Crashlytics iOS - Crash at line 0 - Swift sources - ios

I'm currently facing a problem with some Swift source files when a crash occurs. Indeed, on Crashlytics I have a weird info about the line and the reason of the crash. It tells me the source has crashed at the line 0 and it gives me a SIGTRAP error. I read that this error occurs when a Thread hits a BreakPoint. But the problem is that this error occurs while I'm not debugging (application test from TestFlight).
Here is an example when Crashlytics tells me there's a SIGTRAP Error at line 0 :
// Method that crashs
private func extractSubDataFrom(writeBuffer: inout Data, chunkSize: Int) -> Data? {
guard chunkSize > 0 else { // Prevent from having a 0 division
return nil
// Get nb of chunks to write (then the number of bytes from it)
let nbOfChunksToWrite: Int = Int(floor(Double(writeBuffer.count) / Double(chunkSize)))
let dataCountToWrite = max(0, nbOfChunksToWrite * chunkSize)
guard dataCountToWrite > 0 else {
return nil // Not enough data to write for now
// Extract data
let subData = writeBuffer.extractSubDataWith(range: 0..<dataCountToWrite)
return subData
Another Swift file to explain what happens at the line "writeBuffer.extractSubDataWith(range: 0..
public extension Data {
//MARK: - Public
public mutating func extractSubDataWith(range: Range) -> Data? {
guard range.lowerBound >= 0 && range.upperBound <= self.count else {
return nil
// Get a copy of data and remove them from self
let subData = self.subdata(in: range)
return subData
Could you tell me what I'm doing wrong ? Or what can occurs this weird SIGTRAP error ?
Thank you

Crashing with a line of zero is indeed weird. But, common in Swift code.
The Swift compiler can do code generation on your behalf. This can happen quite a bit with generic functions, but may also happen for other reasons. When the compiler generates code, it also produces debug information for the code it generates. This debug information typically references the file that caused the code to be generated. But, the compiler tags it all with a line of 0 to distinguish it from code that was actually written by the developer.
These generic functions also do not have to be written by you - I've seen this happen with standard library functions too.
(Aside: I believe that the DWARF standard can, in fact, describe this situation more precisely. But, unfortunately Apple doesn't seem to use it in that way.)
Apple verified this line zero behavior via a Radar I filed about it a number of years ago. You can also poke around in your app's own debug data (via, for example dwarfdump) if you want to confirm.
One reason you might want to try to do this, is if you really don't trust that Crashlytics is labelling the lines correctly. There's a lot of stuff between their UI and the raw crash data. It is conceivable something's gone wrong. The only way you can confirm this is to grab the crashing address + binary, and do the lookup yourself. If dwarfdump tells you this happened at line zero, then that confirms this is just an artifact of compile-time code generation.
However, I would tend to believe there's nothing wrong with the Crashlytics UI. I just wanted to point it out as a possibility.
As for SIGTRAP - there's nothing weird about that at all. This is just an indication that the code being run has decided to terminate the process. This is different, for example, from a SIGBUS, where the OS does the terminating. This could be caused by Swift integer and/or range bounds checking. Your code does have some of that kind of thing in both places. And, since that would be so performance-critical - would be a prime candidate for inline code generation.
It now seems like, at least in some situations, the compiler also now uses a file name of <compiler-generated>. I'm sure they did this to make this case clearer. So, it could be that with more recent versions of Swift, you'll instead see <compiler-generated>:0. This might not help tracking down a crash, but will least make things more obvious.


Where does a segmentation fault occur if the debugger points to a function definition?

To elaborate, I am currently writing a program that requires a function that is provided by the professor. When I run the program, I get a segmentation fault, and the debugger I use (gdb) says that the segmentation fault occurred at the definition of the function that, like I said, was provided by the professor.
So my question here is, is the definition itself causing the fault, or is it somewhere else in the program that called the function causing the fault?
I attempted to find a spot in the program that might have been leading to it, such as areas that might have incorrect parameters. I have not changed the function itself, as it is not supposed to be modified (as per instructions). This is my first time posting a question, so if there is any other information needed, please let me know.
The error thrown is as follows:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. .0x00401450 in Parser::GetNextToken (in=..., line=#0x63fef0: 1) at PA2.cpp:20 20 return GetNextToken(in, line);
The code itself that this is happening at is this:
static LexItem GetNextToken(istream& in, int& line) {
if( pushed_back ) {
pushed_back = false;
return pushed_token;
return GetNextToken(in, line);
Making many assumptions here, but maybe the lesson is to understand how the stack is affected by a function call and parameters. Create a main() function, that call the professor's provided function and trace the code using dbg, looking at the stack.

