How does a JWT token with an empty payload work? - oauth

I'm working with the Snapchat API to try and log into an app using their OAuth flow. Once the user is logged in via Snapchat, I'm trying to reverse engineer (since they have no documentation on this) how to obtain some sort of unique ID for the user so I can associate them with a local user in my database. This is how I have previously done this with things like Facebook. The user logs in and gets an access token via the Facebook Api, and I can extract some kind of unique ID for the user via the Facebook API.
The Snapchat API only allows you to access the user's display name and some "externalId", which I cannot guarantee won't change. So I decoded the JWT token that Snapchat issued to me and it challenged my understanding of how JWT tokens work. When I decoded the token at, I saw that the payload was empty, yet the token works when calling the endpoint. How is the snapchat server able to identify who I am? I've always had the understanding that the JWT must include a claim such as sub which identifies the user. The server can then use that information to know who I am.
In this case, my JWT payload is empty, but the aforementioned endpoint still returns my user data. What is happening here? How does the server know who I am when my JWT token has an empty payload? To me they must be storing a copy of my JWT token on the server, which seems like the incorrect way to use JWT tokens. Perhaps my understanding is terribly wrong. Any thoughts?

The payload of a JWS (signed token) can be detached and transmited to the audience by other means.
This feature is described in the Appendix F of the specification.
With the JWS compact serialization mode (the most common format), a token looks like THE_HEADER.THE_PAYLOAD.THE_SIGNATURE. With a detached payload it is identical except that THE_PAYLOAD is an empty string: THE_HEADER..THE_SIGNATURE.
The verification of the signature is the same as with an attached payload. The receiver should have received the payload and must recreate the full input i.e. THE_HEADER.THE_PAYLOAD.
Regarding the identification performed by snapshat, a reference to the detached payload may be set in a header parameter of the token (first part of the token) allowing Snapchat to fully verify the token.


Obtaining user's email using Apple's IdentityToken

On my mobile app I use apple-id authorization. My implementation uses ASAuthorizationAppleIdProvider class and does not require additional proxy web-application, that sends request to Apple. All interaction is done on the mobile client.
All things work ok, and I get authorized and I get IdentityToken from Apple.
Now, I want to send this IdentityToken (looks like "AjzN91mNajN3401jazOs001m3ks") to the server. And on the server side I want to extract user's email from this token.
For Google to solve the same task I have to send GET request with token, like that
and if token is valid in response I get JSON with user's email inside.
How can I do the same for the Apple using Apple's identity key?
Update #1:
My project has 2 parts, client part (frontend) and server part (backend).
The functionality to obtain IdentityToken looks like that (AuthManager is just a delegate):
var provider = new ASAuthorizationAppleIdProvider();
var req = provider.CreateRequest();
authManager = new AuthManager(UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow);
req.RequestedScopes = new[] {
var controller = new ASAuthorizationController(new[] {
}) {
Delegate = authManager,
PresentationContextProvider = authManager
ASAuthorizationAppleIdCredential credentials = await authManager.Credentials;
When I get credentials, there is credentials.IdentityToken property available.
Now, I want to send this identity token to the server, to let the server check this token and obtain user's email using this token from the Apple server, like I do for Google (described above).
And I do not understand, how can I do that.
What Apple endpoint and what HTTP request (GET, POST) should be used to achieve this task?
In OpenID Connect, the Identity Token is never sent to the Provider. I think this is just a typo/naming issue and you mean the Access Token.
The end result of the user authenticating is two tokens:
the Access Token, an opaque token which is not meant to be introspected by the Client. It may or may not be a JWT.
an ID Token, a JWT which contains the user claims.
To obtain the user's email address, decode the ID/Identity Token's JWT payload. To do this in Swift, see these SO answers. The JWT should contain an email value. It looks like the email address may also be an instance property of ASAuthorizationAppleIdProvider, so you should be able to get them from
There does not appear to be a way to directly validate the Access Token. Most OpenID Connect Providers offer a Userinfo Endpoint, or a Token Instrospection Endpoint (I think this is the Google endpoint that was linked in question), but Apple does not. A number of steps were already performed to obtain the Access Token, however, which should make it impossible to forge. If you really only want the email address, though, JWTs are cryptographically signed, so verifying the JWT should guarantee it was issued by Apple. You can also verify the Refresh Token as shown in Apple Developer docs. In your code above, I don't see a way to access Refresh Token, but if you followed an alternative flow as shown in one of the tutorials here or here, you would be able to.

Automate Oauth process of receiving Slack access token for Web API

I am working with the Slack oAuth API.
When I do a GET on passing my client_id, and the scope, I get html reponse asking for workspace URL.
After that I need to sign in and provide my password before code is returned which I can use to renew my temporary token
My question is: How can I automate the process of providing workspace URL, username and password? I need to get the code return after authentication (the temporary token) so that I can call to renew my token
My reasoning is that if I have access (from the app I created) to: App ID, Client ID, Client Secret, Signing Secret and Verification Token there should be a way for me make simple API call to get code or is my understanding of the slack OAuth flow wrong?
NB: I have taken a look at but I was not able to get it done. I am also aware that I can make the /signin and /checkcookie to get this done but it involves parsing HTML response for parameter values needed to make subsequent calls. I just feel there a simpler way to do it.
This Stackoverflow question is not a duplicate because is it mainly referred to a case of not having an app created; In my case, I have an app created.

