Quickbooks Online - How to implement SSO with intuit in Ruby/Rails - ruby-on-rails

I was able to connect with to Intuit using the Minimul/QboApi gem and get the "Connect to Quickbooks" button working with oauth2 based on the example provided on Github. However neither the gem nor the samples show how to implement single sign on with Intuit. In the example provided by Minimul, the Connect To Quickbooks button is produced by intuit's javascript found at https://appcenter.intuit.com/Content/IA/intuit.ipp.anywhere-1.3.5.js
and a setup script and the tag . The tag appears to have been deprecated. Or at least, it doesn't appear to do anything other than produce the button with the right text and logo on it.
But bottom line, I have been unable to find any documentation on the ipp.anywhere.js package, and not even sure if i's meant to used with oauth2 since it's not mentioned anywhere. I believe that the connect to intuit button does the right things, but the guidelines seem pretty strict about what that the button needs to say the right thing and have th eright logo or they will reject it in the store. They also seem to suggest that users are much more likely to try something if an SSO with Intuit workflow is enabled. Any help appreciated.

After some further work, I figured out a solution that can create a 'log in with Inuit button' , although it's a bit of a javascript hack. First, I determined that the only thing I really needed to change was the button image. In other respects the code behind ` works fine for either a "login with intuit" or "connect to intuit work flow" . The only problem is the button image.
Here is the code (adapted from Minimul/QboApi) to get access and oauth2 refresh tokens via a "Connect to Quickbooks" button.
Setup in the controller code in login or sessions controller:
def new
#app_center = QboApi::APP_CENTER_BASE # "https://appcenter.intuit.com"
state= SecureRandom.uuid.to_s
intuit_id = ENV["CLIENT_ID"]
intuit_secret = ENV["CLIENT_SECRET"]
client = Rack::OAuth2::Client.new(
identifier: intuit_id,
secret: intuit_secret,
redirect_uri: ENV["OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL"],
token_endpoint: "https://oauth.platform.intuit.com/oauth2/v1/tokens/bearer",
response_type: "code"
#make sure to include at least "openid profile email"
#in the scope to you can retrieve user info.
#uri = client.authorization_uri(scope: 'com.intuit.quickbooks.accounting openid profile email phone address', state: state)
Here is the code required to generate the button on the view. (The view needs to load jquery as well in order for the script to work.)
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= #app_center %>/Content/IA/intuit.ipp.anywhere-1.3.5.js">
grantUrl: "<%== #uri %>",
datasources: {
quickbooks: true,
payments: false
This code produces the following html on the page delivered to the client:
Connect with QuickBooks
This code produces a button with the Connect with QuickBooks image, and an event handler inside intuit.ipp.anywhere-1.3.5.js attaches itself to the click event.
The problem is that the button is styled by the class=intuitPlatformConnectButton attribute inside the generated <a> tag, so if you want a "login with intuit button instead of a connect with intuit button the class on the anchor needs to be changed to class='intuitPlatformLoginButtonHorizontal' but still needs to attach to the event handler defined for <ipp:connecttointuit>. The best solution that doesn't require mucking with intuit.ipp.anywhere is to create the connect button and hide it, and then create another tag styled with class=intuitPlatformLoginButtonHorizontal whose click event calls click on the hidden connect button. I use AngularJs on my login page, so I handle the click with ng-click, but it could be done simply with jquery alone.
<ipp:connecttointuit id="connectToIntuit" ng-hide="true">< </ipp:connecttointuit>
and the controller code:
$scope.intuit_login = function() {
let el = angular.element("#connectToIntuit:first-child")
This will result in a redirect upon authentication to the supplied redirect url, where you can use openid to get the user credentials.


How to change the behavior of the "Sign In" button of the OAuthCard to just open the URL without redirect

I have the Webchat (from the Microsoft Bot Framework) running embedded in another application that uses a browser under the hood.
When trying to add Authentication to the bot, I realized that the OAuthCard's Sign-in button doesn't work because is trying to open a blank window (about:blank) that is used to redirect the user to the login page of the identity provider. In the embedded context, the OS doesn't know how to handle the about:blank call. See the image below.
I'm following this example, that it is actually working on the browser:
Add authentication to a bot
Bot authentication example
I want to know if there is a way to change the behavior of the "Sign In" button of the OAuthCard to just open the sign-in URI directly without using the about:blank and redirect technique.
I was able to make it work after finding out that was possible to change the button type of the OAuthCard from "signin" to "openUrl" before the Webchat does the rendering.
There seems to exist a similar issue with Microsoft Teams. Here where I found the clue:
According to the Webchat reference, it is possible to intersect and change the activities:
Here is the solution, that is more like a hack. I hope this would be configurable in the future:
// Change the button type in the OAuthCard to the type of OpenUrl
const store = window.WebChat.createStore( {}, ( { dispatch } ) => next => action => {
action.payload.activity.hasOwnProperty("attachments") &&
action.payload.activity.attachments[0].contentType === "application/vnd.microsoft.card.oauth") {
action.payload.activity.attachments[0].content.buttons[0].type = "openUrl";
return next( action );
// Pass the store to the webchat

