as leaf values - falcor

I've recently upgraded from Falcor 0.x to 1.1.0 (2.x will be the next step)
According to the Falcor migration documentation, when calling model.get references are not emitted as json anymore.
I'm however wondering what would be the best practice in order to manage references in a model.get.
Here is an example.
Having the following json graph:
jsonGraph: {
comment: {
123: {
owner: { $type: "ref", value: ["user", "abc"] },
message: "Foo"
user: {
abc: {
name: "John Doe"
initials: "JD"
Calling model.get will result to:
const json = await model.get(["comment", "123", ["owner", "message"]);
owner: undefined, // 0.x was returning `["user", "abc"]`
message: "John Doe"
However it's possible to get the owner only:
const json = await model.get(["comment", "123", "owner", ["name", "initials"]);
name: "John Doe",
initials: "JD"
What is the recommendation for handling references in model.get?
Should I manually get the owner (like the last example?) or should I have an ownerId instead of an owner reference in comment model?

model.get can take any number of pathSets (docs). So, break your first pathSet into two and pass as separate arguments:
await model.get(
["comment", "123", "message"],
["comment", "123", "owner", ["name", "initials"]]
which should return
message: "John Doe"
owner: {
name: "John Doe",
initials: "JD"
The underlying constraint is that a single pathSet can only include multiple paths of the same depth. So multiple paths of different depth can only be represented by multiple pathSets.


Auto-generated Mutation Does Not Create Relationship

I want to test auto-generated CRUD mutations created by calling makeAugmentedSchema from 'neo4j-graphql-js'. There is no problem with creating nodes but creating relationship does not work for me. Please advise on what I am doing wrong here.
type Bio{
id: ID!
description: String
type Person{
id: ID!
name: String
dob: Date
gender: String
bioRelation: [Bio] #relation(name: "HAS_BIO", direction: "OUT")
I am following the Interface Mutations guidance https://grandstack.io/docs/graphql-interface-union-types to create mutation.
mutation {
p: CreatePerson(
name: "Anton",
gender: "Male") {
b: CreateBio(
description: "I am a developer") {
r: AddPersonBioRelation(
from: {id: "p"},
to:{id: "b"}
It create Person and Bio nodes but no any relationship gets created between the two:
"data": {
"p": {
"name": "Anton",
"gender": "Male",
"id": "586b63fd-f9a5-4274-890f-26ba567c065c"
"b": {
"description": "I am a developer",
"id": "a46b4c22-d23b-4630-ac84-9d6248bdda89"
"r": null
This is how AddPersonBioRelation looks like:
Thank you.
I am new to GRANDstack, and I have also been struggling with these types of issues myself. I have typically broken this out separate mutations (in javascript) and used the return value for each as values for the next mutation. for example:
await createIncident({
variables: {
brief: values.brief,
description: values.description,
recordable: values.recordable,
title: values.title
}).then((res) => {
variables: {
from: user.id,
to: res.data.CreateIncident.id
the problem that i see in the example you've provided is that you are specifying a string value for from and to as "p" and "b" respectively and NOT the p.id and b.id return values from the parent mutations.
it's fine of me to point that out but what i can't for the LIFE of me figure out is how to properly reference p.id and b.id in the mutation itself. in other words you are trying to send
from: { id: "586b63fd-f9a5-4274-890f-26ba567c065c"}
to: { id: "a46b4c22-d23b-4630-ac84-9d6248bdda89" }
but in reality you are sending
from: { id: "p"}
to: { id: "b" }
which aren't actually references in neo4j so it fails.
if we can figure out how to properly reference p.id and b.id we should get this working.
Thank you, #dryhurst. It appears that there is no way to reference id of newly created nodes, but I found a solution by introducing temp id property. Please see the discussion of this matter and final solution on:

Decoding Multiple JSON URLs into a Single Class

I'm attempting to decode multiple JSON URLs into a class. Since I'm using an API, I have no control over the fact that the JSON data is split into two URLs. Here is the problem statement:
I have a class called Student
JSON URL student_info.json contains a dictionary with all students and the Student instance constants A, and B.
JSON URL student_status.json contains Student instance variables C, D, and E.
I need to do the following:
Retrieve the dictionary of students from student_info.json to populate a collection of Students and instantiate them with attributes A and B.
Save this Student collection so that it is accessible throughout the rest of the app's lifecycle.
Retrieve the dictionary of student information from student_status.json and populate Student instance variables C, D, and E for each student in the collection.
From time to time, update the collection of students (in case any were dropped or added).
From time to time, update variables C, D, and E for each student in the collection.
Here are some example files:
"last_updated": 1535936693,
"tyl": 10,
"data": {
"students": [
"student_id": "1",
"name": "John Appleseed",
"student_id": "2",
"name": "Jane Doe"
"last_updated": 1535936693,
"tyl": 10,
"data": {
"students": [
"student_id": "1",
"number_of_classes": "10",
"GPA": "2.87",
"tuition_due": "237.33"
"student_id": "2",
"number_of_classes": "10",
"GPA": "2.87",
"tuition_due": "237.33"
class Student {
var student_id: Int
var name: String
var numberOfClasses: Int?
var gpa: Double?
var tuitionDue: Double?

How to add sorting for field object of graphql type which refers to different graphql type?

