Why cannot I declare class outside of class in Vala (error: redefinition of struct)? - vala

The example below, test4.vala, compiles and runs:
//// compile with: valac test4.vala
//~ public class TestClass : GLib.Object { // error: redefinition of ‘struct _TestClass’
//~ public int x = 0;
//~ public int y = 0;
//~ public int z = 0;
//~ }
public Test App;
public class Test : GLib.Object {
public class TestClass : GLib.Object { //current
public int x = 0; //current
public int y = 0; //current
public int z = 0; //current
} //current
public TestClass mytc;
public void SetVars() {
mytc = new TestClass();
stdout.printf("SetVars called, %p\n", mytc);
public Test(string[] args){
stdout.printf("Test() ctor: ok\n");
public static int main (string[] args) {
App = new Test(args);
stdout.printf("main called\n");
return 0;
However, if I comment the lines marked "current", and uncomment the commented code, I get this error:
$ valac test4.vala && ./test4
/tmp/test4.vala.c:64:8: error: redefinition of ‘struct _TestClass’
struct _TestClass {
/tmp/test4.vala.c:20:16: note: originally defined here
typedef struct _TestClass TestClass;
error: cc exited with status 256
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
I still trying to grok Vala, but this kinda leaves me puzzled - why cannot I compile an additional class outside the one carrying main on a same level with it - but I have to instead "include" this other class in the main app class?

It has to do with how GObject works and its naming conventions. The GObject manual has more details, so I'm not going to go into much depth here…
When you create an object, let's call it Foo, in Vala, in the generated C two structs will be created: Foo and FooClass. The former is what people will mostly use in the API and represents an instance of Foo, whereas the latter is used to hold information about the Foo class itself; virtual function pointers are the big thing.
So, with your above code, the generated code will contain Test and TestClass for the outer class, and TestTestClass and TestTestClassClass for the inner class. Once you uncomment the rest of the code, it will try to generate TestClass and TestClassClass, the former of which will conflict with the *Class struct for the outer class that already existed.
You could reproduce the issue a bit more easily with just:
public class Test : GLib.Object { }
public class TestClass : GLib.Object { }
Basically, don't call a class *Class.


How to write a mixin that can be added any number of classes, while having access to certain guaranteed variables?

How to write a mixin that can be added any number of classes, while having access to certain guaranteed variables?
For example, the answer here is okay, but what if wanted to the Comedian mixin to be available not just to the Person class, but to any class that has a int age variable?
The answer is through an interface. An interface is basically an abstract class that you use through the implements rather than extends keyword. While a class can extend only one parent class, it can implement any number of interfaces.
Here's a concrete example:
void main() {
final person = Bob();
// output will be 31, 13
final yogiBear = Yogi();
// output will be 40, 22
abstract class MortalCreature {
int age;
mixin Comedian on MortalCreature {
// no need to declare age variable here, it finds it through `on`
int get ageInside {
return age - 18;
class Person implements MortalCreature {
int age;
int get ageInside {
return age;
class Bear implements MortalCreature {
int age;
class Bob extends Person with Comedian {
Bob() : super(31);
class Yogi extends Bear with Comedian {
Yogi() : super(40);

How can I hide some parameters from C DLL function on JNA Wrapper side?

