Control '' has no parent window : Why is control not named? - delphi

I've been tasked with supporting an application that is written in Delphi, which is occasionally crashing with the error message "Control '' has no parent window".
My question is not to understand WHY the error is happening, but to understand why the control has no name assigned.
Is the seeming lack of a name for the control a function of the way the control was coded (i.e., controls can have names but they are optional), or is this because the name of the control is inherited from the (non-existent) parent?

My question is not to understand WHY the error is happening, but to understand why the control has no name assigned.
Controls that are created at runtime, as opposed to design time, need not have names. So, this control has no name because the programmer created it without naming it, or it is a control created internally by another control, without being named.
It is perfectly normal for controls not to be named. It is perfectly reasonable for complex applications never to refer to control names.

There are multiple reasons, including but not necessarily limited to:
1) It wasn't given a name in the code.
2) It doesn't inherit a name for whatever function called it


How to find out, when and why and how a component's property is changed at runtime?

I have a huge VCL Forms application in delphi and there is an option to display or hide a certain control (MyControl) on each form. Right now the traditional option is enabled, so MyControl should be hidden at runtime.
In Delphi Designer both Controls are visible. Every form is derived from a MyForm-class and in its OnCreate-Procedure the Visible-property of a MyControl (if available) is set to false (according to the traditional option enabled). This does work (as I can see with breaking points and watching expressions). For almost all forms this results in the MyControl not showing.
However for one certain form at some point the MyControl-component itself or any other part of the program sets the MyControls' visibility to true again. How do I find out where this happens?
I am using Delphi 10.1.
my approach:
I've tried to watch the visible-property through the watching-expressions-window using several breaking points. But of course the watching-expression is not available anywhere in the Code (myControl.Visible will only work if the breakingpoint is somewhere myControl is defined). I set a breaking-point anywhere I could evalute myControl.Visible but the magic seems to happen somewhere in between.
So my question: is there some kind of a global variable name, so that I can evalute and watch the visible-property wherever the debugger pauses the program?
a different approach:
I set a data- and an address-breakingpoint but they never fire. Only when I close the program they pause the program a few times.
As advised in the comments, if this is your code you can modify the property to use a Setter and then set a breakpoint on the setter. However if this is not your code and it simply exposes the variable (field) then changing the code to include a setter can be anywhere from triovial to impossible depending on what else needs to be recompiled when you make the change.
If this is your own custom component then you can redeclare an inherited property to use a setter.
If this is not your own custom component - you could make it a custom component and simply change the setter for the property.
You can set a memory breakpoint to alert you to when a memory location changes but your success with this may vary.
I encourage you to experiment with the conditions you can put on breakpoints, get the debugger to work for you.

How to debug or fix "Module has open descendants or linked modules" error?

I've had this long time problem that I can't view as text the main form for a project I inherited. Even if no other forms are open.
How can I debug the cause of this error message? What options do I have to fix it?
I found one related newsgroup post but this only addresses the form inheritance cause, and doesn't explain anything about linked modules. I don't believe I'm using form inheritance.
I do have a DM (data module) for the project, and the form does load a couple of images from the dm through properties of a TTreeView on the form--does having a data module automatically mean I can never view as text a form in Delphi (aside from viewing the form as text in notepad)? It doesn't seem to matter whether my DM is open or closed in the IDE.
I also found one SO question with a related title (Module %s has open descendants or linked modules. can not reload) but the question itself and it's answer is not particularly relevant.
This is sometimes caused by a form that inherits from another form in your project (or the gallery) (known as Visual Form Inheritance in the documentation, IIRC). The IDE doesn't know how to find the base class for the form; it needs that opened before the descendant form. For instance, this can cause the same error if the unit containing TMyBaseForm isn't opened first in the IDE, particularly if the base (ancestor) unit is not included in the project first:
unit SpecialForm;
Forms, { all the other usual stuff }, BaseForm;
TMySpecialForm = class(TMyBaseForm)
You can tell if this is the case by looking at your form's class declaration - if it descends from anything other than TForm, this is probably the cause of the error.
(Another instance of it happening is often when using a datamodule, because the base TDataModule .DFM isn't available. Attempting to view the datamodule .DFM as text will cause this error every time; the solution is to close your project and use an external editor such as Notepad or Notepad++ to edit the .dfm for your datamodule.)
I've had this issue occasionally, perhaps when I've used Frames, but my latest instance didn't involve Frames nor Data Modules nor inherited forms.
After an enormous amount of work creating a copy of the form (which copy didn't have the problem) and renaming the original unit and the form itself (which initially seemed to solve the problem), it turned out to be a live binding between forms.
Specifically, in my FMX application Form A has an options page with a TSpinBox that allows the user to set the minimum value for a TTrackBar on Form B (which was the form giving me grief). So the TSpinBox.Value was set to update the TTrackBar.Min field by means of a live binding. Closing Form A, or removing that live binding (and replacing it with an event handler to do the same thing) solved the problem.
I'd like to call upon the answer of Phillip J. Rayment and ADD that you don't have to have live binding to have this problem occur. It's sufficient to have custom control (class) of which you have an instance in another form. Then the RLink32 problem can appear and won't be solved until you close the form where you have the instance. The problem I experienced gave the following messages:
-RLink32 (during building)
-Access violation in module designide160.bpl` (if I made a modification to the problematic form)
-The module has open descendants or linked modules” error (if I tried to 'View as Form')

