Suppose I have following schema.
create table tb1
(col1 Integer,
col2 varchar(50)
) in dbspace1 extent size 1000 next 500 lock mode row;
and I want to change the dbspace of above table to dbspace2 . After doing my alteration table schema should be look like as follows .
create table tb1
(col1 Integer,
col2 varchar(50)
) in dbspace2 extent size 1000 next 500 lock mode row;
Is it possible to do? If it is possible what is the command?
On the face of it, the ALTER FRAGMENT statement and the INIT clause allows you to write:
The keyword TABLE is required; you could specify an index instead.
I've not actually experimented to prove that it works, but the syntax diagram certainly allows it.
It seems that it is not straightforward for reordering columns in a SQLite3 table. At least the SQLite Manager in Firefox does not support this feature. For example, move the column2 to column3 and move column5 to column2. Is there a way to reorder columns in SQLite table, either with a SQLite management software or a script?
This isn't a trivial task in any DBMS. You would almost certainly have to create a new table with the order that you want, and move your data from one table to the order. There is no alter table statement to reorder the columns, so either in sqlite manager or any other place, you will not find a way of doing this in the same table.
If you really want to change the order, you could do:
Assuming you have tableA:
create table tableA(
col1 int,
col3 int,
col2 int);
You could create a tableB with the columns sorted the way you want:
create table tableB(
col1 int,
col2 int,
col3 int);
Then move the data to tableB from tableA:
insert into tableB
SELECT col1,col2,col3
FROM tableA;
Then remove the original tableA and rename tableB to TableA:
DROP table tableA;
sqlfiddle demo
You can always order the columns however you want to in your SELECT statement, like this:
SELECT column1,column5,column2,column3,column4
FROM mytable
You shouldn't need to "order" them in the table itself.
The order in sqlite3 does matter. Conceptually, it shouldn't, but try this experiment to prove that it does:
filesize INTEGER NOT NULL, thumbnail BLOB,
pickedStatus INTEGER NOT NULL,
deepScanStatus INTEGER NOT NULL,
basicScanStatus INTEGER NOT NULL,
frameQuanta INTEGER,
frameStart INTEGER,
creationTime INTEGER
Populate the table with about 20,000 records where thumbnail is a small jpeg. Then do a couple of queries like this:
time sqlite3 Catalog.db 'select count(*) from SomeItems where filesize = 2;'
time sqlite3 Catalog.db 'select count(*) from SomeItems where basicScanStatus = 2;'
Does not matter how many records are returned, on my machine, the first query takes about 0m0.008s and the second query takes 0m0.942s. Massive difference, and the reason is because of the Blob; filesize is before the Blob and basicScanStatus is after.
We've now moved the Blob into its own table, and our app is happy.
you can reorder them using the Sqlite Browser
I have a Snowflake stored procedure and I want to use "insert into" without hard coding column names.
This is what I have and column names are hardcoded. The query should copy data from MEMBERS_STREAM to MEMBERS_TARGET. The stream has more columns such as
which I am not intending to copy.
I don't know of a way to not copy the METADATA columns if not hardcoding. However if you don't want the data maybe the easiest thing to do is to add them to your target, INSERT using a SELECT * and later in the sp set them to NULL.
Alternatively, earlier in your sp, run an ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN to add the columns, INSERT using SELECT * and then after that run an ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN to remove the columns? That way your table structure stays the same, albeit briefly it will have some extra columns.
A SELECT * is not usually recommended but it's the easiest alternative I can think of
Is it possible to add multiple columns to a table in a single query execution, using alter table in exasol?
Alter table Employee add column phone_number varchar(256), add column address varchar(256)
It is not possible in one command in Exasol, but in Exasol DDL commands do not auto-commit, so you can put them in the same transaction. You could do:
set autocommit off;
alter table t1 add column c1 varchar(100);
alter table t1 add column c2 varchar(100);
alter table t1 add column c3 varchar(100);
set autocommit on;
No. According to the documentation it is impossible.
I have to back up a table, which can change number of column. When my etl script starts it doesn't know the number of column. How can I create INSERT INTO table VALUES (?1, ?2, ...) script on the fly?
Depending on the database, one can use CREATE TABLE FROM SELECT (or similar) to back up the table. Example:
CREATE TABLE new_table AS (SELECT * FROM old_table);
Sybase Advantage Database
I am doing a query
INSERT INTO nametable
SELECT * FROM nametable WHERE [indexkey]=32;
UPDATE nametable Set FieldName=1
WHERE [IndexKey]=(SELECT max([indexKey]) FROM nametable);
The purpose is to copy a given record into a new record, and then update the newly created record with some new values. The "indexKey" is declared as autoinc and is the primary key to the table.
I am not sure if this can be achieved in a single statement with better speed or;;; suggestions appreciated.
It can be achieved with a single statement but it will make the code more susceptible to schema changes. Suppose that there are 2 additional columns in the table besides the FieldName and the indexKey columns. Then the following statement will achieve your objective.
INSERT INTO nametable ( FieldName, Column2, Column3 )
SELECT 1, Column2, Column3 FROM nametable WHERE [indexkey]=32
However, if the table structure changes, this statement will need to be updated accordingly.
BTW, your original implementation is not safe in multi-user scenarios. The max( [indexKey] ) in the UPDATE statement may not be the one generated by the INSERT statement. Another user could have inserted another row between the two statements. To use your original approach, you should use the LastAutoInc() scalar.
UPDATE nametable Set FieldName=1
WHERE [IndexKey] = LastAutoInc( STATEMENT )