GAMBAS3 - show form on second screen - gambas

Does anybody know how to show a specific form from GAMBAS3 in the second monitor? The main frm should open on primaryscreen and the second one on the second screen. i cannot find any solution.

All the physical screens are merged to form a single big virtual screen. So you have to move the window to a position located on your second screen.
For example, if your first screen is 1024x768, and your second screen is the same size, sticked to the right of the first screen, then you do:
MyForm1.Move(1200, 0)
and the form should open on the second screen.


How to add stickyness to fullscreen ScrollableRow elements with Jetpack Compose?

I have a ScrollableRow with lets say 5 fullscreen composables.
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
scrollState = scrollState) {
myData.items.forEachIndexed{ index, pageItem ->
Everything is shown so far, but when I swipe left/right it stops exactly on the position, where I stopped swiping:
As you can see and imagne, almost everytime it stops between two of these full screen composables.
I'd rather have a kind of stickyness and show full pages for each single left/right swipe as pictured here:
So obviously, here in the second picture with third page showing:
when I swipe one time left, I want to see full screen page 4, only
when I swipe one time right, I want to see full screen page 2, only
I bet there is a mechanism for this?
HorizontalPager will suit you. Check Accompanist Pager layouts

How to get red distance lines in storyboard Xcode?

Watching a tutorial and it looks like the guy is holding down a button to show the distance between his selected view and what's around it.
I've tried command, option, control, and every other button I can think might work. What button needs to be held to get these lines?
By pressing option key only on your keyboard.
Select an element, and move the mouse while pressing the option key, it will show the red lines with the distances.
Hovering over another element will show you the distance between the selected element and that element.

Openlayers 3 map initially only draws on window resize

I have a popup window that comes up when you click on a map marker. Within the popup window there is a minimap that shows the point that was clicked on, but zoomed in, so a thumbnail of that point on the ground. This minimap is an innerHTML element in the popup window. When I first click on the marker, this map element is blank, but when I resize my browser window the map appears. Also when I click on a different marker, the map will appear if I don't close the popup. The map just does not show up when the popup initially appears unless I resize the browser. Does anyone know what could be the issue? Thanks!
I've had this issue in the past - on window resizes. I tend to trigger a resize to force it when starting.
Try calling map.getMap().updateSize(); after you setup the map in the popup?

How to select background views in a storyboard or xib

If I select a view with my mouse in a storyboard or xib, Xcode will select the front most view. I know that I can select the other views in the document outline, but if I want to grab a background view to move it with my mouse, the front most view gets selected again when I click in the storyboard.
I think there is a way to cycle through the views and select the ones in the back by holding down on some keys, but I can't find what it is. Does anyone know?
I'm using Xcode 4.6. I know that I can also move background views using the size inspector, but I'm looking for a way to position them with my mouse.
One way is to use the jump bar at the top of the editor. It's the control that shows the path of objects leading to the current selection.
Another way is to press control+shift and left click (or shift right click) an item. That shows you all of the objects under the mouse in a menu, and allows you to disambiguate the one you meant to select.
The good news: Place your mouse on the overlapped images, press and hold shift and right click the mouse. You should see the list of objects, select your object in the back. You can resize as you wish.
The bad news: you can only use the cursor arrows if you want to move it!
Select the view from the menu on the left of interface builder.

Blackberry TabScroll and Focus problem

I'm a newbe for Blackberry and finding it quite difficult, I'm working on the TabControl example. I have changed the tabs to scroll. Now when i scroll through tabs the focus changes and as soon as the focus shifts to the other tab, the data for that tab appears.
I want to make these tabs clickable only, though they shall scroll but should change only on click.
And also when i use UIApplication.getApplication.pushScreen(someScreen) in the tabs, this someScreen appears out of the tabs, whereas i want to show this screen below the tabs only.
please help
You have to override onFocus(int) to not do anything when focus is moved. (You may or may not have to override touchEvent to handle an actual CLICK event).
You can push a screen into tabs that is not part of the tabs already. If you want something new to appear, try switching managers within the screen instead.