AWS QuickSight rails integration authorization code error

I have a rails application that needs to add QuickSight. Found that for these purposes it is necessary to use the get_dashboard_embed_url method. This method returns me the URL, but following it (manually, through an iframe tag) I get this error text
Embedding failed because of invalid URL or authorization code. Both of these must be valid and the authorization code must not be expired for embedding to work.
Where can I find the authenticate code? How can I get it? Thanks for your help
This is how i fetch the url
credential_options = {
client: Aws::STS::Client.new(region: ENV['AWS_REGION']),
role_session_name: self.user_email
assume_role_credential = Aws::AssumeRoleCredentials.new(credential_options)
qs_client = Aws::QuickSight::Client.new({
credentials: assume_role_credential,
region: ENV['AWS_REGION']
identity_type: 'IAM', # accepts IAM, QUICKSIGHT
email: self.user_email,
session_name: self.user,
aws_account_id: ENV['AWS_ACCOUNT_ID'],
namespace: 'default'
options = {
aws_account_id: ENV['AWS_ACCOUNT_ID'],
identity_type: 'IAM',
session_lifetime_in_minutes: 300,
undo_redo_disabled: false,
reset_disabled: false
qs_client.get_dashboard_embed_url(options, {}).embed_url
And how i try to display
iframe src=#url class='w-100 h-100' style='min-height: 500px;'
At the first, sorry for my weak english, but i hope that you'll understand what i mean
Ok, after completing these points, everything began to work for me. Also read "Underwater rocks", this is very important points list which will save you tons of time
Replace my code in question with this
def fetch_url # this method fetch embed dashboard url
credential_options = {
client: Aws::STS::Client.new(
region: ENV['AWS_REGION'],
access_key_id: ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'],
secret_access_key: ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']
role_session_name: self.user_email # This is attr_accessor :user_email
assume_role_credential = Aws::AssumeRoleCredentials.new(credential_options)
qs_client = Aws::QuickSight::Client.new({
credentials: assume_role_credential,
region: ENV['AWS_REGION']
identity_type: 'IAM', # accepts IAM, QUICKSIGHT
email: self.user_email,
session_name: self.user_email,
aws_account_id: 'ENV['AWS_ACCOUNT_ID']',
namespace: 'default'
options = {
aws_account_id: ENV['AWS_ACCOUNT_ID'],
identity_type: 'IAM',
session_lifetime_in_minutes: 300,
undo_redo_disabled: false,
reset_disabled: false
Go to Manage QuickSight panel https://your-quicksight-region(us-east-2 for example).quicksight.aws.amazon.com/sn/admin#users and click on "Manage permissions" button (button is placed above of the table with users)
On the new page click on "Create" button and select "Sharing dashboards" checkbox. Set the name of the permission, click on the "Create" button
In your controller action: #url = fetch_url # fetch_url - method from 1 point
Add to your view: iframe src=#url OR you can use a amazon-quicksight-embedding-sdk but for me the iframe works pretty well
Underwater rocks
Remember that dashboard url (which you are get with this method qs_client.get_dashboard_embed_url(options).embed_url) can be used only once, i.e. you can't open two browsers tabs with the same URL. When you are will pass this URL to iframe, this URL will cease to be working and you will no longer be able to use it in others browser windows or others iframe's
Add your app domain to whitelist domains on the QuickSight. You can do it in the Manage QuickSight panel https://your-quicksight-region.quicksight.aws.amazon.com/sn/admin#embedding
!!!IMPORTANT!!! if you are trying to embed dashboard to your localhost:your_server_port_number rails server, then you will always get the error message into the iframe (but if you go to this URL through the address bar of the browser, then you should see your dashboard (comment out / remove the iframe so it doesn't use the link, because every embedded dashboard url is disposable)). This is because localhost:your_server_port_number is not provided in the whitelist (Underwater rocks p.2). For resolving this issue and testing your work you can use ngrok (maybe it's available only for macOS, i'm not sure).
When you'll download the ngrok open your terminal and run command
$ ./path_to_ngrok_script/./ngrok http your_server_port_number
For me it's:
$ ~/./scripts/ngrok http 3000
After that do these 3 things for adding your work station to QuickSight whitelist:
In the terminal with ngrok copy generated domain which starts with
the https (i'll name it ngrok_domain), NOT WITH HTTP. For
example: https://047956358355.ngrok.io
Go to the Underwater rocks p.2 and add ngrok_domain
Open your browser and go to the path with iframe, but use ngrok_domain instead of localhost:3000. For example, your embedded dashboard path is localhost:3000/embed_dashboard. Change it to https://047956358355.ngrok.io/embed_dashboard
After all these steps all is start working for me. I'm sure that some of the points here are superfluous, but i'm really tired of working with this integration, so here you yourself decide what should be left and what should be removed.
I hope my answer helped at least someone