Can I connect a Delphi TEdit (or similar) simply to a published property of a class?

I've had this problem for years but maybe it is now possible to easilty solve it. I need to lay out a panel with several TEdit controls, each should show, and allow editing of, a published property of a class. Traditionally I would use TEdit (or a numeric derivative from the Raize or Developer Express libraries) and 'wire up' the OnKeyPress and OnExit events, convert between the edit text and the property type etc etc. All as per Delphi 1 (whose big birthday is soon!).
These days we have RTTI and Live Bindings, so ideally I'd like a way of telling a TEdit (or another similar control) about a single published property and the necessary 2-way link would then be established without all the wiring up and conversions. An object inspector does this job of course, but I'd like a more formal custom layout using labelled edit controls. It would be fine to simply cope with integer, float and string, and something like a TDBEdit where the field name was my property name would be great.
I've taken a look at the 'Bind Visually' designer (I have XE3) but I'm on to uncertain ground. Can anyone suggest a means of doing this? Thanks.
The comments above by Ken White and Sir Rufo are good pointers to the use of Live Bindings for wiring up components between each other, but I need to wire up controls to my own object and which is created at runtime. Further digging led me to this excellent article which pretty much does what I want. Jarrod's TBoundObject is intended to be the ancestor for your own objects, but by including an FObject field passed in the constructor and replacing his use of 'Self' by FObject, you can instantiate a standalone 'TObjectBinder' that easily connects various standard controls to published properties.

Make sure nested child control is visible

I have a utility routine that I call when validating user input in a dialog fails. It sets focus to the offending control, beeps and displays an appropriate message to the user. This works well as long as the offending control is not hidden. Now I have to adapt this to a situation where the relevant controls are children of some kind of collapsible group boxes (possibly even nested), and I have to make sure that the "ancestor" boxes are expanded before calling SetFocus.
Now I have a few possibilities:
Build knowledge about the collapsible component into the error reporting routine. I'd like to avoid that as the routine should rather stay generic.
Pass an callback that can be called prior to (or instead of) SetFocus. This is error prone because one has to remember to pass the callback at all the relevant places.
My favourite solution would probably be an event (or overrideable method) (probably in TWinControl) that tells a container control "please make sure you and you child controls are visible" but I don't know of such a thing.
Any ideas how I can handle this situation?
Define an interface with a method called something like: EnsureVisible.
Implement it for all your components (you may need to derive your own versions of some of these components). This allows different controls to have quite different behaviour.
When a control needs to make sure it is visible it walks its parents and calls EnsureVisible if the interface is implemented.
If you don't like interfaces then do it with a custom Windows message, but you get the basic idea.
In my opinion the best solution would be a separate routine that builds knowledge about all container controls, allowing the dialog validation routine to stay generic and at the same time being focused enough to be easily tested and maintained. Something along the lines of:
procedure ForceControlVisible(C: TControl);
// Recursive code
if Assigned(C.Parent) then ForceControlVisible(C.Parent);
// Code specific to each container control class
if C is TTabSheet then
// Code that makes sure "C" is the active page in the PageControl
// goes here. We already know the PageControl itself is visible because
// of the recursive call.
else if C is TYourCollapsibleBox then
// Code that handles your specific collapsible boxes goes here
OOP-style methods that rely on virtual methods or implementing interfaces would be way more elegant, but require access to the source code of all the controls you want to use: even if you do have access to all required sources, it's preferable not to introduce any changes because it makes upgrading those controls difficult (you'd have to re-introduce your changes after getting the new files from the supplier).
Each component knows its Parent. You can walk up the list to make each parent visible.