I am using Neo4j dB and using pattern comprehension to return the values. I have 2 types Person and Friend:
Type Person{
id: String
name: String
friends: [Friend]
Type Friend{
id: String
name: String
type Query {
persons( limit:Int = 10): [Person]
friends( limit:Int = 10): [Friend]
What i want to do is to pull the array list of field friends (present in Person Type) in ascending order when the "persons" query executes. For e.g.
"data": {
"persons": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Timothy",
"friends": [
"id": "c3ef473",
"name": "Adam",
"id": "ef4e373",
"name": "Bryan",
"id": "e373ln45",
"name": "Craig",
How should I do it ? I researched regarding the sorting, but I did not find anything specific on the array object's sorting when we are using pattern comprehension in neo4j. Any suggestions would be really helpful !
I used the sortBy function of lodash to return the result into an ascending order.
And here is the graphql resolver query:
persons(_, params) {
let query = `MATCH (p:Person)
friends: [(p)-[:FRIEND_WITH]->(f:Friend)) | f{.*}]
LIMIT $limit;`;
return dbSession().run(query, params)
.then(result => {
return result.records.map(record => {
let item = record.get("p");
item.friends = sortBy(item.friends, [function(i) {
return i.name;
return item;

How do I use .map to parse response when response has inconsistent values?

So I'm using the yelp API, and after I make a GET request I get back a response of businesses. In order to work with that response I'm using .map
mappedResults = yelpSearch.businesses.map {|l| {id: l.id, name: l.name, categories:l.categories, rating: l.rating, review_count: l.review_count, url: l.url, phone: l.phone}}
My problem is that sometimes l.phone is not returned for some records in the response, and I get the error:
undefined method `phone' for #<BurstStruct::Burst:0x007fba47c7a228>
My question is how do I refactor this code so that if a record doesn't have phone it will either leave it null (or worst cast empty string)
Any help is appreciated
JSON structure is as such for each business in the response
region: {
span: {
latitude_delta: 0,
longitude_delta: 0
center: {
latitude: 38.054117,
longitude: -84.439002
total: 23,
businesses: [
is_claimed: false,
rating: 5,
mobile_url: "http://m.yelp.com/biz/vineyard-community-church-lexington",
rating_img_url: "http://s3-media1.ak.yelpcdn.com/assets/2/www/img/f1def11e4e79/ico/stars/v1/stars_5.png",
review_count: 2,
name: "Vineyard Community Church",
snippet_image_url: "http://s3-media4.ak.yelpcdn.com/photo/VoeMtbk7NRFi6diksSUtOQ/ms.jpg",
rating_img_url_small: "http://s3-media1.ak.yelpcdn.com/assets/2/www/img/c7623205d5cd/ico/stars/v1/stars_small_5.png",
url: "http://www.yelp.com/biz/vineyard-community-church-lexington",
phone: "8592582300",
snippet_text: "I have been a member of Vineyard Community Church since 2004. Here you will find a modern worship service with a full band, witty speakers who teach...",
image_url: "http://s3-media3.ak.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/D71eikniuaHjdOC8DB6ziA/ms.jpg",
categories: [
display_phone: "+1-859-258-2300",
rating_img_url_large: "http://s3-media3.ak.yelpcdn.com/assets/2/www/img/22affc4e6c38/ico/stars/v1/stars_large_5.png",
id: "vineyard-community-church-lexington",
is_closed: false,
location: {
city: "Lexington",
display_address: [
"1881 Eastland Pwky",
"Lexington, KY 40505"
geo_accuracy: 8,
postal_code: "40505",
country_code: "US",
address: [
"1881 Eastland Pwky"
coordinate: {
latitude: 38.054117,
longitude: -84.439002
state_code: "KY"
If you're using Rails 4.0 or newer, the #presence method is really helpful for this. You would use it like this:
mappedResults = yelpSearch.businesses.map {|l| {id: l.id.presence, #... etc
or like this
mappedResults = yelpSearch.businesses.map {|l| {id: l.id.presence || "default id", # ...
Reading your code again, #presence might not work in this case, since the method isn't defined. Here's a longer (uglier) snippet that should work:
mappedResults = yelpSearch.businesses.map do |l|
id: l.respond_to(:id) ? l.id : "default id",
# ... other properties
Update from OP
This worked - thank you! Note I had to tweak syntax a bit to respond_to?('method_name')
mappedResults = yelpSearch.businesses.map {|l|
name: l.respond_to?("name") ? l.name : "nameless",
rating: l.respond_to?("rating") ? l.rating : "unrated",
# ... other properties

How to load kendo observable data array from MVC controller?

I have the following kendo observable object:
var observable = kendo.observable({
people: [
{ name: "John Doe" },
{ name: "Jane Doe" },
{ name: "Jimmy Doe" }
products: [
{ name: "Table" },
{ name: "Chair" },
{ name: "Tomato" }
animals: [
{ name: "Dog" },
{ name: "Cat" },
{ name: "Monkey" }
Can i make the inner collections load Json data directly from seperate controllers?
Yes. You need to create a controller that returns a Json result. Make an ajax call to the controllers route and stuff the response into a variable. Then refer to that in your observable. It might look something like this on the front end:
var observable = kendo.observable(data);
In this case the getstuff method on the controller needs to return a JSON object containing all of the properties and arrays you need like this:
people: [array of people],
products: [array of products],
animals: [array pf animals] //etc
