Purpose of FROM command - Docker file - docker

Main purpose of Docker container is to avoid carrying guest OS in every container, as shown below.
As mentioned here, The FROM instruction initializes a new build stage and sets the Base Image for subsequent instructions. As such, a valid Dockerfile must start with a FROM instruction.
My understanding is, FROM <image> allow a container to run on its own OS.
Why a valid Docker file must have FROM instruction?

Containers don't run a full OS, they share the kernel of the host OS (typically, the Linux kernel). That's the "Host Operating System" box in your right image.
They do provide what's called "user space isolation" though - roughly speaking, this means that every container manages its own copy of the part of the OS which runs in user mode- typically, that's a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu. In your right image, that would be contained in the "Bins/Libs" box.
You can leave out the FROM line in your Dockerfile, or use FROM scratch, to create a blank base image, then add all the user mode pieces on top of a blank kernel yourself.

Another common use of FROM is to chain builds together to form a multi-stage build of smaller images.
This would be useful for instance to limit redundant rebuilding during failed auto-builds.

FROM instruction specifies the underlying OS architecture that you are gonna use to build the image. You have to use some form of base image for you to get started with building an image. It can be ubuntu, centos or any minimal linux image like ALPINE which is only 5MB!. The idea is to install only the packages you need rather than having everything bundled and packaged as a distribution. This makes the size of the docker images very small as compared to the full blown OS distribution. I hope this answers your question. Let me know if you have any questions.


Does Docker image include OS?

I have below Dockerfile"
FROM openjdk:12.0.2
ADD ./build/libs/*.jar app.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app.jar"]
The resulting Docker image encapsulates Java program. When I deploy this Docker image to Windows Server or Linux, does the image always include OS like Linux which runs on top of host OS (Windows Server or Linux) ?
I am asking this question in the sense of Docker image being physical box which contains other boxes (one being openjdk), does this box also contain Linux OS box that I can pull out of it ( assuming if this was possible) and install it as Linux OS on empty machine?
That depends on what you call the "OS". It will always contain stuff from the distribution image, it is built on.
For example, a debian based images will include apt and other debian-specific tools. But most of the stuff you need on a "complete" machine (as in non-container), will have been removed to keep the image as small as possible.
It will not contain the kernel, as it is running on the host machine and is controlled by the host's kernel.
The "official" OpenJDK images from the Docker Hub are available in variants based on a number of different Linux distributions. There is a cut-down Debian, an Alpine, and others. There are advantages and disadvantages to each.
The image will need to contain enough operating system dependencies to allow the JVM to run. It may also include basic diagnostic and management tools -- enough to carry out rudimentary troubleshooting in the container, anyway. You can expect all the images to contain at least basic console shell tools like "cp" and "cat", although they differ in implementation. For example, the Alpine variant gets these utilities from BusyBox, not from a conventional GNU/Linux installation.
It's possible to create a Docker image that contains no platform dependencies at all, but there's little incentive to be that minimal -- you'd just have to build more stuff into the application program itself.
It doesn't include the entire operating system, but the image will be dependent on either linux or windows, you can't build an image that runs on both in one Dockerfile.
The reason for the dependency is that a docker container shares resources with it's host machine in a carefully fenced off way, this mechanism is different on windows and linux (though to you, as a docker user, the difference is invisible).

does docker always need an operating system as base image

I have heard that docker doesn't need a separate os in linux, because it shares with the host os, but in hyper-v Windows it can run Windows OS because it can hyper a linux virtual machine so run linux software on it.
But, I get confused about the FROM stage in the dockerfile, all guides said like this:
FROM ubuntu:18.04
cp . /usr/local/bin
RUN make
CMD /usr/local/bin/youapp
I can understand this step, first you need an OS, then you deploy your application; finally you run your app or whatever.
But what does the FROM stage really mean?
Does it always need an OS? Does nginx docker image have an os in it?
If i want to build my own app, I write it, I compile it, I run it; but does my own app need an OS? If not, what should I write in the FROM stage?
i got this picture, it said docker container does not need os,but use the host os,now docker build always need an os
The containers on a host share the (host's) kernel but each container must provide (the subset of) the OS that it needs.
In Windows, there's a 1:1 mapping of kernel:OS but, with Linux, the kernel is bundled into various OSs: Debian, Ubuntu, Alpine, SuSE, CoreOS etc.
The FROM statement often references an operating system but it need not and it is often not necessary (nor a good idea) to bundle an operating system in a container. The container should only include what it needs.
The NGINX image uses Debian (Dockerfile).
In some cases, the container process has no dependencies beyond the kernel. In these cases, a special FROM: scratch may be used that adds nothing else. It's an empty image (link).
No its not like that. To create any docker image using DockerFile, You need to start with a base docker image. That base docker image can be anything, Like an empty image as well, In the docker file in your example the FROM section says ubuntu, it means its assuming ubuntu as the base image. Its not always needed to have an OS as base image.
Follow this link - https://linuxhint.com/create_docker_image_from_scratch/
This will clear your doubts related to base image.
now i got answer
the From stage import the software but not the OS with kernel
it just provide a platform for your application,the ubuntu,debian,centos you write in FROM stage is just a software,the true kernel does not have relationship with them.
so if your application can run dependent ,it must like hello-world ,just a binary-package,dont rely on any other library. but mostly you need an OS,because they have the library you need.
No, the FROM stage is not providing the operating system to the image. The kernel is always provided by the host system where you are running the container. The FROM stage provides the initial file system i.e., files, directories, pre-installed softwares etc for the new image. You can also start FROM scratch which is like a blank slate.
The FROM line need NOT necessarily point to any other OS:
It can be any other container or it could be FROM SCRATCH.
Containers in host share kernel so you can think as it is master process utilizing host kernel.
Generally people see HTTPD, NGINX etc. are utilizing Debian as container OS, since this Debian OS is very thin and serves the purpose of isolation and runs as independent server.
Even you can create a HTTPD, NGINX without using any OS and name with your own version :-)

