Rails app already deployed to Heroku cannot be updated - ruby-on-rails

I have successfully deployed by rails app to Heroku, no problems. But now I am unable to update it with changes that I make to my code. When I try:
git add .
git commit -m "asdasd"
git push heroku master
I am told:
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'heroku/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
I have tried Heroku ps, which gives me this:
Free dyno hours quota remaining this month: 541h 43m (98%)
Free dyno usage for this app: 0h 0m (0%)
For more information on dyno sleeping and how to upgrade, see:
=== web (Free): bin/rails server -p $PORT -e $RAILS_ENV (1)
web.1: up 2019/01/18 14:37:10 -0600 (~ 2m ago)
So it seems like nothing is really going on, and for some reason there is no way of reaching the heroku site through the cli. The logs don't show anything interesting, just simply fetching pages and the like.
The only other thing is that I changed the name of the site in the heroku website, and I think there was something I should have done in the cli, but now I've lost it. In the cli the name of the app is the same so I guess this isn't a problem.
Can anyone help? Much thanks :-)

You can search on the web interface settings your project's git repository url and check if is the same that your local remote has.
[remote "heroku"]
url = https://dir/repo.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/heroku/*


Heroku: Cannot run more than 1 Free size dynos

I was trying to run
heroku run rake db:migrate
And was getting the error
Cannot run more than 1 Free size dynos.
See below for how to fix...
Most Efective
in console run:
heroku ps
the result is some like this:
run.4859 (Free): up 2016/01/12 21:28:41 (~ 7m ago): rails c
So the numbers 4859 represent the session that is open and needs to be closed. To fix the error you need to run(Obviusly, replace the number 4859 by the number obtained):
heroku ps:stop run.4859
It is a very simple solution.
The answer is to look for any open heroku sessions (you can use 'heroku ps' as john points out above), in my case I already had a started a heroku console session 30mins earlier and just forgot about it. So if you see the "Cannot run more than 1 Free size dynos" error just close any existing console or other heroku sessions you have open.
Hopefully this saves someone the ten minutes it took me to come to my senses.
Had the exact same issue and came to this page. After reading realized what was going on but want to add following.
just run
heroku kill DYNO --app your_app_name
After this close all open consoles.
Then run db migrate command, it will work.
In my case, I ran heroku ps:restart to restart all dynos and the heroku run * command worked again.
If you just have one Git remote for Heroku, use this:
heroku ps:restart && heroku run *
If you have multiple Git remotes for Heroku, use this:
heroku ps:restart --remote your-remote-name && heroku run * --remote your-remote-name
heroku ps:restart --app your-heroku-app-name && heroku run * --app your-heroku-app-name
Replace * with your command e.g. console for Rails console.
What I meant by your-heroku-app-name here is the sub-domain for your Heroku app. For example, if your app URL is https://cute-cat.herokuapp.com, that means your-heroku-app-name is cute-cat.
If you are not sure/forgot what's your Git remote name for Heroku, git remote -v can help you with that.
$ git remote -v
this-is-the-remote-name https://git.heroku.com/xxx.git (fetch)
this-is-the-remote-name https://git.heroku.com/xxx.git (push)
this-is-another-remote-name https://git.heroku.com/yyy.git (fetch)
this-is-another-remote-name https://git.heroku.com/yyy.git (push)
Just restart all dynos.
heroku restart
For me there was one command running on the web run console, I just ended its session there and it was resolved.
Heads up: Heroku free tier is going away soon
"What happens if I take no action on my free apps or databases or do not upgrade to a paid plan?
free dynos will be scaled down to 0 and hobby-dev databases will be deleted starting November 28, 2022."
"Starting November 28, 2022, free Heroku Dynos, free Heroku Postgres, and free Heroku Data for Redis® plans will no longer be available. If you have apps using any of these resources, you must upgrade to paid plans by this date to ensure your apps continue to run and retain your data. See our blog and FAQ for more info."