Extremely high Memory & CPU usage when uploading parsed JSON data to Firebase in loop function

This is my very first question here so go easy on me!
I'm a newbie coder and I'm currently trying to loop through JSON, parse the data and backup the information to my Firebase server - using Alamofire to request the JSON information.
Swift 4, Alamofire 4.5.1, Firebase 4.2.0
The process works - but not without infinitely increasing device memory usage & up to 200% CPU usage. Through commenting out lines, I singled the memory and CPU usage down to the Firebase upload setValue line in my data pulling function - which iterates through a JSON database of unknown length (by pulling a max of 1000 rows of data at a time - hence the increasing offset values). The database that I'm pulling information from is huge, and with the increasing memory usage, the function grinds to a very slow pace.
The function detects if it's found an empty JSON (end of the results), and then either ends or parses the JSON, uploads the information to Firebase, increases the offset value by 1000 rows, and then repeats itself with the new offset value.
var offset: Int! = 0
var finished: Bool! = false
func pullCities() {
print("step 1")
let call = GET_CITIES + "&offset=\(self.offset!)&rows=1000"
let cityURL = URL(string: call)!
Alamofire.request(cityURL).authenticate(user: USERNAME, password: PASSWORD).responseJSON { response in
let result = response.result
print("step 2")
if let dict = result.value as? [Dictionary<String, Any>] {
print("step 3")
if dict.count == 0 {
self.finished = true
} else {
print("step 4")
for item in dict {
if let id = item["city"] as? String {
let country = item["country"] as? String
let ref = DataService.ds.Database.child("countries").child(country!).child("cities").child(id)
self.finished = false
print("SUCCESS CITY \(self.offset!)")
self.offset = self.offset! + 1000
if self.finished == true {
} else {
It seems to me like the data being uploaded to Firebase is being saved somewhere and not emptied once the upload completes? Although I couldn't find much information on this issue when searching through the web.
Things I've tried:
a repeat, while function (no good as I only want 1 active repetition of each loop - and still had high memory, CPU usage)
performance monitoring (Xcode call tree found that "CFString (immutable)" and "__NSArrayM" were the main reason for the soaring memory usage - both relating to the setValue line above)
memory usage graphing (very clear that memory from this function doesn't get emptied when it loops back round - no decreases in memory at all)
autoreleasepool blocks (as per suggestions, unsuccessful)
Whole Module Optimisation already enabled (as per suggestions, unsuccessful)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Pictured below is the Allocations graph after a single run of the loop (1,000 rows of data). It shows that what is likely happening is that Firebase is caching the data for every item in the result dict, but appears to only de-allocate memory as one whole chunk when every single upload has finished?
Ideally, it should be de-allocating after every successful upload and not all at once. If anyone could give some advice on this I would be very grateful!
If anyone should come across this with the same problem, I didn't find a solution. My requirements changed so I switched the code over to nodejs which works flawlessly. HTTP requests are also very easy to code for on javascript!
I had a similar issue working with data on external websites and the only way I could fix it was to wrap the loop in an autoreleasepool {} block which forced the memory to clear down on each iteration. Given ARC you might think such a structure is not needed in Swift but see this SO discussion:
Is it necessary to use autoreleasepool in a Swift program?
Hope that helps.
sometimes compiler is not able to properly optimise your code unless you enable whole module optimisation in project build settings. this is usually happening when generics is being used.
try to turn it on even for debug env and test.

Scope of causes for EXC_BREAKPOINT crash

I have this stack trace in Fabric:
My question: From the crash log, is the function 'formatMessageAuthorName' the only cause for this EXC_BREAKPOINT crash? E.g., are there other possible causes for the crash apart from the code inside this function?
Here is my formatMessageAuthorName function:
private static func formatMessageAuthorName(firstname: String, lastname: String?=nil) -> String {
// Capitalise first character of firstname
var Cap_firstname = firstname
Cap_firstname.replaceRange(Cap_firstname.startIndex...Cap_firstname.startIndex, with: String(Cap_firstname[Cap_firstname.startIndex]).capitalizedString)
guard let lastname = lastname else { return Cap_firstname }
// if has lastname & first char, capitalise too and concat with firstname.
if let firstCharLastName = lastname.characters.first {
return "\(Cap_firstname) \(String(firstCharLastName).uppercaseString)."
} else {
return firstname
My assumption
The only clue that I know that will make the function crash is when 'firstname' is an empty string, it will crash here since it accesses invalid array index:
However, I'm still skeptical about this assumption, since I'm quite sure that 'firstname' is not empty (it's retrieved from server). I even tested it by logging into some user accounts that has this crash, and using that page (MessageViewController), but I never had the crash myself and firstname is shown correctly. It also seems to not be about iOS versions as I received crash from iOS 8, 9, and 10.
I have this crash a lot (>300) after my recent app update and I have no idea why as it never happens before, the code here does not change through the update, and I can never reproduce it with the effected users.
If the culprit can only be the code in this function, and no other possibilities (like multi-threading, Realm etc.), I can turn to focus on the server issues instead, like how 'firstname' might be an empty string. But still, I can't imagine how it could happen, since I already used those user accounts and never have this crash myself.
Thanks a lot.
EXC_BREAKPOINT is always triggered by executing a trap instruction of some sort(*) and the exception gets delivered directly to the thread that executed the trap instruction. So if you are seeing a crash report that says this thread with this stack got an EXC_BREAKPOINT, that means that thread really did to something that executed a trap instruction.
You could probably see this by looking at the crash address in your binary, you will see some kind of trap instruction there. The swift standard library uses trap instructions to signal various kinds of invalid access errors, and that code probably got inlined into the function that's crashing. So this makes sense of your example above.
(*) EXC_BREAKPOINT can also be used for data watches, but that's not what's happening here, and anyway they would still be delivered to the thread that accessed the watched data...

