Where is the vTaskGetRunTimeStats output printed out? - freertos

In FreeRTOS vTaskGetRunTimeStats, pcWriteBuffer is getting populated with the time, but where is it printed out? I mean which part of the tasks.c prints out the contents of pcWriteBuffer ?

vTaskGetRunTimeStats() populates pcWriteBuffer with ascii string containing the run stats. It's up to you to print that string. You can simply do that with:
printf("%s", pcWriteBuffer);
For more info, see vTaskGetRunTimeStats docs.


Issue in pexpect when text wraps within session

I am working on a pexpect script that is running populating an output file name and then a prompt for the file's parameters.
The program that the script runs asks for Device: then Parameters: always on the same line.... so if the file path-name that is entered for Device is long, sometimes the Parameters prompt wraps to the next line.
My code looks like..
This times out.. and here is what is in child.before
' /umcfiles/ftp_dir/ftp_peoplesoft/discount/AES_DISCOUNT_15010.TXT Param\r\neters: "RWSN" => '
so the expect fails... (a child.expect('Parameters:') also fails)
How can I ignore the \r\n if it is there, because depending on the length of the path/filename I am using it may not be there at all, or be in a different position.
Actually... I found a way to calculate how much is left on the given line, and dynamically set my expect to how much of the Parameter prompt should be visible... seems to be working
#look for end of line and fix how much of 'Parameters:' we look for in pexpect
dlen = 80-len('Device: /umcfiles/ftp_dir/ftp_peoplesoft/discount/AES_DISCOUNT_15010.TXT')
if dlen > len(pstr):
dlen=dlen-3 #remove the /r/n

Sending IFS File to Outq Prints Line of "#" Symbols

I am attempting to send a file from IFS to an outq on our AS/400 system. Whenever I do, I get exactly what I send, as well as a line of "#" symbols of varying lengths appended to the end.
Here's the command I'm using:
qsh cmd('cat -c /path/test.txt | Rfile -wbQ -c "ovrprtf file(qprint)
outq(*LIBL/ABCD) devtype(*USERASCII) rplunprt(*no) splfname(test) hold(*no)"
The contents of test.txt is just Hello World!
The output I get when I send the command is
Hello World!####################################################################
I have not found any posts online about a similar problem, and have tried changing values and looking for additional switches to get it to work. Nothing I'm doing seems to fix the issue.
Is there a command or switch that I am missing, or is something I have in there already causing this?
I found this documentation which is the first time I've seen this issue mentioned, but it's not very helpful:
“Messages for a Take Action command might consist of a long string of "at" symbols (#) in a pop-up message. (The Reflex automation Take Action command, which is configured in situations, does not have this problem.) A resolution for this problem is under construction. This problem might be resolved by the time of the product release. If you see this problem, contact IBM Software Support.”
The only differences are: 1) this is not a pop-up message, it's printed. 2) I don't believe we use Tivoli Monitoring, although I could be wrong.
Assuming we do use Tivoli Monitoring, what would the solution be? There's no additional documentation past that, and I am not a system administrator, so I can't really make the call to IBM Software Support myself. And assuming we DON'T use it, what else could cause this issue?
I get different results, yet similar. I created a test.txt with Windows Explorer, put in Hello, world!, saved it and tried the script. I got gibberish for the 'Hello, world!' and then the line of # symbols.
My system is 7.3 TR5, CCSID 37 (US English) and my IFS file is CCSID 1252 (Windows English). Results did not change if I used a stream file of CCSID 819 (US ASCII).
I didn't have any luck modifying Rfile switches.
I found that removing devtype(*userascii) produced printed output in plain English without the # symbols. Do you really need *USERASCII? I would think that would be more for a pre-formatted 'print-ready' file like Postscript or the like.
EDIT: some more things to try
I don't understand why *USERASCII is adding those # symbols; it looks like a translation issue.
I tried this and still got the extra ###... You might have to play with the TOCCSID() parameter. Although a failure, it did give me an idea: what if those # symbols are EBCDIC spaces being sent as-is to the *USERASCII print stream? All we'd need is a way to send only the number of bytes in the stream file, without any padding.
CPY OBJ('/path/test.txt') TOOBJ('/qsys.lib/qtemp.lib/prtstmf.file/prtstmf.mbr') replace(*yes)
ovrprtf file(qprint) outq(*LIBL/prt3812) devtype(*USERASCII) rplunprt(*no) splfname(test) hold(*no)
cpyf prtstmf qprint
The data in QTEMP/PRTSTMF is in ASCII; DSPPFM shows that much. It also shows a bunch of spaces: after all, it is a fixed length file. My next step was to write an RPG program to read the stream file and print it, but Scott Klement already did that: http://www.scottklement.com/PrtStmf.zip
This works on my system:
ovrprtf file(qsysprt) outq(*LIBL/abcd) devtype(*USERASCII) rplunprt(*no) splfname(test) hold(*no)
prtstmf stmf('/path/test.txt') outq(abcd)