I've successfully wrapped a C DLL library using JNA.
As I'm not the owner of the C development part, I would like to hide
some parameters of a C function that I've wrapped on java side.
To be more precise my java code is as follows :
public interface IJNALibrary extends Library {
public int initFunction(int firstValue, int secondValue, int thirdValue);
On the C side I have in the *.h file :
extern "C" CSAMPLE_API int initFunction (
unsigned firstValue,
unsigned secondValue,
unsigned thirdValue);
My purpose is to directly set secondValue and thirdValue parameters to 1 and thus hide those parameters to the java API user.
I don't want the user to know that he could change the values of those parameters.
In fact I would like to have something like :
public interface IJNALibrary extends Library {
public int initFunction(int firstValue);
and initFunction(int firstValue) calls initFunction(int firstValue, int secondValue, int thirdValue) from the C DLL part.
But this has to be done inside the java Wrapper and not from the code which calls the java Wrapper.
I'm afraid that It cannot be possible, is it?
Unless I create another C DLL (with public int initFunction(int firstValue) function) which calls the first C DLL(which embed initFunction(int firstValue, int secondValue, int thirdValue).But I would rather do it on the java side in order not to have manage 2 C DLLs.
See also below the Sample.java file which calls the mapped method defined in IJNALibrary interface.
public class Sample {
static IJNALibrary IJNAFunctions;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
System.setProperty("jna.library.path", "./librayPath");
IJNAFunctions = (IJNALibrary) Native.load("c", IJNALibrary.class);
int firstValue = 1;
int secondValue = 2;
int thirdValue = 3;
int initReturn = IJNAFunctions.initFunction(firstValue, secondValue, thirdValue);
Thanx for your help.
It depends on what you want to archive. If you want to make it easier for users to call the init, this is an option (demonstrated using gethostname from libc), which uses a Java 8 feature, which allows adding default methods to interfaces:
public class TestDefaultMethod {
public static interface LibC extends Library {
LibC INSTANCE = Native.load("c", LibC.class);
// Original binding of method
int gethostname(byte[] name, int len);
// Helper method to make it easier to call gethostname
default String gethostname() {
byte[] result = new byte[255];
LibC.INSTANCE.gethostname(result, result.length);
return Native.toString(result);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Usage
Java developers normally don't arrays to functions, which fill them and a java developer would never pass the length of the array in a separate parameter. These are artifacts of the C nature of the function. In the wrapped function an array is allocated, the native call done and the array then unwrapped. All the ugly C specialties are hidden in the default method.
If you don't want to expose the method on java at all (be warned, if your users can access the JNA library, they can circumvent your protections!), you can use a function pointer directly:
public class TestDefaultMethod {
public static interface LibC extends Library {
NativeLibrary libc = NativeLibrary.getInstance("c");
LibC INSTANCE = Native.load("c", LibC.class);
default String gethostname() {
byte[] result = new byte[255];
libc.getFunction("gethostname").invokeInt(new Object[] {result, result.length});
return Native.toString(result);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Same idea as above, the default method will hide the ugly parts. In this case though the function is not accessed through the managed INSTANCE, but access through the function pointer directly.

Why is this basic Dart mirror usage not working

I've got the following code in a console application:
import 'dart:mirrors';
void main() {
final foo = Foo();
final mirror = reflect(foo);
final instanceMirror = mirror.invoke(#test, []);
class Foo {
int get test {return 42;}
When I run it I get an exception:
Exception has occurred.
NoSuchMethodError (NoSuchMethodError: Class 'int' has no instance method 'call'.
Receiver: 42
Tried calling: call())
If I set a breakpoint on test then it is hit before the exception, so it's definitely invoking the property.
Why is an exception being thrown?
UPDATE: ultimately what I am trying to achieve is to grab the values of all properties in an object. Per #mezoni's answer, it seems I need to treat properties as fields rather than methods (the opposite of C#, incidentally). However, it's still not entirely clear why or how to enumerate all fields. The best I've gotten is this:
import 'dart:mirrors';
void main() {
final foo = Foo();
final mirror = reflect(foo);
for (var k in mirror.type.instanceMembers.keys) {
final i = mirror.type.instanceMembers[k];
if (i.isGetter && i.simpleName != #hashCode && i.simpleName != #runtimeType) {
final instanceMirror = mirror.getField(i.simpleName);
print("${MirrorSystem.getName(i.simpleName)}: ${instanceMirror.reflectee}");
class Foo {
int get someOther {
return 42;
int get test {
return someOther + 13;
Please try this code:
import 'dart:mirrors';
void main() {
final foo = Foo();
final mirror = reflect(foo);
final instanceMirror = mirror.getField(#test);
class Foo {
int get test {
return 42;

Why does F# compiler prefer to generate closed implementations of FSharpFunc types?

For this code:
module Module =
let func x y z = 0
let main args =
func 1
func 1 1
Decompilation yields:
public static class Main
public static class Module
internal sealed class main#30 : OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<object, object, int>
public int x;
internal main#30(int x)
this.x = x;
public override int Invoke(object y, object z)
return func(x, y, z);
internal sealed class main#31-1 : FSharpFunc<object, int>
public int x;
public int y;
internal main#31-1(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public override int Invoke(object z)
return func(x, y, z);
[CompilationArgumentCounts(new int[]
public static int func<a, b, c>(a x, b y, c z)
return 0;
public static int main(string[] args)
int x = 1;
new main#30(x);
int x2 = 1;
int y = 1;
new main#31-1(x2, y);
return 0;
public static a Dump<a>(a arg00)
return arg00.Dump();
It generates a concrete type, that is generic parameters are provided at type definition. Why is not this done at the point of construction? I also noticed that types are generated in the module where call occurs, not where func is defined.
Having let func x y z = ... we need implementations of types to cover all possibilities:
Compiler could generate all possible combinations in the same place, where function is defined, closing only for parameters with inferenced types.
You could argue that for the list of 7 args the set of types going to be quite large, but types like FSharpFunc<T1,T2,..,Tn, FSharpFunc<...>> are a mere optimazation. And FSharpFunc supports up to six generic types, then compiler has to switch to FSharpFun<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,FSharp<...>>.
As pointed out by Fyodor it's not function creation that makes the compiler generating the hidden classes. The hidden classes are used to implement partial application.
In F# a partial application and lambdas are implemented as a compiler generated class that extends an abstract class. C# lambdas rely on delegates instead. IIRC Java and Scala use a similar technique to F# as JVM doesn't have delegates.
I suspect the F# compiler generates a class per partial application because it's simpler than collecting all partial applications and coalesce the identical ones.
It also helps the debuggability of F# programs as the name hints where the partial application was done: main#31-1 => In the main function at row 31. This name if included in logs or performance runs can help identifying what partial application is causing problems.
This comes at the cost of increasing the size of the F# assembly file as noted in a comment by Pavel.