Configure multiple login sessions using google oauth

I am using Google OAuth for Google signin with Odoo.
Everything works fine and I can sign in using google with no problem. However, I cannot open multiple sessions using my same google credentials.
For example, if I open two sessions, one in chrome and another in firefox, then the older session gets logged out.
I don't understand what's the problem because no matter how many sessions I start if I log in using my username and password separately, without using google OAuth, none of the sessions get logged out - works fine.
I was wondering it has got something to do with the code, so I did a lot of tweaks but nothing works. I saw that at one point it cannot get the session information of older sessions. However my question is not about the code.
My question is, is there any configuration or setting to be set in google OAuth or Odoo 8 which lets users have multiple sessions at the same time or is there any setting while using google OAuth with Odoo that I need to know for this?
Any idea would be really helpful as I've been struggling for days with this. Thanks!
I have build a module for Odoo V9. Without this module, Odoo save only one token. But when you use odoo in multi computer, you use one token for each computer.
By default odoo don't support multi token. You need to modify the code of module auth_oauth.
With this module it save all token, like that you can have multi connection.
You can donwload and instal this module : https://github.com/IguanaYachts/auth_oauth_multi_token.git
class ResUsers(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.users'
oauth_access_token_ids = fields.One2many('auth.oauth.multi.token', 'user_id', 'Tokens', copy=False)
oauth_access_max_token = fields.Integer('Number of simultaneous connections', default=5, required=True)
def _auth_oauth_signin(self, provider, validation, params):
res = super(ResUsers, self)._auth_oauth_signin(provider, validation, params)
oauth_uid = validation['user_id']
user_ids = self.search([('oauth_uid', '=', oauth_uid), ('oauth_provider_id', '=', provider)]).ids
if not user_ids:
raise openerp.exceptions.AccessDenied()
assert len(user_ids) == 1
self.oauth_access_token_ids.create({'user_id': user_ids[0],
'oauth_access_token': params['access_token'],
'active_token': True,
return res
def clear_token(self):
for users in self:
for token in users.oauth_access_token_ids:
'oauth_access_token': "****************************",
'active_token': False})
def check_credentials(self, password):
return super(ResUsers, self).check_credentials(password)
except openerp.exceptions.AccessDenied:
res = self.env['auth.oauth.multi.token'].sudo().search([
('user_id', '=', self.env.uid),
('oauth_access_token', '=', password),
('active_token', '=', True),
if not res:
If you follow the steps above you will be able to successfully configure Google Apps (Gmail) with OpenERP via the OAuth module. The only thing i was missing is an extra step I found in a youtube video; you have to:
Go to Settings - Users
To the users you want to give OAuth access, send them a password reset by using the "Send reset password instructions by email" option.
Ask your users (or yourself) to use the link they receive in their email, but, when they open it, they will only see the log in screen with the "Log in with Google" option. (no typical change password option available)
Use the proper Google account and voila! - Now it connects smoothly.
The Youtube video that show how to log in with Google in OpenERP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-iwzxEeJmc
and if configuration of Oauth2 and odoo see this link for more detail

Auth pop up returning blank page

When I submit an auth call to google to I get the popup from the google window, then when I submit my credentials and press submit it forwards on to something like
https://auth.firebase.com/v2/FIREBASEREF/auth/google/callback?state= etc
And then all I get is a blank (blue background) screen.
$('#loginButton').click(function() {
myFirebaseRef.authWithOAuthPopup("google", function(error, authData) {
if (error) {
console.log("Login Failed!", error);
alert("Login Failed, please try again.")
} else {
console.log("Authenticated successfully with payload:", authData);
myUserID = authData.uid;
The same is also happening when trying to auth with Github, I can press "submit" or "login" etc. and then it just loads a blank page at auth.firebase.com
Any ideas?
FWIW if anyone ends up on this issue: I was getting the exact same thing... the oauth popup was blank and not doing anything. I fixed it by removing the async/await from my form handler:
<form onSubmit={this.onSubmit}>
<button type="submit">Sign In with Google</button>
onSubmit = async event => {
await this.auth.signInWithPopup(this.googleProvider)
Sometimes this should be an permissions issue related with the domain where you're trying to do the request like localhost or
In that case, Go to Firebase Console -> Authentication -> Sign-In Method then scroll down to Authorized domains and add your current domain from you're trying to sign in e.g.
Note: This is just for dev purposes, in case you want to deploy your app to Prod, you shouldn't have this configuration. For multiples environments you should check here
Another Note: If you're working with Javascript, you might add an event.preventDefault() before to call firebase.authWithOAuthPopup(...) to be able to obtain the result of the promise that return the authWithOAuthPopup function.
My solution was adding inAppBrowser from cordova and it no longer returned blank page.

