Google Sheets Conditional Formatting based on two cells having matching numbers - google-sheets

I would like to highlight every row where the numbers in Columns F and G match. This works perfectly, with text (a-z), as answered in this thread:
Google Sheets Conditional Formatting based on two cells
But, I am not sure how to make it work when it's a number. Any advice appreciated!

Apply custom-formula conditional formatting of =$F1=$G1 to the whole range you wish to affect.
Change the 1's to the row number that is the first row in your selected range. E.g. If applying to A5:H, the formula would be =$F5=$G5.


Google Sheets formula to be applied in rows where there is only numbers

I have a Google Sheets workbook, have lot of data in it in the following way as shown in the picture:
So What I want to do is to highlight all rows in which LDCP > Current (Displayed in green), that is fine when I use conditional formatting and add a formula. But since there are 1000s of such rows, what I want to do is to select all and apply that formula however when I do that it highlights the rows with text such as Leasing Companies and Leather & Tanneries.
Is there a way that I can select the whole sheet and apply a formula which only is applicable where the B column (LDCP) and F Column (Current) consists of numbers. This way only those rows will be highlighted and not the other ones.
Any other kind of advice to do this would be appreciated as well.
Try this in your conditional formatting custom formula:
Range A1:Fnnn where nnn is the end of your sheet.

Highlight row based on duplicate cell contents google sheets

The answer in this question Highlighting Duplicate Rows in Google Sheets works perfectly to highlight the duplicate cells in a column. What I'm wanting to do is one step futher and highlight the rows that each of those duplicated cells are in.
So if I've got duplicated cells in column c that are highlighted, how do I also highlight the rows?
Here's the current formatting I have to highlight duplicates in Column C.
Current conditional formatting equation
Change Apply to range to A1:Z (change Z to last column you want to highlight). And change the Custom formula to =countif($C:C,$C1)>1. You need to use the absolute reference ($).

Conditional Formatting cells based on how many times it appears in separate Column
I want to use conditional formatting to count the amount of times a name appears in Column H and make the corresponding name in Column B red if it shows up once and crossed out if it shows up twice.
How can I do this? I used COUNTIF but I don't know how to attach the formatting to a specific name/string in Column B so it just formats the next one on the list (I think).
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
Clear any conditional formatting from ColumnB, select B3 to the end of your range to format and Format, Conditional formatting..., Format cells if... Custom formula is and
with strikethrough. Add another rule (same range) with Custom formula is and
with red fill and Done.

Google Sheets Conditional Formatting based on two cells

I have a sheet where I would like to turn a row a color based on the value of two cells. I already have conditional formatting based on one cell of the cells I want to use for the two cell formatting.
I am using =AND($J:$J="Cancel",$L:$L="Yes") for the two cell formatting but it doesnt seem to work. Not sure if the first one =$J:$J="Cancel" is negating the formatting of the other or if if my formula is just bad.
Any advice would be appreciated.
if the trick is that you want the whole row to be colored that way, then all you need to modify is the "range" to apply it too, so you enter something like the start column and then just give it a row number as the second half of the range, without the column argument: A1:10001
That exact formula you listed =AND($J:$J="Cancel",$L:$L="Yes") worked for me when using the "custom formula" option:

Google Sheets - How to highlight cells in a row that match values from other cells?

I have a row of values (say 1-10)
At the beginning of the rows I have 2 numbers generated from dates from other cells that represent week numbers. (eg, 3 and 9)
I want my row to highlight all the numbers from 1-10 that are between the values from the week number cells. (eg the cells with numbers 3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 will automatically turn a colour (say green))
I've tried the conditional format, using the "between" values.
It doesn't work.
If I just type the numbers into the format box, it will work, but the problem is I need it to refer to the value in the cell NOT a number I type in, because there is a likelihood that the dates could change, which will affect the value shown in week number cell, so I need it to work automatically and not require me to go through every single row changing values for the formatting.
Is this even possible on sheets?
Thanks in advance, I am hoping I've just overlooked something simple.
Use a custom function for conditional formatting. For instance, if the columns you describe are in Row 2, this function will evaluate "TRUE" for numbers that are >= A2 and <= B2:
Select the range of cells you wish to create a conditional format for; C2..L2, say. Open the conditional formatting dialog, and choose "Custom formula". Enter the formula above; note that itr refers to the top-left corner of the range you wish to apply the formula to - Sheets will automatically adjust it for the rest of the range, which is why it's important to use absolute references for the first two columns.
