Prevent visual studio from moving tags and braces in view -

I am developing a report in MVC. How do I prevent Visual Studio 2015 from moving the tags and braces when working in the View?
I have already gone to Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Formatting and unchecked all 3 of the boxes under General. which stops Visual Studio from moving them when working in the Controller but not the View.
I would prefer Visual Studio to NEVER move any of my curly braces and tags, and let me worry about how it looks. As it is, it keeps moving tags and curly braces and making it difficult to see nesting and that all items have closing braces.


Is there a shortcut to select entire line in Visual Studio 2019?

I couldn't find shortcut to select entire line in Visual Studio 2019.
This feature is exactly the same as "CTRL + L" in VSCode.
For me, this is a very useful feature when using VS Code.
I want to use this feature somehow in VS2019.
I've tried to search in Keyboard Binding and Market Place.

Visual Studio 2019 doesn't indent with tabs

Is there a way to achieve Visual Studio 2019 to indent using tabs and not spaces?
I've set Options -> Text Editor -> C# -> Tabs -> Keep tabs but every time I break something to a new line of code, the automatic indentation still inserts 4 spaces instead of using tabs.
This works for Visual Studio 2017, but not 2019.
Is there another way to achieve it here?!

Visual studio 2015 CE intellisense keeps closing up

I have quite an odd issue in VS 2015 CE. I'm working on a ASP MVC site and when I I try to access Model properties using Razor in view inside a method a visual studio immediately closes the intellisense window which shows the available properties.
Works perfectly:
Doesn't work
When I'm typing the "Model." inside a method, Visual studio keeps closing up the suggestion window. This is becoming really annoying. Has anyone experienced something similar?
The window I'm referring to:
A workaround that I've managed to satisfy myself with after half a year is to use ReSharper which amazingly fixed this issue as well. It's not exactly solution to why the Visual studio is acting this way, but there is probably little left to do.

How to prevent/disable visual studio auto correct of quotes after href when editing views

Have an annoying visual studio auto-complete behavior.
When editing an MVC view (cshtml) when typing href= Visual studio will autocomplete to "help me out" by auto completing the quotes, for example href="". The problem is with MVC the majority of my links are generated dynamically using #Url.Action(...).
If there a way to control this auto editing? A minor thing but it disrupt my flow every single time, enough that I posted the question.
Why don't you just add Url.Action inside quotes. Like href="#Url.Action(...)".
Or if you want to disable automatic quotes look here Turn off automatic quote insertion in Visual Studio 2010 is the same in Visual Studio 2013.

Visual studio - MVC Find usages of DisplayTemplate/EditorTemplate

How can I find usages of single let's say editor template in Visual studio? Or maybe in other direction how can I goto template which is rendered with EditorFor?
There is one workaround/help. If you have Visual Studio 2013 and Web Essentials installed you can CTRL+click anywhere on the page and the menu like this pops up.
If you click Inspect you can click on any element on page and then you cursor in Visual Studio moves to corresponding View/PartialView/DisplayTemplate/...
Mads Kristensen post on Web essentials 2013