What is docker's scratch image?

I'm new to docker and I was trying out the first hello world example in the docs. As I understand the hello-world image is based on top of the scratch image. Could someone please explain how the scratch image works? As I understand it is essentially blank. How is the binary executed in the hello-world image then?
The scratch image is the most minimal image in Docker. This is the base ancestor for all other images. The scratch image is actually empty. It doesn't contain any folders/files ...
The scratch image is mostly used for building other base images. For instance, the debian image is built from scratch as such:
FROM scratch
ADD rootfs.tar.xz /
CMD ["bash"]
The rootfs.tar.xz contains all the files system files. The Debian image adds the filesystem folders to the scratch image, which is empty.
As I understand it is essentially blank. How is the binary executed in
the hello-world image then?
The scratch image is blank.The hello-world executable added to the scratch image is actually statically compiled, meaning that it is self-contained and doesn't need any additional libraries to execute.
As stated in the offical docker docs:
Assuming you built the “hello” executable example from the Docker
GitHub example C-source code, and you compiled it with the -static
flag, you can then build this Docker image using: docker build --tag
This confirms that the hello-world executable is statically compiled. For more info about static compiling, read here.
A bit late to the party, but adding to the answer of #yamenk.
Scratch isn't technically an image, but it's merely a reference. The way container images are constructed is that it makes use of the underlying Kernel providing only the tools and system calls that are present inside the kernel. Because in Linux everything is a file you can add any self-contained binary or an entire operating system as a file in this filesystem.
This means that when creating an image from Scratch, technically refers to the Kernel of the host system and all the files on top of it are loaded. That's why building from Scratch is no also a no-op operation and when adding just a single binary the size of the image is only the size of that binary plus a bit of overhead.
The resources that you can assign when executing an image in a container is by leveraging the cgroups functionality and the networking makes use of the linux network namespacing technique.
In a short, The official scratch image contains nothing, totally zero bytes.
But the container instance is not what the container image looks like. Even the scratch image is empty. When the container like runC run up a instance from a image built from scratch, It need more things (like rootfs etc.) than what you can see in the dockfile.

Is it necessary to have an base OS for docker image?

I am using Windows OS but to use docker I use CentOS VM over Oracle VM Virtualbox. I have seen a Dockerfile where centos is used as base image. First line of my Dockerfile is
FROM centos
If I check the Dockerfile of CentOS on Docker Hub then first line is
FROM scratch
scratch is used to build an explicitly empty image, especially for building images. Here I can understand that if I start traversing upward using "FROM " line then finally I will end up at "scratch" image. I can see that scratch can be used to create a minimal container.
Question: If I want to create some bigger applications using web server, database etc, then is it necessary to add a base OS image?
I have tried to search for mysql and tomcat and noticed that it finally uses a OS image.
My understanding of Container was that I can "just bundle the required software and my service" in the container. Please clarify.
Your understanding is correct, however "just bundle the required software and my service" may be cumbersome, especially if you also have some shell scripts that make further use of other support programs.
Using some base image that contains already all the necessary stuff is more convenient. You can share the same base image for several services and due to docker's layered images will have no overhead regarding disk space.

Docker - only image with operating system?

So far I have only seen images with some operating system as a base layer. Is this necessary ? Is it possible to run some container without an operating system ?
An operating system consist of the kernel and userland utilities. So, there are no Docker images with "operating systems" as base layer, but a lot of images named after operating system distributions with their particular userland utilities.
You can create a Docker image from a tarball with anything you like. But it wouldn't be useful if it lacks /bin/sh and you want to include a RUN in the Dockerfile.
There is FROM scratch which you'll find if you follow how the images on docker hub have been built (you may have to follow various FROM x lines to different images until you reach scratch). Scratch is empty, completely empty, no libraries, no shells, no files at all. It's designed as a starting point that you can copy a bunch of files into.
You can also use scratch if you have a statically linked binary and don't want anything else inside the container. However note that debugging the container becomes more difficult since you can't launch a shell inside the container, but that also means attackers can't do that either.