Is there a way to overload operator ! in Swift to avoid crash in production builds?

Forced unwrapping causes your application crashes if there exists a nil. This is really cool during the development phase of your application. But this is a headache for your production build espescially if you were too lazy to do the if let nil check.
Has anyone tried any operator overloading/overriding that stops these crashes for production build?
No, there was not, there is not, and there should never be.
The crash is INTENTIONAL. The implementers of the Swift language went out of their way, on purpose, to design the force unwrap operator (!) to crash.
This is by design.
When nil is encountered and not safely handled, there are two ways to proceed:
Allow the program to continue in an inconsistent state, and allow it to behave in an undefined, unforeseen manner.
Crash the program, preventing it from continuing in an inconsistent, undefined, unforeseen state. This will protect your file system, databases, web services, etc. from permanent damage.
Which of the two options do you think makes more sense?
To be honest I'd gouge my eyes out if I had to maintain a codebase that used something like this if it was possible. Swift features an easy way to solve your problem that you're actively avoiding because of laziness (optionals). You could probably put a guard around those variables, but it requires the same amount of effort as using if let statements. My suggested solution is to stop being lazy and use the language properly. Go through your codebase and fix this, it will save you more hours in the long run.
Can't overload ! since it's reserved, but we can use ❗️
protocol Bangable {
postfix operator ❗️
postfix func ❗️<T: Bangable>(value: T?) -> T {
value ?? T.init()
extension String: Bangable {}
extension Int: Bangable {}
let bangable: Int? = 8
let cantBangOnDebug: Int? = nil
print(bangable❗️) // 8
print(cantBangOnDebug❗️) // Crashes on Debug!
Please don't actually use this in production. This is just give an idea on how it COULD be accomplished, not that it should

Does print() / println() slow execution?

I have an app with a couple of thousand lines and within that code there are a lot of println() commands. Does this slow the app down? It is obviously being executed in the Simulator, but what happens when you archive, submit and download the app from the app store/TestFlight. Is this code still "active", and what about code that is "commented out"?
Is it literally never read or should I delete commented out code when I submit to test flight/app store?
Yes it does slow the code.
Both print and println decrease performance of the application.
Println problem
println is not removed when Swift does code optimisation.
for i in 0...1_000 {
This code can't be optimised and after compiling Assembly code would perform a loop with 1000 instructions that actually don't do anything valuable.
Analysing Assembly code
The problem is that Swift compiler can't do optimal optimisation to the code with print and println commands.
You can see it if you have a look on generated Assembly code.
You can do see assembly code with Hopper Disassembler or by compiling Swift code to the Assembly with by using swiftc compiler:
xcrun swiftc -emit-assembly myCode.swift
Swift code optimisation
Lets have a look on few examples for better understanding.
Swift compiler can eliminate a lot of unnecessary code like:
Empty function calls
Creating objects that are not used
Empty Loops
class Object {
func nothing() {
for i in 0...1_000 {
let object = Object3(x: i)
In this example Swift complier would do this optimisation:
1. Remove both nothing method calls
After this the loop body would have only 1 instruction
for i in 0...1_000 {
let object = Object(x: i)
2. Then it would remove creating Object instance, because it's actually not used.
for i in 0...1_000 {
3. The final step would be removing empty loop.
And we end up with no code to execute
Comment out print and println
This is definitely not the best solution.
Use DEBUG preprocessor statement
With this solution you can simple change logic of your debug_print function
func debug_println<T>(object: T) {
Always Remove print and println from release application!!
If you add print and println instruction, the Swift code can't be optimised in the most optimal way and it could lead to the big performance penalties.
Generally you should not leave any form of logging turned on in a production app, it will most likely not impact performance but it is poor practice to leave it enabled and unneeded.
As for commented code, this is irrelevant as it will be ignored by the compiler and not be part of the final binary.
See this answer on how to disable println() in production code, there is a variety of solutions, Remove println() for release version iOS Swift
As you do not want to have to comment out all your println() calls just for a release, it is much better to just disable them, otherwise you'll be wasting a lot of time.
printLn shouldn't have much of an impact at all as the bulk of the operation has already been carried out before that point.
Commented out code is sometimes useful, although it can make your source difficult to read it has absolutely no bearing on performance whatsoever and I've never had anything declined for commented out code and my stuff is full of it.