Facebook Authorization on Rails app: why do we need to do Both server and client side authorization?

In Ryan's Railscast on Facebook authorization, he adds some Facebook SDK javascript at the end to "degrade facebook client side authorization with server side authorization." However, I do not see the use of it. If we already set up the authorization from the server side using omniauth, why do we have to add the client-side authorization again? What difference does it make?
The referenced javascript code is (From the linked Railscast):
jQuery ->
$('body').prepend('<div id="fb-root"></div>')
url: "#{window.location.protocol}//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js"
dataType: 'script'
cache: true
window.fbAsyncInit = ->
FB.init(appId: '<%= ENV["FACEBOOK_APP_ID"] %>', cookie: true)
$('#sign_in').click (e) ->
FB.login (response) ->
window.location = '/auth/facebook/callback' if response.authResponse
$('#sign_out').click (e) ->
FB.getLoginStatus (response) ->
FB.logout() if response.authResponse
One of the reasons we need to integrate FB.login authorization with the server-side authorization might be that the Omniauth server-side authorization does NOT work if it's accessed within the Facebook iFrame. If the user accesses the application for the first time, the application must ask for permissions; however, oAuth permission dialog cannot be loaded within the iFrame to prevent clickjacking. Calling FB.login can avoid such problem, because it will show the permission box as a popup(Omniauth popup option will not work).
So now I have a genuine reason to integrate client-side authorization, but the code from Railscasts does not work with my current settings. I've chosen to do it the following way.
Right now, I have the following script in my application.html.erb:
// Additional JS functions here
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
appId : <%= ENV['FACEBOOK_KEY'] %>, // App ID
status : true, // check login status
cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session
xfbml : true // parse XFBML
// Load the SDK Asynchronously
var js, id = 'facebook-jssdk', ref = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
js = d.createElement('script'); js.id = id; js.async = true;
js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js";
ref.parentNode.insertBefore(js, ref);
And in my view, I have the following link invoking the Facebook log in action:
<%= link_to 'log in with facebook', '/auth/facebook', id: 'fb_log_in_link' %>
I add the following script to the view page where I have the login link.
function login() {
FB.login(function(response) {
if (response.authResponse) {
window.location = '/auth/facebook/callback'
Also, I need to change the link to call the function instead of directing to /auth/facebook/
<%= link_to_function 'log in with facebook', 'login()' %>
Done! The server-side and client-side authorization are fully integrated. Since I was still confused after watching Ryan's Railscast, I want to add a little bit of explanation for those who might be also confused.
The way this works:
Facebook SDK is initailized when the while the page is loaded.
The user clicks the "log in with Facebook" link.
FB.login function is called by the link, and the user goes through all the permissions process (e.g. permission dialog showing up asking for the user's permissions).
Then, the user is directed to /auth/facebook/callback. From routes.rb we have the line match 'auth/:provider/callback', to: 'sessions#create'. Therefore, now the server will either create a new user or simply create a session if the user has already registered before.
Done! The user is logged in.
Merging server-side and client-side authorization has two major advantages:
1. If the user is logged into the application either inside Facebook(via appcenter) he will be logged into the application outside Facebook as well. Vice versa, if the user logs in outside Facebook, he will be logged in automatically if he accesses it within Facebook after.
2. Logging in with /auth/facebook does not work if the user logs in within Facebook iFrame. To prevent clickjacking Facebook prohibits prompting users to auth permissions dialog within Facebook iFrame. The only way to avoid this is to open the dialog in a separate popup, and logging in with FB.login solves the problem.
the short answer is - you don't.
you can choose between client side login (via javascript SDK) and server side login using omniauth.
the disadventage of server-side login is overloading the server for a call you can do from the client.
the advantage is that usually the token is longer (3 months token and not 1-2 hours like client side).
i suggest combine the two. use the client side for initial login, once you do that have an async call from the server side for extended token (only if you have to).
It just says,
Facebook provides a JavaScript SDK that we can use to authenticate a user on the client-side so that it doesn’t look to them like they’ve left our application then returned.
It means that this is for the client side understanding that when user returned from the application, it doesn't look like that they have indeed left it.