MapMyFitness API OAuth questions

I am having some issues with MapMyFitness API. MapMyFitness uses OAuth 1.0
I am able to successfully get a temporary Authorization token/temporary secret Token combination from calling 3.1/oauth/request_token
After that, I am able to successfully direct the user to the Authorization page and get a redirect callback with a authorization verifier.
After that, I am, unfortunately, getting errors when trying to call 3.1/oauth/access_token. (HTTP error 401)
First of all, MMF documentation ( states: Exchange a request token and an authorization verifier for an access token. However, the list of input arguments in the documentation contains no mention of oauth_verifier. Should oauth_verifier that I have received with the redirect callback be passed to access_token call as an argument?
Secondly, it appears to me that perhaps I am not creating the signature correctly. For the 3.1/oauth/request_token call the key to generate the signature is 'XXX&' where XXX is the Consumer Secret Key assigned to my app by MapMyFitness. This works fine. For the 3.1/oauth/access_token call, I am using 'XXX&YYY' as a signature key where XXX is the Consumer Secret Key assigned to my app by MapMyFitness and YYY is the temporary Secret Token returned to me by the server during the 3.1/oauth/request_token call. Is that correct?
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.
OK, I got it working. First of all, oauth_verifier DOES need to be included as part of parameters. For some reason, Map My Fitness does not include it in its list of required parameters, but it has to be there. Secondly - very important - according to OAuth 1.0 documentation, all parameters need to be in alphabetical order when creating the signature - otherwise there will be a signature mismatch and you'll get HTTP 401 error. Once I sorted my parameters in alphabetical order, I was able to exchange temporary MapMyFitness credentials to permanent ones.

Sending Device Token Safely for APNs

For iOS applications that require push notifications, it must first request the user for permission to do so. After that, a device token is generated and with this, the remote server may communicate to the user through this token.
I have read a similar question here and I do not feel it is enough. The picture below is a trusted certificate, it allows me to view all traffic that happens on this device.
With Fiddler2 as well as CertMaker, I can sniff HTTPS traffic, which means the client can probably know what data they are sending, and to where.
My question is, knowing that SSL is not secure from protecting my clients from seeing what I send to the remote server, should I simply encypt with a secret key found within my application?
Such as encrypt("device_token","secretkey_a0a0a0a") (pretend this is Objective-C)?
Couldn't someone just find that key within my application? I also read this question, and it seems that it would be possible to get back the secret key.
My plan for this goes like this:
Within the iOS application, Generate a random string named activate.
Encrypt (not hash), the token by the random string and a secret key that I only know. (secretkey_a0a0a0)
Send the encrypted string along with the generated randomly generated string (active).
Within serverside, I check if I can decrypt a valid token from using the active and my secret key.
I save the token in my database if it is valid.
This prevents people from random entering tokens yes, however, secretkey_a0a0a0 is a string literal. It's very possible to get this within the application binary itself.
My question is, how do I protect this secret key? The answer can also be, how can I prevent people from sending invalid tokens to my server as well.
I have heard of encryption, but doesn't that only apply to resource files?
How should I approach this?
If you do SSL-Pinning ( AFNetworking has this implemented ) you won't be able to (in a reasonable timeframe) sniff the https traffic between the client and server if you don't have the servers private key.
If your fear is that man in the middle can steal your token and send fake push notifications to users of your application, be sure that this cant happend. Since requests to apple apn servers must be signed with pem file, the main concern should be how to keep certificate file secured, and not apn token. If you want to prevent writing invalid tokens in your database then you should implement some CRC or odd/even bit mechanism.
You might want to check the security section in the Push Notifications Guide, in particular the section titled "Token Generation and Dispersal".
The device token is generated by the device connecting through the Apple's APNS. My guess (they don't say in the docs) is that it's unique for a given app identifier.
The APNS then will probably match those identifiers with the pem certificate you use to communicate with it thus validating that the push notifications are actually originating from your app.
Encrypting the device token seems overkill in this scenario.
To prevent someone maliciously spamming your server with tokens, I would hash the token when a secret key and send both the token and the hash to the server. You can then hash the token again on the server, with your secret key, and check that the request is valid.

OAuth 2.0 for MVC - How does the RequestToken work?

I'm working with OAuth 2.0 for MVC, found here:
For anyone who's worked with this - I'm confused about the RequestToken. There is a controller implemented that lets you get a request token, which expires in 5 minutes, and you pass that token back in to get an AccessToken. But it never checks the request token for validity - it seems like you can pass in any access token you want to. What is the idea for the RequestToken here - are you supposed to create your own method of storing, referencing, and then deleting that token for those 5 minutes?
This is all about how OAuth works in conjunction with your application Id, application secret key and valid domains for your application. Here is the process in general
Your application sends a request to the OAuth provider using your application Id and secret along with a callback (return Url).
The OAuth provider gets the request, checks your application Id and secret and validates that the callback url is from a domain that you have specified for your application.
2a. If the callback url is not from a domain that you have specified, then the request is rejected with error.
2b If the callback url is from your domain, it returns a temporary request key to your server.
Given that you received a request key, you send that back to the OAuth provider to get the actual access token for the user.
Now, as to why the request key step is in place, this is to prevent and help protect 'bad people' from attempting to use your application id to falsely authenticate other users. By sending the request token to you (a callback URL that you have approved), the OAuth provider has confidence that the request actually came from your servers.
You most certainly could send any string back instead of the request token, but you would quickly get an error back from the OAuth provider as that request token does not correspond to any existing authentication request from any known application.
Lastly, I am not clear on what you mean by 'validating the request token'? You did not generate the token not probably do not have insight into the algorithm to generate the request token. Given that, I am not sure how you would validate this. If you are concerned about validating the first step, take a look at the Facebook OAuth process. In there, they recommend sending a request key as part of your return Url(as a query string parameter). That request key will come back to your application which you could then use as a validation that, indeed, this is a response to a request that you made. How you store and track that request key is up to you (session, database). In the PHP samples, they use a 'state' variable to track a unique/arbitrary string: Facebook OAuth Server Side Login Example (in PHP)
