Objective-C framework documentation comments not shown after export - ios

I'm building a macOS / iOS framework in Objective-C. Most methods have a JavaDoc like documentation which is displayed in the Quick Help section in Xcode properly. However, after I build the framework and want to use it in a different project, the documentation does not show up in the Quick Help section anymore. I know that I could move the documentation from the source file to the header file and that would fix my problem. But, is there any way to keep my documentation in the source file and somehow export it to the header file at build phase? (or anything similar)


Importing Firebase Framework manually in Xcode 8 (Swift 3)

I'm trying to import Firebase Storage into my Xcode project. I followed this guide.
I only imported the actual .framework file from the downloadable client library, along with all the other required frameworks and files, listed in the link above (the two .dylib files either do not exist anymore or have been renamed to something else, so the documentation is definitely outdated).
I'm guessing this isn't sufficient to get the Framework running in my Xcode project, as I did get an error that Firebase wasn't a recognized module. If it's all the other files (a few .h files, .module file and a info.plist file) I need to import as well, I was wondering how to do this in a Swift-written project?
Also, do I need all the files, or just some of them? The instructions in the documentation are very useless (probably because they're outdated), so I'm hoping someone with experience importing the framework into Xcode 8 (Swift 3) can give me some instructions. The documentation makes the importing process sound so easy, but I'm pretty sure it's a little more complex than that.
That guide is for our old client library (the deprecation warning at the top of the page confirms your suspicion that the docs are out of date :).
Instead, you'll want to use: https://firebase.google.com/docs/ios/setup#frameworks
You'll need FirebaseAnalytics.framework (to get FIRApp) as well as FirebaseDatabase.framework and Firebase.h. I believe we've got modulemaps properly working there, so you shouldn't have to mess with linker flags or other libs, as the modulemaps will include them properly.

COOCA: How to know what functions are provided by a dylib on mac?

libz.dylib is used for compression and decompression, so I added it to my project under Link Binary with Libraries section of Build Phase tab. But I do not see any header file inside it to know the functionality provided by libz.dylibso how to use it, what function it provides?
In case of framework we can see method declaration in .h files and based on that we can use appropriate function so how one can get info about a dylib.
My question is not specific to libz.dylib it is for general dylib. I have gone through some tutorial for sqllite also all says to add libsqlite3.0.dylib but none specify why to add and what functionality it provides.Also I didn't find any documentation of particular dylib.
You will find the header in the SDK under /usr/include/zlib.h (e.g. /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS8.1.sdk/usr/include/zlib.h).
There's also a man page.
The home page for the zlib project is here and the manual is here.

iOS XCode Apple LLVM 5.1 Error Too Many Errors Semantic Issues

First of all, my project builds fine initially.
Then I integrate VideoStream SDK for iOS into a standalone app, and it works.
Then I integrate VideoStream SDK into my actual project, and set up search paths for header files for the library, but then my project gets these issues:
I'd have a look if one of your source header files has the same name as a standard C++ or C header file. Quite possibly this prevents inclusion of the standard header file that defines struct tm. Look if there is a file "time.h" or "locale.h" or something like that has become part of your project.
I have not seen this solution posted ANYWHERE after so much time googling since the time I posted, but I disabled Always Search User Paths under Search Paths of Build Settings, and the project built.

FMDatabase.h not found when using route-me library

So im trying to use the route-me widget in my app, but xcode keeps complaining that it cant find FMDatabase.h, yet its included in the project (albeit under a different project that is included into my project). I've copied how a sample app has been made yet the sample project doesnt get this error. The RMDBMapSource.h file is contained within the MapView project, so i shouldn't need to include the fmdb stuff myself (and because the sample project doesn't do that)
Surely if the files are under compile sources / copy headers under build phases, that means it should be able to find the file? This is a pretty lackluster explanation of my problem, but if anyone has used the route-me library before maybe they have had the same problem and can point me in the right direction
Resolved my own mistake. First off in the build settings of the main project, the 'search for header paths' was not set correctly, it was set to /MapView/ instead of /MapView/** that resolved the FMDatabase.h missing error.
Then in case someone else had a linker error like i did after i resolved the first issue, make sure you have libMapView.a included in your link binary with libraries section. (i had it their before, but during a version control commit, somehow our project file decided to not add that library anymore and i had totally forgotten about it, so took me quite a while to find out that it was missing)

cant import NYXImagesKit library

I am trying to import the NYXImagesKit library in to my iOS 5.1 project but it will not show up as importable code. It cannot find the library. I have dragged the NYXImagesKit library in to the project and added the libraries. I have also added the following to my build phases:
However I still get an error saying it cannot find NYXImagesKit.h when i try to import it.
NYXImagesKit can be found from here: https://github.com/Nyx0uf/NYXImagesKit
Ive used this in a previous project so I know that it works.
screenshot of location of .h file:
header search paths:
You are not having an issue with "importing" the library proper. (I would not like to appear pedantic, but a library is linked, not imported). The issue you are having is with the header file which comes with the library.
To fix it, you should make sure to add the path to NYXImagesKit.h in your project build sentting (Search Headers Path). This can by found under Build options in your project settings.
Alternatively, an easier way is to add the NYXImagesKit.h file to your project (like any .m file). Then it will be found without the need to specify an header search path.
Since from what you report, everything seems ok, he only idea I can come up with is making sure that the paths are defined for your target (as opposed to the project overall); but I guess it is already like that.
Other than that, only resort is thinking that the project got corrupted somehow. You can inspect the project.pbxproj file inside your .xcodeproj document with a text editor and ensure that everything looks fine.
If everything fails, just start over with a new project.