What's the difference between CreateWnd and CreateWindowHandle?

Delphi components have CreateWnd and CreateWindowHandle (and DestroyWnd and DestroyWindowHandle). They're both intended to be overridden by descendants, right? And not intended to be called except by the underlying VCL implementation?
What's the difference between them; when should either of them be overridden?
So far most of the answers here are pretty much on the mark and you would do well to heed their advice. However, there is a little more to this story. To your specific question about when you would override one or the other, I'll try and nutshell things a little bit.
In general, most of the time all you really need to do is to override CreateParams(). If all you want to do is to subclass (remember Windows style "subclassing?" See Petzold's seminal work on Windows programming) an existing control class and wrap it up in a VCL control, you do this from CreateParams. You can also control what style bits are set and other various parameters. We've made the process of creating a "subclass" very easy. Just call CreateSubClass() from your CreateParams() method. See the core VCL controls for an example such as TCheckBox or TButton.
You would override this one if you need to do a little bit more with the window handle once it is created. For instance, if you have a control that is some kind of list, tree, or otherwise requires post-creation configuration, you'd do that here. Call the inherited CreateWnd, and when it returns (you know you have a valid handle if you return from CreateWnd because it will raise an exception if something went awry), just apply your extra magic. A common scenario is to take the data that is cached in an instance TStrings list and actually move it into the underlying window control. The TListBox is a classic example of this.
I had to go refresh my memory on this one, but it seems this is one is rarely, if ever, overridden. In the few cases inside VCL itself, it appears that it is used to work around specific Windows version and locale oddities with some controls, such as the TEdit and TMemo. The other more clear-cut case is in TCustomForm itself. In this case it is there to support the old MDI (mutli-document interface) model. In this case MDI children cannot be created using the normal CreateWindowEx() API, you have to send a message to the MDI parent frame to actually create the handle. So the only reason to overide this method is if the actual process of creating the handle is done via a means completely different than the old tried-and-true CreateWindowEx().
I did notice that your question was merely asking about the creation process, but there are corresponding methods that are overridden in some cases for both handle destruction and the "voodoo" that sometimes surrounds handle recreation. But these are other topics that should be covered separately :-).
CreateWnd first calls CreateParams, then calls CreateWindowHandle using the created Params. Generally, you'll override CreateWnd and CreateParams rather than CreateWindowHandle.
I hope this helps!
Who does what:
CreateWnd is the general contractor that creates the fully formed window for a WinControl.
First, it has to set the required attributes for the WindowClass by calling CreateParams and making sure it is correctly registered.
Then it gets the window actually created, by calling CreateWindowHandle which returns the resulting Handle from the OS.
After that, we have a valid window able to process messages, and CreateWnd does the final grooming, adjusting different visual aspects like size, font, etc.
There is also later step done by CreateHandle, after CreateWnd is finished, to help the VCL in managing its windows (identification, parentage,...).
I'm sure that the final answer can only come from the people involved in the creation of the VCL (Allen?), but IMHO the virtual method with the least responsibility / which is lowest in the chain of calls should be overridden. That's why I have always overridden CreateParams() and CreateWindowHandle(). This looks like a good fit since they are both called by CreateWnd(), and both do only one special thing.
In the end it's probably a matter of preference.