Heroku Problems: Not able to deploy app for some reason

I am trying to deploy a basic app from Github to Heroku.
Following directions from Heroku's guide
Here's the thing. When I clone from the github repository, I clone a specific branch that's 8 commits ahead of master.
The reason why I clone that specific branch is that it's the most advanced on. Each branch is built upon the previous branch.
I don't want to merge that branch into the master because I don't know how to undo that.
By the time I try to do this step from the guide above: heroku ps:scale web=1, I always get this: Scaling dynos... failed
! App must be deployed before dynos can be scaled.
Why does this happen? Advice?
Please let me know if this question needs further clarification. Thank you.
For the record, it has the Procfile which has this in it: web: bundle exec unicorn -p $PORT -c ./config/unicorn.rb
When I do git push heroku branch_name - this is what I get:
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (243/243), done.
Writing objects: 100% (389/389), 727.55 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 389 (delta 111), reused 389 (delta 111)
remote: Pushed to non-master branch, skipping build.
I followed the first answer from this thread.
It worked, and restarted the app in Heroku.
But I restarted it again with this line: heroku restart --app name_of_app_in_heroku and got this: Restarting dynos... done
Then I tried to do heroku open --app name_of_app_in_heroku, and all I get is the basic welcome page. How do I overcome this?
Also, I just looked at my Heroku's dashboard, and checked the app, and it says it has no dynos. How is that possible?
Also, I just ran this command: heroku pg:info and got this answer: name_of_app_in_heroku has no heroku-postgresql databases.
But that shouldn't be, I can see the DB's URL in the app's config vars in the settings of the app's dashboard.
It sounds like the app's never been deployed (because you're trying to deploy non master branch and heroku has been ignoring the pushes)
When you push to heroku, the name for the branch needs to be master on the heroku side.
By default git push keeps the same name for both sides:
git push heroku some_branch
Tries to (assuming upstream is setup appropriately etc) update a branch called "some_branch" on the heroku remote, with your local branch of the same name.
To use a different name you'd do
git push heroku some_branch:master
Which means push the changes from the branch called some_branch locally to heroku's master branch
When you deploy your app try doing this
gp heroku master -f
heroku run rake db:migrate --app APPNAME
heroku restart --app APPNAME
heroku open --app APPNAME
This are the lines that I use when I deploy a project to Heroku

The page you were looking for doesn't exist

I'm trying to learn Rails ( developpment beginner here )
When I try to deploy my first app on Heroku and execute $ heroku open I got
"The page you were looking for doesn't exist.”
In my Heroku control pannel I also have a second link who works, http://secret-refuge-2130.herokuapp.com/, but different from localhost.
Here's my first app https://github.com/Freysh/first_app
As Michael Hartl propose "Unfortunately, the resulting page is an error; as of Rails 4.0, for technical reasons the default Rails page doesn’t work on Heroku. The good news is that the error will go away (in the context of the full sample application) when we add a root route in Section 5.3.2."
You need to work on the Root route of your routes.rb in config folder.
Looks like you haven't pushed your repo to Heroku yet?
Since you're new, let me give you some ideas about how Heroku works, and how you can deploy your app to it...
When you use Heroku, you basically get a bare git repo which you can push your application to. This repo will essentially allow you to use the following commands:
> $ git add .
> $ git commit -a -m "Your App"
> $ git push heroku master
This is, of course, only possible if you have added your heroku repo to your local remote repositories:
> $ git remote add heroku https://heroku.com/......
When you push your local repo to your Heroku one, Heroku then runs what's known as a buildpack:
When you git push heroku, Heroku’s slug compiler prepares your code
for execution by the Heroku dyno manager. At the heart of the slug
compiler is a collection of scripts called a buildpack.
Heroku’s Cedar
stack has no native language or framework support; Ruby, Python, Java,
Clojure, Node.js and Scala are all implemented as buildpacks.
This means that when you push your app to your repo, Heroku will endeavour to compile & run it for you. This is when the app will run.
To fix, you should follow the tutorial here
Basically, you need to get your git repo created locally, which will then provide you with the ability to push to your remote heroku repo

