Is there a way to inject a script tag in browsermob-proxy if it does not already exist? - browsermob-proxy

I would like to use browsermob-proxy with selenium and inject a script tag IF it does not already exist. Is this possible using javascript?


Jenkins to trigger another build/project dynamically

Is there a way in Jenkins to trigger another build/project dynamically based on a parameter value in parent project?
The reason for this is that I have 100's of projects and I don't want to use pipeline/conditional post build plugins to link all jobs.
I know of a way using REST API but trying to find is there a way to trigger a single project from those 100?
Easy with Pipeline Plugin. Just define your parameter (say MY_DOWNSTREAM_JOB) and use it inside the groovy script definition:

How to get custom metrics into jelly for email-ext?

Using Jenkins and email-ext, I have copied the "html" template and made it look the way I want for our build mail.
What I'd like to do now is get some custom metrics in the build mail. Specifically, our build jobs call a number of PHP scripts that perform work. One of these scripts creates a bunch of files in a directory. I'd like to have our build mail have an output line like:
The super cool script created 8 files for your enjoyment.
The PHP script knows it created 8 files, of course. How could that script get that number in a place where Jelly could know it and output it? Is there a way to have Jenkins store such things and make them available to the Jelly template?
Use the EnvInject Plugin
Set the Enviroment variable in your PHP script
Output the Environment Variable in your Email-Ext
If the files are created in a specific directory - so counting the number of files in a folder is good enough -, you could try something like this in your jelly template (note: I didn't test it):
<j:set var="filesCreated" value="${build.getWorkspace().child('path/to/result/dir').list().size()}"/>
The super cool script created ${filesCreated} files for your enjoyment.

Custom url plugin for Jira

Is it possible to make a plugin for Jira that behaves as custom url?
For example, suppose if I have jira on and I want to get some data from e.g.{id}, where id is parameter for plugin. And output data is audio stream.
You can create a JIRA plugin with a REST module to display arbitrary content with a URL similar to the following:{id}.
If you prefer, you could write it as a straight servlet module instead, with a URL such as this:{id}
If you want to expose an endpoint at the main level, I am not aware of any way to do that within a plugin. (It should be possible, albeit not very portable, by editing the configuration files in the JIRA program directory.)

How can I access a file in my Grails plugin from a src file in the same plugin?

I'm working on a JavaScript testing plugin for Grails. I wrote some Groovy classes to perform the testing that I've stored in my src/groovy folder. I hook into the testing events in my plugin's _Events.groovy script and inject an instance of the test runner. From that instance of the test runner, I need to access the JavaScript files, which I've stored in src/js, to perform the testing.
The plugin documentation specifies a way to get the path from my Gant scripts, but that doesn't work elsewhere. I've also tried to get access to the GrailsApplication via grailsApplication or ApplicationHolder, but I get null. Finally, I've tried accessing BuildSettings and ConfigurationHolder, but those show me an empty configuration.
To make my plugin work, I am currently copying the JavaScript files into the application's test/resources folder so it's in a known location relative to the working directory, which I'm assuming is the project folder. This feels invasive and fragile to me, so I'd like to figure out a "right" way.
How can I get a path to my plugin from my test runner so I can find those files?
If you have the BuildSettings and the pluginManager bean (either dependency-injected with def pluginManager or via PluginManagerHolder) then you can get the path with
new File(buildSettings.projectPluginsDir, pluginManager.getPluginPath('foo'))

Grails run-script with argument

I want to create grails script which adds an admin account to my application. Something like:
grails run-script utils/adminAdd.groovy username password
Unfortunately, it seems like run-script doesn't support passing arguments to scripts (allowing one to run multiple scripts at once, instead).
Anyone knows a workaround?
This should be supported, so you should create an issue at
In the meantime I think to keep backwards compatibility you probably need a way to differentiate script names from args, e.g. a prefix:
grails run-script utils/adminAdd.groovy -Jusername -Jpassword -Jfoo=bar
Then run-script could split out the args list into un-prefixed script names and send the de-prefixed args to each script as it runs.
Once you get it working locally send a pull request or attach the updated script to the JIRA and it'll get fixed a lot quicker.
See my answer to How can I run a Groovy class from the command-line within a Grails environment?
In short, you need includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsArgParsing") in your script; see documentation for more options.
If anyone is still looking for a ready solution, here it is.
I solved this issue by digging into the grails-2.x/scripts/RunScript.groovy. Then I made myself a new script called RunSingleScript.groovy, which accepts arguments, instead of the original list of scripts.
I believe this code could be re-written to something like what Burt suggested, and make it part of the core RunScript.groovy. I am lazy, and kind of busy, so I made a custom script which does the job.