Ruby - extract info from JSON with variable loop iteration

I have a JSON response which is stored as a string in "BQresponse"
{"kind":"bigquery#queryResponse", "schema":{"fields":[{"name":"Revenue", "type":"INTEGER", "mode":"NULLABLE"}, {"name":"Country", "type":"STRING", "mode":"NULLABLE"}]}, "jobReference":{"projectId":"curious-idea-532", "jobId":"job_S5rTcY2vwEu-amtrxb8NRPWiynU"}, "totalRows":"3", "rows":[{"f":[{"v":"100"}, {"v":"Ireland"}]}, {"f":[{"v":"200"}, {"v":"Netherlands"}]}, {"f":[{"v":"50"}, {"v":"Singapore"}]}], "totalBytesProcessed":"0", "jobComplete":true, "cacheHit":true}
I am trying to convert this into a two line response (for later export to CSV), looking exactly like this:
Country||Sum of Revenue|,Ireland,Netherlands,Singapore
So far, I've extracted the first parts, like so:
puts BQresponse[/#{D1_mark1}(.*?)#{D1_mark2}/m, 1]+"||"+BQresponse[/#{M1_mark1}(.*?)#{M1_mark2}/m, 1]
Next I need to extract "Ireland,Netherlands,Singapore". However I cannot use the same approach as I have done above as there may be more or less values as the string is updated (maybe only 2 or 5 countries).
The string included a part that says "totalRows":"3"," - this 3 is the number of expected countries and I suppose could be used in a loop/for-each of some sort. But I'm not sure how to best approach this.
The number values on the second line face the exact same issue (each country has a number). The "Revenue" on the second line is simply a repeat of "Revenue" on the first line, with "Sum_of_" removed.
Appreciate suggestions on what direction to head in.
Also, this is a valid JSON, if I'm completely off track and it would be easier to convert this string into a JSON first, that's okay too.
There's an awesome gem for this, json2csv here that I've had to use before.
To try it out, I'd save down a sample JSON response into a file called sample.json and then in your terminal you can run:
json2csv convert sample.json

Lua - io.read sends me an echo back when I read from serial port - why?

I am writing a code in Lua to read from a serial port, but when I read I receive an echo back with the code :
print("Dragino Uart Test started\n")
while 1 do
print(serialin:read()) --print the data
When I open minicom to send him some data, I enable local echo than I type "text" and I see :
Then I need to press enter to see my message in my lua script.
I am using a OpenWRT in a Dragino.
It seems that it is like a prompt command that you type every thing that you see and you need to press enter to send you command.
There is any other way to read and write to/from a serial port?
Can somebody help me please? Thank you so much!
The read method with no arguments reads a full line. That's why you need to press enter at the end of the text. Try reading one byte at a time with :read(1) or all of it with :read("*a").
I don know if this is still an issue to someone but maybe this helps a few people. Like lhf said :read(1) is a gread way of doing this. I had a few problems with :read("*a") though. In my opinion the easiest way of doing this is to append the answer piece by piece like:
lines = ""
local line=rserial:read(1)
if string.sub(line, 0, 3) == "OED" then --OED is here the stream ending. This can vary
EOD = true
elseif line then
lines = lines .. line
until EOD == true
print (lines)

Help with Nagios check_postgres.pl custom query

I have a postgres function that returns two columns
result, data
(int), (text)
If I run this command from postgres it returns the proper values and if I run it from the linux command line like this:
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_postgres.pl -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -u postgres -db monitordb --action=custom_query --critical=1 --query="SELECT * from ops_get_status();"
It also return the proper values - at least it seems to and I don't get any errors.
But when I insert it in the commands.cfg and watch this through the Nagios frontend
it return (null).
The log file doesn't contain any detailed information for debugging this. So, what can I do to get to the bottom of this issue - any help greatly appreciated
I just had this same problem. Removing the semi-colon from the end of the query got it working.
Mail archives reference here:
Shot in the dark, but try enclosing the query in single quotes. The * might be somehow getting expanded.
A bit late, but I also got a similar error with a custom query, but it turns out you need to return a column called 'result' and it must be an integer.
For example:
check_postgres.pl --action=connection --db=db-name --host=x.x.x.x --dbuser=db-user --action=custom_query --critical=10 --warning=5 --query="SELECT count(id) as result from your-table"