Restart my heroku application automatically

This terminal command restarts my heroku application:
heroku restart
Is there a way to run a script that will run this command and restart my application every hour?
I actually just had to solve this problem for my apps and wrote a post on it with more details. Basically, you need the heroku-api gem now since the heroku gem is replaced by the CLI. Then you need a rake task, a couple of config variables and the heroku scheduler plugin (free except for minimal dyno time).
The rake task looks like this:
namespace :heroku do
desc 'restarts all the heroku dynos so we can control when they restart'
task :restart do
new(username: ENV['HEROKU_USERNAME'], password: ENV['HEROKU_PASSWORD']).
You can also set it up to use your API token instead of putting your username and password into the config. This only matters if you don't want your co-contributors/coworkers knowing your password or the password to your main account on Heroku.
heroku config:set HEROKU_USERNAME=[username] HEROKU_PASSWORD=[password] HEROKU_APP_NAME=[app_name] -a [app_name]
Now, go ahead and deploy and test:
git push [heroku_remote_name] [feature_branch]:master
heroku run rake heroku:restart -a [app_name]
Lastly, we’ll need to set up the task to run this on schedule. I’ve chosen to go with the free Heroku cron add-on:
heroku addons:add scheduler:standard -a [app_name]
heroku addons:open scheduler -a [app_name]
This will open up the scheduler UI in your browser and you can create a scheduled worker to run the rake task whenever you’d like. We only need it once per day and we’re choosing to run it before our first scheduled job of the day.
My original post with frigged up CSS (see update2 below):
I changed the name of the task from "implode" to "restart" to be way more clear as to what is happening. Implode is a fun name but pretty much useless otherwise.
Apparently my company removed the blog post. I'm adding more of the code here and I've updated the link, but the CSS looks like a dog threw it up. My apologies.
You could create a heroku cron job that uses the Heroku api on your application to restart itself...
One question though - why?
We solved this by using a buildpack to get the heroku command available to the dyno itself, then using Heroku Scheduler.
We added the https://github.com/gregburek/heroku-buildpack-toolbelt buildpack per its instructions:
heroku buildpacks:add https://github.com/gregburek/heroku-buildpack-toolbelt.git
heroku config:add HEROKU_TOOLBELT_API_EMAIL=`heroku whoami`
heroku config:add HEROKU_TOOLBELT_API_PASSWORD=`heroku auth:token`
Then made sure the app slug was rebuilt per the instructions:
git push heroku master
In Heroku Scheduler, we added this as a hourly job:
vendor/heroku-toolbelt/bin/heroku ps:restart -a $HEROKU_APP_NAME
You can determine if it's working by looking for Scheduler output in the Heroku logs, and of course by the memory graph of the app in the Heroku dashboard (if you're restarting to work around a memory leak).
A script isn't necessary, just "crash" your application and Heroku will restart it.
Just don't do this more frequently than once every ten minutes or Heroku will subject you to a 10 minute timeout.
In node.js you do this with process.exit(0).
From Chris at Heroku Support:
A crashed dyno will be restarted immediately. If the dyno moves from a
crashed state into an "up" state (meaning that the dyno bound to
$PORT) then it's subject to being a normal running dyno. If it crashes
again during the boot or "starting" sequence then it won't be
restarted again until after the TIMEOUT period. The TIMEOUT period is
currently 10 minutes but that is subject to change. This prevents
dynos that are continually crashing from putting extraneous load on
the platform.
However, as good as that sounds, it doesn't work in practice. You will hit the timeout every time you exit because the dyno manager expects your app to be up:
For your worker process management you're exiting the process cleanly
but the platform is expecting the dyno to be up. It sounds like you're
essentially crashing the dyno as a result.
So again, if you need to restart periodically -- and that period can be set to > 10 minutes -- this is a easy and simple way to manage memory clearing. If you need to reboot dynamically (for example, when idle is detected) or frequently you will need to explore other options.
You can access the name of the dyno (ex. "worker.3", "web.1") through the environment variable "PS" and issue a heroku API restart command programmatically.
Inspired by https://www.stormconsultancy.co.uk/blog/development/ruby-on-rails/automatically-restart-struggling-heroku-dynos-using-logentries/
# Setup
heroku plugins:install https://github.com/heroku/heroku-oauth
heroku authorizations:create -s write
heroku config:add RESTART_API_KEY=<API KEY>
heroku config:add APP_NAME=<App Name>
heroku addons:add scheduler:standard -a <App Name>
heroku addons:open scheduler -a <App Name>
add `rake restart`
# Gemfile
gem 'platform-api', require: false
# Rakefile
task :restart do
require 'platform-api'
app_name = ENV.fetch('APP_NAME')
key = ENV.fetch('RESTART_API_KEY')
connection = PlatformAPI.connect_oauth(key)
connection.dyno.list(app_name).map do |info|
if info['type'] == 'web' && info['state'] == 'up'
puts "Restarting #{info.inspect}"
connection.dyno.restart(app_name, info['name'])
puts "Skipping #{info.inspect}"
I solved this with a very simple curl command script within the repo that is triggered using the free Heroku scheduler.
curl -X DELETE "https://api.heroku.com/apps/${HEROKU_APP_NAME}/dynos" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3"
See https://gist.github.com/mattheworiordan/f052b7693aacd025f025537418fa5708.
We've given our app a long-running token to use to authenticate with the Heroku API, and simply included a curl request in our code to restart the app.
Create a long-running API token:
$ heroku authorizations:create --description="Long-lived token for app restarts"
Creating OAuth Authorization... done
Client: <none>
ID: abcdabcd-abcd-4bcd-abcd-abcdabcdabcd
Description: Long-lived token for app restarts
Scope: global
Token: 12341234-1234-4234-1234-123412341234
Updated at: Tue May 11 2021 09:16:38 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) (less than a minute ago)
Note the Token. We've stored it in the ENV via heroku config, along with the app name:
$ heroku config:set HEROKU_API_TOKEN=12341234-1234-4234-1234-123412341234 HEROKU_APP_NAME=not-really-an-app
In our code we have the following method to restart the app via Heroku's API, using this API call:
def restart!
# Using puts to log output, replace with your logging system if needed
puts `curl -v -s -n -X DELETE https://api.heroku.com/apps/#{ENV["HEROKU_APP_NAME"]}/dynos -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3" -H "Authorization: Bearer #{ENV["HEROKU_API_TOKEN"]}"`
Finally, as you're interested in automatic restarts every hour, the restart! method above can be scheduled using Heroku's Scheduler, rufus-scheduler, as a Sidekiq job, or otherwise.
Note: Heroku has some limits/timing logic around app restarts, mostly centered around dyno crashes. Reading the docs may help inform your app restart strategy.
As far as I can tell, simply running heroku ps:restart --app APPNAME in the Heroku Scheduler add-on works fine. It's unclear to me why the additional steps in other answers are necessary.