Dependency Injection of Primitive Types (Decided at Runtime) With HK2

So basically, I have a situation where I want to inject primitive types into a class (i.e. a String and an Integer). You can think of a URL and port number for an application as example inputs. I have three components:
Now say I have a class, which does take in these params:
public class PrimitiveParamsDIExample {
private String a;
private Integer b;
public PrimitiveParamsDIExample(String a, Integer b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
So my question here is simple. How do I inject a and b into class PrimitiveParamsDIExample?
In general, this is also asking how to inject parameters that are decided on runtime as well. If I have a and b above, read from STDIN or from an input file, they're obviously going to be different from run to run.
All the more, how do I do the above within the HK2 framework?
EDIT[02/23/15]: #jwells131313, I tried your idea, but I'm getting the following error (this one for the String param; similar one for int):
org.glassfish.hk2.api.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: There was no object available for injection at Injectee(requiredType=String,parent=PrimitiveParamsDIExample,qualifiers
I set up classes exactly as you did in your answer. I also overrode the toString() method to print both variables a and b in PrimitiveParamsDIExample. Then, I added the following in my Hk2Module class:
public class Hk2Module extends AbstractBinder {
private Properties properties;
public Hk2Module(Properties properties){
this.properties = properties;
protected void configure() {
So now, I created a test class as follows:
public class TestPrimitiveParamsDIExample extends Hk2Setup {
private PrimitiveParamsDIExample example;
public void setup() throws IOException {
//example = new PrimitiveParamsDIExample();
example = serviceLocator.getService(PrimitiveParamsDIExample.class);
public void testPrimitiveParamsDI() {
where, Hk2Setup is as follows:
public class Hk2Setup extends TestCase{
// the name of the resource containing the default configuration properties
private static final String DEFAULT_PROPERTIES = "defaults.properties";
protected Properties config = null;
protected ServiceLocator serviceLocator;
public void setupHk2() throws IOException{
config = new Properties();
Reader defaults = Resources.asCharSource(Resources.getResource(DEFAULT_PROPERTIES), Charsets.UTF_8).openBufferedStream();
load(config, defaults);
ApplicationHandler handler = new ApplicationHandler(new MyMainApplication(config));
final ServiceLocator locator = handler.getServiceLocator();
serviceLocator = locator;
private static void load(Properties p, Reader r) throws IOException {
try {
} finally {
Closeables.close(r, false);
So somewhere, the wiring is messed up for me to get an UnsatisfiedDependencyException. What have I not correctly wired up?
There are two ways to do this, but one isn't documented yet (though it is available... I guess I need to work on documentation again...)
I'll go through the first way here.
Basically, you can use the HK2 Factory.
Generally when you start producing Strings and ints and long and scalars like this you qualify them, so lets start with two qualifiers:
public #interface A {}
public #interface B {}
then write your factories:
#Singleton // or whatever scope you want
public class StringAFactory implements Factory<String> {
#PerLookup // or whatever scope, maybe this checks the timestamp?
#A // Your qualifier
public String provide() {
// Write your code to get your value...
return whatever;
public void dispose(String instance) {
// Probably do nothing...
and for the Integer:
#Singleton // or whatever scope you want
public class IntegerBFactory implements Factory<Integer> {
#PerLookup // or whatever scope, maybe this checks the timestamp?
#B // Your qualifier
public Integer provide() {
// Write your code to get your value...
return whatever;
public void dispose(String instance) {
// Probably do nothing...
Now lets re-do your original class to accept these values:
public class PrimitiveParamsDIExample {
private String a;
private int b;
public PrimitiveParamsDIExample(#A String a, #B int b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
Note I changed Integer to int, well... just because I can. You can also just use field injection or method injection in the same way. Here is field injection, method injection is an exercise for the reader:
public class PrimitiveParamsDIExample {
#Inject #A
private String a;
#Inject #B
private int b;
public PrimitiveParamsDIExample() {
There are several ways to bind factories.
In a binder: bindFactory
Using automatic class analysis: addClasses
An EDSL outside a binder: buildFactory
