Suggestions to place points on a floor plan - dart

I need some directions (tutorials, examples, etc) to help me to figure out how I could, from a floor plan (ex: png file for now), place some points/icons to different locations and be able to zoom in/out, drag and rotate.
In fact, a bit like google map, with only basic stuffs.

Take a look at the Grid List Demo in Flutter Gallery:
It features an Image viewer with zoom and pan support.
(You can also find the Gallery on the Play Store)
Instead of using a simple image, use a Stack that overlays Positioned widgets over your image.


Marker based Augmented Reality not planing properly to marker on mobile devices only

I’m working on creating a marker based AR game using AFrame 1.2.0 and ar.js 3.3.3. The display shows 2D images of animals that the user has to “find”. The whole game functions well now, but I was running into an issue of photos appearing distorted or warped. I figured out that the issue is the marker’s plane is not being read correctly by mobile devices. The pictures below include a red cube to show the issue better. The top one is on a PC’s webcam and shows correctly the box is mounted to the marker. The bottom one shows the box is not mounted to the marker.
I figure that the issue is either mobile device’s gyroscope features or that the screen dimensions are affecting the aspect ratio of the screen.
I’ve tried a few properties on Aframe’s a-entity, such as look-controls=‘Enabled:false’ and look-controls=‘magicWindowTrackingEnabled: false’. Neither of those made a difference. I haven’t found properties within ar.js to use. Just wondering if anyone has come across this issue and found a fix.
images planing correctly with the marker
images not planing correctly
arjs comes in two different, mutually exclusive builds - Image + location based tracking, and marker tracking (link).
Importing the wrong one may/will cause incorrect behavior like the one you experience.

Use PNG as custom map iOS

I need to use a PNG as custom map of an indoor place. I don't need navigation but some places should be clickable like what we have in built in map. In android this is possible with MapView but I didn't find anything for iOS to do that. Can someone help me out how to start and do this?
A while back Apple added the ability to provide custom map overlay tiles. It isn't as simple as providing a PNG. You will need to create a database of map tiles at different scales, following a specific naming convention, and then provide a tiled map overlay.
I suggest looking at this blog post:
Custom and Offline Maps Using Overlay Tiles from VIGGIOSOFT
It goes into quite a bit of detail on what's required.

iOS how can I make MapKit display custom indoor map?

I'm trying to create a map of the office I'm working at. I have a high resolution image, and would like to autorotate it in the direction the user is heading, allowing the user to navigate around the map. I thought this could be accomplished using CoreMotion/CoreLocation and a UIScrollView, but this seems like there's some work involved.
So I'm wondering if there are easier solutions for combining a custom map and direction/position on that map - can MapKit handle this for me? Are there other frameworks that can help me show a local 2D map with compass orientation on it?
You can convert your high-res image into map tiles easily with TileMill.
You should use some custom tiles with MKTileOverlay which only display at a very high zoom level (like z 18 or whatever). I suggest you take a look over at NSHipster and read what they have about it:
*Disclaimer: I haven't tried this myself, came across the NSHipster article while searching for solutions to my own problems.

Image tracking - tracking a screen with a camera

I want to track the relative position of a camera aimed at a computer screen.
I can’t control what is displayed on the computer screen but I can receive screen dumps whenever something changes on the screen. Those screen dumps can hopefully be used to find the screen when analyzing the video from the camera.
I see many videos on youtube for face, logo or single colored objects tracking using OpenCV but I’m unsure those methods would work finding and tracking a more detailed image like a screen dump.
Maybe Template Matching is the way to go? But I need to find the screen even at an angle.
Basically I don’t know where to begin and need help from people with experience in this field to find the best way for achieving what I want.
Using feature matching should do the trick (Sift/SURF/ORB/...)

Get Started with Open CV image recognition

I am trying to make an app for image recognition with Open CV, i want to implement something like this but i don't know how should i do it can any one give me any help where should i begin from i have downloaded Opencv for iOS from here,
I have a hardcopy of image as an example which i want to scan through the camera and the images(markers) i have imported in project now when i scan the image through camera then it should overlay the markers on the image and when i tap/select the marker it should show the info of that marker.
Here is my image :
It's just an example i have taken (Square,Circle and Triangle as Markers)
So now when the image is scanned then the markers will come up as an overlay and on clicking the markers i should get the names (If the Overlay image over the Circle Named "Air" is tapped it should show me "Air" on an alert or if Square Named "Tiger" is tapped it should say "Tiger")
My problem is that the images are kind of same pattern but the result is different on every part so i don't know how should i approach in this ..
Please can any one help me out by suggesting any idea or if any one has done thing like this please tell me how should i implement it.
I have to start from scratch any help please .
Can this be achieved using Open CV or i have to use any other SDK such as vuforia or layar.
Maybe you should search a little bit before asking help...
Anyway, the shapes you want to find do not seems to change (scale, rotation) so, you can look at the template matching methods implemented in OpenCV (see Tutorial OpenCV)
If the shapes are changing, you should look at more powerful methods such as SIFT or SURF. Both are already implemented in OpenCV (the link from aishack is a tutorial to re-implement SIFT, you can find in the same website a tutorial to use the OpenCV method).