Why are certain aspects of my Rails app throwing an exception publicly when I deploy to Heroku?

I am working my way through Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial (on Mac OSX 10.7.2/Ruby 1.9.2/Rails 3.1.1) and just finished Chapter 2, which concludes with deploying a demo twitter app to Heroku.
Everything appears to be working properly when I run the app locally AND I was able to successfully deploy the app to Heroku in some capacity because it is available here: http://rich-twitter-baby.heroku.com/
However, what I can't figure out is why the /users and /microposts pages aren't showing up publicly (with lists of users and microposts respectively) as they do locally. I migrated my database to Heroku and pushed the info up there and everything seemed to work properly, but I get this error message when I try to view the pages publicly.
I've tried running "heroku console" but get this error:
Unable to attach to a dyno to open a console session.
Your application may have crashed.
Check the output of "heroku ps" and "heroku logs" for more information.
And the logs say error H13, while the ps looks like this:
Process State Command
------------ ------------------ ------------------------------
web.1 idle for 1h thin -p $PORT -e $RACK_ENV -R $HER..
Let me know if anyone has any ideas or if more info would help.
I would contact Heroku support on this. Dynos can crash and become 'zombiefied' which means they just sit there idle.
Normally these will clear themselves out within a few hours, but it shouldn't happen that often if at all.
Doing a new deploy will also normally restart everything back to clean.
If it's consistently happening, have you tried spinning up the application locally in production mode to try and reproduce the problem
rails server -e production
, or adding something like the Airbrake add-on to your app to capture the error.
Check your log using
$> heroku logs
At the command line of your development system that you used to push to heroku.
Post the log here if you can't figure it out from that.
I contacted Heroku Support about this issue and it turns out that the answer had to do with which stack my app was being deployed to. I did their workaround and everything is now up and running. Here's the full info from them:
It looks like the problem is that you're using Rails 3.1 and our Bamboo stack; we have full >asset pipeline support on our Cedar stack[1]. Since this is just a demo app, an easy >workaround is to precompile locally and commit the files:
rake assets:precompile
git add -A
git commit -m "precompiling assets"
git push heroku master
To get full asset pipeline support, you need to create your app on the Cedar stack and then >repeat the process you did to get your Bamboo app to work.
[1]: http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/rails31_heroku_cedar
